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Mock Turtle

VIP Member
Having a think about that pr about adopting a daughter from Botswana in true rainbow child style. Surely if you were expecting to give birth soon (surrogate to birth soon) or have given birth recently (surrogate has given birth recently) then you would be preoccupied with bonding with new girl baby, and making sure Archiedoll was happy and bonding too. Why start talking about adoption now unless a situation has arisen where adoption is required. Smeg has been far too quiet- İ feel that something is abrew. A number of possibilities - another mythcarriage/stillborn which İ wouldn't wish on anybody but wouldn't put past Smeg to use as a cover-up. Perfect excuse to proceed with an adoption.

İ thought trooping of the colour had been cancelled but it's going ahead and the Duke of Gloucester, TQ's cousin is accompanying her in lieu of PP. An event that the Sussexes definitely won't be present for, but they will attempt to overshadow with venomous truthbomb reveals from Orca-Apple, and maybe baby......
I honestly can’t fathom what kind of bitter, callous dreg of a person you have to be to actively try to overshadow your grandmother’s official birthday celebration.
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Saw the picture of Catherine looking fucking awesome at her covid jab, reached for the chocolate digestives to ease the still carrying 10 years on baby weight depression. :LOL:
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yeah I noticed that and whilst I was a bit taken aback, Anne Boleyn is a well known historical figure, and was not of mixed ethnicity, never any question about it, but I though ok ok see the person not the colour, I'm fine with that and thought well I'm going to watch it and see how she portrays Anne, I am a fan of movies from that period and am generally interested in the history. Then unfortunately she spoke out, don't know where, don't do twatter or anything like that, on behalf of Smeg, saying she thought it was a real shame that the RF didn't allow meghan to modernised the family, as she thinks it is an archaic institution that smegs could have made a big difference to..err WTAF...slight rage, but will still watch it when it comes on and give it the benefit of the doubt, I hope is stays historically accurste (or as much as a tv drama can) and doesnt try and bring a woke angle to it
It's not historically accurate from the off though, is it and I don't see the point of a POC playing Anne Boleyn just to make a woke point for POC. Actors should play parts they fit into best and make the character they are playing believable. That's their job, not bringing political points into their roles. I'd find it impossible to take this film seriously because the incongruity of a POC wooed by Henry in Hampton Court Palace in the 1500's is just daft and would completely swamp the film. I hope she's not got an American or Caribbean accent.

Would they get Denzel Washington to play the part of Kim Jong-Un in a biopic? Or Bruce Lee to play Ronald Reagan? They could go the whole hog on the level playing-field issue and have Henry VIII played by an Innuit. Why stop there?
It should be one rule for all and common sense should prevail but it isn't and it doesn't. Just my pov.
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I watch nearly all of Lady C's videos. In my opinion her stance towards M+H has hardened a lot over time. In the last few videos alone, she has cast some serious shade on #6's character. She has called him:
  • histrionic
  • overdramatic
  • malleable
  • impressionable
  • paranoid
  • self-important
  • proud
  • extrapunitive
  • irrational
  • impetuous
  • vicious
  • angry
  • egotistical
  • hyperemotional
  • a person with very flexible morals (this one is a bit older)
  • a drama-queen
  • a person, who lacks self-reflection and blames anything that goes wrong in his life on others
  • a bully (she has not used the word, but implied it)
  • soft in the head (this one is older, too)
  • he shares a lot of traits with the Spencers (whom Lady C has called the nastiest aristocratic family of England)
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me from mid-America

Active member
The right wing press are against them in America but they really need the more left wing (eg New York Times) to go after them. When that happens they really are done
‘That won’t happen. They are in political alignment.

The NYTimes editor in chief is extremely Woke.

You have to start thinking of this Woke phenomenon as a religion.

The NYT is something like the newsletter from your local Church...everything printed has to align with the dogma of their theology and be approved by the religious hierarchy.

Princess Markle is a devout, practicing Woke. She came to the UK to help bring you unbaptised sinners into the light. She didn’t change water into wine, but she did change Bananas into notepaper. She gave birth to a holy child whose facial features must be distorted for his safety until he returns in glory to take your throne one day.

Sister Oprah has has helped her spread the gospel to the masses. They have put on display the rescued Prince, who, once converted to the glories of Wokedom...can now give constant testimony as to the horrors of his pagan family and their kingdom.

No one writing for one of the Parish papers us going to correct one w9rd of any of this. Hallelujah Brother!
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Innocent Hamster

Chatty Member
Is anyone else thinking that the blessed silence is because Mrs 6 doesn't have a clue what to do now?

She tried playing her best cards - racism, mental health, suicidal - and rather than an outpouring of love from the world, an apology and the throne from the RF, and everyone throwing $$$ at her, they've been getting laughed at from more and more quarters.

The only 'adoration' they can get now is from paid twitter bots.
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Active member
After a weekend visiting long seen relatives, I was seriously considering deleting my account after my son told me that I was part of an online "mob" because I told him last year that I contributed to this thread and what my thoughts were on the twunts.

They, he & his wife and son, were visiting and we were chatting and somehow got to to speaking about "mob mentality", and this is what he was referring to!
I am sorry this happened.

A mob tries to force their opinion on others. A mob is bent on destruction. When people come here, we don’t try to force our opinion on them. We just direct them to a thread that may be more to their liking. And say I think you may
on the wrong thread. We do not threaten them.

We are entitled to express our opinions. We do not threaten people like the “sugar” mob. We do not wish death on others. And none of us wants to destroy anyone.

We are a group of like - minded people who are quite funny and witty.

In real life, I bet we are a load of fun.

This thread is an oasis in the world of woke.

I was initially quite upset - I was tired, emotional and feeling a little drained. To be honest, my son doesn't keep regular contact with us, not through any (known) bad feelings but because (in my opinion) he's quite inconsiderate and like many adult sons doesn't have the same connection with his mother that adult daughters do.

My son who lives across the country… put my daughter in law in charge of me. I am “her” job.
Initially, quite hurt. But, she does a great job to include me 💚

I think we are all just gobsmacked by the duo.
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Well-known member
How to solve a problem like MeAgain.
The little marmite (because it's rank - apologies to marmite lovers)
The princess and the penis.
The hills have lies.
Free Willy...I meant Harry, I'm sure Wills is just fine.

*waves 🙋‍♀️ longterm lurker joining in. I was a huge supporter of Harry in the beginning and was so happy that he seemed to have met someone to settle down with, I was really willing them to make a good impact with their new role within the family etc. What an absolute shit show it's turned into and they've only got themselves to blame for the turning tide against them.
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I agree with this. I can’t imagine how weird it must be to be to know you’re going to be a historical figure. I’d want to look my absolute best at all times, especially when you’re the future and face of the most famous royal family in the world.
When Wills and Catherine lived on Angelsey before they were married, they would go about their business pretty much undisturbed...I once stood next to Catherine when she was doing her shopping in Waitrose- with no security guards in evidence although there was a huge black Range Rover in car park !...she was absolutely stunning - amazing figure , casually dressed in white jeans and white shirt iirc... her hair was loose and bouncy and makeup minimal and subtle ...I tried to play it cool and just went on with my shopping, whilst trying not to seem like a stalker there were chocolate biscuits in her shopping basket the young male shop workers were totally thrilled
Can you imagine Smeggy dong similar?
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Oh, ok. I don't see that as "fleeing alone".

They had been in Canada for 6weeks prior to that, and had announced that H would be staying in the UK an extra few weeks because of various commitments with his patronages, whereas she would return to Canada because of Archie. To my mind that's not fleeing, but whatever. Don't care enough about them to argue it 😎
It was odd though. She got on a commercial flight in the middle of the night and literally disappeared taking Archie with her, as if the royal family were going to kidnap him and hold him to ransom. There's been plenty of speculation about why she ran off like that since.
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VIP Member
I apologise in advance for my rambling and rantings in this post...

I am considerably behind on posts (sorry, will endeavour to catch up).

After a weekend visiting long seen relatives, I was seriously considering deleting my account after my son told me that I was part of an online "mob" because I told him last year that I contributed to this thread and what my thoughts were on the twunts.

They, he & his wife and son, were visiting and we were chatting and somehow got to to speaking about "mob mentality", and this is what he was referring to!

I was initially quite upset - I was tired, emotional and feeling a little drained. To be honest, my son doesn't keep regular contact with us, not through any (known) bad feelings but because (in my opinion) he's quite inconsiderate and like many adult sons doesn't have the same connection with his mother that adult daughters do.

I talked it over with hubby (stepfather and tbh main caregiver to said son), and his opinion was that my son was talking bollocks(?)! As he quite rightly stated, we have a right to express an opinion that is opposite to the one that is "mainstream" or "pc accepted", and that son and wife were trying to be "pc" (especially for their jobs).

So, reassured once more that I am not a lunatic, cancelling, idiotic, left wing radical, I sally forth to express my opinions!

I retain my right to say that PH & his wife are a pair of nasty, avaricious, attention seeking, backstabbing, lying, ignorant, bullying, media whores! It is proven that they were managing this exit from working royals from before they married - so they are proven liars, unlikeable, unpleasant, and unmarketable.

In short, they are twunts!

And breathe....... 🤗
I don't think that was very "kind" of your son. He wants only kindness for the harkles yet is ok with upsetting his mother by being unkind about one of her interests and distractions in the chaotic times we are surviving in.
Quite a dichotomy there and no kindness to a loving mother. Very much in markle mode. Hopefully he will grow out of it (so to speak) and when he does then you have bragging rights for "I told you so." Big hugs and put it to the back of your mind.😘🥰😘
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Without the title she has nothing to offer. It opened doors previously slammed in her face but their toxicity has meant those doors are being softly closed again, maybe even bolted. One thing about hollyweird, they can smell a loser on the way down
It's not just that. Nobody can trust her. She threw the RF under the bus and wouldn't think twice about selling info on film stars to make more money. They won't want her in their circle. As can be seen by the way none of the stars are openly supporting her anymore. Anyone who is, is basically z list.
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VIP Member
I apologise in advance for my rambling and rantings in this post...

I am considerably behind on posts (sorry, will endeavour to catch up).

After a weekend visiting long seen relatives, I was seriously considering deleting my account after my son told me that I was part of an online "mob" because I told him last year that I contributed to this thread and what my thoughts were on the twunts.

They, he & his wife and son, were visiting and we were chatting and somehow got to to speaking about "mob mentality", and this is what he was referring to!

I was initially quite upset - I was tired, emotional and feeling a little drained. To be honest, my son doesn't keep regular contact with us, not through any (known) bad feelings but because (in my opinion) he's quite inconsiderate and like many adult sons doesn't have the same connection with his mother that adult daughters do.

I talked it over with hubby (stepfather and tbh main caregiver to said son), and his opinion was that my son was talking bollocks(?)! As he quite rightly stated, we have a right to express an opinion that is opposite to the one that is "mainstream" or "pc accepted", and that son and wife were trying to be "pc" (especially for their jobs).

So, reassured once more that I am not a lunatic, cancelling, idiotic, left wing radical, I sally forth to express my opinions!

I retain my right to say that PH & his wife are a pair of nasty, avaricious, attention seeking, backstabbing, lying, ignorant, bullying, media whores! It is proven that they were managing this exit from working royals from before they married - so they are proven liars, unlikeable, unpleasant, and unmarketable.

In short, they are twunts!

And breathe....... 🤗
I don't think we're a mob. We're expressing our opinion to each other in our 'safe space (to use a stupid woke term!), with others who are like minded. I would say being a mob would be being vicious and dishing out hate all over Twitter, which we don't do.
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They have no foresight or empathy or understanding of life whatsoever. I was particularly thinking about this in reference to the fact that they are really going to run into trouble with their kids later on in life. I appreciate that it's impossible to know what the different stages of children are going to be like, especially when they are very young and pretty easy and you're feeling a sense of control, but all that changes so fast. Even by 5 or 6 that awareness of the world is growing so much, the comparisons to others kick in, and the questions will start - at first completely innocently, but more and more pointed as the years go on. Why don't I have a grandpa, so-and-so at school says you don't talk to my uncle, somebody else says my Daddy hates HIS Daddy, why?, if I'm half English why don't we ever go to England.... The questions will come and come and come, and it will be endlessly torturous for them. And that's even before they discover youtube and videos of their parents talking endlessly about depression and suicidal thoughts during pregnancy and god knows what else. I'm sure the narc brainwashing will be in full flow long before that but honestly, whether they stick together / break up / make money / don't make money / fail / succeed / whatever in the US is largely irrelevant to me because one way or another they have set themselves up for one hell of an awful time with those kids.
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Shiny new thread. Many thanks to @Carpediem69 for the title.
If someone could do a quick recap of the other thread, that would be good. New members be sure to read the WIKI at the top.
Let the games begin!!!
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