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Thanks for the new thread Cass, and another great title from Carpediem69 :m

From the last thread re the searing Telegraph article

Hope it's on after the watershed (9 o'clock). Wouldn't want to frighten the kiddies.

An excellent article. Hope the gruesome twosome get to read it.
I think the Telegraph is on their shit list now.
When they issued their pompous edict listing which papers they would no longer engage with the Telegraph was not on the list, so should have been honoured ... right? Wrong. :m For once the press showed a tiny bit of solidarity and this was a telegraph writer's response.

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Chatty Member
I apologise in advance for my rambling and rantings in this post...

I am considerably behind on posts (sorry, will endeavour to catch up).

After a weekend visiting long seen relatives, I was seriously considering deleting my account after my son told me that I was part of an online "mob" because I told him last year that I contributed to this thread and what my thoughts were on the twunts.

They, he & his wife and son, were visiting and we were chatting and somehow got to to speaking about "mob mentality", and this is what he was referring to!

I was initially quite upset - I was tired, emotional and feeling a little drained. To be honest, my son doesn't keep regular contact with us, not through any (known) bad feelings but because (in my opinion) he's quite inconsiderate and like many adult sons doesn't have the same connection with his mother that adult daughters do.

I talked it over with hubby (stepfather and tbh main caregiver to said son), and his opinion was that my son was talking bollocks(?)! As he quite rightly stated, we have a right to express an opinion that is opposite to the one that is "mainstream" or "pc accepted", and that son and wife were trying to be "pc" (especially for their jobs).

So, reassured once more that I am not a lunatic, cancelling, idiotic, left wing radical, I sally forth to express my opinions!

I retain my right to say that PH & his wife are a pair of nasty, avaricious, attention seeking, backstabbing, lying, ignorant, bullying, media whores! It is proven that they were managing this exit from working royals from before they married - so they are proven liars, unlikeable, unpleasant, and unmarketable.

In short, they are twunts!

And breathe....... 🤗
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I'm sceptical as to whether Hazzno's titles will be taken. They should, but Andrew's should be taken too. It won't look good for the RF if they strip Hazzno of the Dukedom but not Andrew. The RF also see titles as something that they're entitled to because of their birthright. Yes the Dukedom was a wedding gift from the Queen, but it's not really about merit - as we know, Harry has always been an arsehole.
I know this isn't popular and I wouldn't dare say it on twatter or MN, but why should Andrew's be taken away - genuinely why?

Whatever we all may personally think of him he has officially not done "anything illegal" (age of consent is 16 in this Country), he hasn't been charged with anything, he's not a suspect, and no formal complaints have been put in about him (FBI just want to talk to him about crimes of others).

Yes, he's a bit of a nob, but in the 80s he was known as Randy Andy the press thought this was great, and young women were flinging themselves at him to have their 5 mins of fame and they probably asked the likes of Ms Maxwell to get an introduction! By today's standards this is not acceptable (even though girls still fling themselves at rich young men and always will!). But we can't change the laws nowadys and charge someone for something that wasn't illegal when it was done.

So, whilst I don't like PA I cannot see why he deserves to have his titles taken off him him. He's happy to do his duty, to support and serve the Queen, to work as a Royal and he hasn't publicly slagged off his family! I think what they've done to PA is right in terms of 'punishment'.

...I did say this was unpopular 😳
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Chatty Member
For all the ‘wokesters’. THIS is Anne Boleyn...
I am sorry but I am going to rant. I have had this inside me for a while now and it just needs to be said.

Colour blind casting is ridiculous. Especially for historical characters. Let's be honest no one can see a person and not notice their skin colour. And why shouldn't they? It is not wrong to note that a person is not white. Isn't that the whole point of fighting racism? To give equal chance to everyone regardless of their skin colour?

I am all for more inclusive scripts and characters from different backgrounds. But set in a time when this is actually happening and leave history alone. They cannot change history or identity of historical characters. Films / TV show have a power to influence so many people and to twist facts in such a way is very irresponsible.

I am not white and I recently had an argument with a white friend of mine about this and at the end I was told I can never understand racism and see white privilege 😂

I hate this woke mindset and it is getting out of hand. I don't find it inclusive but dictative and suffocating. Agree with us about our ideas of race, gender, mental health etc or get 'cancelled'.
Hence I have cancelled myself from twatter and instagtam and find my peace here

Edited to add: I know this has nothing to do with the horrible two of Montecito as such. Sorry for going off topic
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Recap of the previous thread
1. mental health series continues on WhineTV+. hazzo continues to claim that smeggy was suicidal and decided not to be suicidal because she didn't want him to lose another woman in his life. :rolleyes: I personally don't keep up with the series so please refer to the previous thread for more details. More new episodes were released on Friday
2. News broke on how police was sent to hazzo's house because he wouldn't answer his phone at 3am. BP wanted to break the news of PP's death to him but he refuses to answer. BP said "Regardless of truth or otherwise, we would not comment on this as it is a personal and private matter which I don't believe is any way to in the public interest to print. How someone is told of the passing of a loved one is not really suitable for conjecture or speculation. It is private."--From Hello magazine
3. smeggy was paid 500k in advance for the bench.
4. tattlers speculate that the wife had already given birth because of her "absence". She was too quiet while hazzo spew more nonsense to make a fool out of himself even more. She is most likely plotting her next move as well.
5. Zara's baby Lucas was seen and photographed. Much contrast to the picture of smeggy where she was dead staring at the photographer with dangling doll in Canada.
6. There was a blind on how hazzo is hooked on restoril and drinking at the same time.
7. The Cambridges had a successful tour of Scotland. Kate was photographed wearing TQ's jewelry.
8. Another pic of the doll on a swing was released. It is still in B&W. They must've ran out of ink in their printer.

Feel free to add if I miss anything.
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Thanks for the shiny new thread!
View attachment 596553
Found on Twatter

In keeping with the movie titles. I found this one too:
View attachment 596567
Here this took me all afternoon 😂


I watch nearly all of Lady C's videos. In my opinion her stance towards M+H has hardened a lot over time. In the last few videos alone, she has cast some serious shade on #6's character. She has called him:
  • histrionic
  • overdramatic
  • malleable
  • impressionable
  • paranoid
  • self-important
  • proud
  • extrapunitive
  • irrational
  • impetuous
  • vicious
  • angry
  • egotistical
  • hyperemotional
  • a person with very flexible morals (this one is a bit older)
  • a drama-queen
  • a person, who lacks self-reflection and blames anything that goes wrong in his life on others
  • a bully (she has not used the word, but implied it)
  • soft in the head (this one is older, too)
  • he shares a lot of traits with the Spencers (whom Lady C has called the nastiest aristocratic family of England)
Whatever anyone says about Lady C, you can't accuse her of having a small vocabulary.
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I think it’s not that bad to be honest. It’s really not important if the person who plays her is white, black, red or orange as long as the acting is great. What I find highly annoying about the film is that it doesn’t seem to bring any new angle to the whole story. How many re-tellings of the exact same thing do we need? I would be happy to see something new, but just casting someone black is not exactly exciting but looks just like a money grab. Who knows, maybe they did come up with a new perspective. The only thing I would really hate would be if they go the victim narrative and sudden the black Anne Bohlen gets unbelievably unfairly treated and beheaded while being an absolute angel. I don’t see them playing on her questionable moves and ambition because that would look bad with some parts of the audience.
I think it’s absolutely fine if someone portrays someone with a different skin/hair/eye colour. If other cultures have a problem with their stories told by white actors- so what? Doesn’t scratch me one bit. And I would hate that only to happen in movies like the Brandi Cinderalla thing (obviously the movie us fine). A mixed cast is fine if you don’t have the claim to be historical accurate (which most of those recent biopics really aren’t. So much fanfic in it it’s laughable). The only thing that really annoyed me was Arielle. Solely because of the red hair. And because I think we will see another washed out version that transports lots of prudish ideals. I will eat my show if we really see her wearing a tail and a shell bra and not some PC PG corrected version. But that’s not an the casting.

I am with everyone that believes that the little saviour as either arrived or is about to. And maybe Sunshine Sachs has told Harry to shut up about topics that will make him an easy target. Or maybe his new employers asked him to actually work a little bit before he goes on leave instead of travelling through tv.
I think it's a fucking disgrace. It's quite simple ... if a white person was cast as MLK or Rosa Parks there would be blue murder.
Ridiculous woke shite, and as a history buff I won't be watching this piss take. Silly cunts.
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"Candace Owens on Twitter: "It’s been 3 days since Prince Harry has offered another exclusive interview regarding how much he and Meghan hate his family. Can somebody check on them?" / Twitter"
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Honestly, I am pretty relaxed about Harry and Meghan. The way they treated their relatives has made them pariahs in Britain and anywhere else, except the leftwing areas of the US. Currently they are changing their stories at an alarming rate, so that anyone with some memory and interest can see the big contradictions between what they are saying now and what they were saying in 2020 and earlier. They are busy hanging themselves with the rope the RF has given them and I am at the point, where I see it all as a highly entertaining sh*t-show. (I am German, so I their accusations against the British press/public leave me cold, but I do feel sorry for the British, who have spent tens of millions on the couple and now are being trashed by those ungrateful people on a global scale)

A bit off topic:
My mother once worked as a secretary for a man, who had up to 5 concurrent long-term relationships (10 years +). He confessed to her once the secret of pulling this stunt off: You cannot under any circumstance lie, because then you have to remember, what you have told whom and you will also be in serious trouble, if people you have told different stuff talk to each other about it. (Also you have to stay off social media, but he was too old to have a Facebook account)
In the end his deceptions contributed to his death, because he had a health-issue and delayed going to the hospital, because he was afraid, his girlfriends would meet each other when they visited him. In the end the five girlfriends learned of the existence of the other women either at the burial or at the reading of his will ,when they realised all his money would go to his adult daughter, they had no idea existed. It was an absolute sh*t-show, albeit a higly entertaining one for all, who were not directly involved :m

Note to my fellow tattlers: If your partner tells you, he only has time on one or two specific days of the week (not on the weekend), there is a high probability he/she is already seeing someone else.
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For all the ‘wokesters’. THIS is Anne Boleyn...
I am what would be known as 'pretty woke' and I am all for cultural representation and think that shows like Bridgerton did it very well. However, a historic white woman should not be re-cast as a black woman any more than a white person should be cast as a historic black person. It isn't racist it is attention to detail. AB was white, anyone playing her should be white.
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I know it's a bit soon but need to write it down before I forget:

Thread title idea with reference to possibly losing titles and hairline!
Meghan and Harry #110
Royal life caused so much sorrow, Heir today, gone tomorrow!
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Never have worked. Katie Price is a lot of things but she’s a good mother to Harvey above everything else. Haz could never rise the occasion. Although KPs Duchess looks would be hysterical.
What? A good mother to Harvey? In what universe ?:rolleyes:
The boy has been reared by everyone BUT her. Her mother looked after him, paid directly by Dwight Yorke to do so till she needed to move to Spain for health reasons, then it was any fuzzy brained fool stupid enough to do her a favour.She even dumped him on a neighbour to go whoring in Spain for a full month without making proper arrangements for any of the kids 3 years ago ... hence the dad's getting custody. He had/has special schools and his rat faced mother wouldn't even get out of bed to drive him there. He had a taxi and a nurse accompanying him, paid for by tax payers, even though his scummy mother wasn't even paying her taxes and now owes the tax man over £3 million. His birthday last week? mummy did a video call/zoom because she was too busy "baby making" (her words) with her latest rent-a-dick and booking a trip to Portugal, (the second holiday in a month) to be arsed visiting him or God forbid take him with her. Even her past rent-a-dicks took more interest in him than she does. Such a good mum she sat in the car with Boyson while Harvey was videoed peeing against a wall in a busy street with his trousers round his ankles, poor little sod :mad:
She videos herself shouting at him "Do you love mummy Harve, DO YOU HARVE, tell everyone who you love Harve. YES, HARVEY LOVES MUMMY!"
She's flogging his posessions on deplop ffs! All his Frog stuff that he loves, so she can get new wigs and manicures, skanky old bat that she is.

She's such a good mum that the dads of her other 4 have custody and Harvey is in residential care.
Thanks for the laugh though. Jesus wept, I've heard it all now.
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Horrible, racist Britain 🙄taking in an immigrant, Muslim child and her family. Giving her free lifesaving treatment and celebrating her achievements. All while she gets a degree from Oxford.

“survivor, activist, legend.” Aka everything those two wish they could be.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Thanks for the shiny new thread!

Found on Twatter

In keeping with the movie titles. I found this one too:
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My pick for #6’s baby’s name. I’m picking it will contain ’Eleanor’, after Mrs Roosevelt.
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Off Topic
I just saw that a black woman is playing Anne Boleyn. Why do I have a WTF moment about that.? Can you imagine the woke brigade going bonkers (there’s that word again) over someone white playing a black historical figure. That’s all.
Back to the two losers who I don’t really have much to say about because it is spookily quiet and I am waiting for the explosion with bated breath.
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Not being a bossy cunt or owt, but I thought we'd pretty much agreed (based on likes when it was brought up before) that sugar shite should be in spoiler tags.:unsure:
Maybe it's just me, but I deliberately avoid sugars and I hate their vicious negative crap cluttering up the threads.
We shouldn't be giving them another outlet to spew their uneducated paid-for crap.
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Some interesting bits in the D Express today. N.Y. Post says "We are watching an overgrown child having an epic tantrum, and the point is unclear. Even Harry would have to admit the royals did one thing well. Their carefully crafted image of Harry - military man, good with kids, the lighthearted Prince with a charitable side - was far superior to this one".. .."One thing is clear, he is profoundly tone-deaf and a course correction seems unlikely". He's also been labelled "Dull". Which we Tattlers know he is.
The Royal Family's "Carefully crafted image" ...Ouch!!

This is deadly news from the US press H&M thought they'd conquered with America's icon Porker interviews. The natural home ground of his All-American wife who H&M assured themselves would be universally adored along with her dashing Prince, because she's biracial American, and be congratulated on their escape from the cruel RF as they ticked all the woke boxes and trampled over everyone on the way. They didn't allow for a US press that is just as discerning and intelligent as the racist and biased UK press they ran away from.
They thought they'd reinvented themselves in sparkly new L.A,. but when they got there they found they'd dragged the same old lying scheming psycho baggage with them and that nothing had changed except there's more sun and guns and crime. You take yourself with you wherever you go, as they say.

Smug George Clooney's been outed as secretly sending No,6 and Smeg on a private jet to visit him in Italy after the Wedding (the "spectacle" that is, not the real loving union blessed earlier by the sleazy AoC in the undergrowth), despite George windbagging on about climate change and demanding more be done to tackle it. Clooney had previously hit out at climate change sceptics and was on the bandwagon making more and more political speeches but is of course a hypocrite. This nugget comes from our impacted but intrepid royal Reporter Scrotie and is in Finding Freaks.
Very barbed comment from a reader that Amal Almuddin's a beard with a very dodgy middle-eastern family, and that henpecked George isn't the father of the surrogate twins. :LOL:
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