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this just makes me so mad. it’s important to get help and recognise that it’s needed. But there is a reason why therapy sessions are private and the therapist or counsellor takes confidentiality oaths.
Everything you say is your truth. Granted. But it’s one sided and biased and influenced by the emotions you are trying to work through. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be listened to and helped by a professional, but what you say shouldn’t just be taken as fact by everyone when it’s made public because these feelings (in all their graphic depth) should not be made public in the first place.It’s unfair to those mentioned and it certainly doesn’t help anyone who may be triggered.
if you really want to help people, Tell people they are not alone, tell them where they can go or who can help them. Show them the results of the help you received. I.e being happy and healthy.
what PWB is doing doesn’t help anyone, including himself.
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You have to wonder what therapist is encouraging him to go on global tv and divulge all his secrets on a bi-monthly basis. Is this really healthy for him? He’s about to have another baby, yet he switches from pure rage to marital bliss within days.
I’m starting to think he’s not in therapy at all and this is coming from the mouth of his whore! I just can’t see how a therapist could possibly endorse this!
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So he says smeg told him the practicalities of ending her life?? Does that mean she told him what method she would use? If so, that is really unhinged.
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This is the clearest indication to date in my mind that she is playing him and its sunk to new depths of what she is capable of
THIS 👆🏻 I’m guessing he doesn’t realise that he’s basically outed how manipulative she is? Also, wasn’t she ‘pregnant’ at the time? So why was her unborn baby not a reason for her not to kill herself. She was clearly making herself the martyr for PWB to be forever in awe of her and thankful that she has stuck around for him. 😠
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me from mid-America

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They should remove him and offspring from the line of succession for “compassionate” reasons, made evident by his own revelations of the damage and burden any Royal role would cause him or his children.

Let them keep the titles. In LA, you are only as important “as your last movie.” They will join the ranks of former ‘stars’ who no longer get top billing, former Miss America’s who have grown old and obese, injured athletes now sitting in the stands. As A.E. Houseman put it...’runners who renown outran, and the name died before the man.”

Oprah is draining them dry. But what do either of them have to offer to keep public interest after this?

All across America today, single Moms of every race... got up, exhausted, to go to work a second job to feed their kids. Low income families of every race struggled to pay bills and keep food on the table. They can’t afford to buy her book about a bench...much less pay for Netflix to watch an obscenely wealthy man whine about his burdens. They too have lost loved ones, felt grief, rejection, whatever...but they don’t have lives that allow them the luxury to “explore their feelings.” Their fears are not about losing round the clock security...they are about the drive by shootings in their part of the city, the neighbors child shot sitting on the stoop...or just how to pay the heating bill. How will patting themselves alleviate that sort of anxiety or pain?

Can you imagine how all this Woke drivel from this Prince of the Realm and his actress wife seems to them? How much of the greed-grab money the Markles and Oprah made from this Smearfest will alleviate one REAL LIFE problem that those people have? This type of empathy is provides about as much real life relief as sweet nothings on a banana to a drug addled prostitute.
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Diana spent 2.5 years with Hasnat Khan.
He is visual darker, and from a more strict background than the drug using, drinking, partying Dodi.
Hasnat said his religion was not a issue for the RF.
When Diana didn't invade his work for selfpromotion(watching live surgeries, screw what the person on the surgery table thinks about it) he was left alone.
She spent 9 summarised weeks with Dodi, and Harry pulls the race card in relation to Dodi.
The world is mad, and journalism is dead.
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EPISODE 3: "My biggest regret is not making more of a stance earlier on in my relationship with my wife and call out the racism when I did. History was repeating itself. My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship [dramatic pause] with someone who wasn't white. You want to talk about history repeating itself? They're not going to stop until she dies!"

I hate being right all the time.

Bonus shot of Archie in color. His hair isn't that dark-- possibly wet.
My god what is happening. Just watching the news and Harry saying that Meghan told him she was going to kill herself and the practicalities of doing so? But she said the only reason she won’t do it is because of Harry and that he had lost his mum before.
I absolutely have enormous sympathy for people with genuine depression. But this “I’m going to kill myself if you don’t do xyz (move to Cali?)” “If I didn’t have you I’d kill myself” is all classic narcissistic/abusive relationship behaviour.

People with genuine depression and suicidal ideation don’t magically perk up overnight by moving to a different country. When I was really unwell with PND, putting on a smiley face to go to the Albert Hall was literally impossible. When you are dragging yourself out from rock bottom, trying to recover, every single day is exhausting and you simply don’t have the energy to be off touring the TV studios, bearing your soul. Shit like this is actually incredibly offensive to people who really do suffer with mental illness.
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Davey boy

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I've never commented on these threads before but I suffer with anxiety and such like many others and my first thought today when I read today about his interview where he says Megan wanted to kill herself but wouldn't because of the trauma it would cause him was that was properly emotionally manipulative. And it got me angry. I mean you don't trigger that emotion and then say 'actually I'm not gonna but you know I might just' thats just gonna feed anxiety and trauma. And you'll bend over backwards to accommodate/give them whatever they want to stop it. And he was more than equipped to get her the help she apparently needed, why he didn't is beyond me.
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Scotch Mist

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She's ninety fucking five ! Just buried her lifelong soul mate and has been constantly shat on by cuntchops and his whore for the past 16 months ... of course she needs protecting.:mad:

Dealing with issues of state is enough work and stress for her at this point and thank fuck the family she has around her are loyal and have her best interests at heart enough to protect her as much as they can.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe that needs pointing out.:rolleyes:
I agree and am worried that she looks very frail now and might not be with us for much longer. 95 is pretty ancient and most of her contemporaries are either dead or sitting gaga in a residential home watching TV all day.

I find it amazing that she still manages to do any work at her age. My guess is that we will see more if Charles from now on but he's no spring chicken either and doesn't look very well himself.
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I have mentioned before that I suffer with depression and have at times also had suicidal ideation. I have had counselling, EMDR and anti depressants but the sad fact is no treatment will cure depression, all they will do is give you the tools to manage it. You cannot continously wallow in the past and in self pity and expect to get better, and you can also not expect peoples sympathies to last. PWB is going to have a nasty shock when he realises this, I imagine he thinks people will feel sorry for him and think how brave he is in sharing when the reality is most are thinking FFS get over it.
Depression is an awful thing and unfortunately there are those that lose the battle, but for goodness sake he is not even trying to get better he is positively enjoying the wallowing.
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Bloody love Angela Levin - We know the RF aren't against therapy as H clearly had it for many years before he met Her!! What struck me the most was H making Prince Phillips funeral all about him again that was the most vile thing he said in my opinion
I just wish one of his "interviewers" would challenge him about his "inconsistencies"
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What a statement.
Points I noted

1. throughout he says MY mother. Such a change...
2. talks of a false negative that was “commercialised by thr BBC or OTHERS” <<< must be a dig???

To me, not only is this brilliant at explaining his personal position and the position of the RF, but MY GOD it also has a lot of thinly veiled points for his brother....this isn’t the truth - the truth you beleive from the media about our mother isn’t true -here is your proof - drop it...

Lets see what happens. His brother’s statement is so so lame - but interestingly he writes “our mother” - first time I’ve heard that change, throughout his media war it’s been my mother hasn’t it??? (Could be wrong, but I feel very much like PWB always tries to imply he’s the only real son of Diana).
I noticed that - my mother, reclaiming her and speaking for himself alone. And Harry with our mother - now he wants to share?
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Doesn’t this whole Bashir nightmare prove that whether you are an interviewer or an interviewee ,
it the TRUTH that matters ,
not “ your truth”. ?
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I actually feel like he’s having a breakdown right in front us by spilling to the very media he claims to despise. He thinks history is repeating itself and Meghan will die but it’s him I’m worried about- who lives this way?
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"Angela Levin on Twitter: "In Harrry's first interview with Oprah he said he felt "ashamed" about Meghan's depression but "didn't know who to turn to." Now in the docu he says he tried everyone to help him but got "total silence, total neglect." Which one is true? Couldn't he get help himself for her?" / Twitter"
Bloody love Angela Levin - We know the RF aren't against therapy as H clearly had it for many years before he met Her!! What struck me the most was H making Prince Phillips funeral all about him again that was the most vile thing he said in my opinion
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Murphy Brown

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That is quite insane. There was not one iota of racist press about Dodi. Rather, he was just considered the latest in Diana's long line of men.

It sounds like Harry believes the theory about Diana being pregnant when she died, though, and the BRF doing her in.
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Chatty Member
I'm so incredibly furious about this. When you truly feel that there is no option other than not to be here any more and you are making plans to go through with it there is no pausing to reason that you 'better not do it because my husband has already lost one woman in his life and losing another would be terrible. When you get to that point there is no reasoning,no clear thought, no objective thought and you really are very poorly indeed, and not the kind of poorly where you dress up in your glad rags for a huge function with press attendance and 'fake a smile' and get on with it.

This is the clearest indication to date in my mind that she is playing him and its sunk to new depths of what she is capable of
Surely the baby in her belly would have been a bigger concern. I hate these cunts
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Hi everyone - I’m a lurker and still 5 threads behind but had to share:
my dad is on an insurance board in Texas. He went to a dinner tonight hosted by one of the other members. It was catered by Princess Diana’s personal chef, who has operated in Texas for the past 20 years (did anyone else know that??) He knew the princes as boys.

he was asked about the gruesome duo. His views, mostly of her, were kept understated but...he was clearly less than favorable towards her.

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