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Chatty Member
This could be a long one, I'm afraid. I have to refrain from shouting expletives at this hour of the morning.

For a start, the Sugars trying to blame EVERYTHING that went wrong in Charles' marriage to Diana on him all need to a)do their research and b)STFU. That marriage was doomed from the start. He was 34 and still arse over tit in love with Camilla. She was 19, still a virgin(what a fucking archaic rule that was), and more in love with the idea she had of Charles instead of who he really was. In essence, she was treated like a brood mare. :(

Finding out that Charles didn't have her on a pedestal and was still sneaking out to shag Camilla on the sly must have knocked her for six. Add in the pressures put onto her by the RF to conform, the glare of the media, and the fact that she was still in her early twenties, and it's a recipe for disaster. Her mental health was in the bin by the time Bashir dripped venom into Diana's ear.

For that ginger fuckwit to blast the BBC in one breath, only to whine about how unfair everything is for him and fucking Smegatron made me want to punch the ingrate in his chinless, pathetic face. HOW DARE HE try to play the Oppression Olympics? How dare he try to say his loss was greater than William's?

The simple fact of the matter is that Diana was already struggling with her mental health well before 1995. The lies Bashir told made it worse. The problem with Harry is that he's still clinging to an idealised version of his mother, put her on a pedestal. In reality, Diana had feet of clay, like us all.

If anything, I feel more sorry for William. After all, he was the one Diana unloaded on. He was the one who'd push tissues under the bathroom door when Diana had locked herself in there to cry and say "Are you okay, Mummy?". William was the one who saw all of Diana, whether he wanted to or not. Harry was the little boy who though his mum was a saint, and to this day, he's still convinced of it.

As far as I'm concerned, take ALL of Fuckwit and Smegatron's titles off of them, and let them wallow in their own self pity. With any luck they'll drown in it and finally fuck off.

And breathe........
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I think they’re treading a really thin line with this MH stuff- like I said yesterday when you don’t know what you’re talking about it can be dangerous! How many people are sat here today who’s son/ husband/ brother/ daughter/ friend etc ended their life and are listening to all this wishing their relative “loved them enough” to not have left them/ beating themselves up because somehow they were “that family” that didn’t do enough? It’s so incredibly dangerous.
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Harry the angry & hypocritical Prince
His lies & his podcasts make us all wince
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This guy just can’t stop picking at the scab...

"History was repeating itself. My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn’t white," he said.
Your wife was welcomed by YOUR family and the U.K. with opened arms.

“I’ve got what my mum left me and without that we wouldn’t have been able to do this. It’s like she saw it coming and she’s been with us through this whole process."
Bullshit! You’re 36 years old, time to earn your keep!

Harry revealed he’s done therapy for “four and a bit years, five years now,” adding it’s a sort of prevention for him.
Yet he couldn’t seek help for his wife’s supposed mental health???

Harry has said he can't think about his mother as it's too painful.
Not too painful for him to talk about her constantly though.

“I was ashamed to go to my family because — to be honest with you, like a lot of other people my age could probably relate to — I know that I’m not going to get from my family what I need.”
However not too ashamed to demand money from your family!

Harry said: "Meghan decided to share with me the suicidal thoughts and the practicalities of how she was going to end her life.”
People who are truly suicidal do not share the “practicalities” of their intentions.

He’s living in a warped fake life, believes his own lies and those of his duplicitous wife.
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Long time lurker, I’ve been following you all discussing H&M on tattle for a few threads now, except they go so quickly I don’t catch everything said! But I like to dip in and out. I joined a couple of weeks ago and have been scattering likes here and there but this is my first post. I like a lot of the links you share and I send them to my twin sister as she is aligned with me on these two 😂 she says to me to “keep ‘em coming!” 🤣
I’m absolutely disgusted by the gruesome twosome’s behaviour, particularly PWB’s at the moment, he genuinely seems to be unravelling before our eyes. Get a grip Hazbeen! Rein it in a bit. This is just getting embarrassing now. I absolutely LOVED William’s statement yesterday, what a class act he is, then to compare it to his brother’s, even better. The part in H’s which said something about “those who have accepted accountability — thank you for owning it.” 😳🤮😫 could they MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS that Megain writes all of his stuff?! Particularly proud of William for pointing out that the interview worsened his parents’ relationship and the false narrative has been commercialised by the BBC ‘and others’ since then (shade much 😂).
I came off Twitter because I got in to a couple of arguments with some very delusional people on there that were spouting utter tripe about the RF. I love the fact that most of them didn’t grow up here and will have no recollection of what happened in real time (I’m about William’s age so I have some memory of events) yet they proclaim to be such experts on what really went on. Their nastiness and conspiracy theorist drivel is really the pits. I couldn’t bear to be exposed to it anymore, Twitter is a cesspit.
I hope that as time goes on we will see more MSM outlets observing and remarking on the blatant smear campaign coming from H&M, it really drives me mad that the press is silenced by the woke brigade because the race and MH cards offer some kind of shield to their manipulative behaviour. I cannot believe Harry drew parallels to the car chase because Dodi was not white! 👀 what the actual. That had nothing to do with it, what an example of repurposing events to fit your own agenda. Revolting.
Wow that was long! Had to get that off my chest— thank you for reading 😂
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Wackie Jeaver

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oh I need to watch on TV - am sure it will all be on ad infitum. But I said this on the last thread: Diana would not have died if she hadnt got into a car with a drunk/drugged (allegedly) driver, and she'd put her seatbelt on. Doesnt mean that Bashir isnt a shit of course.
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You have to wonder what therapist is encouraging him to go on global tv and divulge all his secrets on a bi-monthly basis. Is this really healthy for him? He’s about to have another baby, yet he switches from pure rage to marital bliss within days.
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Sorry, but this is really weird. I can't imagine the Queen needs to be protected unless she is ill or really struggling with grief. Also if this is supposed to be a secret plan, the person who has just told every man and his dog in a presumably crowded Friday night pub, has just blown the plan out of the water. For this plan to work, Harry would need to not know about it. That's been buggered now. Plus, if this plan is real, very, very, very few people would know about it, so this mole may have some explaining to do, along with the other potentially 2 or 3 people who know about it, which would presumably include Charles and William. If it was a real plan, it's going to have to be scrapped now it is in the public domain and those involved will be 100% determined to identify the source of the leak.

Having said that, I cannot imagine it would be true. It's beyond petty.
She's ninety fucking five ! Just buried her lifelong soul mate and has been constantly shat on by cuntchops and his whore for the past 16 months ... of course she needs protecting.:mad:

Dealing with issues of state is enough work and stress for her at this point and thank fuck the family she has around her are loyal and have her best interests at heart enough to protect her as much as they can.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe that needs pointing out.:rolleyes:
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This is gold. We know he has roared at people but being angry and not 'getting angry' is a skill most don't have.
Nuff respect for Charles not coming out with a point to point rebuttal right now. He must be chewing his own face off
He looked absolutely seething but held it together SO well. I don’t even know that much about William but he does things like this every couple of years and he really impresses me when he does.
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I thought William's statement was very powerful, and he delivered it extremely well.

PWB's statement, however, was just much of a muchness
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Actually, the brothers had a week to coordinate their responses or make a joint statement:unsure:
And yet here we have two differing statements. It really shows the huge chasm between them now. Which makes me somewhat relieved if I'm being honest. I really don't want the Firm encouraging any sort of reunification. Too much sewage has flowed under the bridge at this point and pwincess hazza has made it clear that he is not to be trusted in any way. Best leave the Cali cunts to fester in their lies and bile and let the firm get on with business as usual.
Actually, not long now till the Biden visit. Should be interesting seeing how aunty Kamala behaves, if she babysits wee Joe on the visit.
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@Onetwofour 'him saying Meghan told him she won't kill herself because it would be unfair to him to lose another woman of his life completely stunned me'.

His statement is horrifying, that's manipulating him, frightening him, he must be walking on eggshells to ensure she's always happy. To say "lose another woman" is to say that she's doing him a favour by staying alive and reinforcing that she and Di are the only women in his life. So very sad :(
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Harry is not a happy bunny about Dodi! He was a great catch for Di, do not pretend like he was some poor guy.
Has Hazza forgotten Hasnat? He wasn't white either, and Diana was with him for a lot longer than the fling with Dodi. I don't recall Diana being hounded, or any racist comments, while she was with Hasnat. The only press I remember was when she watched that heart surgery, and she obviously arranged all that. The Dodi stuff in the media was nothing to do with his skin colour and everything to do with his lifestyle and family connections.
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Why does the BBC continue to get government funding when its leadership behaves like this? Why are they allowed to go around these licensing fees when they've got journalists behaving like this? I guarantee this isn't the only rot going on inside.
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Am I the only one who is starting to feel really uncomfortable as it seems Harry is unravelling before our eyes?
He has been completely manipulated and acts like he has been brainwashed.
It doesn‘t sit well with me at all and I fear that this isn’t going to have a happy ending.
I wish there could be an intervention.
If I feel like this, God knows how his family must be feeling.
He is spiralling and all anyone can do is watch it happen. 😔
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How absolutely despicable of him to paint his family in such a bad light, knowing full well that they can’t respond.
This is just more of his spiteful, hateful vengeance against probably the only people who truly loved him unconditionally. Because he’s been told “no” for once in his life. Awful person.
The thing about the campaign to get people talking about mental health is; it sometimes puts the onus on unqualified people - friends, family, etc., to become counsellors, or sudden experts in how to deal with a problem that’s so complex that, imo, a lot of GPs don’t even fully understand it.
I strongly feel that as much, or much more, energy should be put into campaigning for more professional resources to be made available, and more rapidly, for those who need help.
But that won’t have been a problem for H, because he’s absolutely no idea that for those who don’t have families that can bankroll private treatment, the waiting list to get help can be months long.
Then again thinking about others doesn’t seem to be a strong point of his.
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I'm so incredibly furious about this. When you truly feel that there is no option other than not to be here any more and you are making plans to go through with it there is no pausing to reason that you 'better not do it because my husband has already lost one woman in his life and losing another would be terrible. When you get to that point there is no reasoning,no clear thought, no objective thought and you really are very poorly indeed, and not the kind of poorly where you dress up in your glad rags for a huge function with press attendance and 'fake a smile' and get on with it.

This is the clearest indication to date in my mind that she is playing him and its sunk to new depths of what she is capable of
Totally and utterly agree with this. When I was 14 my cousin killed himself we hadn't really talked for years, his mum had died 6 years before when was 14 and the whole family split into sides, even the village took sides. For years I thought if I could have done something would it have made a difference and also, I thought he was utterly selfish. How could he leave everyone like that, why didn't he think of other people.

I have suffered from depression on and off throughout the years,but always managed to keep going, always thinking I'd never be so selfish.
So when I ended up with really dark thoughts, caused in part by an ED and part by my then PT (who knew of said disorder and also stuff I'd been through) telling me that bad things are always your own fault. It caught me really by surprise and sent me into a spiral.
Since then I've never thought of my cousin as selfish, you don't think of anyone else, all you think of is how much better everyone would be without you. The thought of leaving my kids and knowing what it feels like to have a family member kill themselves made me get help before it got any worse. Certainly the speed at which the EDS found me therapy was a cold hard shock that I needed.
I'm doing fine now, after my uncle died I ended up with my cousins note. I'm sure it will sound horribly morbid to most/all of you but I have my cousin's signature from his note tattooed on me. It sounds stupid but to me it feels like he's standing just behind me giving me the courage to make sure I never get that low again.
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This idiot just cannot stop. What’s next? The BRF asking for an abortion? The BRF planning a hit job? He is clearly kicking and screaming. But riding this trip can only hold attention for so long. The claims get worse every time which shows that there is definitely an underlying desperation instead of truthfully repeating your story as you recall it. Otherwise we would have heard all of that before. Good thing: I guess we don’t have to worry they will ever come back to the fold. It seems Harry has completely internalised the idea how damaging this life is. And by not reacting the BRF let’s him hang himself and doesn’t look petty or as if they are trying to silence him.
RE Diana: there is mostly definitely no rule royals shouldn’t wear a seatbelt. They don’t at parades when the cars go really slow and there is no normal traffic (there might be belly belts though who knows) and might choose not to wear them on their own estates (which is actually ok iirc). But whenever you see them out and about otherwise they wear a seatbelt.
Diana might have survived wearing one. But she also might not have. The guy that survived sat on a different seat, so the impact hit him differently. We will never know. It’s a moot point. Diana was no
angel for sure but who is? She did great things charity wise and tried her best with her boys. Did she have flaws. Obviously. Will her children idolise her to a certain extent. That’s well within their rights. Her death was the tragic result of lots of things. Her drivers certainly could have taken another route or droven slower. It’s not like she held a gun to their heads. The paparazzi could have stopped chasing her when it was obvious this was going out of hand. She could have worn a seatbelt. And so on. people love the most exciting answer but it’s almost never the real one. They are normally really easy (but multilevelled). It was a chain of bad decisions by multiple people. Easy as that.
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I asked my 72 year old mother to check with a psychiatrist relative of ours if he could suggest a ‘from afar’ diagnosis of PWB... she replied that she actually has her own diagnosis:

“a paranoid narcissist with a weak victim personality only able to function when he is being bolstered and yet also led by the nose...”

😂😂 absolutely savage, mother 🤣
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