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Chatty Member
I usually lurk but have to comment on the alleged suicidal thoughts and ideations of PWBFW; as a family, we have experienced first hand the nuclear devastation caused by suicide.

What is it they want us to see from these revelations by PWB? As it very much feels like they’re saying, see, our love/connection is so strong it beats suicide! So is it hard luck for families and friends of those who take their lives; you could be left, were left, your very being wasn’t enough? Absolute fucking twats. Dangerous, idiotic twats.

My heart goes out today to anyone else affected by suicide and may be, to use one of their favourite terms, “triggered” by these stories/revelations.
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Diana was 'unquestioningly honest'?
Perhaps Hazbeen believes that because HW has taught him what truth is. We all know how good she is with truth :rolleyes:
The whole 'when suicidal, only stopped because of Hazbeen' The manipulation going on there is outright cruelty. No other way to describe it. I bet she gaslighted him from day one.
I've always thought HW was a horrible person but now she's crossed into actual evil. To do that to someone who has mental health issues? Words fail me.
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MY mother - William is no longer speaking for them both. Poor Hawwy has become persona non grata. He’s been cut adrift and Wills no longer includes him. Hawwy now using OUR mother...perhaps the realisation they are being iced out is stinging and now suddenly he wants to be ‘us’ again?
That's what I think ... that he and his puppet mistress will try to use this as a means of worming their way in. "we are in this together bro" ....FUCK ORF!

I think it's important to note that although this report was released today, it was released to the family (Charles, William,Earl Spencer, and presumably cuntchops in Cali.)and Bashir last week(hence him'resigning' last week before he was pushed) so that they could prepare adequate responses. So Spencer, and now Wills, had statements recorded or written. Wills' will have been carefully crafted and gone over with a fine tooth comb. Note he was careful re Bashir who is in bad health now and probably devastated at being outed. If anything happens to Bashir it would look bad if wills had gone for his jugular. So yes, his statement was pretty damn perfect, while hazza's, even with the same prep time, is another whine-fest and quite haphazard.
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Chatty Member
Aah now it's starting to make sense...From the Suns live blog
"Prince Harry revealed Meghan Markle woke him up in the middle of the night "crying into her pillow" as "heartbreaking" bullying claims emerged days before their Oprah interview aired"

So this latest BS is to get the pity play out before we get told what an absolute cuntosaurus she is to staff.
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My heart breaks for William right now. He's lost his grandfather, the enquiry verdict must have dredged up incredibly painful memories, and his brother - who was his best friend for so many years - is cashing in on their mother's memory and trashing his family. Harry is a selfish prick who has been utterly brainwashed by conniving, manipulative Meghan.
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Chatty Member
William has guns and ain't afraid to use 'em.
Harry is (surprise) using the Dyson result to continue his attempted muzzling of the media based on his mum dying
Gossips are saying H and the wife are living apart
The wife is leaking that H tried to shut her up AND deny her a party (while pregnant) but must've failed (cause we read about it)
The wife has been quite quiet for about 24 hours which is unnerving
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PWB needs to be removed from the line of succession immediately. We cannot have the risk of this angry, unstable and self centred man being King!!
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Chilli pepper 19

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I can't imagine how they're feeling, considering they know exactly how much shit they hid/cleaned up for him. The absolutely worthless spoiled piece of shit, 99.9999% of the world would kill for his neglectful nightmarish life.
I'm sorry but how long ago did he thank his brother publicly for getting him help and forced him to get counselling? The paper's need yo start bringing their receipts as he's as thick as fuck and can't remember his lies. What an absolute cunt. I'm betting in episode 6 he opens Diana’s Coffin to show she's buried with only a framed picture of hazzno to show she viewed him as her only sun.

If I was the RF I'd completely ignore them as they're doing but put a call into Rupert Murdock allowing him to release the hounds - all of it
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He thinks Diana died because Dodi wasn’t white. And therefore his card is marked because Meghan isn’t white.

If he really thinks this, it’s seriously giving me the creeps that the whispering in his ear has resulted in this level of derangement.

Or he’s making it up, which is even more disturbing.

I was 28 when she died and remember it all very clearly. This is a terrible distortion of what happened.
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Chilli pepper 19

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Episode 5 gist again

generational gap around MH
some people of a certain age never encouraged to look at things differently
need experience of old people with emotional intelligence of young people, when you are young you feel everything
do you still feel controlled by media - no can’t control , they are desperate to control the narrative and if they loose control truth will out.
Interview with Oprah - speak truth in compassionate way. Pre interview M cry in night because of firm and media smears.
Therapy has equipped me to deal with anything . No anger just compassion .
learnt more about self in last 4 years than previous 32 and M to thank for that.
No regrets . Mum would be proud and I am living life she wanted for herself.
feel her presence in last year
one of Archie first words was Grandma
I'm really confused now. I thought his first word was crocodile. Or did Farchie wake up one day and start reciting the Canterbury Tales? I'm mean bloody hell, when are they going to bring out Diana was my mum merch. They're working her corpse hard

Also fair play to Porca for not laughing when he claims he's not angry anymore
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the musician

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Didn't Prince Charles spend over 10 years in therapy to cope with the breakdown of his marriage to Diana? I actually really feel so sorry for him, especially if he's in a state of paralysed shock at the moment. That Panorama interview vilified him so much, and now it's all being brought up again. Along with Harry vilifying him in the Oprah interview.

What I don't understand is that everyone always looks at Diana's charity work and praises it, but no one ever seems to do it to the same level with Charles. He's done a lot of good things, especially with The Prince's Trust which is actively helping people. Even Harry seems to disregard this and only focus on his mother. It's like how the woke brigade are praising Harry and his wife for their "work" but they don't look at all the great things that William and Catherine do.
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Says on their site it's a new story, not sure if we've discussed it here. Accusing the RF of acting with "total neglect" towards protecting the Markles is just awful.
He really needs to shut the actual fuck up. He really is a total disgrace of a human being and needs to man up and get on with life. He's not unique in loosing a parent at a young age. He's also not unique in having a dysfunctional family, because, let's face it there is no other word to describe it. Lots of people have the most horrific childhoods. As a former police officer I've seen the most abused children, with drug addict parents, alcoholic who physically and mentally abuse them ... they are not calling their families out, they love them no matter what. He is a complete and utter cockwomble with a huge chip on his shoulder married to a narcissist with her own agenda. I truly believe he needs a little more than EDMR. I have had that and whilst not totally ineffective for the PTSD it far from sorted it.

What also grips my shit is he just loves being a victim. Well he can fuck off , he doesn't get to play that card because he's manipulating his own narrative for monetary gain. His brother however appears to be a splendid example of a human being... WB just needs a smash in the face with a sellotape dispenser at the soonest opportunity. Then followed up with a shovel. I signed the petition Lady C started and felt marginally better. However he is boiling my piss to uncomfortable levels and don't even get me started on his fukin slutty moonbump wearing wife.
WB statement is just a pure whine fest. Where's your bloody dignity man Where's your pride? I am embarrassed for him. Every time he opens that gob of his the lies trip of his tongue like elastic and he just manages to make himself look even more stupid than he actually is. And that's saying something because he is REALLY fuckin stupid. Just fuck off you manky grubby over privileged spoilt bratty cunt. You are boring
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Chatty Member
I havent seen Harry's statement yet. Can you point me in the right direction. Thanks

“unquestionably honest” 🙄 no sweetie she wasn’t. She would lie when it suited her (just like the rest of the +7billion people on this planet)

he really is obsessed with ‘life of service’ and ‘protecting’ people isn’t he?


Also, thanks for the new thread and great title ❤
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oh I need to watch on TV - am sure it will all be on ad infitum. But I said this on the last thread: Diana would not have died if she hadnt got into a car with a drunk/drugged (allegedly) driver, and she'd put her seatbelt on. Doesnt mean that Bashir isnt a shit of course.
I think the point they are making is that Bashir‘s lies fed into her paranoia so she didn’t know who to trust. This led to her refusing royal protection officers, who would never have allowed her to get into a car with a drunk driver, would have made her wear a seat belt and would not have been speeding.
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When you think Harry couldn't go any lower he does. I am actually lost for words to be honest.
Ya just when you think he can't possibly escalate his complaining about his family any more he somehow manages it. Back in March the Oprah interview actually was a bombshell big news moment but now it's just run of the mill for Harry to bash his family. It already doesn't have the same impact and it's only May. I really think he needs help. His thinking is very disordered and his stories are full of inconsistencies. I think he genuinely believes what he's saying is the truth though. He's very messed up.
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Since Harry and his wife left, I have felt that William has been flourishing. It's like a weight had been lifted and he could get one with the job. He now no longer has to be his brothers keeper and can focus on more important things like learning what kind of king he would like to be and putting things in to place to make that happen.

I seriously doubt anyone who saw how his father's affair was to his mother would ever put another woman and his children through that and I think thats why it took so long for them to get married so he could be sure.

I also dont think they will have another child. Kate is taking up more responibilties since Louis is in school now and I think it makes perfect sense to have 3. William is aware that one day George will have to focus on being King and that can leave Charlotte and Louis to be siblings.

It's honestly well thought out. William clearly has been watching and learning and deciding things his whole life. He is going to be an excellent King. Glad I will be there to witness it one day.
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He literally doesn’t give a shit about his family does he? It’s very sad. It still makes me laugh how they moved to the states for privacy and now look at them every day there’s something.
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