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Chatty Member
What I don't get is that if the RF are so horribly negligent and abusive, WHY DOES HE KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT? I grew up in a family where, looking back now, I ended up being punished for the sins of my mother; she went to the States, had a relationship with an American man, and had me.Things didn't work out, he married someone else, and mum brought me back to Ireland. Which, as Irish Tattlers will know, was not easy for a single mum in the early '70s. Her two younger sisters were horrified. One actually offered to take me in and raise me with her family, because she was married. Mum said a big no to that.

And so, if they could see any fault in me and what I did, it was pointed out, repeatedly. They covered it up by saying they wanted the best for me, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. My younger cousin was the golden child. I only ended up breaking away from it all about 22 years ago, and I've barely spoken to anyone on mum's side. Three of my uncles died, and I had to find out through death announcements online.

The thing is, I don't speak about all of this on a near daily basis. I'm not in an eternal pit of WOE IS ME. I just get up and keep living my life. Why Fuckwit sees the need to constantly go on and about how hard his gilded life was, I will never know. Apart from attempting to score points, it's just painting over dirt. Or like the little boy who cried wolf. Because one day, he'll say it all again, and no-one will give a shit about any of it.
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The teachers are the ones shitting on math. They're the ones turning out Generation Woke.
Whoa. I am an American teacher, kind of like being an American woman lol. I am leaving teaching because of this woke agenda. Many teachers are not comfortable with what is being required of them. The way history is now taught. Equity. Critical race theory.

Most of us say that we would not recommend teaching as a career if we were asked.

It is just like Americans, some are very vocal! They do not speak for all Americans.

Nor do the teacher’s unions speak for all teachers.

Today I was thinking why am I almost obsessed with Megs. I usually do not get bothered by other people. Live and let live. I am in awe at how manipulative she is. I do not think I have ever seen anyone like this. Ever. Is she incredibly wily, lucky?
I suspect / fear it is all going to end badly. And Henry, is this all him being manipulated or is this all the real Henry. As a psychological study, it is fascinating. I cannot look away.
If Megs planned this all out, wow just wow. I could never even imagine all that has unfolded.
I think (just my opinion) that they both have some form of personality disorder.
People, American or not ;) , just do not act like this.
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By silencing the interview, we are silencing her voice. That doesnt seem that fair!
Sorry, but that's a crock of shit bubba.:mad:
That was not HER voice. It was the voice of someone who had been fed lies and coached (apparently the interview was constantly being stopped for retakes to get the right dramatic effect and her make up and dress carefully chosen to create the woe-is-me look).
Undoubtedly she wanted to have her voice heard, but that was not her voice. It was a somewhat paranoid and bitter woman who had been driven to the edge of insanity with lies about her friends and protection people selling stories about her to an unnamed mysterious moneybags person and by stories that an innocent Swatch Watch was a technical marvel given to Wills to record her conversations. At that point she was actually semi insane and her voice should never have been heard until she sorted out the reality from the lies she'd been fed.
Wills is 100% right to demand the interview be consigned to the trash bin where it belongs. He above everyone knows that was not his mother talking, but a crazy mixed up lady.
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I'm sorry but going over and over your trauma and talking on and on about how much you suffered is the very antithesis of healing and is not a good model. Therapy and talking is important but a good therapist should encourage a client to move in the direction of a future that they want to create and not just go over a painful past. I really do wonder what sort of therapy Harry is receiving that allows for this kind of endless rehashing, in public, of his perceived problems. There is plenty of evidence now in the field of neuroplasticity that the brain can create new neural pathways with the right guidance and to a large extent that means choosing not to look back with regret and angst, but to focus on what you want in the future. I have greatly benefitted from this approach myself in a remarkably short amount of time, getting my life back from a longstanding anxiety disorder and related vertigo, and one of the most helpful things about the programme was effectively not being allowed to focus on my symptoms at all. I don't like what Harry is doing one little bit.
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I think you must have not read the bit when I said :

"Sorry, but this is really weird. I can't imagine the Queen needs to be protected unless she is ill or really struggling with grief."

This is virtually the same as your comment except for the repeated swearing.

I can't believe I need to suggest people read other people's comments before replying to them. I thought that was an obvious part of comment sections. 🙄🥱
I read you comment so no need for me to reread the cr ..... interesting post.
There is no "unless". She's an elderly frail woman who has just buried her soul mate (as I said in the post you might not have read properly). Of course she's grieving and of course she needs protecting when her family and lifestyle and even her parenting skills are being assaulted by a pair of treacherous cunts that she gifted the world and untold wealth to.

And yes, only tell the twats at the last moment because modern technology being so advanced, as I'm sure you know, the Firm can ping Mr and Mrs Cuntchops and then 5 seconds later ping the news to the press and media. In fact, were it my decision I'd ping the cali twats at the same time as the media, since smeggy has a bat phone directly connected to aunty porka and aunty Gayle Bumpuss and they'd be the first people she calls.

Oh to be a fly on the wall when smeggy trills excitedly "Guess what Porka? The old bitch i .... "

Porka : "Yeah, she's dead, we saw it on Sky News".

Sorry you don't like swearing:cry:. I find it theraputic.
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William - someone upthread made the point that William and Catherine have flourished since the Montecito pair left. They bore the brunt of the tantrums and vile unstable emotional and reactive behaviour of JCMH and his wife while they paraded as 'royals'. William's speech yesterday was impeccable, balancing personal involvement as Diana's son, acknowledging the detrimental fallout, and calling for airing of the interview to be put to bed. Very powerful yet regal. The positivity surrounding Catherine's Hold Still venture has been massive with all proceeds going to good causes.
Harry - years ago a colleague had a meltdown at work that was later diagnosed as bipolar disorder and she was sectioned several times. When the right dose of lithium was found she was back to normality and talking coherently again instead of like she had had a religious experience whilst giving birth etc. We can only speculate on Harry's mental health before meeting MM but it is possible that things were under control, on an even keel with whatever medication he was on. İf we believe the rumours then MM and Doria took him off his medication under the guise of eating vegan and doing yoga etc. İ don't think it can be discounted that this act of abandoning prescribed medication has had a contributory factor to the unhinged and scary Hairy we see now. Add the hugely manipulative machinations of the jealous, scheming, vengeful, and avaricious MM to the mix, and it results in the total public personality change and behaviour we see now.
Thank you to all those who have contributed snippets of their own mental health struggles and experiences here. İ especially think whatever counselling that JCMH has had is limited to MM and her mum, and does him no favours by dwelling on the past. He can't see it but he needs to be able to accept, forgive, and move on to a happy and productive life.
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And now he is triggered by the sound of horses hooves?? Didn't stop him playing polo or is that the excuse for treating the horses so badly??
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What exactly is his goal with all this slandering, he left the RF and gone to America to get away from public life and live happily ever after. he’s never shut up since and never off TV.. if u had ur own way what would u like except all the money as that part is obvious

He hates it that the RF don't respond.

They treat him like a toddler having a tantrum and ignore him.

Quite right too. They have the support of each other as a Family Firm. So if any of them waver, there is always someone to urge caution and stop them from lashing out in a rash response.

He is more and more isolated and instead of urging caution. Meghan fuels his anger.
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Chatty Member
"Four years of therapy for an individual that never thought that they would ever need or do therapy is - that’s a long time. I wasn’t in an environment where it was encouraged to talk about it either. That was sort of, like, squashed.”

So he never thought he needed it when he did it years ago, and the campaign intent on encouraging people to talk about MH with his brother and sister in law was an environment where he wasn't encouraged to talk about it.
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As parents we all do our best. Looking back to my younger years I feel I could have done better but that’s with maturity on my side. I’m sure if we could raise our kids again there’s some things we would do differently. I feel Harry isn’t giving Charles a break. He did what he thought was right from his own background and being heir to the throne. He didn’t repeat the mistake and send the boys to Gordenston, he sent them so they’d be close by in Eton. He also hired Tiggy Legg Bourke who Harry in particular adored. I think it’s unfair to heap all the blame on the RF and Charles, Harry has to take some responsibility as a grown man now, he’s no longer a boy. I wonder if he’d be airing his laundry if Charles would be paying all his bills!
Also Harry has said he sweats profusely and gets anxiety during Royal functions. Well why didn’t they have a small intimate wedding. Surely he could have guided that to suit his needs..... but would it have suited Meghan and her Hollywood buddies?!
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I haven’t commented on this thread before As I really don’t want to entertain them. They wanted to leave let them leave it happened with the previous kings brother and the monarchy went on, and again if they wanted to leave it’s their decision and I believe they were free to make it But-gosh where do I start?

A privileged and entitled up-bringing And yes he may not of got the support he felt he needed But where does he actually think all of this is going to get him. Sitting in a house with more bathrooms then They could ever use, Probably been cleaned every day open, carbon footprint? And whining about their life. She picks and chooses her family and her truth when she is countless times been called out.

There are many people who have had tragedies in their life And today have £1 in their purse To feed a family of six, difference is they haven’t got a platform to moan and they probably wouldn’t moan they would just get on with it. They wouldn’t have the luxury of getting a mental health appointment with a therapist within an hour they have to wait a year.

I am sick to death of hearing his endless going on and on and on poor me poor me, With all the mental health help he’s been able to access I would imagine his best bet would be to put it all behind him and look to the future. The private future but he said they desperately wanted, well that’s a bit ironic in its self isn’t it.

I don’t think much of her and her self importance and hypocrisy but Him he is an embarrassment, spoilt self obsessed brat. They feel they can speak the truth but nobody else can speak at all unless it’s for them.

Nobody will listen in the end because they’ll have had enough on both sides of the pond . And what Oprah thought was her pot of gold may end up causing her more harm than good - may as well have gone on Jeremy Kyle.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I don't know if they had any idea or control of the timing but I'm laughing at how they release the documentary on the same day as the Diana announcement. They can't even bear his dead mother to get the limelight over them for one day
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This could have been so simple.....

Prince PWB "This is no longer the life for me ta.....We're off to live a life of quietude, bring up the kids with a bit of normality and carry on supporting our charities"...

the Uk "Off you pop, see you back in the UK for family special occassions......good luck and all that!"

That's how it could have been had they been serious about that being the life they wanted!
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So this time when she supposedly told Hazno that she was depressed and wanted to commit suicide.

According to Haznoclue and the Orca documentary, it was the night they went to the premiere of Cirque du Soleil show "Totem" at the Royal Albert Hall, to represent Sentebale.

So that was January 16, 2019.

At that time they had not moved into Frogmore yet, they were still living at Nottingham Cottage which is at Kensington Palace.

Which is about 30-60 seconds drive AT MOST from the Royal Albert Hall.

So when is she supposed to have come out with this suicide story? In the car, in those mere 60 seconds drive, with a driver in the front seat?
Or at the cottage, right before getting in the car. In which case on coming out with something like that, would you still go? I mean I know it was a big night for what is (or was anyway) his favourite charity and all, but come on, if your wife that he claims he loves dearly, came out with something like that, you'd drop everything to talk about it and cancel the charity appearance or at least delay a few minutes?

Look at all these pictures of their arrival, talking to people, and taking their seats.
Are these the faces of a couple who have just discussed her possible suicide?
I mean I know she's an actress, but she's a shit one. And he isn't an actor at all.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :unsure:
(one m for each cm of her pinochio nose)
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