Hannah Marling #2

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May. I think she’ll end up having a c-section. She’s got some health thing she won’t talk about and a bad back so will probably ask for an elective.
I thought it was sooner than that for some reason. Maybe he's back to back
I thought it was sooner than that for some reason. Maybe he's back to back
I think she had a bad back before pregnancy?

She shared her bills on TikTok and I thought her council tax seemed cheap, so she’s obviously still claiming the single person discount even though he moved in!
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I think she had a bad back before pregnancy?

She shared her bills on TikTok and I thought her council tax seemed cheap, so she’s obviously still claiming the single person discount even though he moved in!

Lmfao see if I were a youtuber/tik toker I'd avoid sharing personal things like this...silly b*tch what a sure fire way of potentially getting reported
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I can’t get over how much stuff she has bought for the baby! She’s also now talking about moving whereas not that long ago she said they wouldn’t be able to afford it. Then in next breath she’s saying she won’t have much income on maternity leave and not doing as much YouTube. Then saying how expensive it is to have a baby. Well yeah if you buy a load of stuff you won’t need and expensive baby clothes.

She has said she has a high risk pregnancy so I think she’s probably got gestational diabetes.
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Most women buy too much for their first baby. It makes me laugh when friends have had lists of things they need to buy for their baby and they end up only using half of what they've bought

Surely if she has gestational diabetes she would've cut down on her sugar and carbs, she doesn't look like she has so I think her "high risk" is something else like blood pressure or the position of the baby.
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This poor baby is going to be such a chav All that Hilfiger.

And if she does “claw hand” one more time so help me GOD. Why do all the YouTubers etc do the claw hand??! You know the one that looks like the "chefs kiss" hand when emphasising a point but almost constantly. It infuriates me but maybe it's more a me problem.

The entitlement when she said her parents were buying all the baby furniture so she may as well get a cot even though she didn't really want one. Urgh.

I'd feel really sorry for her b/f if he didn't seem like a perfectly matching idiot. This girl is high maintenance and it's gonna get so much worse when they have no sleep, endless poop, sick, mess, noise and chaos. Babies aren't fun. I repeat. Babies aren't fun. AT ALL. You'll find have no time to care how cute their Hilfiger outfit is when your eyes are hanging out from tiredness and you haven't had a shower in a week and the flat smells of poop.
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She said that when she split with him the first time she continued to see him out and about and so did her brother and her mum but the ex she had before getting back with him she has never seem since or heard anything about him! So apparently the fact she always saw current boyfriend after they split was a sign to her that they were meant to get back together (or words to that effect!).
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I bet she’ll do the typical youtuber/ influencer thing of dragging out the baby name to create suspense thinking people actually care that much and are so invested in a stranger on the internet’s baby’s name when in reality people lose interest pretty quick.
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She’s going to be a fucking nightmare when that baby’s born. She’s a moaner at the best of times.

She’s never going to be able to find anything in those drawers. She’s just stuffed everything in
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She said she was supposed to go abroad in September on a hen do but the baby will only be 4 months old so shes probably not going to go. I can see what she means but I find her a selfish friend but the type where she doesn’t care about letting friends down but she’ll kick off if they let her down!

She also said her close friends she has known 10 years and another friend since she was 19 and that she has been to Dublin 3 times with people who are no longer in her life. No friends from childhood then? I can imagine she does fall out with people easily.
I have never had a baby so I don’t really know, is it not a bit soon to go on maternity leave? When the baby is due in May?
I have never had a baby so I don’t really know, is it not a bit soon to go on maternity leave? When the baby is due in May?

I haven't had a baby either but I think some women do go on leave early just before the bump gets too big/uncomfortable/noticeable? I really don't know the logistics around it but I feel it isn't unusual for many women to just take the later months off, and I guess that's why a lot of places can be a mad dash to get someone to cover the maternity leave quickly.
She might've had to start it a little bit sooner because of the "high risk pregnancy" issue she keeps mentioning or maybe the bank she works for has a good maternity leave policy.
I think it depends on how uncomfortable you are etc. I wasn’t that uncomfortable and worked up until 2 weeks before my due date as I had an office job and was mainly sat down all day. However, my friend worked 12hr shift patterns standing all day so finished a lot earlier.

Her holiday year is probably Apr-Mar so she’s probably used up the last of her leave to finish earlier. But the fact she’s high risk she is probably going to have an elective c-section so baby might be due in April now ?
I have never had a baby so I don’t really know, is it not a bit soon to go on maternity leave? When the baby is due in May?
I was just coming on to say exactly that. It’s madness, she must have a good 8 weeks left. I suppose if she’s high risk she’ll have lots more hospital appointments but she’s entitled to time off work for those and she’s only working a couple of days a week with no commuting anyway so not exactly tough.With mine I always worked as close to the due date as possible to maximise the amount of maternity leave I could have after they were born. What’s the point having time off before? So you can lie around on the sofa?!
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I think it just depends. I planned with my first to finish at 36 weeks (had to use some AL so officially was 38 week) but by 34 weeks I genuinely couldn’t drive to work, it was a hour and I had water retention that made me resemble Michelin man and i just couldn’t so finished then. But my second was 2021 so still a bit Covid-y and worked from home and he was a planned section so I worked until the Friday that he came on the Monday at 39 weeks.
if I was her I’d be working as long as I could with her working from home too
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I had a good amount of annual leave saved up that I ended up using to allow me to finish 4 weeks before my due date. I loved having that time to potter around and chill before my baby arrived

Difference was I was working full time and community based, going into various clients homes and often driving an hour away from my home which I didn’t feel comfortable with getting further to full term. If I was working from home just a couple of days like Hannah I would’ve carried on further up at least for a few more weeks.