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Wasn't there a big brother contestant called Ziggy who thought he was god's gift to women? Or am I completely making this up?
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And she has two kids, how could anyone expect her to work with two children?! It’s just not feasible, people don’t do that
As if she's walking away from a well paying, from home, ultra-flexible job (that would let her do the school runs) because she can't take accountability for herself and learn? WILD!
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Oh bless Hannah, she’s been reading our comments and seen we know Ziggy’s name so has gone and had a clear out of followers on her personal account!! Looks like you deleted the wrong people!! Not everyone thinks you’re a top lad hun!!!

This is why she missed work lads
loving you for the Tea but be careful this doesn’t become another brogan/becca rose situation, we wouldn’t want to lose you on the forum.

Back to Hannah,

she really does live in lala land 🤣 ‘the pregnancy i thought I would have’ with another parent at home!? Does she realise what a fortune position she was in? Most pregnant women have to actually GO to work 🤦🏽‍♀️ Even in a pandemic you had frontline pregnant women at work and even if they worked from home or didn’t work at all, very rare to have 2 parents at home! She probably only got pregnant because she thought chris would be home all the time to do everything

i’m currently pregnant and looking my toddler whilst my husband works practically all week , I don’t complain, I just get on with it because I knew it would be like this.

again ‘woe is me’ Hannah Always feels the need to play the victim in every situation 🙄
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Can’t wait to see what she comes back with! I still think my comedy gold moment of 2020 was when Hannah described herself as a key worker 😂😂😂
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I've heard it but I've always recognised it to be a racist slur. She wasn't an 80 year old using the term in the 50s, she was a young woman writing this in 2013 where it was pretty widely known to be offensive and she should have known better. There really is no excuse to use it, if she was ignorant about its meaning she should have educated herself instead of avoiding the issue.
I think for me, the thing isn't even the original mistake - people do make bad choices and if you hear it casually your whole life, and you've never experienced racism (hello white privilege!) then you probably won't question it. I remember being 13 years old before I realised the P word was a slur because of where I grew up! HOWEVER. It's Hannah's dedication to keeping it up WAY after people had informed her it was racist as hell, the defending it by claiming she never read the posts, then avoiding all responsibility and not apologising - that's the crux of it, isn't it?

Obviously none of us expect everyone to be perfect all the time - but we do expect an apology and some clear actions to be taken as a result of it!
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She had this “new” platform and could’ve done so much good with it. Instead she showed everyone shitty Xmas sandwiches and cheap trackie bottoms. Absolutely clueless. I was aghast looking through it and wanted to shout “address the racism for fuck sake!!”. A lot of people commented asking for some accountability but Hannah was just like “ooooh, look! A candle!”. Ridiculous.

When will she be back? I say April. Lol.
for real, like I’m white, I don’t know a single person except a colleague I’m vaguely friendly with who isn’t white. I have definitely unknowingly used hurtful language. I have completely had my eyes opened this year about racism in the uk because it’s not something I’ve ever seen in ‘real’ life (because I don’t come in to contact with anyone who isn’t white british) and I would have loved for Hannah to document her journey through learning about these issues and educating herself! Whilst I personally don’t use it, until maybe 5 years ago, most people I knew used that word. It has always made me cringe but I didn’t really understand the breadth of the issue. I have found some of the stories on this thread heartbreaking, and I would have loved to have read stuff like this on her site? I don’t think It’s really the use of the word that’s been the biggest issue (I understand it’s awful), if it truly came from ignorance would you not have handled it better?
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Her writing hasn’t matured because she can’t seem to grow up! She lives in the past still thinks she’s 18 waiting for Thursday night to go to "The Pier" nightclub and have a VK in each hand and do a little slut drop to flo rida!! It’s actually so embarrassing!!!
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They don't even deserve a space online tbh as I will find it difficult to believe their content on the matter is genuine or authentic. Everyone makes mistakes and we need to learn from them and do better, and I agree that running away is not the answer. But Hannah had plenty of opportunities and she repeatedly messed up. I don't think she wants to be doing that sort of content she just wants to do those press release style posts, but probably feels she has been forced into this and she doesn't want to give up the influencer opportunity for easy money so is going along with it.

I hope they prove me wrong but feeling very meh about this. And if she can get through to the white women in her comments refusing to agree Hannah did anything wrong then that is a positive I guess though I'm not holding my breath..

And omg will they get their own images. Or at least start paying the artists if using them to support their ~brand~ which they will be making money from. They possibly are but I doubt it.
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I honestly can’t believe that Hannah was this unprepared for the backlash she would get from this episode. That she thought she could segué back into the picture without acknowledgment of her mistakes. Yet again she’s let herself down by dropping the hot potato and running away. The “statement” on their page pretty much says “see ya later bye”. Hideous!
I keep thinking about their first post saying they planned to launch their venture in a posh hotel with champagne. Wearing lipstick and cute clothes 😷 you're right they are hideous
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Gosh this really has turned into a mess hasn't it.

It's disappointing to see Hannah end up this way. I loved her blog back before she had a baby (I always zone out from influencers once they have children, as their content always changes). When I first discovered her through a viral list she became one of my favourites. I loved her vlogs. I also really liked that she was so open about mental health when it wasn't as common for it to be discussed online. She just seemed like a normal person and relatable in a way that most people I followed didn't.

It is very disappointing to see how she has handled this. The fact she didn't take it down after being told countless times makes it hard for her to explain, as she can't do the usual oh god I had no idea/didn't realise at the time it was bad/forgot I had ever written it/know better now. And then another mistake of just acting like all is fine and everyone had forgotten, and the blocking of words like BLM and racism from her comments is insane and so unacceptable. I really don't know where she will go from here...
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Lurker here but I had to post as I am CRINGING. One of the black influencers they have followed this evening has been liking all the comments on their posts asking Hannah to acknowledge where she went in the first place. How embarrassing!
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I totally agree that Hannah needs to give up the shitty “venture” that she’s on now. It’s lazy and thoughtless and just not relevant now... I mean, who is ACTUALLY going to spend £50 on a real mini Christmas tree with a few gold coins on it in the middle of a pandemic?
I bought 2 because Hannah said so and now have no money for food. It's hard being so influenced all the time 💔
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Caption your photo with a whinge about your children, how disgustingly filthy you are yet how much it shocks you that you have bad skin. Aannnnnd you're done. 😂
I feel like we should all play HG bingo when she returns
- a lil summin summin
- a reference to her boyfriend as “childcare”
- a midi skirt
- a “size up”
- another post about being a ‘working mummy’ 🙄
- an unmade bed featured somewhere
- toddler complaint
- pineapple rice
- chipped manicure
- aldi pretzel choccy huns
- open mouth fake laugh
- hand on chin pose
- greasy hair reference


Have I missed anything!?
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Hannah show us the RECEIPTS. What have you been doing? Where have you been learning? Which BIPOC (especially chinese) ppl have you compensated lately? 'it's an ongoing process' WHAT PROCESSES ARE YOU GOING THROUGH? God the audacity to basically say 'you're gonna have to follow us to find out how inclusive we really are lol' is wild. What is your vision for inclusivity? How are you going to ensure you reach that target, without being tokenistic? Will you be amplifying the voices of BIPOC who have called you out in the past, or just ones who haven't pissed you off? Will you be addressing your white ass privilege AT ALL? Grim. Truly grim.
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And you see that this talented, eloquent and quite good at photos instagrammer has less than 1k followers! This is what frustrates me about influencers, it’s all the “cool kids” when there are so many talented people out there hidden away because they don’t have mates with huge followings that’ll drop them in their stories, or they haven’t written a post that’s gone viral because nobody gives them a second look. It’s a crying shame.
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She literally wrote in her own statement that she didn't do the work. Absolutely wild that so many followers are choosing to defend her. White women so committed to sandwich reviews they can't even see she's admitted not taking action.
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