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Chatty Member
Love, how she seems to mumble directions, like a primary teacher in a school dance or so… 😅
I can read lips. She's actually telling them to "use code GALE20 for 20% off Beauty Pie Greaseball Hair Serum"

I can only presume it's how she bribed them to participate in the first place
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I’m usually just a lurker to this thread but couldn’t not post something after watching todays stories! I’ve been in almost the exact same situation as her (relationship breakdown/kids same age etc) and I am genuinely BAFFLED at how blaze and forgive me for saying, excited she is about her relationship breaking down and moving to a flat.
I get that she is perhaps looking forward to having her own space after continuing to live in the same house as her ex-partner but seriously, plastering your excitement all over the internet while your kids now have to split their lives in two?! I feel guilt and shame everyday that my kids lives are disrupted. It was the right thing and they are happy but I still wish they didn’t have to experience what they are doing!
You're forgetting Hannah's biggest fear is someone maybe not thinking she's living her absolute best life at all times.
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She’s lives him AND he’s her shining light?! I can’t cope. Also,

Pricey AF? You’re on a FREE holiday! Anything is pricey when you have to pay for it! £130 seems quite a bargain to me for a whole day out inc food and drinks 2 adults and 2 kids?
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Caffeine Fiend

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Not sticking up for Hannah in any way here but women do get judged unfairly in scenarios like this. If Im out with my children I never get asked where their Dad is.

If my partner takes the youngest to birthday parties or somewhere without me he will be asked where I am.

Dad should be a competent parent that can manage without Mum. Either in a relationship or with coparenting. Hannah obviously feels safe in the knowledge the kids are happy, safe and cared for when theyre with Chris.
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christ on a bloody bike BUNKING OFF COLLEGE (couldn’t tell you what course she’s doing mind you, she never mentions it 👀) to hang about with tiny boyfriend. i weep
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Chatty Member
Is it 'really really cute' Hannah, or is it actually just a bit embarrassing?

She loves telling us what we're supposed to think of things doesn't she.


Hannah you're in your fucking thirties. Nobody. Cares.
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Chatty Member
She just needs to go silent and deal with her family business, much like Chris has. The hospital stuff is for content and sympathy (and to strengthen her doctor perception).

Personally I couldnt be dragging myself to a shit hotel for a night of caustic bumming from a failed jockey, after moaning about hospital beds and broken sleep all week. And then telling the world. Shut up woman.
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View attachment 1991356This shite just does my head in - it’s a justification for Hannah to live her selfish life and it’s utter bollox, sorry in a grumpy mood today 😂
Ps well done to whoever deciphered cozzy livs 🤯🤯😂
These things drive me mad. "Slow dance in your underwear" fuck off, it's so self indulgent and pretentious. If you want a life where you can do whatever you want 'just because', don't have kids.
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Hannah you big greasy egg, even now you only do 50% of the parenting (probably less than that tbf), you still “share the load” and it definitely is NOT “all on you”. You took a friend on (a gifted!) holiday with you because you couldn’t fathom looking after your children on your own for more than 10 bloody minutes 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Wow I ran over here as soon as she posted this! She’s such a privileged brat. Does she realise a lot of people have to do things like bath, bed, get their kids up for school etc on their own because their partners are out working or they’re carers to their partners etc.
she’s an absolute lazy slob, she gets free bloody holidays and seems happy now she isn’t with Chris so she can have days off parenting.
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Gone all the way to NYC to get a Maccies and shop for fast fashion by the looks of it. What a total loser. If she had a load of amazing experiences lined up it might help justify why she felt the need to leave her kids, but it seems like she's gone there to just... walk around?

The story the other night about crying when she saw the skyline made me want to physically turn myself inside out.
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Not sure what gives me the ick more.. Tony boyfriends disgusting pout he’s doing in their selfie or the return of her sons of anarchy leather vest

** Tiny boyfriend but I bet she’d rather go out with Tony’s Chocolney so the autocorrect stays 👍🏼
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Chatty Member
Periods are normal and natural and nothing to be ashamed of but you also don’t need to share every detail of your life. No one needed to know that.
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Chatty Member
I love that she couldn’t be arsed finding ten things for the HG Ten so she had to rebrand it 😂
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