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Once again Tim gets something only for himself. The children just stare and watch him eat/drink. No juices, smoothies or anything else for them.

He is such a horrid father.
They could have gotten 2 refreshers with no ice,asked for 4 small cups of ice and made enough drinks for all the kids. Parents with multiple kids do it all the time but these two morons have no idea because they’re not used to taking the kids to places like this. I will never understand how you can take your kids to places like these and get something for yourself and the idiotic wife while your kids look on hoping and praying and salivating at the mouth that maybe this time they’ll get something, and the way it doesn’t bother the parents speaks volumes.
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I couldn't agree more. Ella got a BTEC version of the man she wanted 🥴. I fail to understand how 2 grown up parents want to be so rich and famous and prioritise that over their children's happiness/wellbeing/future. Maybe when you're childless, young and naive, that can be an excusable mindset. Are they mentally well?
Exactly if they were younger , naive and childless like you said then maybe you could make excuses for them being selfish and obsessed with money and fame cause you could say they’re immature they’ll grow out of that but there are no excuses for Ella and Tim to be acting the way they do you are right.
Ella and Tim are both attention seekers and only care about themselves. Those kids make them money and that’s all they care about. They treat Halo like a little accessory to get views cause their fans are obsessed with mixed raced babies but Ella and Tim don’t show any genuine love for Halo. You wouldn’t guess a new baby is in their home cause there’s been no excitement over her at all. They find Halo boring as sad as that makes me feel to say it is the truth cause they both didn’t want another baby girl so they’ve no interest.
Ella 100% thought Tim was going to be a rich and famous rapper. She was a young girl who was obsessed with him cause he’s white and she thought it was cool how he raps. She went with what she thought was impressive and to get babies that would get white genes cause Ella is not confident being a black woman which is sad she’s that insecure about herself but she also puts her one insecurities into her daughters minds by how often she compares their hair and features. Ella’s dad knew Tim wasn’t a good choice and unfortunately Ella being young wasn’t going to listen to her dad which is a shame cause shes ended up with Tim who is a terrible husband and father.
I think Ella and Tim are just materialistic and want to be living a rich life in designer clothes and going on holidays without any responsibilities and even though they chose to have all those kids , I do think they are bitter towards the kids cause they blame the kids for them not being able to go do whatever they want cause they are parents. Heze is their favourite child too not only cause he is a boy but because in their eyes he is the star of the family and he’s the only child they put time into with his football only because they pray it leads to him being professional so they can spend his money. The other kids there’s no real interest in them from their parents and that includes Rue too. Rue gets more attention than the girls only because he is a boy and is the backup option when it comes to football cause if Tim’s plan of having a footballer son doesn’t work out with Heze then he has Rue to try make it happen with. It’s clear Rue isn’t as interested in football as Heze but he is playing football cause he wants to be like Heze and he knows it gets him attention cause his parents have forced him to be like that so he doesn’t know anything else or how to be his own person with his own interests. I feel sorry for these kids cause they don’t know how they’re being exploited and how their parents are the ones making money from them and spending the money while they don’t get to enjoy any of it they’re just sent to their grandmothers house and only needed when their parents want to film YouTube videos or Instagram videos to make some money or get some more attention.
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Their subscribers are honestly delusional, I think they grew up in cults because I’ve never seen seen a group of people who are happy to ignore all the glaring signs these parents display every time they post a video. They’re blinded by,omg gosh halo is Halle’s twin Halle looks like her mom why doesn’t anyone have Tim’s eyes they are so pretty omg I love their hair I love how they spend all their time together omg Tim and ella look alike omg they speak so well and are so well behaved. It’s constant and is honestly disturbing how obsessed they are with this family so they just close their eyes to everything else. They did the same thing with the dog situation,no one thought it was cruel to introduce 3 dogs to the kids and just take them away when they didn’t need them for views anymore. It’s just insane.
Sorry this is so long but when I see their fans comment on how polite and well spoken the kids are it makes me roll my eyes cause they’re far from that minus Harper who out of all the kids in my opinion is the sweetest she doesn’t have a horrible attitude she’s just a nice child with a lovely personality but unfortunately she’s so overlooked in that family and ignored. I know she’s a child but sorry it has to be said Halle has a terrible personality and I really don’t like her personality at all she’s honestly so full of herself and has the biggest ego she’s just like Tim in every single way and that’s a very bad thing. She constantly talks about her looks that’s all she cares about cause her parents have only ever talked about the girls appearances so it’s no wonder it’s led to Halle being this way. She acts like she’s better than everyone even putting down her own sisters mainly Harper’s appearance and style to make herself look better. Her confidence is too much and she needs to be humbled cause she’s going to be an even worse nightmare the older she gets and people in the real world won’t put up with that or want to be her friend.
The kids have normal english accents they speak normally they’re not super well spoken it’s just that the American fans are obsessed with everything about this family and think they’re perfect. Hosanna can’t even read properly which isn’t her fault but the fans of this family overlook all these things. Hosanna looks drained and worn out a lot of the time cause she’s literally a kid who has to act like a mum to her younger siblings every single day. Yes being one of the older siblings it makes sense she’s going to help with some things with the younger ones that happens in every family but this on another level this is too much no child at Hosannas age should be raising her siblings cause her parents are too lazy to. Hosanna doesn’t have much of a personality either and gets jealous very easily cause she’s just seen as another mum while her brothers get all the attention on their football.
Heze is full of himself he doesn’t like when the attention isn’t on him as he already knows his parents see him as the future star of the family cause they have convinced Heze he will be a footballer and put this pressure on him and I find that cruel cause there’s a chance he may never be a footballer so they should of been giving him a good education to fall back on. They took away any chance for him to have a personality and different interests and instead he’s unhealthy obsessed with football and his attachment to that football is very odd behaviour it’s not normal.
Halo is a baby so can’t say anything about her only that the poor thing is so unwanted. Houston fair enough no toddler is perfect they have their moments and I think she is desperate for attention so can’t hate on a child for that growing up in their family but you can tell they struggle with her and let her do whatever she wants but that’s not going to be a good thing in the long run but that’s their choice if they can put up with her being badly behaved.
Rues personality was absolutely destroyed by them it’s such a shame. He was such a cheeky funny little boy but they acted like he was rude and disrespectful so constantly gave out to him for it to the point he acts a lot different now and always seems like he is zoned out. That kid does not love football , I do believe Heze has more of a love for it but Rue has no other choice to like it cause it was forced on him instead of them letting him figure out his own interest. I will say he’s a smart kid cause I can see by his facial expressions and the questions he asks that he can see through Ella and Tim’s bullshit and after they answer one of his questions they try silence him cause they know he’s onto them and then the poor kid is left so confused cause he knows they are lying and acting different on camera.
The recent video with the interior designer the kids constantly interrupt they’re too opinionated when it’s not needed and some of the kids can’t accept they’re not always right and it reminds me of Tim. The interior designer looked uncomfortable when Ella referred to her as the kids auntie. This is all Ella and Tim’s fault that the kids are like this. Ella and Tim are going off on shopping sprees by designer stuff with the money the kids made them! it’s the kids I feel sorry for.
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Well-known member
I just caught a clip of it and thought the same thing.
In this cost of living crisis you would think the parents would consider how putting your eggs in one basket is not the way to go. Immerse yourself in different sports and different hobbies.
They also also need to look at themselves and ensure they push the girls to go out be amazing strong independent women. Or else they will face some issues they don’t want to deal with.
Also, either take home-schooling seriously or allow your children to get an education at an actual school. Heze could be a wonderful writer, brilliant at designing and making products, or excellent at science. We'll never know and neither will he.

The lack of education the children are receiving makes me angrier the more I think about it. How is it not considered some form of abuse? They are stunting their mental development (and not just in an intellectual sense, but also in terms of creativity, curiosity and emotional awareness), removing present opportunities for self-discovery (the children haven't organically found out they have a certain interest or strength - the boys have been told it's football and the girls have been told it's dancing/acting), and removing future employment opportunities. It's cruel.
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They’re copying dad v girls content 100% cause they’ve seen how successful dad v girls have become and the money they’re making and getting interviewed on this morning and that’s what Tim and Ella desperately want is that social media fame and money. That’s why Tim and Ella are trying to become best friends with dad v girls tagging them in their stories to show they’re watching their videos and I noticed Tim went and followed every single member of dad v girls family including Joel’s siblings and Sarah’s siblings when they didn’t even follow Tim or the grimwades which is very weird that’s how desperate Tim is to get close to dad v girls. If Joel and Sarah had any common sense they would see they’re being used by Tim and Ella and that isn’t a genuine friendship it’s just about followers that’s all Tim and Ella want as their channel is failing to grow.
Also in their new video I thought it was a bit cruel to go to McDonald’s and rub it in the kids faces that they’re not getting anything only Tim is. Why couldn’t Tim of also ate breakfast at home with the rest of the family? I wouldn’t of been able to get myself a McDonald’s while the kids are all in the car being left out it’s unfair in my opinion. They announced Tim was getting McDonald’s and the kids got excited thinking they were too but then Ella said only Tim is getting something , acting like he’s a king who deserves special treatment it’s weird
Yeah my mum and dad would never have done that Mcdonald’s thing to me.
They really need to give up at this point.
They copied the Kabs and still didn’t get anywhere and now copying this other family
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I'm shocked! Tim actually did some 'work' with the editing. I bet he demanded more king treatment after that 😅. I agree with what has been said, they are trying to mature these kids so fast. Hosanna might be 'mature' because she's had no other option but to be mature for her age in family who's parents expect the girls to be responsible before their brains are capable. Kids should enjoy being kids (especially when they contribute to parents reeping the rewards financially(
Teaching girls to mainly good at being a wife /cleaning and producing kids is so old fashioned. Having a husband like Tim is NOTHING to be proud of Ella!
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I felt Hosanna was upset, I think she doesn't want her mama copying her style. Ella clearly looks at the girls as competition. The first slide on instagram, Hosanna is looking at what Ella has on and rolling her eyes. Last slide in the elevator, Ella catches on to Hosanna being upset and smirks. It's so sad that everything she does is to keep Tim's attention. I feel for Hosanna trying to have your own identity, but your mother's only goal in life is to keep your dad near.

Also these people are COMPULSIVE LIARS!! They did a video she took the girls shopping. In the video every girl picked a outfit and at the end of video Ella was going to pay for the outfits. Well the outfit Halle picked was a Mickey Mouse outfit. Today on their stories Halle picked the same outfit????
I noticed Halle picking out the same Mickey Mouse outfit that she said she was getting in their last video!! and Halle said in the Instagram stories she was getting them oversized which is what she also said in the YouTube video when she tried on the outfit that was too big for her but said that’s what she wanted it oversized so it’s not like they’ve gone to get the outfit in a smaller size in the stories so I’m assuming they didn’t actually buy the stuff in the video cause controlling Tim probably needs to give his approval first.
Also Ella copying Hosannas style made me laugh cause of how cringe that is. Tim likes those basketball jerseys and I’ve seen him compliment Hosanna when she’s wearing one and Ella probably was jealous and always wants to look perfect to him so no wonder she’s now copying her daughter.
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Chatty Member
Thank you for the new thread!

It really boggles the mind, doesn't it? So they are reacting to whatever is said on gossip forums instead of actually planning their children's weekly activities properly.

They need a proper homeschool tutor/teacher. Or else send them to formal school.
They need weekly sporting activities. Other children their age play different sports at least 3 times a week.
They need other educational activities like art classes, music, poetry/writing, science experiments etc. Things that open their minds.

I would really hate for any of the girls to turn into Ella when they grow up!
Well at least were making the kids life better. My pointing stuff out. And the grimeade gang says being 'negative' is bad.
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Would explain why ella is so desperate to lose weight and dumped Halo so soon. Tim was probably getting really friendly with one of the moms or something on heze football team. Just something to do with when he would take heze to football no doubt. She trying to keep up with Tim.
I still think she did something drastic to lose the weight and I’m not talking about wearing a waist trainer every day. I also think the husband stepped out on her, the way she dresses and dumped that baby off to the side speak volumes.
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Their IG likes on main Grime channel is shocking compared to other interracial families, their latest 'Nike' effort 718 20 hours, previous likes are in their low thousands hardly taking internet by storm ....can't they take a hint? 🤔
They’re content has changed so much and people aren’t buying the BS any longer. It’s very boring and annoying. To drive through a McDonald’s and get nothing for your children but a bottle of water was the worse. Who the hell travels with children and have no snacks, food , drinks etc.
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I think the kids would actually enjoy going to school . With so many children you would expect a homeschool room lots of open ended toys and lots of projects etc . I don’t think I’ve ever seen these kids do any school work besides a cheap math book or handwriting practice !
Ella never wanted Halo! She was done with kids but tim doesn’t want to use protection so another baby it was . As for the house they own it but I think they only got it because they hoped for another milkshake kids show and other work so they could show off their house. With little money coming in they are struggling to furnish everything . The interior designer was a gifted experience hence she’s been dropped after design stage and they would never pay for the furniture ! They are hoping companies will see their big new house and gift them new items .
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Or cooking
Or shopping
Bathing children
Changing nappies ….. I could go on hours!
He believes he is the most hardworking man in the world and it’s so cringe when he says he’s doing bits and on his grind cause the only reason they have money is cause of those kids getting the views on the channel
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“It was hard to celebrate Harper’s birthday because of what was going on.” Wow imagine what a bit of planning could have done. How convenient there was not much going on during Dim and Hella’s birthdays. “Every birthday the kids get decorations, gifts, special meals and family love.” WHAT!?

Kids: Decorations: Ballons & Streamers
Gifts: Nail polish, Soccer ball
Special meals: Hella doesn’t cook
Family love: As long as camera is recording

Parents: Decorations: Expensive Hotel
Gifts: Designer Only & plenty of them
Special Meals: Restaurant's
Family Love: What family?

Interesting…nothing ever seems planned out for the kids. For weeks we’ve only seen the kids duvet beds on the floor. For months (honestly years) no homeschooling or a dedicated, regularly implemented education taking place. Their children’s gifts are not exciting adventures or presents (that look like they haven’t picked them up last minute from the discount stores.) On the flip side things involving Dim and Hella seemed planned out to the smallest detail, seems “hella” expensive, as do their gifts. They will show us this but not the wonderful things taking place in their kids lives. Dim”wit” & Hella”mess” have nothing to show us because nothing has changed.
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I noticed Halle picking out the same Mickey Mouse outfit that she said she was getting in their last video!! and Halle said in the Instagram stories she was getting them oversized which is what she also said in the YouTube video when she tried on the outfit that was too big for her but said that’s what she wanted it oversized so it’s not like they’ve gone to get the outfit in a smaller size in the stories so I’m assuming they didn’t actually buy the stuff in the video cause controlling Tim probably needs to give his approval first.
Also Ella copying Hosannas style made me laugh cause of how cringe that is. Tim likes those basketball jerseys and I’ve seen him compliment Hosanna when she’s wearing one and Ella probably was jealous and always wants to look perfect to him so no wonder she’s now copying her daughter.
Ella looked so bloody stupid in that oversized T-shirt dress. She looked deluded

How stupid do they look in them jerseys🤣 especially Ella with the socks and sliders
Ella looked like she was from a mental institute. Is she for real
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Chatty Member
Hosanna's another year older and she still can't read her birthday cards. :(
I noticed that. It was a printed card too do they can't even blame handwriting. They need to do better a ten year old shouldn't struggle to read a simple card. Ella finished reading it for her.
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He’s an attention seeker clearly. He showing off for the lash lady on his IG. If she’s there for Ella why is he even in the room. Singing making hisself look a hot mess. The lady looks uncomfortable and trying to play with Halor
He needs a day job, what man feels so comfortable just being around the house all day not doing anything productive? Go find a job to bring in more income into the household, it’s been months and the kids still don’t have beds to sleep in or chairs to sit on to eat.
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Chatty Member
And they're out again. Their cult has to be starting to see through the bull crap now. Come on! Imagine all the stuff they don't share on Instagram. And what in the heck is Ella doing on the wall?

Tim mentioned something about finally getting harper into gymnastics classes and her doing well and all of a sudden Ella wants to show off her handstand?

I'm starting to really think something is wrong with Ella. Like for real. She in a competition with her six year old or something?
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