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How a couple with 7 kids can have a few dates nights every week is beyond me! Neither work so spend all day together anyway. I guess if your kids don’t go to school you can go out midweek as you have no school run and kids to get up early!

Not sure why Ella is giving us a lecture on how to be more like her and Tim?! 🥴
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they really think they are doing something 🤦🏾‍♀️
She's really talking about how having 7 children is stressful like getting them ready in the morning. You'd think she was forced to have them? But she's the same person who would agree to have another one if Tim wanted to (as he has clearly stated before). I don't understand and I don't think I ever will.
They are beyond shameless.
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Ella, is back at it getting her hair braided and had the nerve to post the baby Halo was crying her little heart out and Haze had to get her and rock her to sleep. But on her lap was Houston fast asleep. What’s more important you new born or getting your hair braided.?
I know I post a lot on here but I can't seem to hold back because this family are too blatant...their priorities are way off for a couple with young children.
Apparently they were meant to be have a date the house...Ella said it was just meant to be herself and her husband. They probably told their kids to stay in bed..opsies I mean on the floor...on their duvets. The texture of duvets on their own is so uncomfortable against the skin, I wonder how the kids have managed this long.
Houston joined their date night and Ella complained about it. She probably loved getting their undivided attention when all they wanted was to be kid free (in the same house as their kids 🤦).
Ella probably HAD to do that date night to treat Tim like a King before getting him to agree to go to cosco with all the kids
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Yep! The Tattlers are their only ‘Real’ commenters.. Hence why we are the only ones commenting REAL TRUTHS.. And it explains why the start doing all the things we call them out on, such as homeschooling, trips for the children and decent presents for them instead on £1 shop junk!

I've been thinking this too. I haven't ever read a comment section so full of mindless praise before. It's wild and has to be fake. And it's sus how a lot of the comments pretty much say the same thing.

They have their regulars. Like that one really abrasive commenter who even attacks people who say nice things about the family if they misunderstood something and that other lady who likes to just comment how cute the kids are. I think some of the commenters are Tim or Ella themselves, mostly Ella since Tim is so lazy.

But yeah the majority are paid comments and I think it has something to do with the random scam messages they get that they don't bother to delete. Most YouTubers delete those because they're scams and don't want their subscribers falling for them. But if it's part of a deal to get free comments that explains that.
I fully agree that Tim and Ella are behind those comments. They are so easy to work out. I’m still trying to get over how fake they were in the how I lost my baby weight so quick, the interview style video. It’s so laughable that you would go to such lengths for YouTube fame. And Ella with her fake posh, accent curving her hair behind her ears. Do me a favour and give up being fake it’s so obvious.
Tim smokes weed (nothing wrong with that) but he tries to hide it so well. Tim has probably been caught out either messaging another women or he was in some sort of emotional relationship and Ella found out. I believe this was when she was pregnant. Something about the video where she was pregnant trying on all those outfits. Something was off with the vibe. I believe Hez knew about it.
Now we see nothing but Tim constantly praising his wife, acting like they are in the honeymoon period and just overly showcasing his love for Ella. It’s weird because he has never been like this towards Ella. Even when they kiss there doesn’t seem to be any passion. I sense some sort of resentment from Ella towards Tim, but she masks it with her fake laugh and fake praise that she has the best husband. This is just my opinion on what I’ve seen from what they showcase to the world.
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Do the parents have a bed?
I will bet my last dollar that they do! Can’t imagine the king of the castle sleeping on a duvet on the floor.

The pose screams arrogance.
Someone who thinks he's really good at making babies and exploits them thinks that's his legacy? Literally anyone can procreate and even do a better job at being a father but he is the definition of greatness??
Iam really disliking this 'man' more and more each time he posts.
He has been blessed with beautiful children no doubt but the way he takes credit for every little thing makes me wish there was someone to bring him down a peg or two.
Is this typical of British men because I see this kind of entitlement way too often but this one goes even further by putting it on social media
He should go into modeling, all this time he spends getting his pictures taken might as well get paid for it. This guy ego is huge, hey lazy man Tim you have a huge family to take care of stop posing for the camera and pick up a job or help out more at home, how about homeschooling your kids and stop being a waste man.
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There is no homeschooling doing in at all. Heze is secondary school age it’s disgusting

The time when all kids are in lessons at school they are all together either at home doing tik tok dances or at their free gym swimming. How have child services not picked up on the fact there is no education taking place here. All different ages all together all day. It’s unbelievable

If Ella can get kids ready to follow Tim to the gym every day why can’t she get them ready to go to school. This is the strangest family on utube I’ve ever seen. How do they even get all their activities for free they don’t pay for anything. I can tell now they hinting for free gymnastics for Harper. I wouldn’t be surprised is they don’t even pay for their bills themselves but the in-laws help. They are like a pair of immature teenagers that use their kids for likes and money.
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I usually agree with people’s points on here but I’m not sure Heze and Rue sharing is such a big issue. My 12 year old shares with her 3 year old sister, It’s never striked me as odd before. The main issue is probably that Heze said he didn’t want to, It’s a big house so it’s not as though they had no choice
Exactly they had the option of giving Heze his own room but they didn’t because they want to have full control over their kids and don’t want them to have any privacy. They want Rue in the room with Heze to keep an eye on things cause they know Rue would tell them everything if they questioned him. It’s different if you’re in a living situation where there’s not much space and your kids have to share cause that’s just how it is but their situation is different and they want to keep an eye on Heze and all the kids 24/7. I also don’t like that Harper is sharing the two younger ones cause Harper is closer in age to Halle than she is Houston. Hosanna and Halle leave Harper out so much already. They don’t care about their kids feelings.
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View attachment 1325110

I have no idea when he got the tattoo but his wife posted this yesterday praising him for it
It’s old, and I believe this is her attempt at convincing others they have true love which we’ve all seen isn’t the case. She must have put up three or four post praising him on his belated birthday. Didn’t she spend time with him while again leaving all kids between both grandparents homes? I wouldn’t be surprised if the hotel stay was free the way they keep mentioning it. They act as though they haven’t been any where but have been gone the past few weekends without the kids. Halo is just on her own poor baby since birth.
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'Most romantic holiday'...I bet the kids holiday was a chore then!? They can't handle the kids they already have but baby number 8 sounds good? Also whose gonna listen to these 2 rumbling on about being good at making children on a podcast🤣? They do love the sound of their own voices.
They defo had an argument on that day that they posted on insta like kids do nowadays. Phones at the ready to show embarrassing. Who wants to bet Tim doesn't even know how to use washing machine?

In the most recent vid Ella is plating up breakfast for her and Tim. They’re at a buffet can Tim not put his own food on the plate ?
She's a servant not wife
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They've had more me time and more couples time in 8wks than me n my hubby have had in 3yrs. Weve only left her to attend a wedding this April. Not once have we been on a date, left her with anyone because we havent felt the need. We love each others company, we have one common goal which is to give our child what ever she requires be it 9 stories over breakfast or a snuggle dance to sleep.
To me they cant physically and mentally cope with the children they produce. So they feel the need to leave the house to forget they are parents. Thats the only way i can explain it.
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How childish is this...feeding a baby with your cheek while you show off on insta
This is definitely a photo op,this moron believes it’s a woman’s job to feed and change the kids. I bet he read here how he and the wife are always away from their children so he’s pretending that he does this often. He’s such an a**hole I just wish he’d put all that effort he puts into fooling his subscribers towards getting a job, oh my bad his subscribers think he’s extremely busy working hard for his wife and children.

I hope that if we’re right about the kids being left alone that Hosanna tells another adult in her life like Ella’s mum and she actually does something about it. They need someone looking out for them 😔
She won’t though, have you met her father? he’s a master manipulator and gaslighter and they are all afraid of him.
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All the older girls are conceited to some level because they're told they're cure all day long and so much emphasis on looks by parents. They must be aware it's because they're mixed. But Harper appears more conceited than the rest and good luck to her mixing with people when she thinks like that. When your own dad (and possibly mum) is delusional about his looks, how is he ever gonna teach her to be humble.
Not sure if you meant Halle, yes she is a very pretty girl but boy doesn't she know it, her attitude makes her unpleasant.
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Did anyone else notice in the most recent vid at 13:12 Ella passes halo to hosanna and hosanna doesnt look happy at all!! Poor thing must be so tired of being forced to hold babies
She clearly rolled her eyes when she handed the baby down and then she picks up Houston. She Hella has no attachment to baby Halo at all. Hosanna was clearly upset you could see it all in her face. Smh
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Why have so many children if you require so much time alone with your spouse?

I hate it when people have children only to neglect them emotionally.
Honestly I don’t think there is one aspect of their children’s development that they haven’t neglected. As a mother Hella should be putting her children before all else. Dumbass you bought them into this world now do your damn job and take care of them. That idiot baby daddy of yours is so over you. I suspect Dim has already moved on, but sticks around for—wait for it—your kids income!!! Your an utter disgrace but clearly too stupid to realize it.
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Tim was the only one going than ella decided to tag along and she obviously couldn't without the kids. I don't think ella liked the idea of Tim being alone in a gym.
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Have they been priming Halle to keep saying I want to go to Jamaica/go to Jamaica as a whole family...I smell subtle hint dropping there to holiday companies..🤔
They're so shameless it's unreal so wouldn't be surprised. Part of me wishes I could fast forward to about 10 years just to see if the kids come out and expose their parents 🤭
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It's evident...out again.....👀
They take advantage of Ella’s parents. Their attitude is always Ella’s mum will look after the kids and they don’t even feel bad leaving all those kids for her mum to take care of all the time. Yeah her mum should never of let it get to this stage of her being the one raising her grandkids but she probably doesn’t want to risk arguing with Ella about it. I know Tims parents help out a little with the kids mainly Tim’s mum and it’s just so wrong in my opinion to expect other people to take care of your kids for you because you want to go out all the time spending money acting like a couple who have no kids and no responsibilities at home. Halo is only a few months old and they haven’t bonded with her at all. There has been absolutely no excitement around that baby and you would expect when there’s a new baby in the house it’s a lovely time but for them they aren’t interested and are so ungrateful they don’t deserve those kids.
Ella looks fed up everytime she’s holding Halo like she’s thinking I wish we hadn’t had this baby cause I’m not interested and I’m bored and Tim looks the exact same anytime he’s holding the baby. They pick her up when she needs to be picked up but there’s no strong love and bond there and it’s sad. She’s left on the floor or the kitchen worktop like she’s a toy and nobody cares if she falls especially when I see some of her siblings picking her up off the worktop but they aren’t holding her head and then they throw her back down and they’re lucky she hasn’t hit her head yet. If that baby was a boy they would be way more interested in the child but cause it’s a girl they just see it as another girl they didn’t need or want.
They’ve made money from YouTube especially as time has gone by they’ve made even more and I think it’s got to the point Ella and Tim are seeing other youtubers have all these holidays and do all these things that they can’t do cause they have a lot of kids to take care of and it’s clear Ella and Tim are envious of other people which is why there’s been all this talk of holidays etc cause they’re desperate to escape their life as parents. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re hoping Ella’s mum takes the hint that they want a holiday so she can look after the kids for a week while Ella and Tim selfishly go on holiday.
The kids are the money makers they have got them all the views and subscribers and the fake happy perfect Christian family image they portray on YouTube brings in views too.
I wonder what it’ll be like in the future when all these kids from family channels are adults and realise how much their parents exploited them and all the money they made for their parents and none of the money was really spent on the kids cause their parents are greedy and selfish. Family vlogging is so weird cause how can anyone think it’s a good idea to post videos of your kids lives online knowing pedos and weird people are attracted to that kind of stuff and as horrible as it is to think about it’s reality and those poor kids can’t properly consent to being on camera cause they don’t fully understand what that means and who is watching them.
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Her dad seems nice. I can’t imagine what she has with Tim was her experience growing up so how does she think this is normal
Actually, they've shown her dad in his house helping out with dishes in the kitchen while Ella's mum cooked so Ella only allows Tim's behaviour...she didn't learn it from her dad. Her dad also mentioned how he was very hard working at times when in going out leaving the house for several hours to support family. Tim was listening to all this ....imagine how shameless you have to be to hear this from your father in law and not even think about how lazy you have been to his daughter lol.
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Her lips looked completely fine. She didn’t need fillet. I saw a video of two black girls being interviewed recently saying the same lips they were bullied for as kids is what other girls would kill for these says
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