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Whenever I see Heze with the football I cringe and remember myself at his age. I’d been into gymnastics all my life and was really talented.
I loved the sport but more than that got a HUGE kick out of the attention I’d get by doing tricks outside of the gym. It was my identity and I always felt the need to perform it. Eg I would do splits/jumps/contortion in the supermarket if I could just for the looks, comments and praise. Sometimes I’d be physically exhausted by flipping all day but push myself just so everyone would know I could - my identity being strong/flexible/talented, I felt small and lost in situations where people didn’t know I was a gymnast. Looking back I wish my parents had stepped in to help me discern when it wasn’t appropriate, and more so helped me see it wasn’t the only thing I was good at.

There is NO need for him to be kicking around a football 24/7, I don’t believe it’s enjoyable at that point and it’s so apparent that it’s an identity clutch. All his worth is tied up in it the poor kid.
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They're acting like their some big powerhouse couple, they are actually an embarrassment, Ella- she things tarting herself up (very cheap looking in the orange dress & braids) makes her some kinda Beyonce, & as for Ali G, dear oh dear oh dear 🤦🤦🤦
They're trying hard to be like the Kabs
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This is what I don’t get back in the day I feel like you could somehow get by with minimal GCSEs. However I think now you didn’t necessarily have to have a degree but having some decent qualification grades is important those kids will never experience a proper art or science lesson in a lab if they don’t go to a traditional school.
I agree with you it’s important to have some qualification it doesn’t even have to be a degree exactly but those kids have a right to an education that they sadly aren’t receiving to the standard they should be.
Ella and Tim are just training those girls to be housewives and are probably hoping Heze comes this world famous footballer so they marry the girls off to rich footballers they hope would be in his circle of friends. They’re raising those girls to believe they must become wives and mothers and depend on a man financially. It’s different if someone chooses to be a housewife/stay at home mum there’s nothing wrong that at all but those girls haven’t been given any other choice and won’t even be given the opportunity in life to even have a career. There’s no guarantee modelling, acting and dancing will work out to be something successful for them so they should be giving their kids a better education.
All they talk to those girls about is having babies and they see their parents treating their brothers better than them aswell as Ella treating Tim like he’s some king so in those girls eyes they think men are in charge and women only good for cleaning , cooking and taking care of the kids. What if one of their girls medically is unable to have kids? they are teaching these girls that having babies is what makes you a good wife but not everyone can have kids so they shouldn’t be talking about how many babies these girls want to have one day they should be focusing on the fact their kids are still kids and just let them live their life and if they have kids that should be their choice not something that was expected of them cause of their controlling parents.
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Kids must be loving their life, wake up to go to the gym to play tennis, go swimming, then tik tok videos, playing football, skieving off to Costco....getting freebie Nike clothes & trainers....can't read or write but living the dream.....😳
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Before I read what you said, my initially reaction was it’s bad enough they wear the big hoop earrings aswell 🤣 everything you have said is literally what I was thinking. It’s actually soo terrible, furthermore why do they always have to be in the same outfits. Let the children have some originality. It’s bad enough hosanna already looks much older than her age, with that outfit she could easily pass as 13-14. Sorry I just think it’s inappropriate. Especially as there are a lot of weirdos out there.
Exactly! I just don’t understand why they won’t let their kids be kids. You should have seen how Halle was acting on that train. Legs crossed, acting prim and proper, flipping her hair and talking as if she was was a grown woman. Hosanna was acting grown too but no where near as bad as Halle who seems very conceited thanks to her parents.
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They could have gotten 2 refreshers with no ice,asked for 4 small cups of ice and made enough drinks for all the kids. Parents with multiple kids do it all the time but these two morons have no idea because they’re not used to taking the kids to places like this. I will never understand how you can take your kids to places like these and get something for yourself and the idiotic wife while your kids look on hoping and praying and salivating at the mouth that maybe this time they’ll get something, and the way it doesn’t bother the parents speaks volumes.
Once again Tim gets something only for himself. The children just stare and watch him eat/drink. No juices, smoothies or anything else for them.

He is such a horrid father.
Are we surprised ? This is the same kids that get told off for wanting a actimel when one of the other children was eating one already and the same kids that eat cereal for dinner instead of a proper meal
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I am shocked at the stories of them feeding Halo baby rice. I worked it out she’s 9 weeks!!! They don’t deserve kids
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They think they r better then they can afford
It’s a clear example of not dating in your lane and letting money and material things take over your life. At the end of the day they should have prioritised getting the children proper beds and space to work in instead of material designer bags and mini breaks. The one with the kids was well deserved because the children earned it but they could have at least took them out of the villa. Have they even been out with the weather being so great in the uk . They could have gone to the beach or had a picnic in the park instead of stupid last person in the car challenges and shopping hauls to primark.
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Excuse me but where does Ella think she’s going half naked? A mother with 7 children and she’s out looking like a two dollar hoe. See through shirt, breast hanging out. Not a good look at all and who’s watching the kids? Drinks, Drinks, Drinks!!!
She's probably dressing exactly as Tim tells her to, just as she does everything he tells her to do, pathetic. Tim's made it clear many times - just like when he said if he wants baby #8 - Ella will do it, period.
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The friend didn’t seem excited or that interested in seeing Ella and Tim. It was a very awkward reunion. Tim recording made it more awkward. I’m assuming not only have they not seen the friend in 15 years but probably also haven’t kept in touch much or not at all. They probably got an invite to the wedding but the friend probably thought there’s no way they will come cause we aren’t close like that anymore but Ella and Tim saw this as another opportunity to get away from the kids and have a holiday to themselves cause that’s all they care about is not having to be parents responsible for their children.
I just watched it over lol it was so funny! The friend literally walked away from Ella while she was talking to greet people she actually knows. Ella acted like she made that woman's wedding by being there, meanwhile the man had no idea who they were and the woman seemed to careless about seeing a 'friend' she hasn't seen in 15 years. Lol.

It was funnier the second time around. Lol.

Ella was hugging the woman overly tight. I haven't seen her hug her kids like that. Not even for the camera!
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However they can’t afford a couch. They want one free. If they could afford one their whole house would be done up when they moved it like all people. Especially as tbh they have all the time in the world due to no jobs and no school runs at all or nursery
This is what I don’t understand, me and my partner moved into our first place together in the mid of lockdown with a new baby, he was the only one working at the time as I was on maternity leave.. we literally had to start from scratch as we had never had our own furniture etc.. and guess what we managed to have it all done and the first thing we bought was a new cot/bed for our daughter and made sure her room was completed first. So please tell me how these lot who are buying designer items are failing to provide the bear minimum of necessities. Pathetic excuse for parents, I really wish there was a law in place so people stop exploiting their children for financial gain.

Also last night one of their old videos popped up on my YouTube, I watched it and Ella was literally cutting like 4 inches of Halle’s hair and didn’t even show her how much she was cutting beforehand. I really get the feeling Ella is jealous of her children ( which is very weird)
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Sorry this is so long but those girls don’t get to have a hobby like how Heze does cause those girls get nothing and it’s incredibly sad. Heze’s hobby is cause they hope it’ll turn him professional and make them money but also the sponsorships that Heze has revived through football is another thing that keeps them pushing Heze keep going and it’s disgusting how parents can use their child like that while the child is completely unaware of how selfish and greedy his parents are.
All the time and support goes into whatever Heze does and they were quick to sign Rue up for football and get him his boots and try turn him into another Heze while the poor girls are the boys cheerleaders. The hobbies the girls did with dancing in the past didnt make Ella and Tim money or bring attention to the family so no surprise the girls don’t get to do anything like that and are used to make Instagram content. Growing up I did hobbies and had a main sport I played and so did my brother and we were always treated equally and received the same support with either one or both of our parents coming to watch us sometimes and I am grateful for that so I can’t imagine what it must be like growing up in the grimwades house with no toys to play with which sounds awful cause as a kid I looked forward everyday to playing with my bratz dolls and Lego but those poor kids don’t know what that’s like.
They’re not allowed watch tv so not getting to enjoy Disney films and the things that are part of childhood cause tv shows can teach you things but also just fun and they’re not allowed have a hobby cause their brother is the star and gets all the attention and time which will most likely lead to friction between the siblings as they get older leading to unhealthy relationships and bitterness and their parents will be at fault for that.
Sounds like a miserable childhood to me they have no fun and sorry if this sounds horrible but like I said before the kids are boring with no personality they don’t know how to have fun they seem very lost and awkward and like someone else said they are very annoying but I can’t blame them for that cause it’s Ella and Tim’s fault.
I can tell it’s Tim who has the made the rules with tv etc cause Ella spoke happily reminiscing on when she was younger watching tv shows during the day but then quickly said “ but we prefer our kids to be productive so we don’t allow them to watch tv” no Ella it’s TIM who is controlling and won’t allow that and instead of standing up to him years ago you just did whatever he tells you to do and your kids see that and will grow up thinking a man is allowed treat his wife like that.
The way both Ella and Tim have treated Halo is wrong cause that poor baby deserves to be really loved and wanted. I do think Ella in her mind had hoped for a marriage with a loving husband like the way dad is who helps out at home and I do think Ella hoped for a good father to her kids who would help her out without being asked to and was actually responsible for the kids and wanted to spend time with them but as a teenager she obviously developed a crush on Tim who’s older than her and also let’s be honest she liked that he’s white cause she wanted mixed kids cause she’s very insecure with black features which is a shame. Tim thinking he was all cool when he younger doing his rapping if you can even call it that lol but that clearly amazed Ella who was so insecure probably thinking omg Tim likes me and they ended up together but I think he saw a young girl who was easy to manipulate cause she was obsessed with him and still is.
Ella’s dad saw right through him and she really should of listened to her dad cause it’s obvious he was looking out for her and to this day you can tell her dad isn’t the biggest fan of Tim.
Of all the YouTube families I’ve come across this family is one of the worst and I’m not hating on the kids for being the way they are
as it’s not their fault at all but I just don’t understand how they have so many fans but I hope everyone’s sees through them eventually.
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Just thinking outside the box here, I don’t think they had any money for the interior designer. I think they got to a certain point with her where she has designed all the rooms, brought samples etc for them to get basically a ‘free’ design so THEY can do it themself in the style Victoria designed, then probably turned round and said they don’t need her anymore. I think it was all to do with furnishing their house for cheaper, just used her in the process…
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Do they not have a TV in the house? I just saw insta story of them watching football on a tablet?? And Tim and Heze went to watch the game in person? I'm not a football fan so no clue lol. But if they don't even have a TV in the living room, what happened to the old TV and why are they not prioritising these things for their children.
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The sad part is he really believes he doing something. He sits he’s ass on a nice chair in the office he took over that could have been a bedroom. The older the girls get the more attention they are craving. Houston sees them talking and she goes on and on until they act knowledge her. What made him think he needed to sing? Ella didn’t even know what the song was he was singing. My guess is he was already high and been drinking. I’m just looking at baby Halo each time they post her and the baby for her age doesn’t do much of anything. She’s just so lifeless just hanging on. Tim, just making Rue run that whole field. He’s only 4years old. SMH!!! Just a bum
The last girls music dance got me. Allowing them to lift harper like that over the hard floor was pretty stupid of u ask me. How are they getting away with all this crazy behaviour. I also agree I don’t think that was their own money at the petrol station for the food. I think they claim it on expenses and tried to make it look like that’s how they eat. Heze I don’t like. He’s one smug kid thinks he’s better then evry one else. All I like is harper reu and Houston and looking at it it’s prob as they still young and are their real selves but once they hit 7/8 they are self obsessed. Reu has already lost his ways
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I wonder what Heze got his birthday other than low budget TGI Fridays gathering with loads diners /strangers around 👀. And as per usual, he was attached to a football ...moving it around with his feet while holding his cake from the restaurant staff.
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i apologize to you! I thought you were the one that made the comment but just realized it wasn’t you. Listen I feel the same about people being obsessed with these kids because they are mixed, I’ve commented on it before but I took offense to the person describing the women not just as black Women but as dark skinned black women. I feel like the point could’ve been made without emphasizing the dark skinned part, again I’m sorry I said something to you when you weren’t even the one that said it.
Honestly don’t worry about it! At the end of the day this is a thread and everyone’s entitled to their opinion and if something upsets them or offends them I can’t tell anyone that it shouldn’t offend so if anything I personally said offended you I am sorry for that cause I wouldn’t like to think I made someone feel that way as that is never my intention.
I never meant for it to come across aggressive towards you it’s just I was quite irritated that my point wasn’t getting across how I wanted it to and I didn’t want to be made to sound like something I’m not. I genuinely am concerned for those kids even though they’re not mine but I just can’t understand how any parents can read fetishised comments of their kids on their videos and not be disturbed or get a wake up call that vlogging their kids lives is wrong.
It was a misunderstanding you meant to reply to someone else it’s an easy mistake to make so don’t worry about it. I do completely understand why you took offence to someone describing a shade of skin tone.
I was more worked up last night trying to defend myself. Last thing I want is to argue with someone on a thread especially when we’re all on here in agreement about how these kids are treated and I’ve liked and seen a lot of your posts and I know we’re in agreement about everything.
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So Tim is talking about trading in the Range Rover to get a different BMW. Does he not realize he’s children are still sleeping on the floor?!!!! How damn selfish can you be? I’m really done with this BS!!!
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