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wait for the next post of them all surrounded around Halo like they missed her so much. How many times do you need to comment as to why you didn’t bring her. Only guilty people continue to make excuses. Just say it was to much to pack up the baby with the two toddlers. Rue and Houston don’t need as much attention as a baby. Especially when the lazy ass husband doesn’t help with anything.
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Oh gosh opening segment of today’s episode…no more interior designer…unforeseen circumstances. Give me the strenght of Samson, to be able to deal with these lies.
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The house still not done up then? How busy is that interior designer? Are they still drinking from wine glasses and sleeping on quilts? I've only ever slept on the floor as a kid once and my mum made sure we had second hand everything even though we weren't rich. Don't care what anyone says, these parents do not care about their kids sleeping on the floor. How can you be so detached from reality that you actually enjoy yourself wining and dining and buying anything else other than temporary beds for kids?
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Honestly I don’t think there is one aspect of their children’s development that they haven’t neglected. As a mother Hella should be putting her children before all else. Dumbass you bought them into this world now do your damn job and take care of them. That idiot baby daddy of yours is so over you. I suspect Dim has already moved on, but sticks around for—wait for it—your kids income!!! Your an utter disgrace but clearly too stupid to realize it.
Yeah I hate to say it but I’ve thought this for a little while too that he’s not as into her as he used to be. I think he finds their life boring being a dad and having these responsibilities were you don’t have that much freedom. He wants the money and the social media fame which he hopes turns into real fame by trying to get Heze to be a professional footballer. He knows he can’t have the money and fame without the kids getting him views on YouTube. I don’t think he’s as attracted to Ella as he used to be there’s something going on there which yeah that isn’t going to be a nice feeling for Ella I get that. He’s stuck cause he knows being this perfect Christian husband and father act he puts on is what makes him money easily and he can’t lose that. I feel Ella has also sensed this for a little while now which is why I think she’s made videos dropping hints about how she feels and she will speak about these things addressing the camera but really she’s saying these things hoping he picks up on it , changes his ways and gives her attention. He also gets jealous when she gives more attention to the kids as there’s been times times he’s made comments about it showing he’s irritated that the babies need attention.
I think all these date nights and night away at a hotel etc is cause Ella is desperate to get that spark back they used to have but unlikely that’ll happen cause their home life isn’t going to change as they still have the responsibility of being parents which they’re clearly bored of and that’s why Tim goes out as much as he can cause he doesn’t want to be at home taking care of things.
I’m not saying they need to have a perfect marriage all the time and always be happy cause that’s not how life works. It’s normal when you’re married a long time there’ll be moments things be hard or life gets in the way while you’re also trying to keep your relationship as a couple strong but in their case nobody forced them to have this life with all these kids. If they wanted to be rich and have freedom to go on holiday all the time and not have to be parents then they should of worked hard in another way and made their own money but no they chose the easy lazy route and have exploited their innocent kids. Ella your dad warned you he was looking out for you he sees right through Tim’s bs but you didn’t want to hear it cause you just wanted a white man you thought would be a rapper lol and you wanted mixed kids so you only have yourself to blame.
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Tim and Ella can’t stay put long enough to put these kids in beds, but she stay in the nail shop, doing her hair and shopping. Now another vacation without any kids. They stay shopping at LV. They running around like teenagers who just met and have no children. I find her to be worse then Tim because she’s a mother who’s just running away from a child she carried for nine months to run around with that good for nothing husband. They act like they’ve never had anything in life. When they returned home this time first place he went was the car wash. It’s probably the most stability these kids have to go with the grandparents. At least Halo isn’t on the floor or be neglected.

Funny they didn’t mention where they were going this round. What’s up with the sudden need to show everyone they are so in love, but you continue to run off and leave your children. If she gets pregnant again it’s going to be a disaster. Something isn’t right with them.
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On the new vlog apparently Tim doesn't know how to feed a child, meaning heze had to wait until he was with his mom to eat even though he was with his dad all day. Oh and don't be surprised if suddenly that new 9 seater van they got is returned and they come up with some excuse about the company not fixing the 'squeaking'. When really the payments were probably too much. Oh and you get to hear Tim complain about how tired he is from watching heze play football all day while ella was in charge of six other children and running errands. Oh and why again does Tim have to stick around at Heze practices? There's no way he actually stays there the whole time.
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They "do everything together " and leave a baby at home. WTF. That is definitely not normal.
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So they didn't take Halo cos her passport would have taken to long, so for how long have they had the other kids passports for then if they've never been on holiday before & don't kids passports last for 5 years, somethings off.....🤔
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Nice touch Dim getting Reu to get a shot of his 'work book' in view, but when are they going to realise that giving your kids workbooks isn't home schooling, & in a cafe of the gym?...I don't know much about home schooling education but I would've thought where's the timetable/plan, the routine, the age appropriate work, the actual TEACHING. dear oh dear 🤦🤦
Nice try,but this doesn’t count as “homeschooling” lmao the laundry room was probably filled with clothes that day. That’s their desperate attempt to fool their gullible subscribers into thinking they actually educate their children. I remembered the last time she tried teaching those poor kids, let’s just say it was very painful to watch.
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I'm new to this forum but I've been reading these for the past few days and some of the stuff that is said on here, such as the titles are hilarious.

I don't really watch family vloggers, and if I did it was usually someone like Roman Attword but I stumbled across the Grimwades during lockdown last year (January) and I watched their videos from early on and I enjoyed them. Big mistake, should never watch people for what they used to be because the closer and closer I got to the current time the more annoyed I got about behaviours and the constant preaching pissed me off 🙄.

But I thought I'd share some of my opinions on here that might not have been shared by others or have but in a different way. First of all, I can't stand Tim. In all honesty, I can't stand any white guy that tries to be black. You're white, just accept it 🤣. Second of all, I used to like Ella and thought she was a good mum but I see money can change that. I also didn't like when they asked for money, I think after Rue was born they did this. You're asking for money but A, don't work (and they can't say they don't have time to because they don't post regularly) and b, have 5 kids. If you can't support them all, don't have that many or get a dam job.

Now the kids, I haven't really watched them but check in every now and again. I'm currently at that bored phase of life so I scroll through Google and reddit to see what people are saying. Anyway, I don't know too much about the younger kids, nor do I care I only know about the older 5(for my opinions.)

I can't stand Halle, from the vlogs I watched she always wanted to be on camera and annoyed the fuck out of me when she smacked her lips together before talking. JUST TALK LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN.

Hosanna, there's nothing there. Her whole personality is being a 'mum' she too bland. Same with Harper, she's bland and is basically a third wheel for the 2 older girls. They really need friends🤣.

I used to love Rue, thought he was funny and honest. Now, I see he does a lot of random push ups and work outs. He's 4, he doesn't need to worry about that. He should be enjoying being a kid, not trying to impress Tim because Tim won't work for the life of him.

Heze, used to be a great kid but him and that football piss me off. I don't think anyone else has mentioned it, but, he never used to be this obsessed until he signed for Chelsea. Since then he's married the football and they've gone on to have so many babies. But in all seriousness, he hasn't gotten to be a kid because he's been exploited by his parents. I don't know if anyone has mentioned about his hair dye photo for his 10th birthday (it's since been deleted) but that's some serious sexual exploitation. What parent thinks it's accept to post picture of their shirtless 10 year old son with their shorts hanging low showing their boxers? That's not normal, I'm glad they either saw sense or reciev3d backlash from it but it's still on Instagram because one of their fan accounts also posted it. Also, when Heze was 8 possibly turning 9 Tim mentioned that he was at the age where he didn't want to hig his Dad anymore and it's normal. Not from what I've experienced it ain't. I used to work in schools as a TA, hence the username and I'm a guy, I used to have kids come up and hug me all the time, even at heze's age and older. Maybe the problem is you Tim.

And while I mention that I'm a former TA, their lack of education pisses me off as well. They can barely do the basics and they've taken their kids on holiday during 'school time'. I don't know what to be more annoyed about, the fact that it's during school time or that it's their first real holiday.

I just wanted to share my opinions. Hopefully these dimwit parents can be stopped and these kids can be kids again. I probably won't be active on here and I won't be following the family because I can't stand them but I hope everyone enjoys reading my opinions and enjoys all the older and whatever new threads that come from this uneducated, lazy family
Well said 👏👏

Just a thought, maybe Hella is suffering Post natal depression, she doesn't appear to have bonded with Halo at all, how you think it's ok to leave a 3 month old & go off on your jolly's with the rest of the family is beyond me, all this going out & showing off 'a lavish lifestyle' doesn't seem right, she's never been in a hurry to lose weight before, so what's changed? when in the beginning she never appeared to be like that, seems like she's putting a brave face on things.
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I can’t work out whether that person that literally just comments every video to repent and turn to Jesus, is a Grimwade fan or not lol. Are they seeing what we see ?
Their fans are honestly crazy and when you scroll through their comments on YouTube it’s just black women who are obsessed with the mixed raced kids and having a white husband. They will literally jump to the defence of Ella and Tim even when someone is stating facts and the truth to them , they will refuse to accept what’s being said and will continue to praise Ella and Tim it’s so weird.
Those grimwade kids are exploited and used online to fund their parents lifestyle and those kids are so unaware of this. They’ve no idea the money their parents are making off of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if Heze doesn’t even realise he gets paid for the Nike deal and his parents have kept that from him while clearly spending that money on themselves. Also I know this isn’t the kids fault but they have no personalities at all they’re very boring kids but that’s Ella and Tim’s fault for isolating them away from other children and not allowing each child to have their own personality and hobbies that they enjoy.
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Hosanna is a mini-Ella and I feel so bad for her. Halle is turning into one too.

Harper talked about wanting to go horseback riding, ice skating, football and trampolining, all things that are fun and active and what children like to do... And then Hosanna and Halle come in with "getting your nails done, facials..."

Rue interjects and was like "I know the best thing you want to do... GYMNASTICS".

The younger children are much more free-thinking than the older ones!

As for the parents, note how they asked her would you like to grow up and be a mummy/how many children but didn't ask what she wanted to do for a career or if she wanted to go to Uni...
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Yes the children are annoying, (except Harper & of course Halo) but to be fair to them they don't know any better, & to add what parent let's their child play with a football in the house like that's normal behaviour, but considering there's nothing in the house I s'pose it doesn't matter.
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Harper is adorable!!! Its sad the video was just to save face. This is their only income so they are desperate to give their cult what they want. Houston is a cutie but her behavior is getting worse, I do think she is jealous of the baby, and doesn't know how to cope. They have kids like a assembly line so each child doesn't get adequate time. Also the girls act really fake to me like on cue its weird. Hosanna and Halle seem to be the most manipulative and have mean ways towards Harper. Harper has a long rode ahead with those two.
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I've been so out of the loop regarding everything Grimwade - forgot my password for this site and couldn't bear to watch their videos without being able to put my two pence in! Disappointed but not surprised to see that things are even worse than they were the last time I checked up on them.

Ella getting fillers confirms what we always knew about her hypocrisy. Harper can't like Rapunzel because it means she somehow doesn't like herself (still not over that one), but Ella can get a totally unnecessary procedure?! It'll be interesting to hear how she tries to justify this one. There was absolutely nothing wrong with her appearance - since she's so hyper-religious, shouldn't she appreciate what 'God' gave her anyway and not try to change it?

I'm always a softie when it comes to the kids, but some of the ways they're described on this thread makes me wince a bit. At best, they are the product of an extremely isolating upbringing with questionable parenting. At worst, they're the product of emotional abuse. They don't seem to have a single positive influence in their lives.

Heze's attitude towards food is worrying. I hope someone at his football club is looking out for him; the expectations and pressure being placed on that child must be overwhelming.
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I'm not offended. It's true. The majority of their most gullible fans are color stuck black women. You can see it in the comments where they are always gushing over the kids 'golden' skin and pretty hair. They make comments about hoping one of the kids will have Tim's 'beautiful eyes'. Oh and how they go on and on about rue's golden curls.

They're weird. It's embarrassing honestly.

Tim doesn't do shit but they all gush about how great he is. If Tim was a black man I do not think they would be so willing to turn a blind eye to how lazy Tim is.
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Such a good example for her 5 girls and girls everywhere.. number 1 priority= keep your sorry excuse of a man interested.
The only people who deserve expensive restaurant quality food is the kids
It’s VERY obvious what Ella is trying to do which is what you said she’s desperate to keep him interested cause he has been distant and losing interest for a long time now and she’s noticed his lack of attention to her and it’s made her very insecure which is why she’s dressing even more like that and having all these dates and nights away cause exactly that’s her number one priority to keep him interested when you shouldn’t have to try that hard to keep your husband interested in you. She looks so embarrassing in these outfits too cause of how obvious it is what she’s trying to do have as much of her body on show for him even if the outfit is uncomfortable or too tight on her she will force it on cause that’s what it takes to not lose his attention. Also I’ve never seen someone change their hairstyle as much as she does. She’s so insecure about her hair as it’s clear she wishes she had naturally long hair but then she’s gets fed up of that being in the way so goes short again but then will go back to long hair it’s like she knows Tim prefer the long hair so does everything to look good to him. You’re right she’s teaching her daughters that a mans needs and wants come first and women just exist to put our bodies on show to keep the interest of our husband and do whatever he wants and says.
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Tim and Ella back at a restaurant drinking wine, beer and eating out. She has coffee, Cola and then has the nerve to say I know it’s not the best. She’s the one who said she needs to fast. Lies on top of lies. Whenever the camera is on her she’s eating like it’s her last meal. Who has the kids?!!!
I’m willing to bet my last dollar Hosanna is watching the kids. They’ve stolen her childhood, now every time she’s seen she looks older than 10 like she’s carrying the world on her shoulders. I believe she gets up with the baby at night as well because she always looks so tired, sleeping on hard tiles floor isn’t helping in the sleep department either.
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Yeah. Hopefully Heze went and wasn't stuck at home because of football. All it took was us shaming them for them to finally take the kids somewhere.

Good work, guys! Lol.
He’s there too!

Except for Hosanna who will probably have to take care of her siblings while their parents lounge by the pool and drink alcohol.
Grandma is babysitting so Hosanna will be free from Halo at least.

How could they leave the baby behind?!
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