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Bets on how many more stories today that will include "while working" to show she's actually still working when it's late?

I'm expecting "going for a shower (while still working")

"in bed (working)"

"I'm asleep and still working"
It's obvious she was pretty rattled by the responses to the 10-5 workday she posted about. Since then she has been posting stuff about how much she works as if to prove a point, e.g. the messages from her EA, the late night work stories from today.

These kind of social media posts are the definition of toxic productivity, so it surprises me that she is writing a whole damn book on the topic of productivity when she seems to openly admit to not have healthy working habits herself.
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I really loathe the whole 'manifesting' thing that is so popular with influencers, yet another way to ignore their privilege and the hand up they've had in life, and act like it's all their own hard work etc. There are so many people who work really hard and ~ manifest things who won't get them or achieve their goals. Also, aspiring to be a billionaire is absolutely abhorrent. There's wanting to be successful and there's wanting to have more money than you could ever need or use when there's people starving in this same country, how can she even begin to think wanting to be a billionaire is reconcilable with her supposed left wing beliefs? It just isn't.
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On the Shreddy meal plan changes, surely if Grace had any input on the meals initially then there would already be nut-free options? After the massive fuss she made about Elliot’s nut allergy?!

I’m glad that vegan privilege is being spoken about, but it would be better if she actually addressed this with her audience. The mainstream white vegan movement is often pretty militant against this issue, so I expect that she’d rather not to avoid the potential loss of followers.

Before Covid I ran a successful vegan cake business. I’m certainly capable of making none vegan cakes, in fact I could make a lot of money doing so, but this doesn’t align with my own ethics. Also my customers came to me because I specialise solely in vegan cakes, even though there are plenty of regular cake makers out there who offer vegan options alongside their omni cakes.
If a specifically plus sized clothing brand started to produce smaller sizes under the guise of inclusivity then they would expect a backlash, no?!
Would a vegan restaurant start serving meat?
These things are already catered for in the mainstream.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming there are plenty of apps out there offering omni meal plans. Shreddy has lost its USP and Grace has betrayed her morals. It’s clearly all about £££.
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A. Five. Hour. Meeting.

That doesn’t mean you’re bossing it, to me that means you are rambling and not being concise!

Grace needs to remember this key phrase - ‘never say 2 words when one will do’
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"this is the way we can disrupt the industry and stop sustainability gatekeeping. If we don't make money we can't do this" on her latest stories

OK grace, but you don't need to make that much money that you can randomly buy a Bentley that you can't even drive 🙄 is she ever going to stop with the "were a small startup company so we need to make profit" while posting thousands of pounds worth of things she buys for herself 🙄
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I am sooo intrigued by what Grace's future will be like.

Will she ever listen to her customers and make some improvements in her companies? Will her companies go bust and then she'll blame it on someone else? Will she ever not constantly seek validation? Will she look back at herself and realise how cringe, entitled and insufferable she's been throughout her 20s? Will her ego ever shrink? Will she ever stop flaunting her breasts? Will she ever stop scorching her skin and pretending she is black?

So many questions.
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Chatty Member
Sorry if it’s been mentioned already but do we know why she’s had a shit week for Mon to send her that card or is this just Grace lol
No idea. And I know everyone’s problems are relative. But i do find it a bit insulting for her to try blag she’s having a bad weeek when she’s just got back from her second holiday this pandemic. Had a big ass meal with all her fam. Going out seeing her friends all the time non socially distanced. Still in work. A ridiculous amount of financial security. No one (we know of, or at least judging by her actions assume so) died of COVID. Like Hello.
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The lack of self awareness astounds me. I'm guessing this panorama is covering from when we had the initial outbreak, but her current jet-setting, many social gatherings and lack of mask wearing is contributing to the rise of cases now (I know it's not just her specifically)!


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Imagine trying to sell your app to millions of people by marketing it as inclusive despite it being called ‘shreddy’ and the recipes clearly show its for weight loss 😩😩😩😩 mother fuckin salads and soups! screenshots from when I had the app (and used it once cause it was so shit) in January. Emphasis & supports how her app is not only limited to moderately(?) beneficial to beginners (more so people who’ve barely or never have gone to the gym etc imo as someone who lifts pretty heavy & is lean), it’s an extreme beginners guide/app, explicitly targeted for fat loss yet you can’t catch boss babe out even though her fuckin app is called SHREDdy😴😴😴
Firstly - 0.75 of a pitta?!
Secondly - HONEY roasted carrots isnt vegan!
Thirdly - half an avocado and 100g of tofu?! Thats NOT a meal!
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Yeah also there is research showing that a 4 day week is just as productive as a 5 day week, and in Scandi countries where they’re known for being the happiest in the world they’re encouraged to finish at like midday on Fridays. But sure keep banging on about ~ capitalism like 5 day work weeks and 5 hour meetings on a Friday aren’t directly constitutive of capitalism lolllll.
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Chatty Member
TALA is already losing its appeal, when it launched yes it was exciting and new to her followers but now it's old nothing new is happening they've not doing anything "disruptive" and their launches are all the same, Grace's loyal followers/customers atm will grow up and move on from fangirling as they get older and without a youtube presence or likeable Instagram persona (her Instagram account actually lacks any substance nowadays it's all 'business' related) she's not going to gain any new followers or customers, add to that all the bad reviews TALA's genuinely amazing to me that she sees a long term future of the brand because I definitely don't TALA is built on her following once her followers move on no one is going to be interested in what it has to offer (not a lot) as someone who works in marketing myself I'd be interested to see what they're doing to try and gain new customers and retain their existing ones

Edit: I also think inevitably Grace will get bored too she's already clearly not interested in fitness anymore and I think as she gets older the type of products TALA sells will start to shift completely to reflect whatever she's interested in as time goes on, I can't see her in a few years time still being keen to be selling and marketing sustainable activewear as she's clearly already bored of sustainability hence why she's no longer vegan
I’m literally waiting for Tala to release chunky gold chains and journaling notebooks
You can tel she gets bored easily which is why she doesn’t restock e.g bnd nutrition what happened to that lol. She also must know she has a very small customer base- that’s why she does so many new launches because she needs to appeal to the same people. All her stans probably have the classic leggings etc, so there’s no point restocking them.
- which again is so far from the sustainable narrative she used to push.

They are also very very silly to be moving out of the gym wear. Grace has never really been a “fashion influencer”. She’s got nothing to bring to the table in that regards. The further she moves from gym clothes the quicker tala will crumble
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I love how she reposted someone telling her she’s not obligated to teach people about business. No one wants you to teach them about business. They want you to address customer feedback and improve your products. So you can actually live up to your stated values of sustainability and quality. I used to really like her and I loved the idea of Tala in the beginning. I’d fully be willing to support her again if she ditched the inflated ego, kept her head down, and worked on improving her products.

What kind of business executive sees customer feedback and thinks “these assholes just don’t understand how business works, the ripped leggings are part of my strategy!” Customer feedback is literal gold and she should recognize how valuable it is instead of doing all these mental gymnastics and Instagram story rants.
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She just did other stories talking about the 10-5 day and how other days she does 12 hour days. When is that sorry, did she not have a 4h break the other day to play with the dogs... Has she ever actually posted a day which looked busy? Why would she always choose to post a day that's an easy one, rather than the busy ones she apparently has, especially with a caption "who wants to swap" implying it's a hard day??!
Exactly. She obviously posted that schedule because she thought it looked hectic, then scrambled to add in other stuff she is working on when people rightly pointed out it isn't that intense of a day. Notice how she never posts the schedules for these 12 hour days? The caption "does anyone want to swap" is a bit tone deaf when there will be many people reading that story in dead-end jobs which they hate who would absolutely kill for that schedule.
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Chatty Member
- Can't wear a bikini or top that fits to save her life
- Mature, professional adults on twitter see through her bullshit
- Still trying to figure out if Montana is gonna move in with her
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I also think there’s a major problem with Tala that is going to stop it growing beyond Grace’s following.

consumers who don’t care that much about sustainability will go to Gymshark etc. - brands they trust at the same price point. They won’t take a risk with a new brand that has a shit returns policy and tonnes of bad reviews.

The ones that do care won’t get Tala either because it’s simply not sustainable. It promotes hyper consumerism, imports from China, ships internationally and uses incredibly damaging materials like bamboo and produces micro plastics.

I think there’s a tiny groUp in the middle who maybe don’t know a lot about sustainable shopping so will buy from Tala thinking that will make a difference, but even then as that group gets more educated I don’t think they’d continue to shop at Tala. Also you have high street brands like Topshop, ASOS and H and M who have started green washing, so this group will probably just shop there because, again, new brand with bad reviews.
This is a problem that Grace isn't self aware enough to realise. If someone was GENUINELY interested in saving the environment/sustainability/veganism/anti-captalism-establishment, they would be promoting legit companies that do good and promoting NOT spending and consumption. Encouraging their legion of loyal followers to stop spending money, stop funding companies that harm the environment, to conserve, to save, to only purchase when necessary and to go to thrift stores/second hand, reduce/reuse/recycle etc etc etc. Not have someone create for you, multiple brands, multiple companies, factories, workers, all the deliveries and transport to do with all areas of manufacturing and business, create a highly planned scarcity/over consumption marketing strategy, promote young fans to empty their bank accounts, extremely regular launches/restocks/lines, buy the next product, the next app, the next band, buy buy buy.

The whole concept is built on "saved X amount of X because you didn't but it elsewhere".. what if you just didn't buy it though?! The demand is being created it's not being changed. It's like a friend saying, "can you lend me £50" and you say okay, then they say, "actually just make it £25" and you say, "eh.. okay", and then your friend runs around telling everybody they saved you £25.
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AHAHAH grace has been reading here this morning clearly View attachment 243095
She's off her head hahah. There's a difference between minimum viable product (well done grace for sticking a business term in that rant) and a product that doesn't function and selling it for over a year. She launched leggings that rip after a few wears and been selling them again and again. Sorry but she doesn't need to test the market to know that customers want leggings that won't rip, have the right sizing and will actually be delivered when ordered
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Chatty Member
They literally call the paparazzi they’re barely even famous. In a taxi without a mask too, lovely and considerate
I swear it’s illegal to not wear a mask in a taxi in England now?! Rules were announced last week!

And she was on Love Island in 2017?! Old news surely! BYE. Pure z lister. And Grace is using her to get exposure LOL
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Did she tell you if it’s a better job than her last one?

Here you go 🤣🤣🤣🤣
If you have to work late that means you're not good at managing your time lol personally i find even when I am very busy at work I manage to be able to go home at 5 without having to stay late because I know how to prioritise, plan ahead and manage my workload...she's openly admitting she doesn't lol
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