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Interesting thought actually given the recent paths of people like KSI and Joji (Filthy Frank) making the "transition"/crossover from being a social media personality to musician. Knowing her tendencies to attempt to maximise gain from her following I'd be surprised if at some point in the next year or so we don't see at least a single, if not an album. In the same way she began subtly mentioning books in her posts/stories prior to announcing her "book", I think a single could easily be on the cards if we see more music.

Then after all the businesses collapse she moves to LA, relaunches herself as a clout chaser, ends up in a Logan Paul drama video, starts an Onlyfans... Anyone else foreseeing this? 😂😂😂
Please, for the love of God, don't keep giving her ideas! 😆😂
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I haven’t kept up with Grace for a while but was aware of her new book, and just saw her most recent post about reading.

I find it ironic that she’s sunk back into her manically overloaded work lifestyle again, just like at uni, when writing a book about productivity. She makes her own work seem very stressful and sporadic, going from 0 to 100 like a yo-yo, which ultimately is not a very effective way to work...

I also find it quite obvious that she’s promoting reading when she’s about to release a book. Just like with resistance bands, books are becoming the next top thing that “boss babes” should be using, just in time for Grace to rake in the sales.

And that leads me to my last and most important point. In her caption she states “reading is a very cheap, constantly accumulating education” — reading this makes me so unbelievably uncomfortable at the privilege she is showing. Because when you think about it, reading is not always cheap at all. Books, e-books, and audio books cost a lot of money both when purchased first hand and second hand. Think of how many students suffer at the hands of their own uni / college courses when they can barely afford the textbooks and reading lists. Think of the £8.99 you can spend on a paperback in Waterstones which could also be spent putting dinner on the table for a family of 5. Yes, there are libraries or book shares— but think of the costs involved to get there. Does someone have to drive or take transport to reach the location? Or postage costs for book swaps? Do they even have time to do this, or are they working 12 hour days earning a living with other responsibilities on weekends?
And as for online articles and such — the means to access these (computers, laptops, phones, e-readers) are all a massive privilege with huge price tags attached.
So how much will Grace’s new book cost? A new release in hardback, that will not be cheap. Yes, reading is a beautiful education, but it is unfortunately far less accessible than Grace makes it out to be.
I think her book is about £16-17 which is ridiculous
  • Wow
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Imagine trying to sell your app to millions of people by marketing it as inclusive despite it being called ‘shreddy’ and the recipes clearly show its for weight loss 😩😩😩😩 mother fuckin salads and soups! screenshots from when I had the app (and used it once cause it was so shit) in January. Emphasis & supports how her app is limited to being moderately(?) beneficial to beginners (more so people who barely work out or never have gone to the gym etc imo as someone who lifts pretty heavy & is lean), it’s an extreme beginners guide/app, explicitly targeted for fat loss yet you can’t catch boss babe out even though her fuckin app is called SHREDdy😴😴😴
Also not to mention how pathetic the portion sizes seem!? I'm sorry but I'll need like 2-3 bowls of those soup if I want to actually feel full and have enough energy to function/get through my day doing actual things because unlike queen Grez I need to work to pay rent/not starve

parmesan isn't even veggie it has rennet in it which is from stomach lining. also technically would truffle be vegan as they use pigs to find it? not vegan myself so no.idea but to me would seem the same as honey i.e. not vegan
oh hmm! that's super interesting, I'm curious to find out as well. Just as a disclaimer - I eat 99% vegan but I don't call myself vegan so I don't really know, BUT I would consider truffles vegan since the pigs don't actually produce the truffles?? Whereas the bees produce the honey and need it to survive/feed the young. But I could be 100% wrong and if someone who knows definitively pls let me know! Just throwing in my two cents
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Are they filming in her house? Without masks? Wonder if there are more than 6 people as there are at least 4 in her story
i think will be more than 6 as I assume they also have a MUA and another assistant. fucking hell why dont they just filn outside??
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I agree with this too, about veganism being a form of privilege, but I actually hate how they've used it to make themselves look good when their "founder" built her brand enforcing veganism.

This is a great, important discussion to have, but in short veganism is a form of classist and racial privilege. Many examples, firstly whilst beans, oats, veggies etc. are cheaper than actual meat, processed food which are not vegan may be cheaper than those things. "Cheap" in there accounts for the real issue of the privilege of time i.e. people in lower socio-economic working classes may not have time or the resources to cook so it is easier for them to rely on processed, non-vegan, ready made foods (however this is just one part of research I've read, I need to see if someone's done a study to compare food prices and these kinds of costs to show if a vegan lifestyle can fit a larger range of livelihoods!). Food inequalities and accessibility also differ between different countries like in the US where there is accessibility to fast food, food deserts like someone else pointed out above. The ability to make preferences for food based on ethics as opposed to survival is privilege. Being vegan in certain Asian countries can be quite hard because of the lack of alternatives. The racist issue is many people who are extreme vegans say anyone consuming meat are horrible people who want to hurt animals and contribute to mass environmental issues in the world, whilst overlooking the fact that black and brown indigenous people have a very unique, sustainable, respectful relationship with meat (as part of their relationship with nature) and one they depend on so it is horrible and flat out wrong to say those communities are horrible. They live very agrarian lives and are definitely not contributing to any atmospheric transforming levels of pollution.

However, there is a point being that Shreddy def did not have these issues in mind where they were talking about privilege because their white feminism can't see past their strive to billionaire status.
Perfectly summed up! Was going to comment something similar
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wtf is she doing filming all of that (awful, tacky) jewellery in her stories?! could she be more tone deaf
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Chatty Member
As if she's posting a gifted F45 session on her story today, shreddy workouts not good enough hun?? And are F45 workouts less than 20 minutes long because we know she never works out for longer than that 🤔🤣
Have you noticed people stopped sharing about 10-20 effective workouts on shreddy? (We know this bc they stopped resharing 🤣🤣🤣)
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Brooke Davis

VIP Member
There's also the mental health aspect of veganism too where some people cannot restrict their diets in that way due to recovering from EDs, or even just having disordered eating and unhealthy relationships with food. Mindsets like that towards food take a lot of time to deconstruct so it's awfully unhealthy for some people to cut out that many types of food. That's the main reason I can never go vegan and I hate it when people go on about how not being a vegan is bad and how veganism is the bare minimum of being sustainable etc.

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that Shreddy are offering non vegan recipes but they could do it in a more tactful way e.g. having an option to choose which diet you prefer between vegan, veggie, pesce and meat eating, or perhaps a note at the bottom of each recipe saying here's some ideas on how you can make this vegan/non vegan if you so wish
This! 🙌🏻
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It says the other way round - 'Dunottar School for Girls in High Trees Road, Reigate, signed a 10-year deal with United Learning to take over the running from the Reigate Grammar School (RGS) group on Friday (February 28) .' Source.

Edit: btw sorry if I am being dumb and skim-reading badly

Edit: ooh ok yeah I am being dumb and skim-reading everything. Sorry both of you!
😂 😂 i was like thats well bold to disagree i literally went there and have met the girls hahaha
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Honestly don't understand why she would need one. I live in zone 4 and I have my car only because my house has a parking space and I already have a car. But the only thing I use it for is occasionally going shopping and driving to my family home.

All her family live in London, so it's stupid. I swear she never even leaves London really anyway, it would make much more sense to hire a car every now and then AND she can't even fucking drive yet!
I assume as others have said it's just for the image, she would buy it and just park it outside her house for show. Who the hell buys an expensive car without a liscence?! I assumed she had one!!! but of course she never treats herself :rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
She literally does everything for the trend. And as soon as it’s not fashionable, or starts actually impacting her life she drops it
- being fit
- YouTube
- being vegan
- backtrack on fit, to be “thicc”
- manifesting
- hanging onto love islanders
- the “rescue” maltipoo
- being a socialist during election for her student Twitter followers
- sustainability (this is the most awk one for grace though. Tried to jump on a “trend” but this is only gonna grow and it’s getting in the way of her capitalist billionaire dreams)
- BLM (still can’t believe her team posted about blm starting 3 months ago 🤯 #woke)
- the jewellery 🤢
- caring about social distancing etc etc
yep to this
i commented on that pic tala shared of that woman black fishing and got deleted - wish i’d screenshot now
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I don't think the tab job is paid but she definitely shouldn't have had to be waitressing as well as being a PA? No one should have to work more than one job at the same time especially as a PA job is normally a LOT of work and admin things
Big yikes 😬
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