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Chatty Member
I do think you need to have some amount of privilege to be vegan but I think anyone who has the additional income to afford Shreddy (when workout videos and meal plans are available for free online) could probably afford to be vegan? Also if you have a reason to not be vegan for whatever that maybe be like surely you could just add meat or dairy or eggs to the meal by yourself? Idk it’s just very strange to me that a company that is so “ethical” has switched from being vegan to otherwise
exactly, if you want to add meat, eggs or dairy to a recipe you can just add it. it’s not that hard. i’m vegan and i constantly alter non-vegan recipes and it literally does not take much effort.

personally i think it’s a joke and shows how they have no idea what their own brand/message/morals are if they are no longer only doing vegan meals. it’s not hard to add a disclaimer like “you can add meat if you want, but we don’t want to advertise meat.” they didn’t even go vegetarian - they went STRAIGHT to meat. it’s shameful and i’m glad I never gave money to them. they don’t stand for anything and have no idea what their brand actually is.

goes to show tala is definitely proud of their green washing too. if you want to support factory farming in your meal plans, clearly you don’t give a fuck about the environment, grace.
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I would understand if she was qualified and wanted to make giving advice her career - I follow a qualified ex social worker & sex and relationships educator and I give her money because I follow her for her service (her content). The service is the product; in other contexts I would have to buy the product to even use it. I hate feeding rhetoric about creators working for free.

But Grace is literally just an influencer with no fitness qualifications and a four-week Mickey Mouse business course. It would be ridiculous if an unqualified influencer with nice extensions started demanding that people pay for hair-care advice, so why is it OK for Grace to ask to be paid for wellness advice just because her figure is nice? Or any advice at all - she hasn’t exactly got a social circle I envy or a history of healthy relationships. She’s got money, but she came from money, so who gives a fuck, and her MUA posts the tutorials for the makeup she wears whilst she has no involvement. She lost nearly 500 followers the day she posted that story demanding payment.

I don’t care if she doesn’t want to engage with her followers anymore - it’s fair enough if she doesn’t want to spend her time doing that - even though she clearly wants to spend time bullying people that criticise her. If she just said “I can’t answer everyone’s DMs, sorry 💓” nobody would mind.

She wants to be a Bella Hadid that never answers any DMs, but her clothes are too ugly and her fashion is too boring for that lol
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Is anyone else still completely baffled as to what her book will be about? Like I just don’t get what the point is. What is there to redefine in productivity by someone like Grace? Would understand if it’s someone with a psychology background or someone a lot more knowledgeable (like the atomic habits book etc) who can give tips on optimising productivity etc, but like seriously, what advice is she going to give?

Also, as a actual SMALL business owner myself, I find it insulting that she still has the cheek to claim her businesses are ‘small’ when they are million pound companies. And that she hasn’t taken any customer feedback on board and improved her products. Reputable small business owners always take customer feedback on board and improve. If any customer wrote such bad reviews about my product I would be MORTIFIED, and make sure it never happens again. I just don’t get it
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Chatty Member
Rich people are weird.

For most people your daughter buying their first house is a pretty significant milestone, you’d be over there in a heartbeat. But to people like this I guess a 22 year old buying a £2 mil house is just a run of the mill affair and you pop round to see it a year later lol.
Her family have such a strange relationship? I would understand if they didn’t see each other or weren’t in close contact but it seems like they are? My mum was the first person through our door!
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View attachment 254759
View attachment 254760

Adding these extremely cringey statements for anyone that may not be on Instagram :)

Also, she added the first story in her "rules" highlights. I went to check thinking "would she really?" and yes... she did. She did really
Wonder what her follower loss will be for today..

Sidenote: last night my housemate and her friend were talking about influencers they hate, and Grace was one they mentioned. Turns out they knew nothing about all the bullshit she's done in the past, or about Genflow running her businesses, or about her privileged background. They both followed and liked her and now fully hate her EXACTLY because of this type of content she posts, especially as both had lost work during the pandemic and her posts were just too narcissistic and out of touch
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Ughh so disappointing she's doing something with merky books, the opposite of who they need to raise up. Even worse that she practically blackfishes anyway.

Also agree with the person who said she isn't necessarily disliked for her success as she thinks, using krissy cela as an example. Same with gymshark, people have opinions on the brand but I rarely see hate directed at ben francis, and from what I've seen he seems pretty down to earth and low key. Sorry grez, it's you.
Natacha Oceane is another good counterexample. Natacha is everything you could ever be jealous of - super smart, ridiculously athletic, successful outside of the influencer world, very pretty - and yet she’s incredibly down-to-earth and likable. (She also, incidentally, has a business run by Genflow..yet you never hear her bumbling about being a business boss bitch babe CEO 👀)
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AHAHAH grace has been reading here this morning clearly View attachment 243095
I really don't care much about this topic she is arguing about, but I just think she needs to step the hell away from her DMs and chill, this seems exhausting. For all her talk about not engaging in debates with people on her social media and blocking people who want to have those arguments, she always seems to engage with them anyway. Most of her DMs would've been 👏 emojis but she just has to seek out the criticisms so she can exercise her debating skills and share it on her story... I think she enjoys it more than she lets on.
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btw I finally unfollowed her because I can't take it anymore I'm relying on this thread to fill me in on all the laughable things she posts on her story
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I would really like grace herself to address this issue and talk about why shreddy is no longer vegan rather than her customer service team in the comments, I want to hear how she personally is going to defend it when she's supposed to be vegan herself, I would never force my views on veganism on anyone but I would never actively encourage or be affiliated with anything non-vegan because I don't agree with it?

It would be like a cruelty free makeup brand saying they've decided to start testing on animals because it allows them to expand and sell in more countries (in some countries like china it's the law that all cosmetic products have to be tested on animals) everyone would be like so you don't care about animal welfare then only making more money?
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Bets on how many more stories today that will include "while working" to show she's actually still working when it's late?

I'm expecting "going for a shower (while still working")

"in bed (working)"

"I'm asleep and still working"
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Grace is gonna be on Patricia Bright's business podcast. Although I know she's never gonna get grilled cos they're friends, Pat asks pretty direct questions and isn't afraid to talk candidly about money, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out against Grace's waffle.

I remember they did a Q&A style thing together before and I rewatched it and this part is so infuriating (starts 18:00). It's the same spiel about her non-existent financial difficulties at uni. The way she talks about it is so cagey and misleading. She says she took out the tuition fee loans, but didn't she only do that for the first year? She also hints at how she didn't take out a maintenance loan (instead using the seemingly bottomless pit of money from her IBM internship + money from influencing). I find it really hard to feel sorry for her supposed financial difficulties at uni when she purposefully didn't take out any of the loans which are literally there to fund university. Idk why this thing irks me so much - I think it's because she seems to use this story as a way to appear 'normal' and self-made, but to actively choose not take out those loans means you are in an insanely privileged position. You don't do something like that without being sure that you've got a safety net somewhere (i.e. family).

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Chatty Member
Stormzy is 72 years old is evidently less privileged than Grace, yes he might have a substantial amount of money now (entirely self-earned) but you can’t compare the two at all. Two very different people from very different worlds. I doubt Stormzy is 72 years old himself sought out Grace to speak at the event or whatever it was, but it IS his brand... I’m going to echo what people have said regarding her giving up her position for actual underrepresented BIPOC, during Black History Month, to have that voice instead. Not everyone needs to hear Grace say the same bullshit.

Must be one of the first actually vegan things she’s eaten this year
also the story before where she said “dinner for the girls ... all compliant before i get interrogated” like you haven’t given a fuck prior to this so why now?
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I was thinking back to the first video I watched from Grace and it was a review of Kayla Itsines's fitness guide. It was a very negative review, but it was honest. Of course it has been put on private now, but she was criticising how the guides were predominantly low bodyweight high intensity workouts vs heavy lifting... which is literally what Shreddy is all about. It's interesting that she was more than happy to critique another influencer - even use it as clickbait - but now that she is the subject of that criticism she just cannot take it.
Wasn’t that exact video the thing that made her take off? Her criticisms of another female CEO but it’s okay when she does it but not anyone else. I mean her points were valid and so was the video, but the fact that when the tables turn it’s ‘bullying’ when a lot of her followers came from her video criticising Kayla
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I used to follow her posts and stories as it was sort of interesting to see what she was up to, hate watch, relate to things said on here, but once you notice how basically every single post/story/photo is some form of brag/arrogant statement/outright boasting, it's virtually impossible to want to check out her stuff. I really don't see how people get anything out of it. The only people must be impressionable tweens who she has used again and again to build up brands that take money out of their pockets at every avenue. Every story. Is a work flow chart/nonsense pages/nonsense laptop screens with everything blocked out except a big number/"4th meeting today"/Nobody knows the struggle of scaling 6 businesses/I still have a dog/Meal out no mask (delete)/Secret Project No.9.

I've said it before on here, she is in the position to add SO much value to her followers lives. If she could genuinely self reflect and have a bit of self awareness, she could let people into her real dealings and show the real side of the business and social media and I think people would fall over themselves (more so) to support her and she would get a lot less "hate". Instead, everything is a sham and a contradiction and a boast. Like, what are you posting the stories for except to promote a fake image of how important you are?
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After a busy weekend (Friday-Monday) at work silencing the haters and educating the ignorant masses on all things business and CEO boss-bitching, Gracebeverley only managed to lose 643 followers! This brings her daily average to a -179 loss, and her monthly average to -5,370! Great work, Grace! Keep it up and within a year (or maybe even sooner) you'll lose that '1M'!

In fact, maybe after all these new scaling ideas and industry disrupting marketing strategies come into effect she'll actually have a net positive month. That'd make a nice change, wouldn't it? After all, the last time she ended a month in the green was April (+1,197), nearly 6 months ago!


Perhaps this could be a short update to her LinkedIn? I wrote it in the 3rd person especially :)
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This whole notion of monetising every single interaction reeks of late stage capitalism tbh. It's like those people who put their Paypals/Venmos in their twitter bios.
Yes exactly. People also seem to think voting (or pretending to vote) for a left wing party somehow makes you morally impeachable. Like she seems to do nothing good for other people, she’s made a tonne of money and has a massive house, isn’t it time to start giving back? In my profession Tories are absolutely rampant and even they do pro bono work regularly and help incoming students for free etc, it’s no good loudly talking about how lefty you are when you do fuck all to help anyone else tbh! It’s not a moral shield. She’s made her money and she’s not arsed about anyone else, loudly mouthing off about being left wing as if it balances that out lmao it’s embarrassing tbh!
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