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And as we predicted, despite having a mole biopsied earlier this year and saying skin cancer runs in the family, she is back to lying in the sun all day. She is a very confusing person.
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Thank you for these pdfs, I'm going to have a better look later but had a quick look at the productivity tips and my couple thoughts:

- the quadrant thing with dividing your tasks into important urgent etc is the most basic tool ever, absolutely revolutionary from grace
- her example of time blocking showing "most people's schedules" vs time blocking - does she realise people in normal jobs can't just decide they're only going to have meetings at a certain time? BRB telling my boss I'm only taking calls between 2-4pm
time blocking in uni by making your professors change the time of your lectures so you can focus on your grind 🔥

this book really only works for influencers and some freelancers. what are nurses going to do? a person working in retail? a chef? she tried to acknowledge her privilege but then forgets all about having it when writing these "tips".
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"I have realized that rich people have a tough time conceptualizing just how wealthy they are and how materially different this makes their lives from other people. The image forwarded by girlboss culture is that of a battle-worn woman who had to scrape and claw her way up the corporate ladder while dodging a host of obstacles set up by “the man.” This image is a fallacy for most of the women who cling to the title of girlboss. The Kylie Jenners, the Grace Beverleys and the Rachel Hollises of the world started the game on third base and now deign to dish out advice to consumers who don’t even have a spot on the pitch. It is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest."

-mic drop-
They always like to cling on to how as women, men didn’t think they would understand things or be capable to do their jobs. And in the case of Grace she would talk about board meetings where they would address questions to the older men in the room... but she herself says she barely understands any of the business technical talk and outsources everything... so are they actually judging her for being a woman or being an incompetent leader?? 🧐
It would be nice for people to stop saying that the reason they get judgement is because they are a woman and using that shield to bypass any real criticism of their faults. It’s really getting annoying especially with Grace. 😒😒
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Balls to the wall at work but still time for an hour and a half workout and a pub trip.. hmm..

My version of “balls to the wall” is logging on at 8am, having a 30 min lunch and finishing at 9pm (every day for a month) but ok hun.

Maybe it’s because I’m not time blocking effectively 🤣

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I’m sorry but her nights out look absolutely vile. Why is her flatmate pouring drinks over himself and spitting on himself? How can she act like a boss babe CEO and then hang around with pure scum like him 🤨
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Chatty Member
a week ago: 🤩😍productivity is a form of self care🤗🤗💫📈📊😏


Edit: Jokes aside, I honestly worry about people who'll take the advice in her book and end up burnt out just like the author herself does, except they don't have multiple PA's, people running their business for them, and the massive safety net behind them to pick up the pieces when their mental health is down the gutter as a result. She is SO irresponsible
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Just saw a girl in full TALA getup and following a shreddy workout on her phone in the gym.... no offence to the poor girl but she had a pancake arse and the entire workout consisted of bodyweight glute bridges and bodyweight squats 😭 I genuinely feel bad for people who think they will actually get an arse like Grace's from those shitty workouts
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When she’s dressed in a blazer and heels to go to “work” it makes me think she is playing dress up to go into the office ie it’s a massive novelty to her bc we know people who actually go to work don’t dress like that
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Omg is she actually 15? How embarrassing I feel sorry for the housemates. Also can I just say, I know some restrictions have recently been lifted but they literally drink so much alcohol, even more than me and I think I drink a fair amount. I swear they’ve been on a bender for the past week and even before that they drank a lot too. Why not tho I guess, get on it lol
I suppose if they're living with Grace, they need copious amounts of alcohol to make it tolerable and to numb the pain
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Is it just me or does tala have no real identity as a brand? They claim to be an activewear brand but this new collection is the absolute last thing I'd want to be 'active' in...last year they brought out super tight mini skirts and bodycon dresses, then pyjamas, plus those weird shell suit things...what is this brand trying to be exactly? Maybe they've realised that as you can't work out without the clothes ripping they should change their approach...
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It's bizarre how this wall of text reads like a lecture to her followers about why they should understand the "reality" of working and that they shouldn't believe everything they see online, when she is the one who is solely responsible for cultivating this online image of herself as a productivity queen - to the point where she wrote an entire book about it! I'd be a bit put out if I read a book about someone claiming to have unlocked the key to achieving work life balance only to see something like this which proves she clearly is not as healthily productive as she makes out.

And I can't tell you how little I care about millionaire CEOs and how stressed they are. "high stake commitments" - get real.
“It’s been balls to the wall at TALA for 4 months solidly”

Really? Wasn’t she at the pub every day last week? Or was she taking calls/meetings in between cocktails? 😂😂😂
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If you buy a Prada bag when a lot of people are struggling financially and don't post about it, did it even happen?

Her desire to show off and remind everyone she is better than them as can afford to partake in high end consumerism seems to have slowly overriden her desire to push her greenwashed, poor quality clothes.
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A person that I follow on the book side of insta has been warning everyone not to read the book and calling out grace and I really hope that people take notice
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I don’t think anyone would have a problem with her purchases if she didn’t preach so much about supporting local businesses and buying second hand etc etc to everyone else but doesn’t seem to practice what she preaches. Her “style” has become very much show as many designer items as possible. I think that’s fine but it doesn’t really match up to the whole message she built her platform on in the first place and still makes money from, I think that is what annoys people. I think she should just not bother trying to kid people that she’s sustainable and just go with the luxury lifestyle vibe because it just results in those stupid stories where she is trying to justify herself, just own it
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100%. While I don’t doubt she will at some point benefit hugely from her generational wealth, it is not at all unbelievable that she bought this house with the money she made from influencing. I’m fairly sure she said at some point the works she did on the house costed around half of what she paid for the house, and that was paid for in cash. To get a mortgage with a job like an influencer she must have had a fair fair amount in the bank already to show that even if she went bankrupt she’d still be able to pay.
I have bought my apartment myself and have supported myself and my education my whole life. But I know I have a lot of inheritance money coming to me in the future and my parents have recently made some available to me. I have known this my whole life and the safety net of this is an enormous privilege I can barely articulate how secure this makes my life. And I am not talking an inheritance anywhere near that which Grace will have. So I cannot stomach any of her boss babe / hard working / down playing or her privileges. I find it foul and distasteful. Considering she is in the entrepreneur space- this is an area of work that she benefits even more from her generational wealth, the security she has to take risks is far beyond what less privileged entrepreneurs have. And not to mention her connections and general start in life.
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