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This made me laugh so much, she's going on about how picky she is and how she has such an attention to detail and she's literally included 'always use lowercase' twice in the list hahahahaha
I can't help but roll my eyes at this – a style guide is incredibly common and literally nothing to make a big deal out of. All major publications will have one, and I bet most social media businesses will use one too (although I'm not a social media manager, so this is just a guess!). This just feels like she's trying to show off how ~detail oriented~ she is to people who don't ordinarily work in that space.
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"How about putting on an Out-of-Office alert telling people you're focusing on offline work?" The only people I can imagine having the gall to do this are wanky startup founders! I can't ever imagine doing this, if something comes in at work I have to get to it not just ignore it for 'offline' work whatever that means
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I'm skipping through the podcast she did and although we know her dad has been offering consultancy services on the cheap, it sounds like he is way more heavily involved than we might have thought. She talks about having meetings with him every day and it seems he is the person in charge of "scaling" TALA (from 43.30). She likes to present the idea that as soon as she started her businesses she detached herself from the benefits of her family privilege, but it looks like her family connections and wealth will be instrumental in growing TALA beyond a merch brand.

yeah it seems like not just her dad is involved but other contacts he has. Imagine being a business expert as he seems to be and being described as being "taken on" by your early 20s daughter :rolleyes:
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Grace: how dare you have a go at me I haven't been shopping for ages and all I bought was a foundation and something else.

Grace 5 pics later showing off new fendi 😂
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I will be deleting these soon but for anyone curious :

The intro

Some of her productivity tips

The part where she addresses her priviledge
In the Privilege chapter I had high hopes seeing 'I am from a family....' thinking she was going to finally be honest but nope it's 'I am from a family that never pushed me into a certain lane' 😐😐😐 also 'I grew up in London'. Way to skirt around the truth lol there's a big difference between where she grew up and some of the rougher parts of London
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Such an interesting read.
Same can be said about Grace, she had the financial means to extensively market the book to her million followers. She would still reach #1 even if she wrote only her name in a book with 200 empty pages.
Yeah I was wondering how the book managed to sell so well, but this is exactly it - having a million instagram followers allows you to short cut your way to the top of everything it seems. Most authors have to rely on actually writing a brilliant book and more and more people hearing about it for them to top the bestseller list. With grez, she literally had a ready made audience of followers waiting to buy her book, however good or terrible it was. Same with her businesses, they were always going to instantly do well as soon as they launched simply because she already has an audience. It really makes me resentful to see how much of life influencers cheat their way through, simply because they happen to have a social media following.
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As a self confessed drama queen who loves to over exaggerate, I actually cannot cope with how dramatic she is??? If she hadn’t commented literally nobody would have noticed this tiny scar on her stomach. It’s really bizarre how much she does this (I remember a video of her blowing out her birthday candles on one of her birthdays, and she says “I’m so asthmatic” twice because the first time nobody paid attention looool)
“Slicing open my tummy without warning” 🙄🙄🙄 as if she didn’t have an appointment, that she knew the reason for, and willingly went to????
I literally can’t cope with it!! Also why does she feel the need to constantly draw attention to it even now?? Yes we get it, you had a mole removed. Maybe don’t lie in the sun without spf all summer long??
Did anyone else notice in her story the other day that she was promoting the spritz collection, she mentioned her tan is natural as if that’s something to be proud of.
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View attachment 602499
This made me laugh so much, she's going on about how picky she is and how she has such an attention to detail and she's literally included 'always use lowercase' twice in the list hahahahaha
I was about to post exactly this :LOL: judging by the frequent mistakes in posts I don;t think any of them have much attention to detail tbh
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Ok so this is a bit off topic and i never post here but i have a minor theory about grace/her success etc.
I feel like she was super popular when she was a student only because that was more relatable to people - her actual life is so far from normal (generational wealth, family homes worth millions, private boarding school) .
So many rich private school students go to uni and pretend like they are ‘normal’ and relatable, they pretend to be skint and have no money when in reality they will always be supported by their family and have their wealth to fall back on if anything goes wrong!
You can totally see this in grace with her bs about being unable to pay her uni fees and having to write the guides to pay (which is weird to make a point of anyway as most typical uni students get a loan because no one has a spare 9 grand a year).
Now that grace has left uni and can’t use that persona to be relatable people see her for who she actually is which is why i think her success is dwindling!! I used to watch her uni vlogs all the time- I had no clue about her background and just thought she was super hard working and had done well by getting into Oxford, which is deffo the image she portrayed imo. Now with her constant #girlboss insta posts and shit book that helps no one, everyone can see she is someone who few people can relate to or even understand (million pound mansion, no proper job given that she can go gym and get blow drys in the middle of the work day, aspirations to be a billionaire). She’s a capitalist that only cares about profit and her own success. Her TALA products are shitty and break easily. The company is just complete green washing and their fast fashion model of constant launches is far from sustainable. So much of shreddy’s messaging and branding goes against her supposed left wing morals. Advertising in the daily mail and the emphasis on looking snatched or booty goals over feeling strong and healthy is so shocking for someone who self proclaims as a left wing feminist. I think a lot of people are seeing now that she isn’t who she portrayed in her uni vlogs.
I’m so sorry for this ramble and I’m sure none of it made sense but I needed to brain dump. Thanks to anyone who made it to the end of this lmao.
Yes I agree, more and more people are realising what a fraud she is.
I think as an influencer, she has kinda run her course tbh. I don’t know who she even really appeals to anymore, the only people I see hyping her up these days are other rich white boss babe wannabes.
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read the PDFs posted here (thank you PlsDontReportMe) and I can't believe what a load of absolute nothing that book is. There is nothing to pick apart because there's simply nothing there. Who does she want to be like what is this book's purpose? It's insane how far a good body and family wealth can take you in life.
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Hi everyone, I'm new here! I don't live in the UK (and the COVID situation is much worse where I am) so please feel free to correct me on my point. I am perplexed by the idea of people like Grace spending so much time in public settings at the moment. I know it's been a really long and difficult lockdown, and with vaccinations I completely understand taking advantage of being out in the world again and seeing friends and family. But given that the pandemic is not over, there are still many unknowns and a lot of people are still suffering/susceptible (e.g. people who are immuno-compromised and forced to spend even more time at home because of the actions of the rest of us)... I'm really offput by this idea of spending every day at the pub, presumably with different people--particularly for those who have other options like an outdoor space at home, access to parks in posh neighbourhoods, etc. I definitely understand going out to eat and drink here and there, and surely it's safer now than at any point since March 2020, but to me it still doesn't seem like a responsible thing to do for the broader community one lives in. But again, maybe the mood and situation in the UK is quite different to what I'm experiencing and I'm not understanding it?
i’m not really bothered by her pub trips, as they are allowed under COVID-rules / all vunerable people have been vaccinated here / hospitality settings must adhere very strictly to social distancing etc.

what bothers me is grace and her pals removing their masks in taxis, having people (exc. house mates) in her house unnecessarily, and generally just twisting COVID-rules to suit her (company photo-shoots in her house, make-up artists visiting for no real reason, etc). she is a rich woman with a massive house, all kitted out with a large outdoor space, hot tub, “woman cave”/bar, private gym, big TVs AND 3 house mates to keep her entertained. there’s hardly a good reason for her to break or bend the rules. she’s been one of the lucky ones!

but i do feel that she could be a little more cautious overall. why all the taxis to-and-from work events (thus putting the taxi driver at risk) when you own a tesla? why go to a public gym, when you have a decent-sized home gym? from half of grace’s stories, you could believe there’d never been a pandemic at all.
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A whole load of pages to basically say “sometimes it can take you 10-20 minutes to get fully immersed in your work, try reading a related article before you start!!” (this ‘tip’ has now cropped up twice in the last 30 pages in 2 separate lists) 😶
Sorry but I'm having trouble imagining what kind of job this "reading a related article to get warmed up, then doing deep work, then do something else cuz you have no concentration left" tip applies to. I can't really think of anything except some sort of influencer/content creator job? Maybe marketing?

But most jobs this is just impossible (health care workers, teachers) or related articles would be so technical and boring and unrelated to your actual tasks that it would end up zapping your concentration, not warming you up (engineering, accounting, law, analytics.. anything technical really). She really seems to live in la-la land with no idea what most people's workdays look like.
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The stories and commentary talking in a baby-ish voice, making stupid comments that are meant to be funny, coming across as significantly less intelligent than she is... it’s a shame she feels she has to do that. She went to one of the best schools and unis in the country yet you would not know it from the silly attitude portrayed to the world
Yeah but Grace’s only forms of humour are either baby voice / piss take northern accent or sometimes she’ll quote some dead meme that went viral about 3 years ago and that’s pretty much it. She just simply isn’t funny and I wish she wouldn’t try to be coz it’s embarrassing
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Why is she wearing the top like this ???? Like it doesn’t even need to be pulled that far down. So confused by her
I've said this before but I'm so salty that someone so rich has no fashion sense. She could pay for the most beautiful clothes and pay for them to be tailored to her body perfectly but she still steps out in fits like this 😭
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