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She has the mindset of a 15 year old I swear to god. I cannot imagine acting like such a princess ffs, big boss babe ceo and she’s crying coz someone said ‘thought you were trying to be sustainable?’.
Ngl I do love it when she exposes herself for the absolute brat she is though, so embarrassing
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It's bizarre how this wall of text reads like a lecture to her followers about why they should understand the "reality" of working and that they shouldn't believe everything they see online, when she is the one who is solely responsible for cultivating this online image of herself as a productivity queen - to the point where she wrote an entire book about it! I'd be a bit put out if I read a book about someone claiming to have unlocked the key to achieving work life balance only to see something like this which proves she clearly is not as healthily productive as she makes out.

And I can't tell you how little I care about millionaire CEOs and how stressed they are. "high stake commitments" - get real.
she rescheduled her day to start early so she wouldn’t have to go to the gym during rush hour when she literally has a gym at home? Are we supposed to feel sorry for her??
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So I’m only chapter 2 but already have quite a few thoughts... I’ll write a more general review for amazon if I finish it but these are just some things that stuck out to me from the first 2 chapters!

If you can’t be bothered to read on, my general conclusion is that there are just so many words, literally 10+ pages that could’ve been a few sentences, and knowing what I do about a Grace it’s either complete hypocrisy or completely irrelevant (either to her own situation or that of most of her readers). Her writing isn't as hard to read as I anticipated once I properly sit down and concentrate, and there have been a couple of decent points but so far nothing groundbreaking.

  • She starts the book with “like most people, I’ve worked here and there since being a teenager” implying she has actually had the kind of low paying jobs most people start with, but then goes on to say she applied to work at IBM, with no mention of any of other jobs, and that was that. (She also mentions this was a way to have a year out to retake an A level, gain some experience and some “much needed” savings for university) 🧐
  • Intro in general seems particularly long with a very exaggerated babysitting story, involving poo and a 2 year old apparently prising open a child lock to obtain a huge kitchen knife. Sorry but who keeps kitchen knives at 2 year old height?!
  • While vaguely amusing the whole story is essentially just a way for her to say ‘the world of work is not what I expected’ - not quite what I’d call the world of work, but anyway. She also complains about only getting paid £6 for this ‘babysitting’ which was because the parents didn’t even get to go out in the end, so in fact she wasn’t even needed.
  • “In what Contagion-style movie did we think the main plot line would be Susan finally starting her own business instead of, you know, simply surviving while locked in her house attempting to escape a potentially deadly virus?” - direct quote, yet 3 pages later she also advises watching a TED talk on your lunch break. So far, it’s just a circle of hypocrisy with no real point, and I’ve lost count of the amount of times she’s already made a statement and then said “now I’m not saying you have to do X, Y and Z”, yet I literally have no idea what she IS saying??

Chapter 1
  • Essentially this whole chapter is her thinking she has redefined the term ‘purpose’ yet the only point I’ve taken from it is ‘find multiple things you’re passionate about and try to do one of them every single day’ - she mentions this once, and then 7 pages later she’s making the same point again, it’s just worded slightly differently and I have no idea of the relevance of anything in between.
  • There isn’t much else that stood out to me in this chapter. She goes on to give the reader questions they can ask themselves, basically to identify whether you’re happy at work, is there anything you could change, can you see yourself doing another job role etc. Just standard questions you really don’t need to be told to ask yourself?
Sorry this is so long, ironic this is what I’m complaining about in my mini review but hey, that’s all from me today 😆
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who the hell would buy used earings or swimsuit bottoms?! And why does she not just donate her old clothes to a charity shop, hardly like she is living in poverty is it?
always 💦 on that 👆grind 💸💸💸 girlboss dont🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ boss without a 🤪🤪 side hustle 💰💰🤑🤑
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Thank you for sharing these!

The intro

Does anyone else find it weird for them to include the Harvard qualification in her intro? Wasn’t it just an online course with no prerequisites that anyone could do as long as they have the money?
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👏👏👏Your parents are millionaires who spent tens of thousands on getting you a top tier private education they would not have let you get kicked out of uni because of financial reasons 👏👏👏
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I don’t mean to offend anyone when I say this, everyone has their own taste, but it kind of depresses me how women’s appearance is picked apart so much and so freely, but the bar for attractiveness for men is on the floor. all they have to be is able bodied, tall, and buff. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a polite discussion of women’s looks on here as this about Tom’s lol

Grez’ (“grease’s”) appearance is torn into constantly in such inventive ways. nobody thinks twice about offending each other’s taste or even each other generally when they do this

Tom has piggy eyes and a crap neckbeard and his hair is greasy as fuck. His curtain bangs give me the ick. If he were a woman, that’s how he would be discussed 😭 that’s my personal opinion of him too tbh. he’s an arrogant weirdo who thinks it’s funny to get cornrows.
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I don't want to be a bitch but it's Friday morning and our boss babe CEO just shared her 90+ min workout... who is actually running her companies because it sure isn't her
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Anyone noticed none of her new collection has sold out?

With that I propose a new thread title:
Grace Beverley #16 Relevance drops, new Tala flops, when will the #adgift stop?
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so the youtuber Jack Edwards does loads of book content on his platforms now and he was always hyping Grace up for her book release saying he couldn't wait to read it, he was so proud of her, she's so intelligent etc. etc. but he finally got round to reading it the other day and gave it 3* on goodreads, which probs actually means he thought it was about 1 or 2 stars but because they're friends he couldn't say that

he has an english lit degree and works in publishing so he knows what he's talking about so yeah just thought that was interesting lol
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The privilege section is probably the most lucid thing I've read from her, and thank god she has finally said someone like her can't be self-made, but it still falls a bit short for me. I think she still cannot shake the impulse to qualify statements of her privilege with reasons why she actually didn't benefit from that privilege, e.g. the thing with the pocket money, scholarships, "working" since she was 13. I'm not sure how much of this section was true transparency versus a sneaky way of trying to signal to the reader that while she's privileged, she isn't like "other" privileged kids in her demographic.

And not sure how truthful she is being - "funded largely through scholarships". It's good she admits these scholarships were thanks to years of expensive music tuition, but I still don't believe these scholarships covered most of her tuition. She literally had the scholarships on her LinkedIn and they amounted to about 5% of the fees.
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what’s the point in setting a 2 hour countdown when she could just post whatever it is now sat in her black cab (probs on the way to/from the pub again going by her outfit lol productive boss girl xx). Hates announcement culture though🙄
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Anyone else find these posts sooo annoying? Why post it if you’re gonna scribble over every word on the page
1. Editing out everything so the gutter classes feel excluded and out of the loop. Obviously there are confidentially things, but you could just post the studio or the mic etc This is done on so many posts, everything has to be hyped and secretive.
2. "Working all day is TOXIC, we need to remove this non stop working culture guys, seriously!! A bath is work, self care is work!" Also - "a lil Voiceover WORK to BREAK UP the day"- please read as - even my breaks are me working and making money and hustling, I was also doing ad gifted spon, while getting a lunch replacement suppository, while spinning burning 5000 calories an hour, BUT -- please buy my book about how it's important to not hustle 24/7 and relax like I released about 2 minutes ago, which my whole brand is turning into yet I can't stop posting about all I do is work???
3. I actually have got nothing else, I just feel her posts add zero value to others and are only designed to massage her ego. I feel she has the potential to help and do so much more with her platform but she's stuck in this - hustle - work - success - need more - never happy mindset.
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About the nursery thing in the previous thread, i come from a small town in the U.K. and a standard nursery price here is £50 a day. For just four days a week and not five it costs me over £9k a year. I can imagine this price is higher in London.
but as said in prev thread, that’s for prices
today- we talking over 20 years ago for grez being nursery age- there is NO WAY average nurseries cost that then.
and again, she is one of 4 siblings who are pretty close in age from what i know, so if they all went to a
similar setting from age 2-4 (possibly 18 months or 2
years) we’re talking at least £60k and that’s just on fees for care when they were pre school age.
not forgetting their actual school fees which approx calculation was made by a our favourite mathematical genius @greenvelvet a few thread back around £1.8 million.

the point isn’t that nursery fees now cost whatever when graces family
paid whatever. the point is that her family could afford to spend the best part of 2 million quid on educating their kids and she cannot acknowledge the significance of that,
continues to play like she’s from a normal background and is generally not transparent and doesn’t acknowledge the insane amounts of privilege she has
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Imagine saying one of the world's best unis taught you nothing? how arrogant do you have to be to make that assertion?!
Yup plus she's the one who chose to go into music, which she clearly has zero interest in and has no relevance to her career, just because she wanted to use Oxford's brand name to feel superior. Like ofc you won't learn much that's applicable to running a business, but what did you expect??
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She’s so far up Grace’s ass that she didn’t even notice for over 3 years that Grace studied music at Oxford and not law, mainly because she got rejected from the PPE course
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do you all remember how fast her old threads used to move? shows how irrelevant and boring she’s getting lmao
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