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Looking back on her August posts; she was insistent on planting little seeds of doubt in Annie’s mind, dropping breadcrumbs for all to see. I still believe Annie already knew way before Liaryn told her about mistake 2 👀

This post is another example of her taunting Annie why take a picture outside of the Prada Cafe which is just conveniently taken with the letters KY in the background, it was purposely done to allude it is “Ky” Kyle Walkers daughter or that baby girl only known as KW 55 months is called Kylie or Kylah!

My guess is on her name being;
Kylie-Ann Elizabeth Walker
Kylah-Ann Elizabeth Walker
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Chatty Member
I lurk a lot here but rarely post so I hope you don't mind me sticking my 2p worth in...

I've read many times that footballers are warned about entrapment, blackmail etc. If you give in to blackmail it will only escalate and the demands get bigger. I think when Proz started blackmailing him he didn't keep it to himself, he would have spoken in confidence to a lawyer or adviser at Man City and a plan was hatched to trip Proz up. I reckon he would have been advised to come clean about everything to Annie - tell the truth and shame the devil - but pretend to Loz that he'd go along with it. Then he appeared to give in to all Proz' demands but this was all being monitored and logged by lawyers, every text message saved and every phone call recorded, building a case against her. I think Annie knew about the blackmail for quite some time but everyone kept schtum to let Proz dig herself an even bigger hole. They set a trap to catch a rat and the stupid bitch walked straight into it.
absolutely agree
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The school will respect her wishes & will not allow photos to be used without her consent.

Although that doesn’t stop a parent filming a nativity/performance at school & sharing it to social media revealing Kairo’s Face. If this did occur Lauryn would have all rights to make a serious complaint to the school. I would expect the parent would be in legal trouble as well!

At this present time he has no school applications let alone a secured place so the consent forms are neither here or there as Diego has no school anyway 😂
How would private school work if he's still in nappies? I've seen it mentioned he is?
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Eh some of us like blue wkd, tequila rose and wine too 💅🏻

Those hashtags come up in my suggestions now 😭

Indeed! I dint like I loooooovvvvvveeee it 💃
Carpets too bogging.

And absolutely you can be 🚙 🎉
My sober drink is Pepsi max.
Preferably with vodka in it.
But sometimes not.
Eh, I don't drive by the way. Sober or drunk.

Some people are born to be driven.

Not meant to be a euphemism. Just lucky that way!

I say that to his royal his answer is aye but you drive me round the bend cheeky fucker!
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not proz related but whilst she’s being boring watching her automatic curtains open and close, pls all go to @chloehenny on insta and look at the baylie bleu highlights, it all kicked off last night!

the girls involved all act like insta models/influencers, always in exotic destinations but no proper job, turns out they’re all brasses and have been exposed by the girl above. really opens your eyes to how these girls can have a pretence online and it all be false, all getting shagged and shit on in Dubai 🤪 reminds me of Loz!
She was mentioned on the original sugar babies thread that got closed this was 2020/21 so been long known she’s a brass
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how come it went? I’d have loved that one😕

and agreed @OtherMoon to look at their pages you just think they’re living this glamorous jet set life, when they’re really selling themselves, which I’ve no problem with, but be upfront about it!
Mods said it was too much to moderate as girls with small accounts/not enough followers were being mentioned
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I don’t think he has stopped paying but I do wonder if it’s late often 🤔 like is it now going through the new lawyers/solicitors and they are having “teething” 😉 issues making the payments 😂.

I think the breach is that she’s panicked and found a school who needed to get everything in place asap before they try and fill the space with a different child. She thought she could ring him and he would make a call to the school to sort it. What I think actually happened is that he refused to speak to her leaving it late so she had to ring her solicitor who made contact with Kyles who then contacted Kyle and he said before I agree I need to speak to Annie (maybe trying to be transparent with Annie or purposely being difficult) and by the time it’s fed back and gone back through the communication train she’s lost the place and decided that he’s breaching the court order and refusing him an education.

I really hope that Kyle now takes this opportunity to have therapy and counseling. For a long portion of his relationship he didn’t cheat so what changed? I really hope they can work it all out and put this era behind them
I doubt this. Maybe he just didn’t get caught?
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I wish he would have the balls to buy a 3 bed semi for her and say that’s it like it or not it’s all your getting. Evict her from dubai luxe Blyth towers and send her on her way.
it would still be more than she deserves but enough.
If she was in a council house here (and there's nothing wrong with it btw that's not what I'm saying), the children would be deemed to share a room. She actually doesn't know what side her bread is buttered.

Funny how it's the child unfriendly lounge and the so cool mechanised blinds from her pit we've been shown and not the wonderful Walker children's rooms.
Now tattle are showing me properties for sale. Better than I get when I'm on the Alice Evans thread 😳
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Chatty Member
Who else zoomed in to see if “the not right” is there 😂
Looking back on her August posts; she was insistent on planting little seeds of doubt in Annie’s mind, dropping breadcrumbs for all to see. I still believe Annie already knew way before Liaryn told her about mistake 2 👀

This post is another example of her taunting Annie why take a picture outside of the Prada Cafe which is just conveniently taken with the letters KY in the background, it was purposely done to allude it is “Ky” Kyle Walkers daughter or that baby girl only known as KW 55 months is called Kylie or Kylah!
I believe Annie knew at the time of him purchasing that house ! No way would be buy a house in Brighton knowing that the Brighton bike resides there without a reason they just didn’t tell the local bike that they knew 🚲 🍇
My guess is on her name being;
Kylie-Ann Elizabeth Walker
Kylah-Ann Elizabeth Walker
View attachment 2848123
Looking back on her August posts; she was insistent on planting little seeds of doubt in Annie’s mind, dropping breadcrumbs for all to see. I still believe Annie already knew way before Liaryn told her about mistake 2 👀

This post is another example of her taunting Annie why take a picture outside of the Prada Cafe which is just conveniently taken with the letters KY in the background, it was purposely done to allude it is “Ky” Kyle Walkers daughter or that baby girl only known as KW 55 months is called Kylie or Kylah!

My guess is on her name being;
Kylie-Ann Elizabeth Walker
Kylah-Ann Elizabeth Walker
View attachment 2848123


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