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Chatty Member
How the hell did he keep something like that a secret!? How did he manage to work, play football, sleep next to and impregnate his wife, knowing full well he’d shagged it and got it pregnant for the SECOND time?! He’s actual scum of the earth. Maybe he should get together with it after all and they live their weird debauched lives together. Scum of the earth. Leave them for the swamp, Annie and Fam.
Ps rinse the cunt lol
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Oh stop with the lies 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m sorry but this is such lies, it’s not even cause I hate Lauryn, Kairo isn’t fluent, he has basic understanding and more to the point, it’s such an odd thing to obsess over considering the Brighton beast cannot speak it. It’s bizarre I proper hate her
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I’ve been thinking about the whole deadbeat comment…

Yes he’s not involved, which appears to be through no fault of his own, but unlike normal deadbeats, he’s actually paying thousands a month for children he doesn’t/or does want a relationship
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What way does the schooling work in England? Its been mentioned on here kairo is still in nappies yes? I find that so strange at his age, if he was going through our schooling system he would of started nursery in September and would have to be independently using the toilet and if he wasn't his mum would have to come and change him at each nappy change.
i don't understand how you can say time and time again how advanced your child is when they haven't even hit their basic developmental milestones yet.
My son is in school nursery and he’s still not toilet trained but he has GDD so it’s in his EHCP that he potentially won’t be toilet trained for a while (I am trying I’m not lazy like Loz 🤣) but his school will take children not toilet trained for nursery but they promote toilet training and 9 times out of 10 the kids leave nursery toilet trained. A lot of schools won’t take kids who aren’t toilet trained unless they have a reason they can’t use the toilet yet but there’s no reason fluent English/Spanish soon to be prem footballer Kairo can’t use the shitter
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Chatty Member
I’ve never known anyone put themselves in a no win situation like Vyle has. It’s monumental 🤯
Sees his kids - invites the psycho into his family life
Doesn’t see he kids - psycho will haunt him forever and try to push kids on him
Publicly defends his wife - well why did you cheat in the first place
Doesn’t defend his wife - wetwipe wanker
Speaks out - will get harassed at every match
Doesn’t speak out - say something dickhead!
Wife divorces him - loses family life and his stalker thinks she’s in with a chance
Stays with wife - stalker ups her game to split them up

You could go on and on. He’s royally fucked and is that stupid this is the type of shit Annie will be having to spell out to him. I also hate to think what Panface has up her sleeve for after Annie has the baby 😞
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion:

The lies, and blackmailing are complety obscene.

The legals are coming and Annie will always be our queen 👑.
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VIP Member
The irony of having half siblings eh... she had nothing to do with hers, her kids currently have nothing to do with theirs
Defo something for her to discuss in therapy! She felt like someone took her dad away so she wanted to take away someone else’s.. tried and failed oh well
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Lizzy 93

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Annie is not only hurt he slept with women behind her back
He slept with Lauren and had a baby with her TWICE
He has truly betrayed her
Lauren is a state as well
She must be so offended
I bet she’s told Kyle fuck off be with her then
He’s awful
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Lizzy 93

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Can you imagine the outfits she wears when she visits these schools
I’m imagining the ones from the Austin piles interview
The voice she puts on
Telling them his father Kyle Walker will be paying
Oh she’s embarrassing
I bet she’s really taken the piss out of Chloe
And showing off
She’s so isolated it’s hilarious
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That poor Little boy, not a care into how she’s damaging him. I think all of the children are equally innocent but actually feel for Romeo (I think the eldest who will understand most) and Kairo because of how he’s treated he doesn’t have anyone in his corner protecting him. It’s disgusting at least RRR have a mother who puts their best interests first and actually wants to raise them not have Nannie’s do it!
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Just here to fan girl over Annie and Sian ✌🏻

and laugh at pie face, obviously.
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
Annie wasn’t finished having children
If she said she knew people would say she’s a mug having another kid with him
Why should she let that pug stop her
I HATE Lauren
Can’t believe I can hate someone I don’t know but I do
Just didn’t make sense Kyle said she hasn’t said she loves him until 3 months ago yet she got pregnant 7 months ago ?
Just doesn’t make sense does it ?
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Kairo will be a relatively poor child in a private school his mum gets a lot of money in maintenance, but it is nothing compared to some of the money the other parents will earn and she will hate it.

This isn't about being rich or poor just Loz thinking she is a somebody
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