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Lads let’s not be to hard on ourselfs I also thought he wasn’t the dad. Lozza is that bat shit crazy it was believable she went to a sperm bank and requested klearpay to look exactly like Kyle. I thought her cockiness was insane. Will forever haunt me she was telling the truth and laughing at me. I just gave Kyle too much credit and honestly thought he would never go back there with her past behaviour.
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He’s repeating what she says she is telling him what to say then telling him when she is batshit crazy
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My little boy isn’t feeling well and has been on the sofa watching nursery rhymes on YouTube and when it automatically went on to the next one, it was all in Spanish. Looks like he’ll be having a Spanish themed party next birthday too then!
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Here's me just trying to enjoy the wine I was told I absolutely wasn't getting until Saturday because I act myself & can't behave 🙄 and what happens?!
My eyes & ears have been desecrated with butt plug talk & I've been labelled a Georgie
When will it end?!
I'm crying in front of my dog because my kids are in bed!
Fucking butt plugs on a Thursday man 😭
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Lizzy 93

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you would think she would get on with her life
Her whole personality and the boy’s personality is Kyle
Quite sad really
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Unpopular opinion about the interview 😂🤭

I don’t know if my opinion is because I was firmly on the he isn’t the dad camp ⛺ before I very nearly died on the hill.

but I didn’t think the interview was that bad. I think he spoke about Annie a little too much. You can’t ask for privacy for her then divulge her emotions imo. He admitted mistakes but still didn’t give Loz the validation she craves (loved that). He showed how his decisions affect him but also his real family. I do think he is gutted to not be around the boys so much like bed time. He says he needs to look within himself and I really hope he does. Something changed with him to have these “episodes” well what Kyle???

yes the interview was me me me but it was his interview so I felt it was appropriate but it should have been more about him.

the very best that could come from that interview is just one person seeing how much damage can be caused and thinking twice before shagging someone else offering it on a plate and ruining a partner.

I really think mental health is/was at play for the second episode and possibly bar incident.

might be worth noting that all though we won the treble last season and what a fucking season it was 😍. He wasn’t first choice to play and Mr Fox and myself were screaming to get him on the pitch 😂😂
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Lizzy 93

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Not sure if this has been posted (long time lurker 1st time poster) this is the original #pumagate post in May 21 and she's replied to comment 2 days ago. Still claiming there is a lot to their 'relationship' 🙄
We know Loz
He’s married and hasn’t seen your kids in 2024
Love that for you girl x
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
She didn’t mind him seeing her children in secret… as long as he didn’t have anymore with his wife
I’m sure that’s a ‘good mum’
She saw the pics of Annie and lost it
I think Kyle did tell some fibs in that interview
I think Annie did know but I’m not sure when
Just because Annie knew doesn’t mean Kyle told Loz she knew

I believe it’s been leading up to this point and she’s behaved as they predicted.

I think in the beginning he was giving her what she wanted to buy himself more time.
Annie must have questioned the house price
The hints loz gave we all saw them I’m sure she did
Changing the boots
There must have been so many questions from Annie
And he’s not a very good liar.

I think she knew but it’s only my opinion we will never know the truth.
I don’t think the following on Instagram means anything
Anything Sian does the dailymail seem to pick up now and it would have just been another headline
I think their relationship is more than a follow on Instagram he is the father to her nephews.
Loz doesn’t follow Kyle on Instagram but she still managed to get two kids outta him
A follow is nothing
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These dickheads paying 2.99 for one blog at the end of the month 😂😂😂😂
That’s a shame x
(Not you thread spies)

I mean she's a professional
Single mother
Benefit thief
Shoe sharer
Oxygen thief
Menace to society
But can't put her blog out on time 🙄
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Chatty Member
What way does the schooling work in England? Its been mentioned on here kairo is still in nappies yes? I find that so strange at his age, if he was going through our schooling system he would of started nursery in September and would have to be independently using the toilet and if he wasn't his mum would have to come and change him at each nappy change.
i don't understand how you can say time and time again how advanced your child is when they haven't even hit their basic developmental milestones yet.
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I’m not sure deadbeat counts if Annie and Kyle tried to facilitate welcoming Kairo and she said no? She’s just making it up as she goes along and creating absolute chaos that’s only going to hurt her kids. She can’t have any pr etc because no one would be advising her to do any of this shit
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Now you mention it, yes. I’ve just checked. The video proz leaked of Kyle playing football with kairo, kairo had the same beige jumper and black leggings on as he does in this picture. and the picture of Kyle holding kairo he is all in black. So that’s atleast twice that he’s seen kairo.
I do wonder how they weren’t spotted by anyone on those two occasions and why Kyle willingly posed for that third picture as he must have known she’d use it against him. Unless she said let’s take a pic in front of Kairo and he felt too mean to say no.

A car park is a bit of a weird place to take a picture. If they’d done other family activities together surely she’d have pics and would have shared one of those. The best pic she has of the two of them is in a random car park.

I thought the video of them playing football was quite sad and Loz shared it to prove a point but it doesn’t show her in a good light. Kyle and Kairo actually looked quite sweet together and her saying she has messages from him saying he wants ‘ALL his kids in his life’, plus Anniesaying what a good dad he is.. I’m sure in an ideal world Kyle would like to find a way to make it work so he can see Kairo and not leave anyone out. He’s obviously great with RRR and probably does feel guilty and money isn’t an issue so can support that many children. We now know Annie also offered for them all to meet. It’s Lauryn that’s the issue in all of this!! She’s the one that’s making it so hard for them to find a way for it to work for all the children. She’s the one causing upset for her kids.

Obviously Kyle is to blame for his part in it all but it does seem like outside of cheating he’s tried to do the right thing where he can, offering more maintenance than he needed to etc and Loz returns the favour by blackmailing him. It’s actually so so awful. Annie offers for Kairo to meet her children and she says no and publicly taunts and abuses her on social media and in interviews and in private plots to ‘finish them’. What an evil evil bitch! Obviously we knew she was fucking awful but just thinking about it now is blowing my mind it’s disgusting!!
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Fully charged bangle on a night with Kyle Konk Walker
I know we take the piss out of the jingle jangles, but maybe after 2 one night stands, and an infertile woman getting pregnant BOTH times, maybe they do work

Anyone want to try it? Bagsy NOT me x
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