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Amy is being open about what they plan to use it for - people can choose to donate or not, at least she’s not pretending it’s going to charity. Someone will donate a holiday to them - there are lots of charities that have holiday homes (in the U.K.) that have been set up for bereaved families, althoughI do get the sense that the expectation would be a lavish holiday and they wouldn’t go down this route.

I don't think it matters that she's being open. Of course, it matters when people lie. (And who knows how truthful they're being let's be honest). It's still in very poor taste to use the very fresh death of your tiny son as a sympathy pull to get thousands and thousands of pounds, when they're very wealthy people with very very wealthy friends. It's shameless and shows they don't take the money side of things seriously. It's all disposable to them, and easy to rack up another 50k whenever they need by sticking their kids faces on the page.
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Chatty Member
It's still in very poor taste to use the very fresh death of your tiny son as a sympathy pull to get thousands and thousands of pounds, when they're very wealthy people with very very wealthy friends.
100% agree with this. Why doesn’t John Stones donate a weeks wages to them rather than dedicating a win to Dillan?!

Tara Maynard also shared the GFM link, the same woman who is constantly on holiday and buying designer bags and shoes… sell off some of your designer gear and donate the money if you care so much!

The entitlement that they think the average joe should pay for the funeral, their bills and a holiday is beyond disgusting.
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I really don’t think most people would have minded so much if she had just asked for a certain amount, say 20 grand, for a nice send off for Dilly and any excess would go towards the playground. Yes, even I could have lived with that, hard as I appear to be. But asking for money to pay bills and rent when most ordinary folks are struggling day to day, and expecting those people to give money to fund their holiday and lifestyle is taking the piss big time. No good her trying to fan the flames now, people have got the true measure of her and this is purely damage limitation. Will wait for the update on that playground in the future. 👀 👀
Can’t get over the ‘struggling to pay bills and rent’!!
Well join the real world love, aren’t most of us struggling to do that?
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No posting pictures of Dilly’s face as she wants to keep his dignity but shows his distended, yellowed, blood blistered belly instead.

Does dignity only involve the face? 🙄
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Chatty Member
I can’t believe she’s already on there asking for more money. How can she even look at her phone. Her son has just died. I don’t understand it.
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Chatty Member
Can’t get over the ‘struggling to pay bills and rent’!!
Well join the real world love, aren’t most of us struggling to do that? credit card is bordering on the same as the national debt! That’s just from paying my bills and buying food. Can’t see a way out at the minute. But hey.. Amy needs a holiday ffs. I haven’t had a holiday for 7 years!!!
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When I saw he had passed last night my heart went out to his parents. Then I saw that GFM for monthly bills and funeral and they lost every bit of my sympathy. Absolutely disgusting they should hang their heads in shame.
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The GFM wouldn't be a issue if it was to donate to the the hospitals where dilly was being treated or a cancer charity but the fact she's stated (although she's truthfully said what for) it's for his funeral, holiday and to pay rent/bills just doesn't sit right!
Totally and less than 24 hours after he passed away, it had clearly been written out before he died!
The amounts they have asked for are people’s yearly salaries but for them that’s a few months rent and holiday, absolute madness!
Why aren’t their millionaire friends donating rather than the public for the third time.
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She's an absolutely vile human being. Surely her focus should be guiding her children through the loss of their brother, rather than begging people for money?! She says she wants to make up for lost time with them, but she's not exactly putting them first now.
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She posted that link of Jon Stones dedicating the England match to him. He could donate a couple of days wages to then, rather than calling on vulnerable people during a cost of living crisis.
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Hasn’t even been a day. I think when she can no longer exploit dilly's cancer she’ll move on to Aiyla’s autism
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She’s a damn disgrace. Shame on anyone donating! Go grieve your boy. Urgh she’s vile, I hope Dilly is in a better place.
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So many people that are now donating again are probably struggling to make ends meet at the end of each month but they’re giving to fund her lavish lifestyle!
So typical though, the rich have always expected the poor to pay for their excesses one way or another.
Time people had a bit of sense and thought carefully about who they’re donating their hard earned money to.
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Same here. I 100% expected her to do this. She is going to keep it going, similar to Cashley Cain and Safiyya Vorajee.

I obviously would not wish the pain of losing a child on my worst enemy. But there's no denying that some people see it as a way to make money for their luxury lifestyle. 🥴

There needs to be a crackdown on the setting up of GoFundMe for everything and anything, imo. It's become altogether too easy for just about anyone to take money, in this way, often probably from those who can least afford to give it.
How many GFM has she had in the last 12-18mths? Surely after the first one you'd sell anything so you wasn't in the position to have to ask again! She is and was using her child's illness and now his death an easy way to get money! It's disgusting!
She's an absolutely vile human being. Surely her focus should be guiding her children through the loss of their brother, rather than begging people for money?! She says she wants to make up for lost time with them, but she's not exactly putting them first now.
Next thing will be throwing herself into finding out everything about autism, and ways she can help Ayla! Possibly a GFM for a sensory/water room for her 🙈
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How do family members pay their bills while they aren’t working? I do get peoples issues with this family but I think there is a much bigger picture. I know of at least 2 other families who have had go fund me’s fully support their lifestyle while they had a sick child all be it on a smaller level. These just didn’t have as big reach as Amy so people didn’t know about it
They're absolutely loaded. There's no way they can't manage a couple of months of him not sitting at his computer. Besides aren't his employees making him money? I have every sympathy for their awful situation but they are very rich people. If the GFM was enough to support them AND pay the extortionate costs of the natural treatments, then they certainly don't need to keep it open now the natural treatments have stopped. Of the hospital hadn't said no, they'd still be forking out thousands for that alone.
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I have to say I think Cashley is far worse. He raised £2 million just in case Azaylia could be treated abroad. Then when it became clear that there was no chance of that, he could have donated the money to help another child in the same situation, but they used that money for themselves and they’ve still only donated small amounts to individual children.

Amy is being open about what they plan to use it for - people can choose to donate or not, at least she’s not pretending it’s going to charity. Someone will donate a holiday to them - there are lots of charities that have holiday homes (in the U.K.) that have been set up for bereaved families, althoughI do get the sense that the expectation would be a lavish holiday and they wouldn’t go down this route.
Tbh, I think she is just warming up, and I think she is beyond shameless.

It's an awful thing to do, and she (and her husband), and Cashley Cain (and Safiyya Vorajee) have done it - used the illness and death of a child to give themselves a very luxurious lifestyle.

It's not right.
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Chatty Member
I’ve actually changed how I think about this particular go fund me. I honestly believe that they thought he would get better (as I’m sure most/ all parents would) and then by the time they came to the realisation that things were really serious it was too late to downsize/ minimise spend. Their girl needs constant care so someone will need to be there 24/7 and then there’s the baby so they will need a lot of support. I do get that they should have taken steps to support themselves but I think they left it too late (not blaming them for that)

I think there are ways to raise awareness and highlight things without over sharing the child themselves but I will cut them a bit of slack because I imagine they are totally broken and doing all sorts of irrational things currently.

My heart really goes out to them and any other family dealing with similar I just wish there were better official ways to support people so they weren’t asking for money from strangers on the internet.
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There is no way this would be happening in a hospice. And I'm actually shocked that the hospital appear to reacting in this way. A family friend lost their child to leukaemia and truthfully those final days were horrific for all of them but the only "treatment" was pain management and the family were all warned what to expect.

I wonder if they are using the GFM to fund a solicitor who is forcing these actions, because I can't honestly see any other reason for them.
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I was waiting for this post.... totally expected it from her! Your sons body isn't even cold yet and your asking for 50k!
You spent £40k or even more on treatments that wouldn't and hasn't worked on your son!(yes I know you try everything but after so many treatments and nothing has changed then you'd stop them especially when she knew he hated them too) You put your own feelings before that of your son's pain!

How many families are out there going or about to go through the same heartbreak and in debt, having time of unpaid and having to pay for a funeral but they will do it by managing what little funds they have or borrow of family/friends or a friend may set up a GFM (probably the first one they have done) for a little amount......

I'm sorry but £50k is a lot for what is needed (yes change the total to 50k if it got near that amount but don't start with it)! She's just got money grabber written all over her! Why should people donate to buy her a holiday! Yes she's lost her son but many hundreds of other people have and haven't been able to away.....

Sorry for the rant but it's the lowest of the low begging for money!
Same here. I 100% expected her to do this. She is going to keep it going, similar to Cashley Cain and Safiyya Vorajee.

I obviously would not wish the pain of losing a child on my worst enemy. But there's no denying that some people see it as a way to make money for their luxury lifestyle. 🥴

There needs to be a crackdown on the setting up of GoFundMe for everything and anything, imo. It's become altogether too easy for just about anyone to take money, in this way, often probably from those who can least afford to give it.
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