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Actually it makes no difference whatsoever at this stage
If he’s getting any pleasure from food, he should have it and I hope that sweet little boy is getting moments of pleasure. I don’t judge his heartbroken parents for trying to bring him comfort and familiarity. He wouldn’t eat if he didn’t want to.

The world is a rubbish place sometimes knowing small children are suffering and losing their lives. Unimaginable. 💔
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Chatty Member
Thanks for the new thread!

Can someone tell Oz to stop posting pictures! That latest one of Dilly his skin looks so yellow and swollen! 😞
I haven’t commented on this particular family and don’t follow them but curiosity from reading here made me look at their open profiles. That photo you’re referring to is a disgusting thing to do to a child during their transition from this life to the next..if there is one. I just need to ask if anyone knows why they actually beg for money on a GFM? I looked at that tosser of a dad, how much does that guy love himself. I looked back at his posts as far as 2016 before he met her and couldn’t believe his sense of importance and self love. Hers is the same. Then I saw the huge apartment they have on Canary Wharf and the boxes of new furniture etc posted when they moved in. Jeepers none of that stuff comes cheap, so I ask again, why grifting on Insta during your child’s dying days or hours. He seems to own his own business as there are posts about his employees. Why not sell the fancy apartment and flash cars and stop moaning about bills. I’m so angry I just had to vent. They are a pair of melts, there’s a place in hell for what they’ve put that child through in his last months. No sympathy for them here. My sympathy is for the little one, I hope his final journey is calm and peaceful and his destination is happier than the life he has had to endure. Poor little mite. Sorry for the long rambling post guys.
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I personally think that any children (and sometimes even adults) who are given a terminal diagnosis should receive an independent guardian/advocate who works with both medics and parents to ensure that they aren't put through unnecessary treatments that add nothing to life quality. Time and time again you see parents who refuse to accept medical advice, get onto Google and find some hospital offering snake oil treatment for £s and kids are dragged around the globe for. I know you want to do anything to keep a child alive, it's human nature but you also need to prioritise quality of life over quantity and I don't think parents are always the best judges of this.
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I see Oz hasn't shared the GFM page at all
I think he is embarrassed by it, as sharing that would admit that whatever trading business he has (which looks very much like a MLM scam from the instagram links) isn’t as lucrative as he’s trying to make out on instagram.

I’m sure he is devastated by Dillan’s death but he seems very image conscious from everything he shares online.
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I think it is time for her to have a thread of her own tbh. She must have fund raised close to a million (my money included) and it’s time to stop. She can’t have spent all the money so she should use it for rent/holiday etc
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Chatty Member
Won't be long before she needs her own thread entirely. I have no words for this woman. Too little too late with the playground. We see you.
RIP darling boy Dilly, life is cruel.
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I was heartbroken for them yesterday. Today she has gone down in my estimations big time. Disgusting behaviour.
God bless Dillan, poor little thing.
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I’m horrified
They have already had so much money

My family member was back at work day after child’s funeral
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Also their from a mega rich circle of friends. I’ve never understood the need for the go fund me, asking people effected by the cost of living/on minimum wage etc for money when Amys best friend is Nadine Merabi, a multi millionaire with a growing business, just opened a new store in New York.
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I’m really sorry but why is it anyone else’s issue. It’s heartbreaking that children are dying of such a horrible disease
But that doesn’t mean it’s everyone else’s responsibility to pay their rent or buy them a holiday. It just makes no sense to how these people find a correlation in the 2
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Chatty Member
When will this stop? We’re grieving so not ready to return to work so carry on paying our wages. Need another holiday so please pay for it. I need a new car but we’re broke because we’ve spent all our money on Dillan. Its outrageous!
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Can you report go fund me's? If they live such a lavish lifestyle could this not be counted as a valid scam?
It seems harsh given the circumstances but it just seems so wrong that they're using their dead child to take money from people worse off than them.
Not for this reason.
Even if someone fundraised for one thing then spent it on something else, there seems to be no consequences. I honestly don’t know why it’s not considered fraud. There must be a disclaimer that means if you donate money then the recipient can use it for what they want. This is why I really hate GFM.
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What really frustrates me and this is across all influencer/sharenting culture not just Dilly’s parents, is the amount of people that still think this is ok. I feel like it’s still a really long way off before this is seen as socially unacceptable by the majority. Like another 10+ years of it!

You’ve got comments on Amy’s latest post asking people to get their kids to draw a picture for Dilly, share to stories and tag amy so she can show Dilly the pictures, and someone else saying their 5 year old asks after Dilly (why would you tell your 5 year old about Dilly, the sick boy on the internet?!) it’s probably the same people that are in these Archie’s Army, Star Hobson groups etc. I don’t know what this social media phenomenon is but when it involves sick / dead children that they have never even met it’s really quite alarming.
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Ugh, I’m so glad I’ve found this thread. Amy’s latest GFM post is the lowest of low. What that family have had to endure is just beyond terrible - no-one deserves to lose a child, especially in the slow drawn out way that they have, but they have no fucking right to ask for that money. Thousands of families up and down the country lose children in a multitude of awful ways, it’s sad beyond belief, tragic and senseless, but why should Amy and her family have the right to these funds to ‘heal and help’ when others struggle? It’s just gross and fucked up. I can not imagine going what they’ve gone through and literally before their son is cold having the balls to broadcast a grift for money. Show’s the heart of who someone truly is, huh?
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Poor Dillan had a life of suffering, he never got to experience a normal life. He was also never in a position to advocate for this own medical decisions. Then his suffering is exploited and profited from.

Poor boy. Life is just so unfair to some.
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Yes travelled a lot in the past by the look of it lived the high life. Maybe he does come from money then. Just been digging and he’s director of 3 different companies in whats looking like shares with fancy offices in London. I’m even more startled now about why they’re grifting with a GFM! Must be worth some poke. Makes me sick how these people walk among us. Taking advantage of their situation to make a quick buck. Pair of scumbags.
Omg I have so much to say about Amy etc. I just clicked on this thread by chance as I’ve had a lot of thoughts about this so will share them tomorrow.

I followed Amy before Dilly got diagnosed. Oz used to date one of Steve Parish’s daughters for a long time (Crystal Palace chairman/owner) so that’s where a lot of lavish posts came from
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Amy pretty much saying they will stop his pain medicine if they need to, so they can put more blood/plasma in. You'll literally keep him in pain just to keep him alive to be in more pain. Its just wrong. They should be keeping him as pain free as possible even if it means the worst.
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