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“Someone was being mean to me”
Translated to real world :
32 dissatisfied customers gave me feedback I didn’t want to hear.
I made myself a public figure open to scrutiny and opinions and I can take the heat .
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I think she went on holiday with all these ideas for content (because basically that’s all the holiday was for) and they’ve all kind of flopped so she hasn’t got that big hit of endorphins (?) is it from likes and massive views because social media is her new addiction. And initially she did get lots of views so she probs got a rush from that, hence all these era’s and milking the wedding content now etc etc.
anyway she’s got post holiday blues because her content didn’t give her the high she was hoping for. Anyway that’s just my arm chair analysis 😂😂
Also (I can’t be bothered screen shotting) but she posted at the start of her holiday about her new lifestyle meaning she wasn’t on or off plan anymore or something like that, but now she’s home she needs to reset her routines…so she was off plan then or is on a plan ?!? Like her posts just do not make sense and are not coherent at all.
Aaaand just seen her having to extend her run challenge program because she fell off track. How does someone with no work, who is apparently living her best life and glowing not able to stick to a very basic and simple running plan. Like she’s telling the internet she is thriving and smashing life but to me I just think there must still be underlying problems/poor mental health days, otherwise how is she not motivated do complete runs when she has so much time to do them and they were part of her ‘routine!’
Sorry if that doesn’t all make sense I’m kinda rambling as I remember the posts I’ve seen this evening. But I just hate that’s she’s projecting that her lifestyle and glow up challenge is the answer to a happy, motivated life etc etc when she isn’t being truthful to those who are literally buying into it!
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I have absolutely no issue with her fundraising her place. I also have no issue with her using her platform to fundraise her place.

But what is unacceptable, is that she hasn’t disclosed that up to now.

Had I bought a 75 Glow handbook for a donation to Macmillan I’d have thought my £4.99 (think it was about that) was going to the charity. £4.99 straight to them.

But assuming her place is a charity place rather than a ballot place, Macmillan will have paid for her to have her place. That’s why they set the fundraising amount so high, to cover their costs of the place. So really, my £4.99 is being split between covering her place the charity had to bid for, and the actual work of the charity. So my donation is less impactful. I’d want to know that to make an informed decision.
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aside from the granny outfit; why is she sat having a snack before a dinner?! A fucking protein yoghurt before a meal out?! And her recent tik tok about packing snacks to eat on the way to a restaraunt?!?!?! This eating disorder is out of control
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I’m gonna be controversial and say her time is good. Infact, the very fact she ran a half is fab. I hate all the new found insta running wank behaviour re: times/distances/ultras etc - it’s crap and I reckon it must put new and/or average runners totally off starting.
It’s amazing she’s run a half, she’s looking after her health and fitness and all that jazz, which should only be applauded.

She’s still a cunt though.
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Honestly I think Becca would be better going back to full time employment. It is a lot of people’s dream to work for themselves and make something of themselves but it clearly isn’t working for her and for the sake of her mental health she needs actual structure. You can’t just give up on things during employment and you can’t hide from feedback, positive or negative. It’s time to join the real world again, for your own sake
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Chatty Member
Why on earth is she carrying that new handbag around her house from “work” to the kitchen for snack time? Very strange behaviour.
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Stuck in a car in traffic so using the time to let the ASA know that Becca isn’t declaring affiliate links. It’s a link anyone with Gousto can get but people using it will earn her credit, so it’s an affiliate scheme. Not very glowy of her 👀


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Omg. Just listened to number 36 on her podcast (for pure laughable purposes)...she basically said....'during the pandemic, when you rung 999 she showed up at your door as she volunteered for the services'.... imagine saying that.
With a snack and glow plate?
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Said it before the wedding will end up not goikg ahead. Christ the poor poor bastard run free and bum all those men you've been dreaming of.

They just remind me of that weird cringey couple back in school that make no sense they hold hands everywhere they go rest their heads on each others shoulders and share earphones and speak in baby voices.... 🤢🤮😂😂
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She's created this weird reality for herself. Everything that she does is about her glow up, her routines, her snacks, talking about them, selling herself and how she's nailed life etc. Normal people can 'glow up' using similar methods but have actual lives and jobs around that where they focus the majority of their time. So while you might spend time implementing some routines which make it easier for you to live a healthier life, a large chunk of your day is taken up with other things and your routines will fit around that.

In Becca's case, she literally has all day to obsess about herself, what she is eating, what she is doing to make herself 'happy and glowing'. Its her whole existence and it is so unhealthy. She's got herself to a point where anyone questioning her is blocked and deleted because they are criticising her whole life and existence. She can't see past these routines and they have become the focus rather than the habits that you build around your actual life in order to get you to achieve your goals. Does that make sense?! I don't know if i've got my point across but what i'm trying to say is that she has made this lifestyle her entire life.

Don't even get me started on the themed snack and glow stuff. That is the kind of stuff you do to get toddlers to eat healthy food.
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I’ve said it before I don’t think she actually likes running, it’s just an incredibly effective way to burn calories
I’ve said it before I don’t think she actually likes running, it’s just an incredibly effective way to burn calories
I also think this is quite telling after the hen do was obviously a bit of a disappointment and I don’t think she’s getting the fulfilment from the wedding that she thought she would
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Oh wow.

We've all suspected for some time that this girl was on a downward spiral but it seems she has gone into a full prolonged manic episode. I really hate how she has led so many people up the garden path and duped them into giving her their hard earned money but I now really hope she is going to get some proper mental health support. I hope Chris and her family force her to quit the socials for good and find somewhere that can provide good care for her, inpatient or medication, whatever it is she needs because it sounds like she is out of control.
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Are the Trustpilot reviews the person being ‘horrible’ to her? Because if that is the case, she needs to pull her head out of her arse. There is so much feedback in those reviews but it’s clear that if she hears something she doesn’t like she just blocks and removes. Newsflash Becca, these types of reviews will continue if you don’t change your behaviour. And they are giving feedback on a service they have paid money for. This is not the same as being horrible to you.
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Life coaching is entirely unregulated, these qualifications are not overseen by a legislative body. I could sit down tomorrow morning and call myself a life coach and there’s nothing more to it.

These qualifications she’s buzzing to have are no achievement. She’s paid for them, the pass rates are close to 100% are in and of themselves part of an MLM structure with fees increasing for every level of coaching you go up.

Life coaching is really dangerous as it often blurs the line where qualified mental health support should be. Especially when it comes to food, disordered eating, compulsive behaviour around food and/or exercise. Really if she wants to help people glow (and let’s be honest, glow means lose weight to her) she’d train to be a nutritionist, PT, or therapist. But you don’t get to do that by walking around your house with your new handbag.
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What’s funny about the 75 Glow thing, is that it’s actually a brilliant idea. I work in influencer marketing and it could have been a really solid thing if she’d played a better game. By prioritising (so obviously) engagement with her content, there’s such little value in the campaign for her audience. It was so close but she really missed the point.
I have often thought that - one of the key elements of influencer marketing is that the audience needs to feel like the influencer cares about them, especially the kind of area she focuses on. Becca makes it clear that Becca cares about Becca and Becca only
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