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@holliebollie I never allow anyone to call me "cis" maybe I'm a jerk but I won't tolerate it. I usually say something along the lines of "I have not changed anything about myself, therefore I do not need an extra word". I'm sorry but it's ridiculous that we should need a new label when a word for us has always existed. Female, woman.

TRA demand respect, yet don't respect women. Baffling!
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As if they genuinley believe we want to discriminate against people at work. We're not assholes. I'll call you whatever pronoun you like, but sex IS real.
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I think it will come full circle and this overly sex positive if you're not getting choked on a first date you're a prude will go out of fashion. That's what I'm hoping
On a recent first date I leant in for a kiss at the end (I was driving) and within seconds he has his hand around my throat. Not in an affectionate, gentle side of neck touch but actually holding the front of it. I immediately stopped and said I don’t like having my neck touched. I should have been more forceful really but it’s easy to say it afterwards. Ugh.
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I was curious so looked up the current world records for men’s and women’s weightlifting. The difference is stark. Here is a little snippet based on the 55kg weight class from Wikipedia:



If Laurel breaks world records they will likely never be broken again unless by another male. I don’t have the words to express how angry I am about males in female sports. It’s a travesty about to happen.
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I’m already tired of all the ridiculous takes about this case on Twitter. I really think it’s high time we start teaching basic law in schools. The way this case has been weaponised is frankly absurd - the judgment literally states there are consequences for harassment of trans people and indiscriminate misgendering etc, yet theres TRAs saying ‘now we can be misgendered and harassed at work with no consequences’ ?? They’re really not the brightest bunch, I do find it a bit worrying that people who seem to be this dim are allowed to consent to stuff like top surgery….perhaps it’s part of the show.
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So a suffragette ribbon is a physical violence threat but posting pictures of your guns with statements of how you want to hunt down people is an edgy joke?
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This was just a random tweet but I’ve seen many tweets from people like this one who also support self ID for women’s spaces - I just can’t see how these two beliefs are compatible?
It’s scary how little critical thought people will put in to what they’re saying..they’ll just share the accepted thought of the moment.
I think the terrifying thing is though that they genuinely believe that trans men are, and always have been, women. So they don't perceive them to be any threat as they are our "sisters" 🤢

And whilst we know a lot of genuine trans people want a quiet life and pose no threat. The new wave of self ID, AGPs and not even being about the speak freely without the threat of being sacked/cancelled etc is a threat
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Coming out of lockdown and it feels like I’m entering this horrible world that has been festering on the internet for so long unseen but has been able to finally escape.

I accept hate speech is wrong but where do we draw the line, people get offended by anything and shutting up women to stop ‘offending’ men is so backwards.
Completely agree. I didn’t even appreciate how much traction it was getting until I joined TikTok. It was literally EVERYWHERE. What worries me is that TikTok is where the kids are! I’m 34 and have been alive long enough to just roll my eyes at the 20 year olds on there spouting about it, but kids listen. The promotion of defining pronouns on IG now, too. I will never subscribe to that at all. I will never subscribe to the change of language that was once exclusive to women. I will never refer to myself as a birthing person. If a nurse/doctor does refer to me as such, I will correct them. I will never call it “chest feeding” just to appease someone else. Never.
It’s beyond ridiculous by this point. I’ve not had children yet, but I must admit, the more I learn about what is happening the less likely I am to have any. It’s terrifying.
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This is worth a read!

1 in 6 people in the UK are deaf or hard of hearing but we’re still campaigning for BSL to become an official language (like in Scotland) but we barely get a look in. A lot of MPs think making language and communication accessible is pointless because we’re a minority. Trans people are a TINY minority but everyone’s pandering to them because they’d rather be seen as woke and inclusive but they don’t care about being ableist. Probably because it doesn’t affect them personally, lol.

Just an example! Not having a go at you, btw. I just don’t understand why we have to spend our time and resources on people who claim to be the most oppressed group to ever exist when they evidently aren’t.
This and the point about people with disabilities is such a good one and are things that affect SO many people. I live in London` and taking the tube every day listening to “there is no step free access at..” I often wonder wtf I would do if I were in a wheelchair. The difference is this (quite large) minority are not aggressive and shouting down everyone else that dares to ask a question like the “women with pens is” seem to be and so have been forgotten
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Why is it gross to yass king Sophie if you are white?

On fat positivity...I've been thinking about this a bit and I think it's very damaging. Quite a few of my friends (I'm a lefty millenial so most of my friends are lefty millenials) are into some form of HAES/Fat acceptance and tag their posts with Tess Holliday's eff your beauty standards tag or things like #lovemycurves etc. They aren't super, super overweight (some FA's online would probably be shitty to them because they can shop in normal stores no problem), but they seem to believe things that are simply not true that I don't think will serve them well in the long run. Like, weight isn't related to health. A doctor recommending weightloss = fatphobia and must be complained about.

I struggle with weight - I have a better appetite than I have a metabolism, I have a tendency to comfort eat, lockdown took away my normal exercise routine and all my incidental exercise so I put on a lot of weight over 2020. But I know that in the short term being in the dangerous BMI 30+ puts me at increased risk of serious covid/long covid. In the long term, an increased risk of heart problems, diabetes etc. In 2020, I was frustrated with myself that I couldn't just accept being fat and be happy like my friends seemed to be. But I also knew that if I accepted it then I'd never lose it and I'd probably just get bigger and bigger. It'd mean selling all my clothes because I'd be accepting never wearing them again. In the end I found a zoom instructor and I'm now feeling fitter, stronger, more active, better in myself, able to wear my clothes again and knowing I'm getting a little further away each week from that covid danger point.

I think as a society, we are terrible at balance. So it's like there's only 2 choices: be a flat stomached, peach bum Insta model, or be fat. I'm losing weight not to become a size 0 Insta model, but just to be healthy, active and feel better for myself.

In general, there's so many facets to woke ideology - gender identity being one, CRT being another, and Fat Acceptance. And when you've been in it and then stand outside of it and look at it, then you see there's a lot of aspects that just aren't helpful in the long run or when put into practice.

ETA: On the use of curves in FA. I find this amusing because, for myself, I lose my curves if I put on weight.
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Some woke women are sharing the CNA article without realising it applies to women like them. For instance, Caitlin Moran. This is the same Caitlin Moran that deleted a tweet in which she referred to her womb all because some men had hurty feels at mentioning her female biology

Also, her caption doesn't actually really mention what the piece is about and sanitises the point of the piece

Oh, the fact that CM totally sidestepped the trans issue didn’t pass me by. She’s such a coward. But she’s not the only one.

Isn’t it interesting how some celebs are coming out in support of Chimamanda’s piece but totally threw JKR under the bus? I too was interested to see whether the response to a black woman’s essay would be markedly different to a white woman’s essay on a similar topic… seems the answer is a tentative yes.

I’ve noticed a couple of people (Hadley Freeman being one) calling out the hypocrisy of those who signed a letter condemning Suzanne Moore at The Guardian, but now coming out in support of CNA.

It’s harder to cancel a Nigerian woman, isn’t it? They just can’t quite bring themselves to do it.
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It’s a spot ironic that the Brunel Marxist Society had become so vocal. Do they know about how the trans lobby is so well funded I wonder? (Do they even know there’s funding at all?) it’s been shared before, but worth sharing again:

I’m not sure Marx and Engels would approve.
This article has been around a while and is so important in explaining how and why the 'T' part of LGBT has taken ultimate precedence to the detriment of the LGB and beyond that, to women in general and why 'trans kids' have become the sudden and horrifying focus of the whole thing.

It's ultimately down to biomedical corporate investment in trans 'medicine'. Create a customer in early childhood and you have five to seven decades more selling them drugs and endless corrective surgeries than you do for your average AGP who generally decides to transition late in life after living without hormones or surgeries and making kids etc. First you get the little kids on puberty blockers, then cross sex hormones, then you start sawing breasts off or putting implants in once they hit legal age, trying to construct fake vaginas or penises to varying degrees of success and degrees of suffering, and in the future, the idea seems to snatching female internal organs for male use - uterine transplants and the like. It's a new and rich seam of drugs and appliances and surgeries to sell and you need those customers young, but once you have them, you mostly have them for life. Once a girl has taken T early, the effects are pretty much permanent. If they want to destransition they may require yet more surgeries, jaw shaving, hair transplants to cover male pattern balding etc. Puberty blockers can leave kids underdeveloped for life, and sterile. More opportunities to sell corrective medicine and procedures. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but this is a huge and fairly new area of medicine and all you have to do is follow the money, the billionaires funding trans activists and orgs, and look at both them and their investment and familial ties to understand what is happening here.

'Jennifer' Pritzker is one of the main billionaires with massive medical investments who has poured money to the tune of millions into the trans cause. Jennifer, despite being a AGP later in life transwoman is actually as otherwise supercapitalist and right wing as fuck, in the sense of being ex forces, pro guns, and standing for a lot of stuff the kind of lefties who are the main source of support for gender and trans madness usually despise. Jennifer is trans but rest assured the main motivation is money. I find it bleakly comical and also another demonstration of the fact that people knee jerk into support for things they absolutely do not look into or think about in any real depth or understand the long term implications of because it is fashionable and they think it makes them 'on the right side of history' etc etc

Stryker is another to look into. Another one with huge medical investments in opportune areas of medicine.

The other thing I like to say to people starry eyed about the current trans cause is: John Money. Look into the works of John Money. Because that horrifying creep's ideas about gender are at the root of all the crap being talked now. John Money who ultimately left a trail of suicided young men behind him as a result of his gender ideology.
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Fuck this, fuck this so much 😡

"I'm happy as a woman and running as a woman is all I want. I couldn't ask for more," says Valentina Petrillo.

Nobody is stopping them from running, the women who signed the petition even said that they would go running with them any time he wanted, they just want a fair competition. It's also so infuriating how narcissistic some people are - when I was growing up I was taught that a) you don't get everything you want in life and b) you don't have the right to hurt other people (either physically or emotionally) - most primary school children can grasp those concepts, and he's 47.

"Hormone therapy won't turn trans women into cis women but the goal, in terms of sports, is to mitigate the advantages that trans women gain by virtue of going through male puberty, to the point where you can have meaningful competition between trans women and cis women."
Meaningful competition is the key to defining all sporting categories, starting with the division of men and women, says Harper, author of the book Sporting Gender. From tall basketball players to left-handed fencers, acceptable advantage exists in sports all the time. "What we don't allow is overwhelming advantage, so we don't let heavyweight boxers get in the ring with flyweight boxers," she says.
"There are many people who don't think that trans women should be allowed to compete at all, and then there are many other people who think that trans women should be allowed to compete simply based on gender identity. And I believe in a middle-ground policy, where we allow for inclusion of trans women but have restrictions that are based on the physiology of sport and the biology of sex."
I 100% believe that they should be allowed to compete... in male categories. Not one single person is saying that they shouldn't be 'allowed to compete at all'.

What’s almost worse is seeing comments on social media from women who seem to be totally ok with this.
This might not be the catalyst for those women but I'm sure a fair few have just started silently questioning their beliefs that TWAW, and that's the first step towards peaking.
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