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Just seen this on Twitter.

I mean…

Has anyone else seen the Rachel Dozel (sp?) docu on Netflix. There’s always been chatter around the idea of being “transracial” and how offensive that is because a white person cannot experience the prejudices a black person does & they’ve also benefitted from socialisation or accruing social capital whilst white, and they also maintain the privilege of being able to present as white as/when needed. I’m surprised this hasn’t drawn more parallels with gender? And I feel society as a whole draws a like at transracial but gender is seen as entirely different? Genuinely would like to know why - like what would someone say I’m missing?
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Sometimes I feel like things are actually coming to a head and then I see horrendously homophobic garbage like this and think it isn't going to be over any time soon. (Click through to see all of it.)

Worst part -

toxic people are claiming that their prejudices are an innate part of their sexuality. It’s not a part of your sexuality though, it’s a part of your awful personality.
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I have been banned a third time now from Twitter. I don’t even think what I said was even that bad. It was directed at a trans female who was pretending to be a bimbo and basically discussing about how they can’t work their computer because they’re so dumb, and they just want to watch porn and every second sentence was managed to be made sexual because he’s an AGP cumbrain.
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I can't tell parody from truth any more! Tbf it probably is parody but the lines are so blurred these days.
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It is Jess De Whals. I am so angry about this.

It has taken YEARS for the RAA to accept embroidery as an art not "craft" and Jess' pieces are absolutely stunning. And now due to a bitter rival (wimperisembroidery) who is so woke it hurts, Jess' work will now longer be sold by the RAA.
I’ve got some really bad news for them about Gaugin and Egon Schiele and Picasso and pretty much every dead white man they can buy prints and postcards of in that shop.
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Chimamanda is so articulate and eloquent in her writing. I feel the same awe and power reading her essay as I did when JK published her essay last year. These are powerful women who carry a powerful message and they are being heard.
It's actually laughable when you read stuff like this and think the bleating 'transwomen are women' 'suck my girl dick' brigade think they're even remotely qualified to take on these kind of women?
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I would say morbidly obese is more accurate.

The body positive movement fascinates me- it should be a positive thing but it has been hijacked by those with a sinister agenda. I also find it fascinating that body positive obese women are all like 'I'm not going to change and if you don't like it, tough!' But then they will applaud trans people making a change. The link is that both are deeply unhappy in themselves
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No-one can be forced to profess a belief they do not hold like Transwomen are Women and Transmen are Men and punished if they refuse.”
Common sense rules the day! Imagine that, we don’t have to believe something we think is not true! Without punishment!
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View attachment 608656
The follow up tweets make even less sense, of course it’s linked backed to racism as well

I would absolutely rule out a partner for being too old, that’a now toxic?
This makes no sense as an analogy either…ok, some people don’t find fat people attractive. So what happens if you’re a fat person on a dating app and you don’t show your body and only post photos at flattering angles where your face looks thinner. Then you match with someone who doesn’t find fat people attractive, and you arrange to meet. Ultimately, it’s very likely the other person here is going to decide they’re not attracted to you regardless and either have one date, or politely make an excuse and leave. Nobody says that this is so unacceptable that people MUST include fat/old/whatever else people in their dating pool. I’m sure it’s not a pleasant experience, equally I don’t doubt it’s unpleasant if this happens to trans people, or old people…but you’re not entitled to be found attractive by anyone 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Sometimes I feel like things are actually coming to a head and then I see horrendously homophobic garbage like this and think it isn't going to be over any time soon. (Click through to see all of it.)
It's willful ignorance at this point. It's not about "carrying out a full genital exam" (nor has it ever been), it's about people being honest with potential partners wrt their sex, so they can make a decision. Yet we've somehow reached the point where lesbian women are being attacked for not wanting to be with a trans woman.
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Using the right symbols and words at all times is such a clear sign of cultish behaviour. Why is the 'correct' flag so important? Why are 'correct' pronouns so important? Why is the 'correct' language so important? It truly is brainwashing and so much of it is performative.
In their world I would cancel my entire family for repeatedly calling me by my sister's name, my mum goes through all her childrens names before getting the right one, I often get called my brothers name and she isn't senile yet :ROFLMAO:
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I keep seeing various organisations and businesses talking about pride month but in a very trans-centric way. I’ve seen two posts from the Tomb Raider Facebook page today regarding pride month but it always ends with “please donate to this charity which helps trans people”. People on my socials are posting about pride and spouting “trans rights are human rights” and I just can’t with that hashtag. What human rights do trans people not have in western society?? Supposedly educated people spouting this nonsense hurts my gcse level brain. How can I see through this and well educated, well travelled teachers can’t??? May as well change it to trans awareness month because that’s all that ever gets talked about now. I guess being plain old homosexual or bisexual just isn’t ‘trendy’ at the moment, got to show that you are the wokest of them all by honing in on trans rights.

Fuck I hate social media, what a car crash it all is.
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So Loki is now gender fluid according to Marvel. Somehow this springs to mind...

Why are they ruining classics? Just make something new with a gender fluid character.

Edit: They also need to stop doing this with race. Ann Boleyn was not black and no black person that I know was crying for a black depiction. Yes, television needs to reflect different people in society but we do not need to re-write history. Make new art. Please.
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Idk if it’s a good idea for me to continue reading this thread tbh this has actually quite upset me. I’m a newish mum and my career ~in tech~ was obliterated by my pregnancy, I had to go to therapy for self esteem and I simply have none left now to the point where I’m too shy to send emails without my husband proof reading them first (even tho his writing is objectively poorer than mine?). I’m too scared to take legal action as it’s a huge company and I don’t have it in me to endure years of shit, I can’t even bear to read the results of any SAR I could put in it would absolutely crush me. My husband’s career is obviously absolutely fine. He would have been able to withstand the mental torture my workplace put on me for daring to get pregnant too, but it was me who had to go through it. I can’t imagine having the privilege of being the non birthing parent then turning round and claiming mother status.

ETA - like am I insane? Am I going down the path incels or red pillers go down? Like one big knock to your self confidence and you become a hateful piece of shit? Like surely this is objectively insanity??
You are absolutely not insane. I think all of us occasionally have to take a step back from it, because sometimes it's just so bloody depressing that men seem to have found yet another way to get women to shut up and put us back in our boxes.
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...and even if it was true, the saying 'two wrongs don't make a right' springs to mind.
Exactly. People seem more bothered by boys being called out than the fact that girls are going to school to get an education and being harassed by their peers. Knocks me sick.

I’m tired of the narrative that teenage girls are so ‘grown up’ and ‘know what they’re doing’. It’s the boys who “know what they’re doing” if you ask me since they have such easy access to online porn, whilst girls can access that stuff too, it is mostly boys who find it first and the majority of what they see is women being submissive to men or acting sexy or being degraded for men, it’s not exactly hard for them to work out how to exploit women for themselves. Just look at the front page of any porn site and you will see. I don’t think most people are aware of how depraved porn is these days. If people knew they would do more to stop their kids accessing it. It’s nothing like the dirty magazines of the past, and even those weren’t great.

If I was a teenager now and a boy asked me for a topless selfie.... I might have done it. I wanted to be liked by them, I probably would have thought he liked me if he was asking for one. Thank fuck I went to school before smart phones. I wasn’t a dumb kid I knew right from wrong but feelings are confusing when you’re a teenager. School aged lads have always played that game of pretending to like you to get something they want, smart phones have made it worse than ever.
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Continuing from yesterday's posts... The rage I feel at this MAN

Did they think that announcing that they attempted to rape a woman and felt bad about it would have people falling over themselves to forgive this idiot or that people online would be like ‘but you’ve changed, that’s what matters.’ Did they not foresee that people would not find their behaviour acceptable?
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Ruby’s mum

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This drag comes from Ru Paul. What's more astounding is the sheer two faced nature of the chap. Take the current Australian version. There's a competitor who has done black face, been caught out and you'd expect them to be off the show. Oh no, Ru Paul literally spouted some rubbish about have you learned your lesson and just accepted it. Whilst claiming we need full equality on all things. It's so fake...
I’ve never been comfortable with drag, even as a kid many years ago when about the only drag act you saw on tv was Danny la Rue (I’m old!) it didn’t sit right with me. The older I’ve got and the more mainstream drag has become it has become more blatantly misogynistic. It was always a way to take the piss out of women but now it is beginning to feel really spiteful and deeply unpleasant. I genuinely don’t understand why it has become so popular, what is the fascination?
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This is for the sex work is work crew

I was looking more into this and he's been arrested multiple times for battery against women, including against pregnant women, since he was 19 (he's now 30).

Then I also stumbled across this - the poor child is doomed - imagine finding out later on that your very first moments in the world were viewed by men masturbating about it.

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