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Just to follow up - it seems the adults are back in the room…

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What was the original post and what was the original response to the tweet that has since been deleted?


Saw this on Twitter, is it true?!
Also I don’t really follow what Mermaids are up to for my own sanity but this seems to be what’s been happening recently.
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I’ve just read that, and all I see are the ramblings of a brainwashed woman with MH issues, desperately seeking attention. Does she still post endless selfies with her belly exposed? I feel sorry for her because she’s clearly deeply unhappy.

Speaking of brainwashed, I just saw this on Twitter and, although I was aware that it’s a cult, and vulnerable young people (mostly self-loathing females) are drawn in so easily, but just look how it plays out in the clip.

She only realised “a few days ago” that she’s trans. Instantly love bombed. ROGD in action.
I couldn't stop thinking about this clip last night. This morning I figured out why. This really, really reminds me of when I briefly stayed with a born-again Christian family in the US when I was a teen (on an exchange programme). It quickly became apparent after I arrived that my life would be much more fun there if I just went along with it all and pretended to be a believer - otherwise they would have tried to convert me.

One weekend when I was there I went to a church campout with other teens. There was a moment where you could 'testify'. It was voluntary, but something got passed around (a talking stick or something equally wanky) and the expectation was def that you needed to say something. While I had previously told people I was Christian I hadn't lied any further and just left it at that. When the talking stick got to me, I made a rousing declaration of my love for Jesus. People hugged me, people cried, it was bananas. Had I been a teen who enjoyed this type of attention, I def would have converted on the spot. I just found it quite uncomfortable, but I can absolutley see how kids who are maybe not that popular or who have difficulties at home or feel 'other' (like many teens do) can just dye their hair blue, say they are trans and get loads of love and adoration from a close-knit group. It's almost of benefit that there are genuine dickheads and transphobes around who they can rail against, as it makes these kids feel like they have a common enemy and a righteous cause. It really is a cult.
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Did they think that announcing that they attempted to rape a woman and felt bad about it would have people falling over themselves to forgive this idiot or that people online would be like ‘but you’ve changed, that’s what matters.’ Did they not foresee that people would not find their behaviour acceptable?
The only people who are falling over themselves to forgive them are other men, of course. :rolleyes:
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Something very similar happened to me at school. Whenever anyone became religious, there would be a big celebration with cards and attention. I decided that I would 'commit' to the religion, and I will never in my life forget how utterly INTOXICATING it was to be the centre of all that attention for a time. I can still physically feel the rush in my throat. I know without a shadow of a doubt that if it had been trans ideology instead of religion, I would have been in like Flynn. No question about it. And what an absolute disaster that would have been. At least I could cast the religion off when the shine wore off.
I think Arty Morty has made some comparisons wth Scientology and he's not really wrong. Anyone not supportive of trans ideology is basically seen like a Suppressive Person, you must either avoid them or attack them. The belief that the drugs and surgeries, once completed will give you happiness and you can be your true self is not unlike Scientology's Bridge and their belief in going clear and getting rid of body thetans. And when people start having doubts because they spent all this £££ and they feel they aren't having the positives they thought they'd be getting, they are told that they just need to go further up the bridge. Similarly, had top surgery but now feel bad? Well maybe it's because you need bottom surgery. Once you have bottom surgery you'll feel great etc etc.
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I've fallen down the rabbit hole of tiktok - the guy is either a very good troll or completely delusional... sweetheart, those aren't lesbians.

Straight away though this was a man (with moobs) from the face, legs, height, jaw and adams apple. Then add the voice...

But sure its all about the genitals...

P.s. if you have a cock you're not a woman 🙃
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They want us to be 'allies' while simultaneously telling us we're bigots for having concerns about things that affect us
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Is it too early for a Prosecco? Johnathan Ross chiming in, love him
Never too early! :D Might be paraphrasing a bit, but:

"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows."
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This makes no sense as an analogy either…ok, some people don’t find fat people attractive. So what happens if you’re a fat person on a dating app and you don’t show your body and only post photos at flattering angles where your face looks thinner. Then you match with someone who doesn’t find fat people attractive, and you arrange to meet. Ultimately, it’s very likely the other person here is going to decide they’re not attracted to you regardless and either have one date, or politely make an excuse and leave. Nobody says that this is so unacceptable that people MUST include fat/old/whatever else people in their dating pool. I’m sure it’s not a pleasant experience, equally I don’t doubt it’s unpleasant if this happens to trans people, or old people…but you’re not entitled to be found attractive by anyone 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's all so ridiculous. Instead of obsessing over someone not finding them attractive surely they'd be better off finding someone who *does*- like, if you're not someones type, why would you want to be with them!
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Has anyone ever challenged being called cisgender? As I’ve said before, I’m in a small, fairly conservative town and ‘woke’ is just a past tense verb here. My friends and I are in our thirties, working full time and have children so do not have many conversations around gender musings and pronouns.

Work however, is another matter. I have material on my uni course saying things like: ‘Mary is 12, she identifies as female’. You can’t identify as female, you are or you are not. I changed it to ‘Mary is a 12 year old girl’ in my text as I refused to go along with it. I have clearly male and female lecturers with he/him or she/her after their names, like we don’t know they’re men and women.

Anyway, I have heard women on my course (and me!) being addressed as cisgender and I want to say- so what exactly makes one a woman if you take away her sex? The clothes? Long hair? Love of drinking Prosecco?! My dad and I were discussing the Maya F case yesterday and he said, ‘You can change gender but not sex.’ I thought, WHAT ARE YOU CHANGING FROM AND TO?! Literally just using age old stereotypes of what is seen as being a man or a woman. Show me a young transwoman who wears their hair short, baggy old clothes from M&S, no make up, leaves their body hair to grow.

Sorry, that turned into a rant but how can you politely challenge it in a professional situation when someone is calling you cisgender? I’m not CG. I am a woman as a whole, I’m not two combined parts of ‘bio woman with breasts and a womb’ and ‘stereotype of a woman’- I am womaaaaaaaaan 🎵🎶🎵
I don't see an issue with challenging being referred to as Cis, if we are to respect someones pronouns then our wish to not be referred to as CisFemale should be respected too. Can you imagine someone tying themselves into knots trying to argue against you!!

Where I currently work, it's unlikely that anyone would call me Cis but I would have no qualms at all about stating I am not to be referred to as Cis if the need arose. I'd almost enjoy the aggro
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A woman I know who identifies as a transman says that most of the friends she met at school are now also trans-identified, because she preferred to spend time with "other 'girls' who hated makeup and didn't expect me to be into boys." That's right; all girls are straight and wear makeup, if you don't like either or both these things you must really be a boy. She identifies as gay because she prefers to date other transmen. You are a lesbian, extra steps or not
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While I'm utterly terrified for Marion Miller and it's gut wrenching to think of the stress she's going through I hope it peaks more people. A ribbon. A fucking ribbon. It is just beyond belief
A lot of people will just see the headline of 'transphobic and homophobic tweets' and assume she must have done someone absolutely awful without looking deeper into it. If it gains a lot of media traction then I'm sure we'll see people telling everyone 'don't read the articles, it will upset you too much' the same way they did with JK's letter.
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Why is it that people expect women to change their sexuality because their partner decided to transition? Love is love? You love the person, not their gender? I'm pretty sure gay people have fought long and hard to explain that their sexuality is not a personal choice nor is it possible to change it. I agree with this 100%. If you are straight and you married a man, why are you expected to become a lesbian if your husband transitions? How is that progressive? How is that honouring people's sexuality?
Totally agree it makes no sense. I don't get why when a middle aged married man comes out as gay, no one expects him to stay with his wife, but if a woman's husband turns out to be a "woman" then she's supposed to put up and shut up?
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I’m really hoping Joanna Cherry fully gets behind her too. I can’t bear the SNP but she’s a great ally for women.
I've seen Johann Lamont supporting her, as well as a few other Labour women. They're brave to stick their heads above the parapet. I don't want to mention it on my twitter because you never know who is out to get you or report you to your employer etc. It shouldn't be this way.
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Public bodies moving away from Transwall is just more ammo for the TRAs to say, “see! we’re so oppressed, everyone hates us!” 🙄

Apparently Marion’s Paypal is under investigation… ffs.

JK Rowling was right, we live in a very misogynistic era. Also, it’s funny how many TRAs claim to be Marxists… they would’ve called him a transphobe today 🤣 he was for women’s liberation.
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The Jess DeWahls row is still ongoing. The RAA have been bombarded with comments ,similar to those we had here, about how problematic some of their other artists are. And there is an article in the Times about them potentially breaching the equality act

I have linked it but it is behind a paywall ☹

Great to hear this is getting coverage. That Jess de Wahls, a lesbian who grew up in East Germany has become an enemy of the left/the woke is so telling. Purity spirals here we come.
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This is why I dislike the "be kind" mantra because it stops people questioning the very damaging implications on health, opportunities, oppression and abuse.
The ‘be kind’ mantra reminds me of the ‘women support women’ mantra that is always trotted out when a female says anything against another female. Yes of course I support women, so much that if I see them doing something positively detrimental to their health, work, etc etc I will raise it. It isn’t carte blanche to act like a moron.

BBC posting pro porn propaganda to their ‘BBC Family & Education’ news page for reasons I’m not sure about. Who ever put this article under this page has a sick mind imo.

Literally last week they were posting about children being exploited via only fans. Now it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world not totally obsessed with sex, seriously what is the big deal??? I’m becoming increasingly more disgusted with it as time goes on, I could probably live without it. Get me off this fucking planet.
I get that you can explore your sexuality and that should happen but I don’t think porn is the way to do it. I’ve seen porn and the majority of it is women being choked, women being stuffed like a turkey with a bazillon dicks, very painful positions and some of it doesn’t look like it could be consensual. Porn needs to be so heavily regulated. There’s a category now which is ‘female friendly’ and from what I’ve seen it’s basically treating women with a bit of respect and not a rag doll - that’s a category, not the norm!
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I don’t understand why she’s had Botox. It’s not like she has ever been a great beauty at all.
I think she’s a complete coward and will probably try to crash in one day and steal some glory.
The only thing I can think of in her defence is that her kids are probably very woke and might have had some influence in why she has been so silent
Yeah I've no issue with her or anyone having botox, if that's what makes her happy, go for it. What I didn't like was her trying to frame getting botox as an empowering feminist thing, all because she wanted to get it and wanted to put a feminist spin on it. Feminism has nothing to do with bikini waxes or botox or any of the shite she spouts
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