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Surely any human trans or not would understand that a 14 year old girl doesn’t want to share a changing room with anyone other than female. This goes beyond transphobia. This is sick. Trans dude should respect her, end of.
I’m finding it extremely hard to believe that any man wanting access to female changing rooms, toilets etc is anything but a pervert. if that makes me ‘transphobic’ then so be it 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Willoughby is dangerous and disgusting. Davina is such a fucking dose. & sorry, but including trans men in a call to arms to discuss their experiences of periods and menopause is surely just admitting that they are ACTUALLY WOMEN. Honestly, this all gets more laughable by the day. Sick of her monetising the menopause in any case - hasn't she got enough money?
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I have no issue with male care from Doctors and Specialist. My oncology surgeon for my breast cancer is male, he doesn't bother me in the slightest because he isn't pretending to be a female.

It's the lie that gets me, it's the delusion that I am supposed to accept even though I know it's not true. That is the problem. How can I trust a person who expects me to go along with the lie?? If you can lie about that, what else can you lie about?

Biological sex is in our DNA, it is a fact. It is nothing like sexuality. I never understood why it was grouped with the LGB movement.

Also, I'm getting a mastectomy this year, does that mean I am no longer a women?? No. Of course not, that would be stupid.

Also just because I am okay with male care doesn't mean I speak for every women. So many women have been abused at the hands of men, of course they should have every right to say no to male care.
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Satisfying Click

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If the police took misogyny as seriously as hurty feelings of men, his hard drive would be checked and he'd be undergoing psychological evaluation.
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Chatty Member
Oh god I remember going through puberty and it was horrible. I was first in my class to develop breasts and I put on lots of weight as I stopped exercising as I was so embarrassed about “jiggling about” and that made me jiggle even more. I remember how painful my periods were when they started, I often took the first two days off school as the pain would make me vomit and I was terrified of bleeding through my clothes.
I thought no one had ever felt like this and I would hid myself away as much as possible with my arms folded over my chest to hide my boobs. I’m positive if I was 11 again and had been taught that I could change into a boy and all these problems would go away- I would be laying the emotional blackmail on thick to my parents to get puberty blockers!

I feel I’m more informed to help my kids through their teenage years (everyone hates me, I hate myself, etc), but trying to protect them from propaganda will be the biggest problem 💔
Me too. I was fastest runner in my school (sorry if it sounds like a brag) and then I hit puberty fast. I remember one sports day seeing a boy nudging his mate and saying ‘islawight’s running next’ and gesturing wobbly breasts. I backed out of the race and never did anymore again. I was 12 😩
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I could cry for the young women seeing this 😢
View attachment 2696084
I’m so angry at this I probably won’t make much sense here. This, to me, highlights everything that’s wrong with the media and non-binary. A teen girl bare chested on the cover of a fashion magazine. I find it disgusting because of her age and the target audience. If it was boobs we could see there would rightly be hell on. But it’s ok to show her medically sanctioned self-harm scars? It’s a fashion magazine showcasing/influencing trends and fads- that’s all this is, a fad. How dare they feature it like it’s the latest Hermes bag or hairstyle. It makes me think of when heroin chic was in and lots of young people (mainly girls) felt they were too fat to fit in and developed unhealthy attitudes to food, some even progressed to eating disorders. Girls will be influenced by this who may otherwise have been happy with who they are. Is your developing body causing you shame or embarrassment? Don’t worry, just chop your tits off and you can even go topless without being harassed, in fact you will be superior to other girls and celebrated for being your true authentic self! 😡🤢😡🤢😡
Edited to add, she may not be a teenager but she is mostly known for playing one and that’s how she appears to most.
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I have enough ACTUAL work to do without pandering to someone's fetish in the workplace.

Where is the guidance on supporting menopausal colleagues, ND colleagues, colleagues with caring responsibilities etc etc etc?
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Whenever TWAW, what is a woman etc. is brought up around elections, by-elections, people refer to it as a single-issue. People have asked me if I am only going to vote based on a single-issue or how could I vote on one thing. This is not a single issue, it's an everything issue.

If you can’t define a woman you can’t define anything related to women.

If you can't define a woman you can't protect women.

If you can't define a woman you can't speak the truth and I will never believe anything else you have to say.

Being a woman will never be a single issue.
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Ugh probably going to out myself, but I'm on the committee for a theatre group, and we had a show at the weekend in which we have a new member who is a transwoman. We also have a 14 year old female member. We have separate changing rooms for males and females and the transperson was told to use the changing room they feel most comfortable with. They chose the female room. The child member had a chaperone but was in the same room with the adults but in a corner behind a divider.

It just doesn't sit right with me, and no one appears to have raised any concerns. I only found out about the setup tonight so have not been able to influence this in any way (I'm a no performing member so don't attend the rehearsals)

Do I out myself as GC and raise a concern?
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VIP Member
Ugh probably going to out myself, but I'm on the committee for a theatre group, and we had a show at the weekend in which we have a new member who is a transwoman. We also have a 14 year old female member. We have separate changing rooms for males and females and the transperson was told to use the changing room they feel most comfortable with. They chose the female room. The child member had a chaperone but was in the same room with the adults but in a corner behind a divider.

It just doesn't sit right with me, and no one appears to have raised any concerns. I only found out about the setup tonight so have not been able to influence this in any way (I'm a no performing member so don't attend the rehearsals)

Do I out myself as GC and raise a concern?
I would say that’s a safeguarding issue, just keep to that and avoid any mention of being gender critical and stick to the facts of the 14 year olds rights to privacy, dignity and safety. I’d try to stay calm and stick to the point you’re trying to make. Let us know how you get on.
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Surrogacy is horrific and quite unsettling. I've visited several newborns who have been handed over to surrogate couples. I'll never forget the first one, the new (adoptive) mother was absolutely overjoyed with her baby, she was an older woman who had suffered many losses and she couldn't quite believe that she finally had a baby in her arms. Lovely as the scene was, she looked nothing like a new mother, she wasn't exhausted, in pain, with leaky boobs, a sore perineum, haemorrhoids, she wasn't bleeding, she wasn't tearful and overwhelmed, she looked like what she was...a woman playing at being a mother. I'm sure that her baby has had a wonderful life, the parents were fairly wealthy, they seemed happy enough together, but who knows?
The worst was a baby boy handed over to a male couple. I'll probably have the LGB penguin calling me homophobic again, but I don't think that gay men have a right to have children, they don't have uteruses or breasts (usually 🙄) and they're not biologically adapted to care for children (I know that lots of single dads do an amazing job, but the vast majority of those didn't purchase their children)
The couple had a female friend staying to help to care for the baby until the nanny arrived from abroad. One of the "fathers" had returned to work a day or so after the baby came home from the birth centre, the other was at home, but when I visited, barely acknowledged me and didn't interact with the baby at all. The woman friend had been doing the feeding, changing and getting up in the night, she was clearly getting very attached to the baby, but not one of the fathers even held the baby during the two visits that I made, they couldn't have been less interested. It upset and angered me at the time, and amongst my colleagues, I'm not the only one who has a hard time dealing with babies who are purchased, like a designer pet.
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I’m actually reassured by the amount of people in the comments disappointed in her. Probably because so many women followed her for all she’s done regarding menopause and HRT.

Someone made a great point: ‘with all you’ve learned about hormones how can you support massive doses of testosterone in a female body and not realise the damage it causes’.

It completely goes against everything she stands for. She’s lost all credibility. She should know more than most how damaging puberty blockers and hormone ‘therapies’ will be when abused in this way.

She was actually in a really strong position to put her head above the parapet and fight against this awful ideology. Instead she will go down with the ship. What a complete and utter waste. I’m so disappointed in her.
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Scotch Mist

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Twitter is still talking about the dancer- It's also the endless praise for the bare minimum, I find absurd.

Also in comparison a non confused male ballet dancer :

I don't know much about ballet but even I can see that the trans woman ballet dancer has a very poor technique. If that was a real woman they wouldn't have passed the entrance tests.
The requirements for female dancers to get into the Royal Ballet used to be 5ft 2 to 5ft 5 (now up to 5ft 8). Weight 6 to 9 stone at the most (85 to 130 lbs).

That lumbering great man will never be able to find a partner to lift him up, even though male ballet dancers are very strong.

If I was a female ballet dancer who had been turned down and I saw that inelegant twat getting in instead I'd be fucking livid.
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Every single man who wants to compete in women’s sport is a cheat and should be sent back to be mediocre in the men’s category. That includes Caster Semenya who only wants to compete if they can win - suppressing testosterone means they are slower and they aren’t willing to do that.

Every female athlete who has lost out on positioning or prize money or medals has been cheated. The sporting bodies allowing this to happen in amateur leagues, cycling and especially sports like skateboarding should be ashamed.

it’s a special kind of spoiled child who can only compete in competitions where they are sure to win.
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He's is confirming what we all know. That transing is a way to kill your old self and be born aknew with the whole world tripping over themselves to be your ally. No one is allowed to say anything other than something 100% positive to you, otherwise you can have them prosecuted for a hate crime, you will never hear the word "no" again and you will mistakenly think this will give you happiness.

I hope he doesn't get too much abuse for speaking out.
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Chatty Member
That's disgusting, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. 💔
I feel more sorry for him than I do myself tbh, he told me he knows he will never be me and that the jealousy eats at him daily.

The day I left I was begging him to get help and he told me "no fuck off it's you that needs to change not me" so I stood up and said "OK, ill change something" and I walked out and never went back.

He's seen me once in person since, my nieces mum and I were in costa sat in the window and I looked better than I ever had, I'd my hair done silver white (daenarys targaryen white) with waist length extensions done by an award winning stylist, and I'd gotten really lucky on ebay and picked up an expensive coat for like 30 quid in new condition 😂 He was fucking LIVID me and nieces mum just sat there laughing, he kept shaking his head looking fuming 😂😂😂😂

Anyone can ask me anything they want BTW I don't mind answering anything at all, just takes me a few days to get round to catching up here sometimes.
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I've been on mixed sex wards in hospital a couple of times, once when recovering from a full hysterectomy. It's very uncomfortable to have men around you while you're so vulnerable. Anyone who has worn a hospital gown for 5 minutes knows they don't cover much, especially without a bra. Covering breasts while keeping the back closed is not easy.
Anyway, I've moved since then and am under a different hospital's care, one who has sex-segregation in wards. The absolute relief of being on a women-only ward is unexplainable.
To me this encapsulates why we need to keep things separate, I can't imagine being on high alert every time I visit a public rest area or find myself in hospital, let alone younger women and girls who are no doubt more tempting to either intimidate, frighten or attack.
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