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Presumably because there is always the risk of accidental blood transfer to the staff whilst inserting needles etc. Assuming also that any risk is less after 3 months. Contaminated blood kills.
But surely those staff always take precautions because anyone could technically have contaminated blood regardless of sexual orientation and if they’re monogamous or not. The risk to donor staff is lower in certain groups but can never be ruled out.

Yet the article makes it sound like the risk to donor staff is specific to male donors who’ve had sex with men in the last 3 months.

I’m not getting at you, I just feel I’m more attuned to spotting homophobic prejudice as it’s relevant to me. A bit like how women are better placed to call out sexism against women etc.
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This was a joke from a stupid “satire” account.

I wish people wouldn’t do parody accounts unless they’re very clever and very witty, because too often they just get mistaken for the real deal, and all it does is muddy the waters as this has done. It’s also the fault of the way media outlets operate these days, because they tend to seek out tweets they know will make for interesting headlines and then write articles around them, even if the tweet itself had virtually zero engagement.
True but it also highlights how easily some people believe what they read online without doing a little more research. A lesson learnt I think!
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I feel for her, but I really recommend the grey rock method. Film, don't feed.
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I posted this link some time ago - it's an anonymous site for teachers, etc

The organisation will contact schools on gender ideology and facts on behalf of parents/teachers/pupils ANON...

'I would like Free To Speak to send a letter to my school on my behalf, outlining the issues associated with gender ideology and gender theory in educational settings. I understand that this will be done anonymously, and my details will not be included in the email'.

Worth sharing but who actually runs it?
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I remember the Madonna videos and although sexually provocative, I can’t remember actual sex acts being simulated. Can’t comment on her book but was always under the impression it was full of pictures of her boobs 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway, to conclude Ensay, yes we all find Sam Smith repulsive in here and arguing whether we are fairly judging his latest video is neither here nor there. It’s tattle, not a court of law.
I can remember that - she's also done the whole writhing on the floor with multiple semi naked partners thing, too. Not really my thing, but I've probably only seen some of her videos.

Also, I didn't suggest Tattle was anything like a court of law. I gave my viewpoint, others gave theirs and the world keeps spinning. It's not that serious, which I think we can both agree on.
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If only that were the case. This is roughly equivalent to that bakery in Northern Ireland that refused to bake a cake that had a pro gay marriage message on it (not trans). They're still going strong.

If enough people want to carry on giving money to a homophobic business, they'll keep giving money to a company that refuses to print perfectly valid stickers for KJK.
I don't think you can compare a cake company in a Country like Ireland to a printing company.
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I agree. Personally I don’t agree with everything KJK says, but I think she’s a loud voice that a lot of women from all different backgrounds for some reason or other strongly relate to and that’s a good thing imo. Brings people together.
I’m glad she has moved away from the conservatism and christian groups she has been affiliated with in the past though, I think if she kept associating with them then it’d be very easy to just dismiss her as an agenda pushing, anti LGB hater.
Was she affiliated with them or was it a case that they attended her speeches similar to Sunday where they where obviously there but in very small numbers. It is an open invitation after all in a public place.
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This got to be the saddest video I've come across.
You could see this person is not truly happy with the fact the have no sensational down below, or no sex drive due to taking hormones.
They even compare it to cis women, saying it's the same, because women also don't have sex drives. In what world do women no desire sex? We get horny just like men. And climax just like men (unless we have some sort of medical issue).
I feel slightly offended. As this trans woman wants to lie to herself to make herself feel better and feel like real women. We aren't the same and I don't get why this is so hard to accept. Nothing wrong with admitting trans women and real women are different. Her not having any sensation due to having trans treatments is not the same as a woman not having a sex drive due to a medical reason.

Spreading wrong information like this on the Internet is so dangerous.
What was that all about ?
  • Sick
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Comparing Sam Smith’s video to the Friends title sequence…
And I gave the reason why - the common feature - water.

Deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying doesn't make your point any stronger.


I think I sort of agree with you. I haven’t watched the whole video, mainly because I’m not a fan of Sam Smith’s music, so the idea of having to listen to his singing AND watch him at the same time is a bit much. But from the clips I’ve seen there’s absolutely nothing in there that hasn’t been done before.
Your point about the double standards is spot on.It’s pretty rich of the DM to be winding themselves into a fury over this particular video. This is the same DM that wanks itself silly over photo after photo of women in bikinis frolicking in the surf, flaunting their curves in next to nothing or taking an impromptu shower in the Trafalgar Square fountain.
If they want to start a discussion about morality, perhaps they need to start with looking at themselves.
Thank you for engaging in good faith. I appreciate it!
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I've been watching someone streaming the game and when I first saw the character thought it was a woman. Then they spoke with a male voice. I know this is all fantasy but how many men a century ago would have been outwardly trans? I just found it jarring that the character had a male voice.

The TRAs have already decided to boycott the game so it's annoying that the developers thought it was a good idea to do this to appease these wankers.
I think we can give them this though considering it’s set in a wizarding world. After all, how many people a century ago used wands to cast magic? 😃
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I've never heard any gay people complain about them. Obviously some will, but I don't think there's widespread dislike of them.

I don't believe people really have any genuine issue with them, they just invent complaints about cost and horses. It's kinda transparent.

As usual it's divisive people who complain about division.
I have heard gay people i know complain about it, especially the rainbows everywhere during pride month by shops etc, of course no actual mention of gay/lesbian rights or significant issues just platitutes like "love is love"

The Guardian have scored a bit of an own goal with this one - unless they are looking for an excuse to fire Owen Jones

Has anyone here submitted anything??
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Chatty Member
Endless debate? A handful of posts with valid concerns about safety for people that are genuinely vulnerable (people with vision impairment, elderly, learning disabled) and need clear road markings. Some posters very reasonable first hand accounts of their vision problems were over the top were they? Some TRA tactics there ✌
Whilst it’s not a pressing issue (until someone gets knocked over on one or because they didn’t know where the safest place to cross was) it correlates with women’s ignored concerns about their safety in single sex spaces. Rainbow crossings aren’t as safe as they should be, mixed changing rooms aren’t as safe as they should be, mixed toilets aren’t as safe as they should be.
I’m sure there would have been no debate if accusations of homophobia hadn’t been thrown around anyways.
It's not the question that I took issue with, it's 3 pages of posts between posters who clearly aren't going to convince the other side , clogging up a thread that's meant to be about gender issues.

There is literally no correlation to single sex spaces, that's a massive reach.

Rainbow crossings and issues for visually impaired people I wouldn't even say is a gender issue. Maybe those who feel passionately about that 1 issue could start a thread on it?

And accusing me of "using TRA tactics"?! I'll put that one down the full moon.
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Just as a matter of interest on the subject of the ' older ' transsexuals. I live in a small and back in the 70s there was a young man who became a woman . I don't know whether he went through the full sex change as it was a very rare thing then and bring in my early 20s the first person I had known . Looking back and based on the current situation of safe places for women I now wonder which toilets ' she ' would have chosen ? I don't remember there being any talk about it but going off today's discussions I'm just curious .
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I agree about Whitehouse. She was an unbearable puritan who saw filth everywhere. And her views on homosexuality were frankly bizarre at best, and abhorrent at worst.

It doesn’t mean she was necessarily wrong in general though. I like the odd porn …. exploration …. as much as the next guy but jeez in the privacy of my own home, when alone, and with hurried deletion of browsing history when I‘m err “finished”. I really don’t care if scat is your thing. I just really really don’t want to know about it, and if you think that it’s a badge of honour you have a warped definition of honour, and I‘m not going to even ask where your badge has been.

Some things just ain’t meant for sharing. There is such a thing as too much.
Yeah I sometimes wonder what motivated her. I think it was her granddaughter in that radio programme who said Mary W liked "drama" and maybe that was it. Plus her religion was a factor, too.

I think she did have points about certain content, but most of her objections were over the top. The classic "I think this one thing and want to apply it to everything" mistake.
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It could simply be that he has been arrested - asked what his name is to which he has replied with Andrew Miller and assuming he has been asked sex replied a man. This has then been reported by the police and thus through the press as a man. BBC and others maybe covering their ass by also stating the other name he sometimes goes by.
Im not convinced, but time (and news reports) will tell!
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