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VIP Member
It’s photoshop. She uses it a lot.
How stupid does she think people are? In the clips from Piers Morgan she looks really big. So unless that was filmed a long time ago, that photo she posted on Insta was from a different era or it's photoshopped to high heaven.

Agreed with others who have said she comes across as a rude, up herself idiot.
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Norfolking Good

VIP Member
They didn’t use that utter chav to model for them surely?! Of all the stunning women and role models they could have gone with… Jesus wept.
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liar liar

VIP Member
Imagine that monstrosity giving birth “live” on TV 🤢🤮🤢 Get the Turkey Baster ready and a cement mixer of man muck, as that would take some effort.

Gemma Collins #3: Gemma Collins on TV, not on any channels near me
I tend to think she may spread over more than 1 channel though if ya know what I mean...
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Norfolking Good

VIP Member
That looks like it backs into a working farm. Hope she enjoys the sights and sounds of country living if that’s the case.
Reminds me of my in-laws who are arable farmers having complaints from second home owners about the smell of the cows in the yard 🙄
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If I read one more headline to a story concerning Ms Collins and her “showcasing her 3.5 stone weight loss” I shall spontaneously combust.

Somebody please change the story. Either there is only one writer doing these stories or they’re all paid to write the same tosh or they’ve fallen down a hole in their latest ice rink which had caused severe memory loss.

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liar liar

VIP Member
So GC apparently has a mystery illness and has employed a home nurse. She has a drip in her arm although she actually doesn't - it is just a bit of empty tube stuck on with a bit of X tape. Obviously, the site would be raised if she had the appropriate thingy (the word escapes me) that the tube would actually be attached to that goes into her vein. She's so fucking stupid. The nurse looks more like a cleaner.
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Speaking about per minute. On a somewhat related note, have you seen those Cameo videos? The actor who played Jay from the Inbetweeners charges about £40 per video. Apparently he is making about 100k a year doing them. Money for old rope those Cameo shout outs. I imagine Gemma Collins already has a Cameo, right? Some mug will pay stupid money for birthday wishes from her and the TOWIE lot.
Obviously desperate for money. You wouldn’t see Una Stubbs (RIP Una) lowering herself to this standard.

agreed though her “fans” are enabling this deluded bint. Let’s hope she will crash and burn soon. Her clothing range looks highly flammable!

Hadn't realised there was a thread on here about the awful GC. I never watched TOWIE so only became aware of her when she was doing the rounds of other reality shows. She stole food on that Fat Farm programme and cheated. She was a complete waste of blubbering space on IACGMOOH and horrificly entitled on BB.

I don't understand how this she has any fans and why anyone would be remotely interested in her shite 🤮

PS The thread title is genius 😁
She has “fans” because they like her diva, tell it like it is, Essex bird, fake/real designer life

basically she’s a champion for the larger lady (why not?) because she’s “made it” selling clothes to them and living her best life.

a good friend of mine who follows and likes Gemma likes her because she doesn’t give a shit, takes pride in her appearance (🤨😏) and follows her dreams. This friend also owns a beauty and hair salon and if GC graced her doors she’d be over

GC talks a load of shit especially re her weight loss which is fine if you own that but is a huge slap in the face if you’re following a fitness regime.

I also think her advice re exams and being proud she failed her Maths GCSE is awful, on the one hand she’s congratulating anyone whatever their results but online she states that whilst she was taking her maths GCSE she wasn’t bothered if she passed as she had her eye on a pair of shoes in a nearby shop and didn’t think she needed the exam pass. Judging on the recent failure of her business she could’ve done with that pass. She also seems to lack a filter re her mouth. Terrible examples to set people and moreover especially at her age.

Latest stories off the gram. Looks like sad weather gone a bit pear shaped she’s holed up at Watergate Bay surf lounge.

No matter that she should be out there whatever the weather not just burning your bosom area.
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Funny; she seems to have to pay for her willy... I laughed my head off at those tragic Laboutins for Rami. Tragic and the Ferrari cake overload. He's in his 40's not 3 years old...
It’s the kinda thing I bought boyfriends in my 20s - well never designer shoes lol 😂

the Ferrari cake for a man in his mid 40s equally sad too, chasing his youth! The men l know who like sports cars at his age and with young kids are basically immature idiots.

Dunno why GC gives me the rage. She annoys me far more than Pricey wonder why??!! 🤨🧐
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liar liar

VIP Member
Me myself and I! She could’ve taken part in a litter picking exercise on a Cornish beach, seen the seals at the sanctuary (she’s an animal lover(, basking sharks are there so could’ve seen those.

in the Wail’s article I see that Rami’s son is 3. Poor little kid. Let’s hope GC and Rami weren’t doing lots of their porn star sex moves to wake him up eh?

Camel creek adventure theme park is nearby and has Peppa Pig etc surely if you have a young kid you’d take them there? Potential step mum of the year not…
It's Pimms o'clock for her now and the rest of the day ...
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I AM SICK TO FUCK TO OF THE DAILY MAIL ATTEMPTING TO GASLIGHT THE BRITISH PUBLIC. On a daily basis the PREREQUISITE ARTICLE OF THE 3.5 Stone weight loss (with no comments allowed or if they are, all generally positive - voted down) but I am sick to fuck of them attempting to do this daily ……

I swear the FUCK gets preferential treatment - I despise who she is, what she stands for & all these people saying she’s a true DIVA - if you mean an entitled, spoilt, narcissistic, rude, horrible bitch - yes.
would like to vote for this comment about a thousand times if it were possible, that twat really boils my piss...
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Talking of which.....

Is that her assistant walking behind her? I’m guessing GC is walking with a water bottle (health kick), but the poor assistant is carrying the box with her take aways hence the expression on her face!
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I can’t see her in full PPE on the Covid ward. They only let folks in for a dying child.
on a different note I had the misfortune of being delayed for a flight with her and Bobby ( I think) she was exactly the same as on tv and incredibly imposing ( in a bad way) the huge hair and garish clothes on wide shoulders. Even if she lost weight she’d be a big woman. She was noisy as fuck and thought she was hilarious
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liar liar

VIP Member
I do think Gemma Collins has an attractive face, but that is where the buck stops. Her personality is bloody awful. She treats those people, silly enough to fall for her bullshit, like trash. Says a lot about society when people like her can become wealthy because of a poxy reality programme.
Which face do you find attractive? The fat sulky red one with a couple of extra chins or the photoshopped one with no chins and a bronzed face?
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I would love it if her friend Piers Morgan found out the truth and publicly slated her for it. Now he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but he has a huge media following, especially on Twitter and if he were to out her and show her for the bullshitter she is, she would likely be finished.

I live in hope. 🤣😂
No chance. ITV is king. He knows which side his breads buttered
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It said in the beginning Life Stories was filmed in September so she might have lost a bit of weight. Her face looks slimmer on insta. Some of her legs in particular look photoshopped.

I'm puzzled as to why anyone would be interested in her life story. She is the last kind of person l would have thought Piers would want on his show. He was the editor of The Mirror when the red tops were hounding slebs like her...the irony.
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