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The difference between these photos and the ones she posted 😂 the only person she's fooling is herself
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She really did that? :sick:
Was definitely filmed doing that. I did see it.

I think like the other posters that was a real car crash moment for me because who does that? I’m sure if you think you’ve got thrush and are worried about it smelling you don’t get someone else to smell your fingers after you’ve scratched you see a medical professional. This was apparently after she’d been wearing cheap knickers all day for a shoot but I’m sure thrush would take longer to appear. Would J Lo etc do this? Basically it’s diva behaviour and was a way to show how important she is? Same as when he massaged her feet on a train saying people would pay to do that, yes male pervs would

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She looks like a disco ball. I mean she scrubs up well, she has a great face and her makeup was class for the occasion but I fail to see her new body and the 3 stone weight loss. I haven't seen the dm pics but she's unfiltered on her stories.
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I was really disappointed with her Drag Race appearance. I was actually looking forward to her brashness and reactions to the snatch game and she just sat there and delivered lines like a robot with no personality! Really disappointing!
She probably felt out of her depth. There must be some bigger characters on there who would outshine her any day.
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Scotch Mist

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So she’s lost so much weight but those photod in the sea in Cornwall, she doesn’t look anywhere near as slim as how she looks in photos recently. If anything she looks as big as she was. I’m not fat shaming at all, I’m just confused how she looks so slim on her other photos fully clothed.
Photoshop 😃
Alex Belfield is right that it's shameful that she is conning people 😡
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OMG - latest Collins news item - Psychic who predicted Covid-19 has a vision of the former Towie star's future - and she now predicts Collins will go on to do great things! Positivity apparently and succeeding in a current project which may be health related! Total bollocks - she's obviously been reading Gem's health articles and seeing her numerous photoshopped photos.
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Eye of the beholder n all that, I’m a similar age and I think facially, she’s stunning, nice natural teeth (hasn’t got the turkey teef yet) bright blue eyes, I wouldn’t mind having her facial features. That’s not to deny the fact that she’s an over-entitled cunt chops
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I hate the comparisons with Diana Dors, who was talented, warm and fun.
The polar opposite to collins.
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So she’s now gone on the business courses route… presumably conning people to sign up to these courses a lot of whom are short of money.

wants to move to London Knightsbridge - it doesn’t want you…

hasn’t someone done a funny meme or video to show her laundry liquid range smelling of her thrush fingers when she put them up her designer vagina??
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Looks like the GC diva is washing liquid is hinting for a free Ferrari for her Rami Rami ding dong
Most she will get off them is a Ferrari too lol. Judging by companies house he doesn’t appear to be working. Same work ethic as GC? Eg go bankrupt?

If a child in my care was missing especially in the sea I certainly would not be sitting down on my fat arse.
She did the looking out to sea pose, walked a few steps then sat down.

If you can't go in with them then you simply do not take your eyes off them, especially in currents like there. She's a liability.
just viewed the sea video “I’m gonna get this shut dahrn” GC pipes up after strolling up and down the beach looking “frantic” - the stretch of sea/beach etc I presume where they went missing. She really is an entitled bitch. It’s not your private beach Gem Doll.
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I treat collins and tory politicians alike, and simply don't believe a single word that's uttered.
She hasn't lost a thing, other than whatever dignity she was born with.
It's lies upon lies upon photoshopped lies, with the added insult of the occasional 'love your body' or 'don't use filters ' hypocrisy.
LOL lumping in Collins and Tory politicians in with the same truths but totally true!

So this morning I log online for my latest Collins fix and see that she's told Keith Lemon that she's now not bothered about marriage and kids after bitter Arg split and he was the love of her life etc yada yada yada.

So reading between the lines I think she has:-

* been seeing Arg for a few years (or not) along with a few others inbetween or before. None of them would commit or not the ones she wanted anyway. Her weight gain, character etc over the years hasn't helped with this.

* she's now realised that her sell by date is truly past it to have kids with a decent man or to meet anyone. Any of the recent men she's tried to cling onto or attract attention to have obviously not been interested in her at all as she's mostly after money and would dump them as soon as she got up the duff. Classic example is an ex friend of mine (East London girl) who basically was after men for money and one of their males friends told me 'X is a gold digger', funnily enough she is the one I went to Brentwood etc with LOL!

* most women of her age despite her fertility issues etc, if they really want kids they'll go it alone - a friend of mine did this via the sperm donor recently and has had a baby aged 45. She also has her own business, flat etc but the difference between her and GC is, she is a nice person, doesn't do the gold digging after men and wants to actually be a mother, not have a baby like an accessory like GC.

* if GC had a baby now her parents, a nanny, her brother etc would be responsible for the child, not her, she'd lose attention within 5 minutes. She's probably had a few heart to hearts with her parents who've told her 'Gem darling if you have a baby you'll have to slow down on the business side (which is in daddy's control really!) and really commit to the baby especially if you're going it alone' GC will have thought for all of 5 minutes about this and decided that, really, not being able to sing at the Dorchester, flash the cash on designer gear in Knightsbridge, not being able to travel/get pissed at a moments notice wherever and whenever she wants (and with whomever she wants) isn't worth having a baby.

I actually believe this sad woman doesn't have that many close friends, she's been a bully for years, at school etc and from various gossip it looks like she hasn't changed much either. Most people she knows and you see out with her are the 'fag hags' or the insta celebs (Real Housewives of Cheshire etc) who aren't her real friends at all, they're only her mates for show. I predict she'll hopefully disappear or interest in her will gradually wane and that'll be it. Probably the next thing to come out will be that sex tape of hers - released by her or someone else, and then maybe a celeb counselling session (not Piers Morgan again obviously) where she sells her soul to someone for therapy but is basically a whinge about her lifestyle and a poor little me whine. It really is a pity, because at 40, she's still young enough if she wanted to, to maybe even get married and have kids.

I can sort of see her thought process re her men though:-

* oh Fred Serieux (sp?)
* exes of previous years - or female beards

GC - "let's contact them or say I'm interested in them in the media and see where it goes". On the whole they don't want (who would) even if they had it before - the Towie lifestyle, certainly not with her and at her/their ages. so they bow out.

I also do seriously think she's bi or lesbian - nothing wrong with that at all - and yes it could damage her image if it fully came out. But please keep to today's story of not having a kid - you really don't want to bring a kid into this car crash of a lifestyle.

I treat collins and tory politicians alike, and simply don't believe a single word that's uttered.
She hasn't lost a thing, other than whatever dignity she was born with.
It's lies upon lies upon photoshopped lies, with the added insult of the occasional 'love your body' or 'don't use filters ' hypocrisy.
she must be some seriously stupid bint not to realise the vast majority of people don't believe her photoshopped lies. But then you go on insta etc and her fawning fans do believe it! LOL
She peddles the 'love your body' schtick because as a larger girl she has larger fans and knows she has to keep them onside. The 'don't use filters' etc is all about staying true to yourself. Bet she either cries sometimes at home with her McDs, crisps etc about her weight or she doesn't - she really is happy in her skin and is just laughing at people who believe her drivel. But then loads of other celebs who are talked about on tattle life have weight issues, have fans etc - it's all a merry go round of fake news for shits and giggles.
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Got a meal plan and exercise plan. The meal plan was the same food everyday for 2 weeks so quite easy for him to do.
I think there are loads of these cowboys around. But they're gaining traction and reach with the likes of Gemma. I can't believe the price he was charging for so little, I thought it might include prepared meals at least. For £400 it just cut out the waiting time?
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liar liar

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It said in the beginning Life Stories was filmed in September so she might have lost a bit of weight. Her face looks slimmer on insta. Some of her legs in particular look photoshopped.

I'm puzzled as to why anyone would be interested in her life story. She is the last kind of person l would have thought Piers would want on his show. He was the editor of The Mirror when the red tops were hounding slebs like her...the irony.
Sorry you made me laugh - I'm imagining a Gemma spider with 'some of her legs' photoshopped - :LOL: 🕷
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