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New member
I wonder why she didn't sort out their wierd living arrangements before having a baby? Either desperate to trap him/was using him as a donor and provider or she's lying and they do infact live together but doesn't want DWP to catch on. We're a family of 4 living in a tiny 2 bed house but we manage. I would never not let my kids dad live with me because the house was too small 🤣 if you want to be together you'd make it work!
Probably for single parent benefits
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Her stories today 🙄 “Jakes not convinced but I think it adds a pop of colour” aka: fuck what Jake thinks about the way his home looks
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He’s hitting the ‘failure to thrive’ threshold which is why she’s got a referral & yet she refuses to give him formula because how it makes her feel on not solely bf’ing. She’s a disgrace.
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Active member
So how long after baby is born are we saying that her and Jake will split… place your bets here! I give it 3 months - the new born stage will break her and she’s gonna be pissed Jake isn’t there permanently to help. She’ll go on a mad posting spree about being a single mama she’s done it before blah blah blah.
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Chatty Member
Ugh. Don’t tar everyone with the same brush Gemma. Some of us had very painful sweeps (more painful than my labour with zero pain relief!). Our pain is valid.

Sorry, that’s hit a nerve and I might be overreacting.
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The baby will be born, there will be the usual happy period when everything is all magical and he’ll suddenly leave to go be with his other children and they’ll be the thorn in her side. ‘Why won’t Jake spend time with our baby!!’ I mean good luck to them and all but I’ve said this before. Everything is so rushed. They rushed into the relationship, rushed the baby. It’s so weird that they are taking this part so slow.
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VIP Member
Is she really complaining that there's safety instructions on her kids paddling pool that's only going to be used a handful of times in her own garden??? She's on the beg for a lovely big one with a built in slide I bet!
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Chatty Member
I’m usually just a lurker but what does she gain about lying about her baby having a milk allergy? Giving up dairy is absolutely awful/hard and not something anyone would choose to do. If she actually reads this thread like some of you have claimed I really feel for her. She’s giving her baby the best milk she possibly can and these comments would make any mother not see the point in breastfeeding anymore. I’ve breastfed 3 children and it’s hard enough without it being criticised.
Fake sympathy? An excuse to stop breastfeeding because the only reason she is to begin with is because her partners ex did with his other children?
We haven’t once criticised her for breastfeeding 😂 only the reasons as to why she is.
I know full well how hard it is, but thanks for that unfounded assessment.
We simply shared that it’s extremely unlikely that he has a milk allergy because he has one of the consequences of the allergy, not a symptom. Slow weight gain is a result of other symptoms such as projectile vomiting, excessive diarrhoea and reluctance to feed due to pain/acid reflux. As I said, I have experience with this and am part of a Facebook group for CMPA which has over 20k member in the UK. I don’t think 20k people (and the NICE guidelines) are lying about the symptoms.

She doesn’t feed him often enough and doesn’t listen to advice from people with experience or medical professionals. She promotes unsafe sleep fgs!

so now I’ve humoured your silly comment. Hi “new member” 😉
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Chatty Member
Don’t believe for one second the HV suggested CMPA, he’d be screaming, sick and or covered in a rash. She’s being dishonest about what was said and she knows it.
Oh god the sick, I completely blocked that out I think. My little one used to projectile across the living room after every feed which was so scary to watch a newborn do 😩
I wouldn’t put it past her to lie. Also if he does have CMPA, she wouldn’t have been told to cut soya straight away, she would have to cut soya if after weeks he wasn’t better.
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Chatty Member
They're back already?? So they drove for god knows how many hrs with 2 screaming kids for a bowl of chips and a maccy dees coffee. Hilarious 😂
It was worth it for the photo of the castle for the ‘gram 😂
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The midwives probably don’t care as she’s breastfeeding. I’ve come across so many anti fed is best midwives in my time being a parent, they can really be pushy with breastfeeding. I’m sure she’s not being honest on social media.. people always post things that are miles from the truth. You can always tell when someone is having an argument with how much they share now ‘in love’ they are online
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Chatty Member
She knows damn well that you can lose your plug weeks before or just before or even when you’re in labour so I don’t know why she’s using her instagram as a Google feature. Just Google it if you really want to? She’s driving me nuts!! We all have the “will it? Won’t it” when you’re full term but we don’t plaster it all over instagram for people who don’t care and we also don’t go too intense at 37 weeks when youre likely to be eating for a few weeks yet. Babies come when they are ready and release the hormone to start labour. It’s out of your hands unless you are induced or have an elective section. Just shut up and text jake about it instead. Or better yet, focus on the child who is already here while you only have a few weeks before his life gets turned upside down and you can enjoy those precious moments of quality time with him 🤪🤪
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Chatty Member
I’m not shocked the baby has poor weight gain but my first thought was that she’s missing his hunger cues cause he always has a dummy in. I’m confused as to why the HV has suggested CMPA on the sole basis of weight gain and no other symptoms. I say that as my youngest has a milk allergy and I was breastfeeding and her symptoms were awful. She basically screamed in pain 23 hours a day with trapped wind, and tummy pain so I just knew there was something wrong and the doctor said I was being paranoid 🤪 I literally had to photocopy the NICE guidelines and highlight the 20+ symptoms she was experiencing to be listened to. This is a common theme with CMPA diagnosis in babies so I’m surprised the HV has drawn this conclusion first without looking at other options based on one symptom.
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Chatty Member
Hate when people refer to their babies as "greedy". Babies literally consume nothing other than milk for 6 months...feeding regularly is healthy, not greedy!
They literally don’t know greed 😂 my almost 3 year old doesn’t know greed because she has a healthy relationship with food - never understood people who say this 😂
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