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Baby Giraffe

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Oh well, going to have to disagree. I think his references were clear. And I think the way people seem to want to jump to defend him very much taps into the whole 'jews don't count' way of thinking.
Yes, can't see that we will agree if that's what you think. The whole point is that Jews very much DO count and the language then was totally unacceptable, just as this language of dehumanising people is totally unacceptable.
True as they are running out of places to house them, some are being housed in care homes with the elderly, they themselves aren't elderly but the home office are having issues finding the accommodation that is needed as so many are arriving daily to the country. They can't build houses fast enough , plus there is the issue of relocating the ones that get in trouble.....they get moved from area/city all the time. It's a on going issue, hence why things need to be done about it all, whatever anyone's views on the issue are. The sheer amount is causes issues for all involved.
I'm surprised that there is any spare space in care homes, the waiting list round her to get somebody into one that needs that care is horrendous. This certainly isn't happening everywhere and nor could it regardless of any other issue to do with the rights and wrongs. The problem is that cases aren't being dealt with so they are all in limbo. If cases were dealt with efficiently and swiftly then the problem wouldn't exist to this extent and the those who are subsequently granted asylum would be able to do some of the jobs that we need filling and pay into society in a way that they currently can't.
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Morning all

I’m in two minds about the whole business. It’s certainly opened a can of worms what Gary Lineker said and the ensuing mess.

A couple of thoughts

This isn’t the first time Gary’s said something controversial on his Twitter. Fair that he has a point of view on many issues but I don’t think in this instance he should have said what he did as his main employment is with the BBC, if he wants to go into politics then change job.

I don’t remember as much furore about all the BBC staff who went to Qatar for the World Cup. I know a different matter but did anybody refuse to go there as they didn’t agree with the country’s human rights issue and the fact so many people had died building the stadiums?

Can you pick and choose what to make a stand on?

This morning I saw Ben Brown interview Alistair Campbell. He introduced the piece by stating that Alistair made a podcast which Gary Linekers company owned. This did not go down well in fact Alistair was furious.

I think it was fair what the BBC newsreader disclosed but as Alistair himself said how many more connections to corporations political parties etc do we either not know about or choose not to discuss?

I’m not a fan of Gary Lineker although he’s an excellent broadcaster, I find him a bit smug. He is entitled to his view on sporting matters but not when it comes to political matters in my view.

Hypocrisy is rife in the world and it’s hard to make decisions about what you think is right and wrong when there is so much disinformation out there. I think the whole thing has been handled badly and nobody comes out of well, but please, no more hypocrisy from multi millionaires.
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Chatty Member
Some facts for you mcomics,

This country takes far fewer asylum seekers. It is the slowest and least efficient country in Europe at assessing claims!

Most asylum seekers have their claims upheld!

Most criminal gangs live on the uk, not abroad,
and the authorities know this, but have never tried to prosecute them.
This country would be completely fucked if it wasn’t for immigrants!

I’m not a football fan, but Gary linneker is spot on about this nasty government and it’s use of language.
Actually glad this has happened, as it’s shone a light on the toxic BBC!
Oh, and because it seems to be repeated ad nauseum ,- there is absolutely no legal requirement to claim asylum in the first ‘safe’ country that you teach.

You can claim asylum anywhere!
Oh, and because it seems to be repeated ad nauseum ,- there is absolutely no legal requirement to claim asylum in the first ‘safe’ country that you teach.

You can claim asylum anywhere!
Oh I'm not saying we shouldn't have immigrants don't get me wrong the UK is a country built on immigration. I'm saying that people who charge for the perilous boat journeys should be punished.but also there is a proper system for entering the country, some of those who use the boats are trying to avoid the vetting process, because in some cases they are known to have criminal records etc ..
But welcome & support your comments.
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Left leaning people think the BBC is horribly right wing. Right leaning people think they're horribly left wing.

I've never seen any 'obvious' right wing bias on QT. There are some weeks where the audience appear to be more right/left leaning than others, but that's down to the demographic of the region they're in. I think Fiona Bruce does a good job.
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Taxpayers, pleb taxplayers, like the majority of people, not the high net worths who hide all their money in shell corporations or offshore like Linekar, are the ones paying for these Economic Migrants, while struggling with their own bills with no help from the Gov.
Seems like the main issue here is with the government. We also don't get to choose where our tax goes and it's pretty clear that they're not in favour of using it to benefit the less well off and disadvantaged in this country.

Out of interest, have you taken in any homeless people? You clearly feel strongly about that and rightly so.
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This is just misinformation and the kind of thing the government wants everyone to believe. I deal with a lot of asylum seekers and refugees and they don't receive £40+ a week in hotels, it's maximum £7 regardless of how long they have been there.
Yes they have access to NHS and dentists but they have to wait the same as everyone else there's no VIP, if a hotel has a GP visiting that's an arrangement they've made themselves it's definitely not all.
Some will work illegally which I don't agree with but if found it can affect their asylum claim and the HO has ability to raid businesses it suspects of using illegal workforce. Once someone has been seeking asylum for more than a year without any answer (which is a massive issue in itself, some people have been waiting 2-3 years for a decision meaning more pressure on resources when they could possibly be working and contributing to society) they can ask for work permission which is a lottery on who is given this, but they can only do work which is on the shortage list most of which is highly skilled work making the whole thing pointless, especially when there are low skilled jobs they could be doing and if people are working illegally willing to.
They are not given free phones upon arrival, there was recently an issue where the HO had illegally confiscated phones and personal items people had arrived with, phones which was the only way they could let loved ones know they were safe. Any phones, clothes etc. they get via charities.

Of course there will be people who abuse the system but the system is an absolute joke which is how the government wants it as it makes it easier to blame asylum seekers for their failures, the same way it used to be those on benefits they would blame, single mothers etc. anyone who it's easy to look down on and attack.
They get £45 per person per week on their Aspen cards. If they get meals in with their accommodation (my authority does not issue meals) it's £9.10 per person per week.
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It is not an opinion and he what he is saying does not hate England (well, from far as I can see from what he has said), what he is saying is a fact. Asylum seekers aren't illegals, the UK government is literally going against international human rights laws. It is a human right for people to seek asylum. The anti-asylum discourse that the government has been using for the last 20 years is literally the same as was being used in Germany in the lead up to the holocaust.
“Literally the same” is it? Could you provide some examples?
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He was a brilliant Football player and one of the best strikers England have ever produced. I disagree with his 1930s Germany reference, but glad he hasn't been sacked as people shouldn't be threatened with the sack for giving an opinion some of us don't agree with.
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Mark Chapman has said no now. I imagine Gabby Logan will already be booked somewhere for the 6 Nations so it’s looking like slim pickings. Maybe it’ll just be clips, with no discussion of them, or a regional presenter that hasn’t done anything prior.
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I've given no opinion of my own on the legislation around asylum seekers.

My comment almost solely discusses the BBC and the supposed issue of employees remaining 'impartial' and how they only want to trot it out when the impartial comments they make are ones criticising the government and their policies.
Could you give an example of an employee of the Beeb making political statements in support of the government and their policies, and not being criticised? I am genuinely interested as they may well exist. People cite Andrew Neil so I guess that is an example, although I’m not sure of the exact context and didn’t he end up leaving anyway?

I do agree that the BBC has not enforced this policy consistently and now they’re in deep doo-doo because of that. One example of that is Lineker himself who has been doing this kind of stuff for years. If the government has really been putting pressure on the BBC about Lineker they’ve been pretty laid back about it over the years, and other than a slap on the wrist he’s not really got into trouble over it. And it’s now blown up in their faces.

I also think there seems to be a general confusion in the BBC of what it means to be a freelancer. I would think that if a freelancer is representing your organisation, they abide by the rules of the organisation. That’s certainly how it works in most companies! They just don’t seem to be clear on this.

I was not offended by Lineker’s tweet (I am more offended by the arrogance of a man who doesn’t care that his salary is paid for by the general public many of whom don’t agree with his viewpoints) but many people including some members of the Jewish population were. It cannot be defended on the grounds of “not really being about the holocaust”: it was deliberately inflammatory because anything that evokes the rise of Nazi Germany is. It was also grossly inappropriate: Germany in the 30s was not trying to prevent a large influx of refugees; the policies actually created large numbers of refugees. Lineker could have made a comparison with Australian policies, which would have been more appropriate and relevant and much less controversial but he chose not to do that.

Regarding MOTD it’s a big mess and the BBC now can’t back down and I can’t imagine what sort of compromise could possibly satisfy that massive ego! In freedom of speech terms, he has the right to say what he wants, but he should probably walk away from the BBC if that’s his priority as this clearly isn’t going to work. Or the BBC can let their commentators say what they want if they choose, but then they need to walk away from the license fee.
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VIP Member
Yes, can't see that we will agree if that's what you think. The whole point is that Jews very much DO count and the language then was totally unacceptable, just as this language of dehumanising people is totally unacceptable.

I'm surprised that there is any spare space in care homes, the waiting list round her to get somebody into one that needs that care is horrendous. This certainly isn't happening everywhere and nor could it regardless of any other issue to do with the rights and wrongs. The problem is that cases aren't being dealt with so they are all in limbo. If cases were dealt with efficiently and swiftly then the problem wouldn't exist to this extent and the those who are subsequently granted asylum would be able to do some of the jobs that we need filling and pay into society in a way that they currently can't.
I'd be interested to see any comparisons between the language used by this government and the language used by Nazi Germany. I doubt they exist but happy to be proved wrong.
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That’s exactly what I mean about him being misquoted. He didn’t compare with the holocaust, he compared the tone of language at that time which is unfortunately very true even though the resulting actions aren’t. These things do need calling out. If he’d actually compared with the holocaust (in the way people did about lockdowns) then it would be very different.

No he wasn’t
Oh well, going to have to disagree. I think his references were clear. And I think the way people seem to want to jump to defend him very much taps into the whole 'jews don't count' way of thinking.
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"Saturday's Match of the Day will now "focus on match action without studio presentation or punditry", a BBC spokesperson says".

I think Lineker and his yes-men may have shot themselves in the foot here. I can't be the only one who wants to see more match action and less waffle from washed up ex-pros on MOTD or indeed any football highlights programme. If there's a couple of cracking games tomorrow people might start to ask why we need presenters and pundits at all?
Think the Mail will be saying this no matter what happens.

Sky's Youtube already show the goals before MOTD so if that's all they want then they could just skip MOTD and watch that instead.
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This has been a longtime coming. Celebs have been sacked for less by the BBC. It is in their contracts they are to be impartial regarding political matters. Question is what does he hold over the BBC to not be sacked before now…

Also it’s all good him calling the government Nazi’s over the immigration plans but he is a multimillionaire who is not impacted by it in the slightest ?

What is Gary doing to help these poor people … why don’t he invite them to live with him and fund them until they get on their feet. Maybe the government can use the tax money he has been avoiding paying !
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The use of limited companies to reduce personal tax liability is clearly taking the piss though. As long as the government allow it I'm not going to criticise people for doing it, because if it's that much of an issue they could very easily change the law.
Exactly. If the Government didn't want it to happen they would fix IR35. They want it to apply to cases where it simply doesn't and they close their minds to anything on the contrary. Anyone with an accountant who can do their job well is using it.

We should go after the Goverment, not individuals who are correctly using our antiquated tax code correctly.
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VIP Member
He really wasn’t. He said the language used by the government is reminiscent of that used by Germany in the 1930s. Why would that offend Jewish people? Oh and if we’re throwing that card around. I’m Jewish from my mum’s side and she was originally from Germany so go figure where she was in 1940. People who take this comment as offensive should maybe realise that it would have been nice had people spoken up about their plight the treatment my family received in the 1930s. It might have saved my mum’s family. Her parents for one. You might not like Gary that’s fine. Some might even say he should stick to football (although again that’s stupid because we can all speak our minds). But at no point did he try and offend us Jewish folk. If you take that as such then well… אני חושב שאתה אידיוט
Who was he referring to if not the Nazis?
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