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Ironically MotD got an increase in viewing figures on Saturday. The novelty factor of pure football minus the chatter.
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IR35 is a flawed piece of legislature. Employee, employer. Potato, potahto.
The use of limited companies to reduce personal tax liability is clearly taking the piss though. As long as the government allow it I'm not going to criticise people for doing it, because if it's that much of an issue they could very easily change the law.
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On the other hand:

There are going to be different views of course, but most Jews would disagree. They seem to be a small, start up jumping at the chance to get more engagement. And their tweets are inaccurate, the language today used is not reminiscent of Nazi Germany
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Lineker's ignorant tweet was deeply offensive to the Jewish community. He should take a history lesson.

Gary if you are reading this, apologise, pay your tax bill and stick to crisps.
Why on earth would he be reading this?

Also do you stick to only talking about work?
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BBC doesn't have much of a leg to stand on with regards to impartiality while Sharp remains Chairman.

Lineker made comments about Qatar during the WC with regards to human rights issues yet nothing happened. Alan Sugar went after Mick Lynch during some of the rail strikes - hardly remaining impartial. (He has also publicly backed the Tories on his social media). It's clear as day why such issue is being taken with Lineker in this individual instance.
Sometimes the odd political comment is allowed however any reference to the 1930's, WW2 and the genocide that happened during that period is of particular abhorrence. There are not many people still alive and who bore witness to the unimagineable discriminate torture and killing of that time. One some levels it is happening to this day, we should protect genuine asylum seekers by accepting them without them having to make the dangerous crossing is a flimsy dinghy. However as they keep on coming by illegal means do we assume that they land that way becuase if they applied for asylum it would be refused due to not being victimised and in fear of their lives from the country where they originate?
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He didn't compare it *to the holocaust* though. He compared it to the language used in the 1930s by Germany, which is not the same thing at all.
Are people really comparing the UK governments policy to 1930s Germany???

Anti-Jewish Legislation in Pre-War Germany
"The first wave of Nazi antisemitic legislation, from 1933 to 1934, focused on limiting the participation of Jews in German public life."

"In September 1935, the Nazi leaders announced the “Nuremberg Laws” which institutionalized many of the racial theories prevalent in Nazi ideology."

"Nazi legislation in 1937-38 increased the segregation of Jews from their fellow Germans, ultimately requiring Jews to identify themselves in ways that would permanently separate them from the rest of the population."
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Arrogant to think Elon will jump in and sort it.
George and Gary need to look at the abuse and threats women get on Twitter and sm. Especially those who believe sex can not be changed.

I never really think about BBC or watch it but if the right think it's biased against them and the left think it's biased against them then it must be doing something right
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George Lineker has always been a bit of a twat. Riding off his dads coat tails shagging and going about shagging glamour models. He’s going to stick up for his dad though.
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Unless any of us have spoken to most Jews then I don’t think any of us can make that bold statement. The ones I know didn’t find it offensive but I’m obviously aware this is a small sample. It doesn’t help that he’s been misquoted so much and is being judged on something much more decisive.
Well no, you can't poll every Jew in the world but it is widely accepted that comparisons to the the holocaust are generally a bad idea.
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They should commission a documentary fronted by him, tweets are so shallow and unsuitable for complex issues.

People were calling the bbc Nazis because they've cut their budget for orchestras and the Nazis banned some music :rolleyes: . You can draw parallels between things to make viral posts on social media if you try, doesn't make it accurate or fair.
I agree. Social media has a lot to answer for.
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