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Normally just read and giggle to myself... but please can someone tell me why people baby name video’s ? It’s very odd 🤔
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Maybe with your employer, but I can asure everyone reading here that is not a US centric thing by any stretch of the imagination. It's a struggle to get decent maternity leave for most, so new pets is not on the agenda with employers in the US.
I think the west coast is much more agreeable than the south or Midwest, East coast is good too. Many firms/companies here offer it. My firm, my husbands company and numerous friends get it too.. not sure where you live .. My point was that people are generally more understanding and receptive than the other commentator made out. She said society views babies differently bc they give maternity leave..

No I 100% agree with you! It is a shame that she can’t admit those things in her videos, or even admit them to herself! It would definitely send a better message to her younger audience.

I never understood her excuse of not having a partner because people annoy her. People annoy me when they’re around me all the time, and that’s just the way I am, and that’s fine! It doesn’t mean you should shut yourself away. There are plenty of people out there that feel the same. There are so many couples that don’t even live together, because they’ve chosen to do that, so why doesn’t she find someone like that? Someone who has the same mindset? Being in a relationship does not mean you have to be together 24/7. In my mind, that’s actually what ruins a lot of relationships.
I totally agree with you! It’s sad because I think she tries to portray herself in such a false light but sadly she’s begun to believe the bs. All these horrendous videos of her sitting inside ALL day EVERY day and all the painting and re-painting makes me want to rip my hair out. If she were to be honest and open about her “issues” not only is it a great message to her young viewers but people could actually relate to her and make her, dare I say it, more popular like she used to be years ago!
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Maybe she has Munchhausen as she constantly has something wrong with her and obviously loves telling everyone.
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Why is she obsessed with baby names! How many times can you talk about baby names for your non existent children?!
How are the children who watch her interested in this absolute garbage?
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How on Earth can this woman claim that she is actively following WW or whatever it was or trying to lose weight then eat foods like that. By all means eat absolutely whatever you like, it's not a problem to eat cheesy buttery pasta, but not when you keep saying you're on a diet
Literally this! I last year recovered from an eating disorder and find her so exhausting to watch. I now live by I’ll eat what I want when o want because I know 80% of the time I do eat healthy where’s she claims to be on a strict diet her produces shit like this and when she is ‘healthy eating’ it’s a £50 Ceaser salad from fucking Nando’s 😂😂😂😂
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I don’t fully know what happened but yeah it was because apparently her brother had friends over so it was better to shit in a box in her room than to use the actual toilet😂 and she fully admitted it and I think tweeted about it. I didn’t find out until the other day when I read about it on this thread😂 I didn’t know it happened twice tho😂😂
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VIP Member
Speaking of Brighton I’m always wondering if she ever met accidentally Zoe.
And if so, what would be their reactions.
I mean they live in the same city, so it’s possible.
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Chatty Member
Ooh dear!! I HATE burns. They are so painful. Hope your feeling well soon.
Thank you:love:

I think I got lucky, it has been healing pretty well (at last I think so). The blisters are gone and I can wear cloths when I need to. I don't really have a full time job, only when the local library near me needs staff so I have been able to take some time to recover. Also found that aloe vera is your best friend during these times!
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I really hope for her sake she actually follows through with her plan and goes to auditions. How is she going to handle the rejection though?

Not saying that she is bad and is doomed to fail. But I'm thinking more along the lines of you can't always be 100% successful and she is bound to encounter some no's along the way.
She has a beautiful voice imo, not enough motivated though.

Yes, I agree even if you are good at singing,it doesn’t mean that you will automatically succeed.

How many potential good actors or singer have done many auditions and didn’t pursue their dream because of people better than them or other different reasons.
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Active member
Tore a muscle and it'll take 8 weeks to heal.
Not like you've got a demanding 9-5 jobs.
Kids to run everywhere and run about after.
Gabby, you do fuck all. Grow up and shut the fuck up complaining for once in your life.
Haha when I did training in ortho average was 3-4 weeks unless it was like a more extreme case. Lying twat

We are both good, thank you 💗
Thank goodness ! Hope you have a great Christmas you deserve it champ 🙋‍♀️♥
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Well-known member
Yes ! And it was Jane!
And on twitter Jane thanks her for spending the day with her in Brighton.
LOL what I just thought: "maybe it was her brother posing or something for her", but I thought that was too far fetched. :ROFLMAO:
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Her latest stories on her home account, I can’t figure out if she comes across a little bit deranged or if I feel a bit sorry for her 🤷🏼‍♀️ She’s got this image in her head of how she’ll be so happy with this perfect life and family but until she sorts out whatever deep rooted issues she’s got it’s not going to make her happy
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She’s such a odd person, she has no friends. Surely her mum should speak to her and get her to go out and meet friends. Most be so lonely only chatting on a camera, cat and mum all day everyday
I agree, for someone in their mid twenties she really does live quite a sad life 😔
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Hey join girl crew :) it's an app to make friends set up here in Ireland but it's gone global ! I'm a doctor and when I didn't tell my friends I was applying for med school and got in they all ditched me at 18.

Now I have like 6 good friends and they're all separate from eachother and then like 20 good mates in work !
Firstly I love your username 😍😍 im a Harry Potter nerd lol but much appreciated though, il have to check it out 👍😊
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VIP Member
She honestly drives me insane. I have severe tonsillitis right now, 8 antibiotics a day, can’t talk. I’m a teacher and it’s KILLING me with guilt to have 4 days off. I’m also bored out of my mind. How does she manage it?!
this was me last week 😂 I had flu and only took 1 day off work when I couldn't lift my head off the pillow. Even staying home all weekend to rest/recover had me bored out of my skull!

If I was her I would go clinically insane from doing nothing
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Chatty Member
My bad it just seems like when the topic of her dad comes up people just automatically say he is gay and I obviously took that as in thats why so my apologies x
I think that comes up whenever he is mentioned just because it’s pretty much the only thing we know about him as she doesn’t talk about him x
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VIP Member
Are the fit flops? If so I bet she thinks they are helping her to burn calories and that's why she is constantly in them
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VIP Member
Those bloody command strips she uses to hang EVERYTHING has failed her....chipped her mums floor. Somehow it’s the company’s fault and not hers. But the replies!!! She’s so rude!
I use No More Nails tape for huge frames (but not with glass) and they have been up for years with no issue. Command Strips always made them fall off the walls (saying this, if I had spent more than the £20 at the most for my frames + the art inside I'd put them on a nail...).
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