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Off topic again. Sorry. 🤷‍♀️
I said the US struggles to offer decent maternity and paternity leave and that is quite true. The law is 12 weeks unpaid leave in companies that have over 50 employees. No employer is obliged to pay you for that leave, and if you work for a small company you are more than often screwed when it comes to any leave at all. That's far from people getting leave for a new frigging dog, and quite frankly inhumane for any new mother...educated or not. The WHO recommends 16 weeks for women but it's no surprise that this country wants to actually care about that. People, don't believe the whole of the US gives leave for a new pet. It's rare. Very rare. 🥴
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It's not like they're in rented accommodation either, so are allowed to use a hammer.
Exactly! :rolleyes: Even then you can still fill holes... I live in a rented flat and although we don't hang things, you can see marks on the walls if you look closely from previous holes. Not instagrammable though is it so it's a flaw :rolleyes:
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Imagine her helping them with homework?

"You don't need homework. You just need a camera and an ability to chat shit."
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Her jawline in her new twitter profile photo v her jawline in her latest video. Why do this? There isn’t anything wrong with the second photo so why pretend you look like the first? Very damaging message to give to young viewers!!

View attachment 59291
Pfft, forget the children. It’s damaging enough to herself. We all saw how she reacted when a a minion asked if her face was swollen lol
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Chatty Member
Oh dear.. definitely wouldn't cope pregnant then..

I don't understand the comments like "house is goals" yes, the shell and windows are lovely and full of character, but it's an absolute nightmare. Nothing matches properly and it's like some kids paradise. She's 30 in 5 years. She has some beautiful peices individually but why with all the fluffy pink like some 90s girls bedroom?
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aandd shes bought another sofa
whaaaaat?? With all the money she throws around buying endless furniture she could probably get a deposit for a second property!! Wouldn’t that be a better way to spend her money whilst she has it??
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I’ve said this before, but I really don’t think she necessarily wants a child. Because, as many have pointed out here, kids are hard work and Gabbie is workshy. She just wants something to make her feel like she has a purpose. Her life is literally completely empty bar her mum and cat. This is why she moves constantly and is throwing layer after layer of paint at any surface she can find. She’s trying to fill a void... at least in my opinion.
definitely, also she has tried filling the void with various plastic surgeries and changing her looks.

I think she thinks a child will make her happy - same thing she probably thought about every surgery, every house move, every re-paint etc.
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Tore a muscle and it'll take 8 weeks to heal.
Not like you've got a demanding 9-5 jobs.
Kids to run everywhere and run about after.
Gabby, you do fuck all. Grow up and shut the fuck up complaining for once in your life.
I know right I had major surgery an eight hour operation and I was off morphine and getting around after two weeks , it drove me insane having nothing to do constantly, people say take it easy and that’s great the first week when your in pain etc but it gets old real fast I dunno how she can live a life of watching paint dry she is so boring .
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You can paint over wallpaper. My nan used to do it lol.

If it is vinyl you need to prime it. If not, go for it. Assuming it is in good condition though...
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The video of her making over her mums bedroom literally shows her drilling, putting wallplugs in then screws then hanging a shelf/mirror.
So the 'wires in the walls' thing is just a cop out excuse. She was perfectly capable of hanging that frame properly FFS, she makes things up as she goes along just trying to be a smart arse replying to to people.🙄
Beg someone posts this on twitter to reply to her 😂😂
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She even created an account on GG and wrote a post in 2013.

“Hello people, this is Gabby haha.
This is literally so pointless - if you have an opinion about me, why not confront me so I can work on becoming a better person rather than anonymously posting hate about somebody you don't know?

Fair enough, this is your way of getting your opinion out there which is fine. I'm not offended in the slightest with what anybody has to say as everyone is entitled to their own opinion but really, I'd actually have respect for you if you said it directly to me or via twitter etc.
What's the point in being subscribed to me or following me if you don't like how I act or my videos? What is it achieving to watch a video of mine that you know you'll dislike then take to here to post hate? At the end of the day, I'm a human - we can't all be perfect. It's just so silly that you feel the need to hate on people anonymously, why not take up that time to work on bettering yourself? As i just said, nobody is perfect so instead of dwelling on peoples downfalls, speak to me directly about it or unfollow me and move on.
Mwah x”.
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she said that Nellie gets stressed on the train (hence her buying this pet pram to take him in?) 😂 😂 😂
Surely she could get a cat sitter? Obviously people have different levels of wanting to leave there pets but if it’s that big of a deal either don’t do it or come up with a solution
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Chatty Member
As someone who is expecting their first baby, I already love this child far, far more than either my cat or my dog -- and the baby isn't even born yet. This isn't the first time I've seen her equate cats and babies, and honestly it just smacks of ignorance and naivety.

On another note: between her trips home, her obsession with home decor, and her nonstop TV binging, I think it's rather likely there is something wrong with Gabby emotionally -- she seems entirely miserable. I think it would really do her a world of good to take a two or three month break from YouTube and all social media, and focus on her mental and physical health. The quality of her life, in my opinion, would drastically improve with some professional help and a massive internet detox. She'd probably also benefit by introducing extra curriculars into her life, ones outside the home: a cooking class, a painting class, a workout class, joining a walking group, an interior design course, whatever. Maybe even a part time job in a little shop would do her some good. She needs to spend time with people outside of her family and online "friendships", she needs to learn how to interact with and speak to real people (her twitter interactions show her to be socially inept to a degree, she is so rude to everyone and obviously has no idea how to talk to people!). Her life would be so much more colorful and fulfilling if she unplugged a little, got some help, and put herself out there into the real world.

She is also remarkably shallow/immature for someone her age, IMO, it would do her some good to get in with a psychiatrist who makes her think deeply. It would also probably do her good to read books and form relationships with people where she has to care about them and their wellbeing (since part of her shallowness is her apparent self-centeredness).

Of course the above is all just my opinion of her. I don't think of myself as a hater, but as a longtime viewer I think it's only natural to notice her flaws and her apparent recent difficulties, and to hope that she would work on ways to make her life better. She doesn't have to live like this, she can have a happy and fulfilling lifestyle -- because binge watching reality TV with your cat and paintbrush while wearing a bathrobe mid-day on a week day ain't it.

Yes! This also frustrates me! I had my first almost 3 years ago and my husband's nan's dog was decided to jump on my huge baby bump. Yet it was a pollava when HER dog had to get off my stomach. (Big dog) I get people love their pets, but a baby.. a child is just something else entirely. That's your world. You can still love your pets but you'll never love them as much as a child. Congratulations on your pregnancy :) I hope it goes smoothly for you. Also you've nailed gabby on the head. Spot on!
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She’s definitely trying to convince people that that’s still the weight she is at, but I also think she’s trying to convince herself. She’s one of those people that just won’t admit they’ve put weight on, because weight is everything to them, which I think is really really unhealthy.
Kind of frustrates me, because she’s what? In her mid 20’s? And she’s STILL waiting to be this slim person that she’s not even TRYING to be, before she does anything with her life. If it carries on, she’s not going to get anywhere! It’s a complete waste of time! I think she needs to consider some sort of therapy to get her out of that mindset.
Gabby is stuck in stasis... she needs to apply herself to something thay truly makes her feel good (a hobby), and she needs a part time job in the real world. What would happen if social media closed down for good tomorrow? She'd need to find work.
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VIP Member
Her constant battle with food and weight (constant weight loss mentality), body dysmorphia (which is normal for people who have lost weight and struggle to reach their ultimate weight goal, she rarely shows her body in full frame), she rarely shows her eating "unhealthy" food and if she does - it's small portions. We can all see she's gained weight, but she only shows her eating healthy food that she "can't finish". She used to be obese, so there must be a reason why she was big. Since her mom comes over regularly for periods of time, I can assume that she's feeling lonely, depressed, and perhaps has social anxiety and isn't able to leave her flat. Her mom (and her cat) is the only person that make her feel better. Social anxiety around food and public places are BIG triggers for people with BED.

She is always talking about her dreams, but you can clearly hear her mind saying "no, I need to lose weight first". When you're struggling with these things, it is normal to think "I can't be happy or do anything before I lose weight". I feel like her relationship with food is why she has not yet tried to reach her dream of becoming a singer/being on West End.

Also - as we've seen recently, "renovating"/painting and decorating has been an escape for her. She probably thought renovating would make her busy and lose weight naturally, but I think her relationship with food makes that impossible. She's only trying to escape her real escape - which is food.

I'm not a doctor, so I can't say for sure. I know this can be wrong and I might seem judgemental. I've got all of these problems myself, so I'm basing my opinion on a gut feeling that I've had for years... Something is up with her mental health and I really hope that she's getting help for it!
I agree , I was chubby as a teen and the bullying is real , I did eventually manage to lose weight but the fat person was still there for a long time.
Gabby had a band fitted and lost weight quickly and psychologically it’s hard as anorexia has proven what you see in the mirror can be distorted and it works both ways it happens when someone is bigger and loses weight the self esteem issues don’t just vanish with the scales going down .

No idea why I watch her videos anymore...the living room is still dull, mismatched and lacks any personality whatsoever. Being lovely to people who comment about the Godawful sofa:
Blocked in 3-2-1 😂
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