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I watched her new video and
1. I love her style BUT I really cannot understand how basically every bag she owns has to be pink. Doesn’t she ever get tired of it? It must get boring after a while

2. I really hope she doesn’t sell on depop things that she has been #gifted. That would be sooo greedy and unfair imo (apologise if it has been discussed before) maybe she thinks it would be pointless to give that red Bulgari? bag to charity but at least give it away for free to one of your subscribers if you hadn’t spent a cent on it.
Just noticed she sold her strathberry x Inthefrow bag on depop for 90 pounds that she was gifted. I'm shocked! She shouldn't be able to profit off free gifts.
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I think it would be pretty normal for a couple living together to split the expenses, so if one were paying a mortgage, the other would put some money toward it. But when influencers talk about that on their channel to me it always feels like them trying to emphasize the power imbalance in the relationship. I'd think it was just as weird if a man was talking about owning a house and requiring his SO to pay him rent, too, but it seems like a lot of women influencers do it thinking it makes them admirably empowered.
I think when one person has a mortgage, asking the other partner to pay some money towards that mortgage is quite strange. After all it is their flat and their getting your boyfriend to pay some money off a property you own and he has no share in/will not have any share in seems quite exploitative to me? I mean I don't think he should get to live there for free either, but when you consider any rent paid is paying off Freddie's mortgage on an asset that is only hers I find that a really odd concept. It's totally fair to contribute to bills etc because they aren't an asset owned by one person.
I don't think they've thought this through though which is again really weird, her saying he might buy his own flat or he might end up living there in 6 months to a year...I don't understand how if she's telling us they're a serious couple these aren't conversations they've had and properly considered already,
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Just when I thought the fringe isn't coming back 🤣 I wouldn't use the term cool to describe her fringe tbh

Why do I get the feeling like Freddy definitely reads on here 👀
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its so odd that she can proudly say “please don’t support this 16 year old girls channel” as if grace f somehow ripped freddy to shreds or something lol
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Am I the only one that doesn’t really see the fuss about designer handbags or shoes?? I couldn’t justify spending the money on them tbh and I don’t find them impressive either. I wouldn’t get enough wear out of them in my day to day life. I’ve a few designer perfumes but I do like a good perfume tbh, most where given as presents I didn’t buy them but I literally use a river island handbag I’ve had for years for work everyday lol
Well I don't really see the fuss about designer perfumes but I love handbags. Everyone's got something they love and something they're not bothered about!
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Chatty Member
I think she’s actually obsessed with Blair from Gossip Girl which is why she loves to wear those capes and headbands.
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She did one already, and it's exactly just that lmao.
And you can absolutely see that she specifically did all her "work" for the Vlog. She filmed a video and edited it but since she puts out one vid a week at most that's obviously not what she does every day all day long. I honestly don't think she even leaves the house that much tbh, she probably shoots three or more outfits for instagram on the scarce day when she goes into London and has enough content for a while. If she'd leave the house she'd see that her outfits are just ridiculous for normal people with jobs and an awareness of the weather.
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I've been watching Freddy's channel for a few years after I randomly stumbled on her iPhone 7 plus unboxing video and at first I thought she was a breath of fresh air. She didn't yell at the viewer (I hate how she screams in her videos now, actually made me jump in her recent decluttering one and FFS you are 25 not 5!), seemed very well-mannered and even though I'm much older I liked her aesthetic a lot.

Fas forward about three years and I cannot believe how much my opinion on her has changed. She now comes across as one of the biggest fakes out there, has a very poorly hidden nasty/petty streak and appears to have no personality or life of any kind beyond consumerism. Even her bedroom looks like shop and I find something really sad about that. The way her parents and boyfriend seem happy to fuel her negative traits to the max is sad as well. She is so stunted, as people here have said. And everyone else is always the problem, never her. It was telling when she talked about stage school (or was it college?) in one video and how not one person was nice there. Normally if everyone is an issue this issue is actually you.

It was a shock reading this thread though and learning she doesn't even live in London, like she's always claimed, but Middlesex. I'm now low-key fascinated about the realities of her life. This thread has been a real eye-opener.
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Sorry, but I don't get what the problem is with selling 'gifted' items. If someone gave you a sweater and you didn't like it, would it be wrong of you to sell it on poshmark? I don't get what about it is so upsetting.

That being said (that I disagree with comments criticizing influencers for selling gifted items) I think a lot of what Freddy says is totally vapid. She always calls things "classic" and "timeless" without actually explaining how any of the garment's attributes make it so. And she uses the same, like, 4 words to describe everything highstreet she buys. I think she'd even be hard pressed to define a true 60s silhouette. I hate how she doesn't seem to have any historical concept of fashion beyond "well, the 60s happened" and she barely even seems to understand what went on during the 60s. It's so weird.

I sometimes wonder if influencers stay away from talking about anything intellectual or approaching their style from a historical perspective because it would lead consumers to question their own choices more or something, and that's not what sponsors want.

Her friend Amy Nev also gets under my skin. Amy seems driven which is cool, but I suspect that she is more financially dependent on her fiancé than she lets on, which is whatever except for that she is constantly going on about her "hustle" and her "grind". At first Amy's videos seem interesting because it seems like she's telling a story about her battle for success, which would be cool except for that it ends up being every video. It ends up coming off as Amy being super full of herself since she's just talking about why she thinks she is so successful and a unique blogger over and over again. She also got invited to the British fashion awards and i didn't understand why but then I remembered she is skinny, beautiful, and conventionally attractive, and there are always hordes of girls like her invited to big fashion events just so designers, investors, etc can see their work on a nice canvas. Maybe she doesn't suck and I'm being harsh, but I am so skeptical of her "business" since she doesn't have that many YT subscribers or instagram followers. I wonder if she does more internal fashion work that she isn't allowed to blog about. Does anyone know how that stuff works?

And even though, like I said, I don't get what is angering about influencers selling PR gifts since you know anyone with like over 200k subscribers or followers is getting tons of them, far too many to keep, I am bothered by how much influencers are basically just contacting brands and asking for free stuff. It seems like Amy's whole life is just contacting companies and asking them to send her things or send her on trips. I guess thats what influencer's do though? They're sort of middle men a lot of the time... Ask for free things. Get free or discounted things. Flaunt them on the internet. Make their lifestyle seem both enviable and relatively attainable. Rinse and repeat. I don't want to fault each influencer personally, necessarily, but a lot of what they do seems like it's kind of preying on consumer's insecurities by creating weird cults of personalities. Once again, that goes back to my question re: do brands stay away from working with influencers who have a strong historical understanding of fashion and/or a strong grasp on the machinations of the fashion industry?
My personal issue with people selling gifted items is that they choose to do so. If you are gifted clothing you dont like for a gift you have no choice but to accept, or return or try to sell on. Influencers often accept the items they are gifted and choose them, and then they go on to sell them for a profit. Alongside that in some cases they have charged a fee to advertise products and then sell the items they received for a fee for even more money.

There are other ways to remove clothing from your life you dont like/need; charity shops, women refuges etc which in my opinion would be the better option for these influencers but for them all they see is pound signs. Also if Freddy doesnt want all this stuff she could just say no and shut her P.O box. Its disgusting how much money they get and then to profit from PR is even more disgusting.
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OH MY ..she was recommended in my YT.. And I think my IQ just got lowered watching this video and she has 762k subs
does anyone here watches her enough to trash her?
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Surely there must be a name for Freddy's irrational fear of colours. I found the Xmas jumper video so hard to watch. Ok, Xmas jumpers might not be classy, but they are not meant to be. Pink and lilac are simply not Xmassy colours, and if you cannot accept it, then just do not wear Xmas jumpers. It's so pathetic that at her age she disregards everything that is not pale pink or rose gold. Kids act like that.
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Discovered her YouTube channel a few years back and genuinely find it entertaining to watch in the exact same way as a parody Alan Partridge type character. The whole stage school stereotype with her weird princess bedroom and wardrobe of pink, beige and cream; The fact that she makes an excessive amount of haul videos where she tries out trends and stores she hates, or lets other people make suggestions for her and rants about how absolutely everything is disgusting or cheap. She's like a walking caricature, but I'm not sure that's what she's going for though.
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Has anyone noticed the change in her voice? In the Christmas jumper video it almost sounds as though she’s sped up, like a chipmunk!
If you compare with her old videos it’s bizarre! So high pitched. Not to mention she’s constantly trying to sound ‘posh’ and/or making that horrific squeal noise. I can’t get through her videos without skipping or muting anymore.
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100% 😂 😂 😂 if you get gifted something you don't like what else are you suppose to do with it? long as the company are getting their name out on a post they couldn't care less.
don't accept the gifted items if they are not your taste. such a simple solution.
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I think they're both immature and need to grow up individually as persons before deciding if they need to settle down together. They've been together for years but their relationship hasn't evolved. I get the feeling they have very different life goals and Freddy is pretty much in denial and wants JJ to be the one at all costs.

From her previous videos and personality, I always got the impression she wanted to get married and have a traditional family. She has mentioned kids and marriage in a few videos and I can imagine someone as girly and vain as Freddy to dream of a huge over the top wedding and to get married young.

They're still quite young so they have time to figure out what they want to do in life, but I get the feeling Freddy keeps comparing herself to her friends, such as Josie and Amy, who have moved on to the next steps in their relationships. Maybe this is her not-so-subtle way to encourage JJ to eventually move in with her. On the other hand JJ doesn't seem to be in a rush to settle down. I always get the impression his career takes precedence - I remember when they took a trip to visit Josie he had to leave for a job and I'm sure that didn't sit well with Freddy.

What I find odd in her decision to live alone is that Freddy has also grown up in a very sheltered lifestyle and she's obviously not an independent person - most of her time her parents and sister are there for her to take care of her. So living on her own will definitely be something of a challenge for her and I'm quite sure she will struggle on her own.
More importantly...who's gonna kill the spiders???
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It's sickening how much she moans about how hard she works.

She has the sort of life some - the homeless, for example, or the terminally ill - can only dream of but I have rarely seen someone so ungrateful.
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Tried to watch Coco's wardrobe declutter video but managed about two minutes before it became apparent that Freddy's in the background telling Coco not to get rid of the things she wants to get rid of. What's the point 😅 Let the girl declutter in peace! Granted can't judge the whole video based on the beginning, but it was enough to lose interest.
Ugh same, she sits in most of Coco’s videos and micromanages and dictates what she wants. I like watching Coco and she’s young and obviously looks up to her big sister but bloody hell, she doesn’t have to be your mini-me. At least she has a personality Freddy, you just have a stick up your arse... but hey.. that’s “iCoNiC Freddy”
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I’m new to this site, I’ve been lurking for ages and plucked up the courage to make an account after her post on her stories, which actually made me feel sick at the gall she has.

I just can’t deal with her. I used to be a fan of hers back in 2016-17, I actually admired her taste in clothes. But now it’s like she’s turned into a caricature of herself.

She comes across as a complete narcissist. She is vapid, boring, and uneducated and yet she thinks she is somehow better than everyone else.
The post on her stories shows just how little common sense and experience of the real world she has. Her life is hard work? Really!
She regularly posts “good morning” stories at 12:30 in the afternoon after spending all morning lazing in bed, most of the rest of her day appears to just involve opening presents, eating deserts, twirling in garish pink clothes and staring at her own reflection. Her life seems so empty and substance-less. And yet she claims it’s such hard work! That is a massive slap in the face to anyone who actually works and has real responsibilities (not still living in your parents attic for one!).

I’m not being particularly articulate in typing here, but it’s absolutely ludicrous that she would claim to be having breakdowns over how hard her life is, crying because she has too much shopping to do.

Give me a break. I feel lucky to have the job I do, even when it’s really hard, as so many people in this country can’t even feed their children. People who work multiple jobs to scrape by. People who need help from benefits because they can’t work at all. And Freddy expects to be worshipped because she tried on a couple of outfits with a camera running and answered a few emails. Pathetic.

And of rant lol sorry! She’s just so up her own backside it’s insane and I had to get it off my chest!
Nice to meet everyone! :LOL:
I agree. She's very privileged and while I understand mental health concerns can affect anyone, she definitely seems to lack perspective. Totally understand that some influencers may utilise skills required for 2-3 different roles (editing, creating websites, marketing, copywriting, etc) and some people struggle to work efficiently with a lack of boundaries if they're self-employed and working from home, but that doesn't equate to working 2-3 jobs. She's clueless to post this when, right now, we're in a pandemic and many people have actually taken on a second job, or had the workload of a colleague who was made redundant piled onto their own and won't speak up about their burn out in fear of losing their job.
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