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It's like a crappy romcom when all the exes get together in one place to confront the cheating boyfriend....
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Wow, this is literally a bigger difference than Rebecca 😳😳
I honestly don't get how can someone change their face so much that they are not even recognizable anymore.
Another example is Sandy. (but Sandy at least doesn't lie about her age *coughs*)
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I have honestly never seen a wag and or person more obsessed with their Significant other on Instagram
it not cute, in fact to me it screams desperation. She never used to post so much George even when they seemed to be a lot more tolerable at Williams
to me its just a sign that she is so insecure, her only security is him.
honestly if I were dating anyone publicly posting so much about me, id be really concerned.

to me it seems this monaco move has really made her insecure about money, which has been to talk herself up to the point of dellusion.
i think she will end up a lot like lissie, never doing the same stuff twice once the contract is out, and then what will she have? only george
When you really think of it, many of these relationship are just not normal and healthy at all and it's really sad teenage fans think this is what relationship should look/be like. And not only wags, but also what and how drivers act like is just so weird.
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I find the fact that Max was livestreaming at the exact time his comment was posted even funnier because it means that either he didn't post it, or he did but he actually doesn't give a fuck
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Carlos will always marry someone like Isa. Rich, educated, private, not trying too hard.

Becky is just a fling. These fans are delusional. As always.
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Alex has made her profile public and Joris was liking her pics all the way back in 2020 and Charles like this one in 2022 6 days after he and Charlotte broke up 🤦‍♀️😬

Can’t help but notice how…strategic…the timing feels given all the hype around CL recently and that it’s a race weekend. One point for not capitalizing immediately on the back of the Monaco win
i hate that i’m excited 😆 but i wanna see how she plays this 👀

full ig model influencer mode or keeps the chill vibes where everything is casual.. yet still curated to perfection, obviously 💀
She seems so incredibly dull to me so I’m also interested to see if she plans on getting a personality or to just continue vacantly staring into the camera while swaying around in her undisclosed PR gifts like a sim. It’s worked well for her so far so I guess why fix what’s not broken?

(Though my guess is she’s public because she’s finally been offered enough by enough brands so I imagine we’ll be seeing #ambassador or #partner soon enough).
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if that Magui blocking indeed turns out to be true, it would mean
Lando did what Carlos did not manage to do, learned better how to navigate people using association to him (at least partially)

I told you, at some point last year Lando outgrew our Carlitos (maybe a steady contract and no inventing help with that)
I think the difference is that Lando doesn't mind/care to be (seen) as single while Carlos seems to be desperate to always appear in a relationship, like he feels it's wrong to be single, hence the jumping from one relationship to another (given his cheating allegations, he then looks worse than being single and f*ckboy). This is why Becky wins in a way as he won't let her go no matter what shit she does before he finds a replacement.
But if Lando really blocked Magui, he has some balls. As I'd be a bit worried, she'll talk about something he wouldn't want people to know. Or hint. As she is that kind of a person.
(if she actually knows anything)
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I hope not. If the cheating rumours surrounding his relationship with Isa is at least 5% true, then I'd say feed him to the lions or he belongs to the streets. I hope no educated woman ever fall for him - no matter how handsome, rich, or successful he is.
The problem is in the wealthy circles his family runs in those women aren't necessarily educated for careers or independence but as part of their resume to marry rich. It's really no different to regency-era debutantes who would be trained in arts and philosophy just to make them more impressive to potential suitors. I'm not saying this to disparage Isa or other women in those circles-some of them do use their privilege well and break the mold- but the vast majority would only be told to look at his net worth and his family's connections and go from there.
It's very likely he'll do what most rich men do and marry a respectable girl to birth Carlos Sainz III and have affairs with Beckys on the side
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Are they the rumours that she was a nonce wanting to get with Max aged 17 by chance?
Not even rumours really she literally said in the vogue Netherlands interview that they had a magical night when he was 17 🤦‍♀️
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