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But how is he a leader? I’m not even just being a hater here, I think he’s a good driver but he talks out of his backside when it comes to car development, he gives even Toto a run for his money when it comes to delusion, and most races he insists on a strategy that’s beneficial to no one. I actually think Totos well aware he is not That Guy and is panicking a bit now, honestly
I agree. It's why he's very obviously putting a lot of hope into Antonelli. I think he knows that of the 4-5 big young talents (Max, Charles, Lando, George and Oscar), he has the weakest of the bunch in terms of being a leader and well-rounded driver.

Max goes without saying. Charles and Lando have both proved they're ready to fight when they have the car, they have excellent race management and have grown into really good team leaders. They not perfect and have things to learn but that comes with more and more fighting at the front, Oscar is still a bit green but he'll get there as well. George is the same amount of time into F1 as Lando and only a year behind Charles, and while I do believe he's up there with them in speed, he severely lacks in his development compared to the other two, both in terms of race craft/race management and leadership skills.

Even with the car not being amazing, he could have taken these three years with Lewis to learn everything he could from him, and really use Lewis to help him develop, but instead he's spent the entire time trying to one-up him. He's the exact same George who entered the team in 2022. He doesn't seem to have learned anything at all.
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Please tell me whether I'm just missing something but I've seen on gossip sites that if anyone decides they don't like a particular woman because of whatever they are automatically branded as misogynistic. I dislike people because or their actions or persona not because of their gender. It's become an instant shut down term lately.
You are not missing anything and you are right. The screaming about misogyny or how "girls should support girls" when there is some criticism is just tiring. I will gladly support girls, but not at all costs or at any circumstances. If someone is a shit, they are a shit, doesn't matter of their gender.
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You’re completely right. Look at the way he behaved just in Imola, over what, a p6. He complained and made out like he was being treated unfairly. He’d never do anything to directly benefit Lewis
Lewis didn't help himself either. "Why didn't you tell me that lap was important". Lewis, use your head. You've been in F1 long enough and been racing Red Bull & their strategists long enough to know that it was obvious they were going to try and cover that stop off. Especially with George refusing to play ball and slow Max down.

ETA: the combination of George and Toto leading Merc next year though is not going to do them any favours 😂
George could really do with learning from Charles and Lando how to lead a team and play the team game even at such a young age. He also needs to take lessons from them in how to manage tyres, but that's another conversation. 😂
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
I quickly went to ig - here is Becky and Lillia being greeted by Mbappe
Do they run "in the same circle of friends"
(He was at the white party I think, I remember because it seemed so random)
No comment :LOL:

more love than brundle got

we live in a world where the hottest soccer star prefers greetings on cameras with escorts to seasoned sports announcers
I love it
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Pole er bear

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Its time for Monaco
and one man to live his scooter dreams through his son


Reposting because this was last thing on other threads and relevant
from @SophiaL123

Okay I have to read back the last 7 pages but I wanna share :p
I’m in Monaco and a couple things about today:
- Flavy looks so pretty irl (still old but gorgeous)
- Max gave hot cap to a kid and it made me melt it was so cute
- Lando was watching F2 in front of us on top of his garage and when the camera went to him he looked annoyed and left :(
- Carlos was apparently a bit annoyed by being “bothered” by fans for a selfie (some girls I know met him this morning)
- Carlos and Charles both came by bike into the paddock today, alone
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He’s the worst teammate on the grid. Anyone that argues otherwise is just fuelled by some kind of an agenda. Therefore, he’s pretty bad to have in your team tbh. He’s insanely irrational on track in a way you expect from a little kid when they’re karting.
You just have to look at how he’s never really had any type of friendship with his teammates. Alonso pretty much hated him by the end of his time Alpine and I still say if Alonso had defended like he did from Hamilton in Hungary that year Ocon probably wouldn’t be a race winner.
Okay I just finished watching the race and can I just complain a little about the amount of screen time the wags got this weekend???

During qualifying, every time something happened the camera shot straight to the wags. While sometimes maybe the reactions of any team member or any other family member might have been more interesting

also, during the race and after we saw Alex at least 15 times. Charles his friends, brothers and mother were right there and have actually meant something for his career!!!

Okay rant over…. Just had way too much time to get fed up during this snooze fest today
I with you 100% I would have loved to have seen Pascals reaction seeing her son finally with his home race instead of Alex for what felt like the hundredth time 😂

I saw on a gossip page that’s it like they got rid of grid girls and just replaced them with the over exposure of the wags.
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Lando clubbing was me in my 20's. Oscar and Lily clubbing is me now.
Except when I'm absolutely shitfaced on Prosecco and I go back to 20s me!
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