For anybody struggling ❤

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Hi everyone! I don’t comment often on many threads but you will usually find me on the hinch or mario threads.
I’m so glad this thread has started.

I don’t know what it is about me, but I just feel lost. No happiness in anything, i don’t have anything I enjoy. I am certain I have PND. I had a really traumatic birth wirh my son 4 years ago- I was on life support afterwards. But surprisingly I was fine and didn’t struggle being a mum to him. I have a daughter now, who’s 10 months and to be honest she’s a very difficult baby. I know full well I’ve struggled to bond with her because she is so difficult. Almost like I don’t feel anything for her? Or, I can’t believe I’m saying this, i don’t feel for her how i do my son. And that breaks my heart to admit. I suppose knowing what is causing this feeling (that she’s so difficult) is better than not knowing why I feel this way. I’m stuck in a circle of wanting to get fit, look after myself and my appearance, try to help my mental health, but also not having the head to do it. Vicious cycle really. I do kind of mourn my old life, I’m only 23 and none of my friends have children, and only one has stuck around since I had my son. My partner is brilliant, he helps so much. But really he’s the only support I have. My mum is full of little digs constantly, won’t hear off her for weeks etc, if I didn’t take my kids to see her, she wouldn’t see them.

I’ve really waffled on, for what reason I don’t know but I suppose a problem shared is a problem halved
Reactions: 17
Thanks I'm definitly going to check these things out. Kids are on half term break this week so hands are full but will start having a look next week. I'm also going to read up on perimenopause, as I think it's effecting me too. I ordered a load of vitamins the other day and they came today. Got full spectrum magnesium, vit d, zinc and ashwagandha and some highstrength, full spectrum cbd capsules, so I'm hoping they help somewhat as I know how crucial they are and our bodies very often lack these things. I ordered a cbd oil that you spray under your tongue which came yesterday and I got a much more restful sleep lastnight. I recommend it to anyone who is struggling to sleep.
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I actually miss it too. There were lovely laughs amongst the sadness
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Hello luvly, I'm sorry to hear you are having a difficult time. That sounds like some really heavy confusing feelings to carry. You've been through such a lot these last few years plus covid plus another baby. You sound very strong and brave. I'm sure someone with closer experience will be along soon I just wanted to send some good vibes your way, I was a young Mum too and it can be everso hard.
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This broke my heart just wanted say lots of love to you. You are awesome what beautifully raw post.
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I so need to sort out my vitamin and fruit/veg intake. I default to sugar often, no good for mood crashes. Thanks for the reminder. I wish there was just one magic pill for all the meno stuff, so many different things to think of. I have found CBD to be useful too and use a very low dose HRT. I've had a period for a week now and am getting really tired but managed to bung some fancy stuff in my hair and some magic cream on my face after my shower. When I swept the winter leaves in the garden earlier (the hedgehogs are waking up) I found a beautiful blue hyacinth flowering in a really shitty shady corner and och, it made me smile like a kid so it did. I've put it on the step so I can see it in the morning. Little things. Spring is coming, it's just hiding under the leaves. Hold tight all.
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Don’t underestimate the impact a traumatic birth can have. My first child was born under traumatic circumstances and I still struggle with aspects of it, 21 years later. Part of the way we cope is by moving on as life with little ones is busy and generally not easy to take time out to address things as needed. But it sounds like with all the added pressures of a second child and one who requires more from you in addition to the changes in your social network of friends and family dynamics… it’s a lot you have going on and it’s understandable to feel the way you do. With PND with your first, do you think you can have this conversation with your doctor now about what you’re going through? It’s hard, I know, because you feel drained and put yourself at the bottom of the priority list, but it may really help. I’m so glad you have a supportive partner. Take care of you.
There really is something so powerful in making an effort to look for the little things. The little snippets and beauty that’s around us, but hard for us to see when we are in a dark place. It’s like exercising a muscle that helps bring the light back in.
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Vitamins are a funny thing, you dont feel they are doing anything until you stop taking them!
Im also having a week long period with no end in sight, its shit isnt it.
Ive got a lot of new growth in my herb garden, made me feel a little bit excited (sad I know )
We have hedgehogs too at the bottom of the garden, my husband built them a little house, you'd laugh if you saw it, its very cute
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Thats beautiful 'exercising a muscle that helps brings the light back in.'
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Sorry if you’ve always answered but what did you make of the CBT it has been recommended to me by my GP but have never really heard about it before
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I did set a thread up earlier for debrief, aftermath of yesterdays news and general respectful chat on NB ( in no way trying to take over or anything just thought it was worth continuing some elements of what will unfold next if that makes sense) X
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I did reach out once, I did an econsult and immediately regretted it, i dont know why, so when they rang I said I’m sure I’ll be okay and that was it. And my partners parents are good with the children too, but because I feel so shite I don’t feel like I’m having a break, which seems awful because I do have a break often. A big thing for me is worrying what people think of me, or saying the wrong thing, even a simple saying hello to someone will tip me iver and I’ll think about it for weeks, thinking by saying hello I looked like a dick. I want help, I want to help myself, but I almost don’t feel ready to do it?
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I had a traumatic birth 4 years ago. I found that I almost bonded extra-hard with my baby afterwards, more so than with my older child whose birth was basically textbook.
I wonder if that’s what you might be finding a bit?
Also a bit of confused guilt that you had an ‘easy’ birth this time, and weren’t separated from your baby at all, unlike the first time, so also subconsciously you’re feeling sad about that too, mourning what you didn’t have the last time.
You’re going through grief for what you missed out on with your first birth - little things but important things - and that’s making your brain switch off from the now as a way to protect itself.

Hormones are weird things, and they mess with our heads.
So does trauma, and that’s what you went through.

This isn’t your fault.

You love your children. Both of them. You deserve to be happy and you deserve support and help to find the way out of this.
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I’m so sorry to read this, I could’ve wrote this post a few months ago. My little boy is 6 months and for the first couple of months he never stopped crying like ever. I honestly accepted that he was a newborn and they cry but it just chipped away with me. It turns out he actually had a muscle pulled in his neck from his birth, my labour was awful. I was 15 days overdue and he was delivered by foreceps and they pulled his neck so hard.

In what way is your little one difficult if you don’t mind me asking, of course
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Not feeling ready is something I absolutely understand. It feels terrifying taking that step, but you’ve already taken it by doing that econsult.

Do you know what you were frightened of after you submitted it? (There’s no right or wrong answer here, and there’s also no stupid answer xx)
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I did set a thread up earlier for debrief, aftermath of yesterdays news and general respectful chat on NB ( in no way trying to take over or anything just thought it was worth continuing some elements of what will unfold next if that makes sense) X
Could you please link it? x
Reactions: 4
I did set a thread up earlier for debrief, aftermath of yesterdays news and general respectful chat on NB ( in no way trying to take over or anything just thought it was worth continuing some elements of what will unfold next if that makes sense) X
I will pop by for a nosey and be sure to come blab my pov at some point once I've sorted out my wibble, thanks Snarkle.
Reactions: 4
I did set a thread up earlier for debrief, aftermath of yesterdays news and general respectful chat on NB ( in no way trying to take over or anything just thought it was worth continuing some elements of what will unfold next if that makes sense) X
Love this idea. We’ll need to be *very* careful what’s discussed and the tone or it’ll get shut down. If it causes mods any work I don’t think we’ll get any grace.
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