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It was 20 odd year ago...apparently. Might've heard about it a few times over the years...?
She lost 3 stone in 3 months with a 19 year olds metabolism.
She'd never be able to do it within that time in her forties.
Can you imagine basing your whole personality around the fact you once lost 3 stone, its really sad.
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Why is she always so sarcastic and snide with them? its so strange.
And she will then be surprised when that is how they talk to her. She has no idea how to encourage her boys. It’s all so passive aggressive. Having children has not been at all how she imagined it.
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I really hope she’s doing the posts only for Lawson just to somehow get a rise out of tattlers. The alternative that she actually favours one child because of how he looks is so shameful.
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Well she loves herself that's obvious. She's horrible to her mum in in her group used to pasd it off as tongue and cheek banter. She had her favourite members. She'd help you if you were losing lots but if you had small loses or gains regularly she didn't bother with you. Her groups got too big she didn't have time for anyone she was just greedy for money. I lasted only a year got bored of the plan and her
Everything you've said there is her in a nutshell. And now she's doing the same to her kids, belittling them and sneering. She's a horrible horrible bitch! Take comfort in her failing on her non size 8 arse 🤪
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Her ironing analogy is nonsense. Ok so what if you only manage to iron one item today but add ten items that need ironing to the basket? You’re going backwards so then what?! Where does she get this shit from?! 😂
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Hilarious, she’s totally setting the scene to lose the Range Rover but the most ridiculous thing is no one on IG would even notice if she changed cars 😂
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and her reply “ You’ve got this “ OMFG 😡
Oh my god. His post as well sounds her shity tough love approach that's she's most likely influenced, i.e suck it up! 'If it's important to you, you'll make time, if not? Then its not important to you is it' 😳. Can you just imagine the coaching calls and her saying this to someone reaching out at a difficult time. Nope. Fuck off you dickhead Nikki. Awful awful advice to give someone vulnerable and needing some real support and understanding. She's failed in her role if you ask me. Poor man 😔
I've used a life coach before and she changed my life. Nikki couldn't change a fucking light bulb let alone professionally support someone as a life coach.

She should stay in her dim-witted lane and just patronise people at slimming world again.
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Chatty Member
God her stories are so dull & boring who comes on Insta to tell people she played hairdressers with her kids with manically laughing, honest go tell that sort of stuff to your partner or your mum not strangers on the internet. I’m struggling to even hate watch her as it is all so dull that I barely have anything else to say about her now. She is gonna be so lost when those boys go school as she won’t have them for content anymore
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Don’t really get what she’s waffling on about but she needs to not go so heavy on the eyeshadow or use an eye shadow cream. Her eye lids scream her age.
So does that purple blazer and frilly top combo! Sort of thing my nan wears when she goes for a meal. What stay at home mum needs to wear a blazer 😂
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She lost 3 stone in 3 months with a 19 year olds metabolism.
She'd never be able to do it within that time in her forties.
Can you imagine basing your whole personality around the fact you once lost 3 stone, its really sad.
I still think she was on the ❄ when she lost the weight reading between the lines (no pun intended 🤣) Bragging about what a hard man her ex was and that everyone knew him 🙄 I bet he was a dealer or something like that
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Sorry for double posting but it’s actually baffling to me.

She fannied about on clip art making her sad little logo, set up an Instagram page and got a bloody photoshoot done for this ‘venture’ before actually having a clue how she was going to go about establishing the business and building it up. She’s a joke!
She thought it would come easy, people would be begging to join and she'd be having to turn people away through it being so popular.
Reality bites hard.

I also think she HATES the Fopperholic tag but won't DARE give it up because she knows she's an absolute nobody outside her sw days
I think it brings out the same emotions in her the silver velvet sofa eventually did. Regret and cringe.
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Also, those boys look ridiculous in skin tight leggings and boats for shoes! Stop trying to make them models, it’s never going to happen!!

I find it so hideous the way she spends so so much on herself despite not working, last week boasting about her Botox/profilho/hair and the this week a load of horrible clothes that she doesn't need. How Chris puts up with her constantly bleeding him dry is beyond me. In today's society where people are working and struggling to provide for their kids, this vacuous bitch swans about spending her husband's money on herself daily whilst contributing absolutely shag all to the family finances. Utterly unrelatable, selfish and gross inside and out. Absolutely no one would aspire to be her, she is horrible.
It’s no coincidence that this excessive spending (even by Fopps standard) is before and while Chris is away in Spain . I bet she was a nightmare about him going and demanded money for those beauty treatments as “payment” for looking after the miracles alone for a few days. Plus I’m sure she thinks the treatments will stop Chris’s wandering eye…
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Think she’s changed her bio AGAIN !!!!! 🙄🙄🙄

Now 🔽

“ Passionate about Food,Mindset,Fashion,Parenting” 😂😂😂

Really ⁉

OK spraying leftover food with bleach, inhaling food, Belittling anybody who crosses her path, eye fucking herself , having her miracles as performing monkeys . I hear you Fopps why you are so passionate about Food,Mindset,Fashion,Parenting
Anyone that follows her can see how this is all bullshit! The least maternal mother that spends the least amount of time possible with her own kids, cooks the same three shit recipes every week and deprives herself of real tasty food and questionable fashion choices 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
She’s telling people to create a mood and food diary but then doesn’t say how you use that information once you have a collated it.
We all know that we sometimes reach for food or alcohol when we’re stressed/happy/tired etc. People want to know how to change those behaviours. Is there going to be a follow up to that reel or is it just her loving listening to the sound of her own voice and eye fucking herself not really providing any useful information?
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I can’t think of anything more cringe worthy than standing outside some random person’s front door to have my photo taken!
And, not to brag in any way, but my house is quite eye catching for the area I live in and we have a few people who like to stop outside my driveway gates and have a nose when they walk past, the thought of having some cheeky stranger stand on my doorstep posing for a photo shoot would piss me right off!
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Guys I had a grenade bar today and enjoyed it

I’m taking myself to confession tomorrow!! Lord forgive me 🙏🏼
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