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I'd love her bday to be ruined 🤣 I thought London was on the brink of a tight lockdown due to the sharp rise in cases 🤔
Do you know, I had one of my best birthdays in lockdown, and it was my 40th! I had chocolate cake for breakfast, one of my best friends left me a giftbag on my porch with a helium balloon attached, she decorated my front door and porch whilst I slept. My mum came over as she is in our bubble, we had subway for lunch and watched some of my favourite 80's movies, another of my best friends cycled over and we chatted in my front garden for half hour, then my son and I had a Chinese take out at night! For me it was perfect but then I'm not a vain, materialistic, up my own arse hole twat!! Even if she got the World for her birthday she would not be happy and for that I feel sorry for her. My life is simple but I'm happy!!
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She only cares about what her lovely followers think.. yet most folk here were her followers (that she now calls Judgy Jenny's).
I was a bit hmmmm about this point too. So people who would have valid reasons to be upset about her showing off how much her area is allowed to do it
Or how much she can spend on shite are now judge jenny?!
So we can only be be loyal followers if we drink the kool aid and bow down to her.

I lost my job due to covid. My toddler has no where to go.
I had to try to school 4 other kids by myself.
I don't enjoy seeing her parade her freedom and wealth.
So now I'm a troll?
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God, she’s scrapping the barrel for content, isn’t she?! How many washings does she do in a week- I’m on tender hooks waiting to find out 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
Just to say though, no wonder she’s always out buying clothes if she does a maximum 4 washings a week. I could do 4 washings a day and still never see the bottom of my washing basket by the time all the bedding, towels, tea cloths etc all are thrown in too. She’s a dirty bint!
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how can she say the results from the new skin care range she's using are UH-maaaaazing and so so so good? it was only a couple of weeks ago she was bragging showing off some new pricey range she'd bought, skin care products need to be used consistently for weeks before you can fairly judge results, she's so bloody desperate for any brands to work with her she's just accepting any that come her way and gushing about them, remember the bayliss and harding campaign last xmas??? never seen those products that she was "OBsessed" with again have we???
noodle pots, jelly, nuts and budget skin care, in the world of influencers she's in the B&M clearance bin.
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Chatty Member
Gentle parenting - cackling at a kid who was sleepy and posting it to 150k followers.

Leaving your kids in their cots for so long when they arent sleeping that they pull the curtain rail off the wall.

Really gentle hun
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She is looking so scrawny at the moment. Obviously it's her choice, if she wants the muscular look then she's certainly achieved it. I personally think women with a more rounded look are more feminine and attractive, whereas the scrawny look is quite masculine and very ageing. There never seems to be any genuine warmth and affection between her and Chris, it's all staged for photos. Sadly, many of her followers are falling for the fairy tale life she's selling, perfect marriage, cute well behaved kids who never have tantrums and are never poorly, and they have a lot of money. But it's a scam, scratch the surface and she's just a lonely woman, who never sees her husband, who isn't sure she's loved and therefore spends all her time controlling her calories because it's the only thing she CAN control. I dread to think about how much debt they have, her income from SM can't be that much, but she's still spending like shes in full time employment. Pretty soon, the bubble will burst.
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I bet the comments were just off peolle saying oh it’s sucks we can’t do stuff like that etc or we are in tier 3 so it’s lockdown.
Personally it doesn’t bother me if she takes them to groups it’s her own risk isn’t it. However it’s her braggyness that annoys me the way. Corona hasn’t changed her life. She was able to have a party for the boys bday, she’s been on holiday, she’s had an extension, garden re done, endless hauls! She’s spent money like it’s gone out of fashion. When people can’t afford basics to live on. Bragging about another toddler class she can afford. Good for her however some people can only afford a trip to the park for their kids so it’s a treat if they do soft play.

Fopps just brag a bit less and you might find people won’t be bothered about toddler

This is probably one of my main issues with her...... she is not humble, she has not one ounce of empathy and she is a horrific show off...... almost all of her posts are either her showing off herself.... where they've been... what they've done... what they've spent..... garden, extension, playroom (hers not the boys!), days out, weekends away, over the top party, just her general bragging literally about everything..... it makes her , in my option a very, very unlikeable person...... and she is either too thick or too up her own arse to realise that she is this way...... nobody likes a show off Nicola..... !!
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And don't forget, her being away from the boys and having me time, makes her a better mum 😂
So let's get this straight. She's a stay at home mum/mom. And Mondays Rat is home, Tuesdays they're with her parents, Weds a baby class with her mum, Thurs at Nursery, Friday a baby class with her mum? There is no doubt in my mind she doesn't enjoy being a stay at home mum, or even a mum really. I get it, have a 6 month old and I miss working and having chats with adults! But we go to 1 socially distanced baby class and other than that its him and I all week , husband helps in the eve. Would be nice to have some free time but I miss him when I do a 30 min jog outside the house! So strange as she portrays herself as a devoted mum and declares reguarly how they are her entire world? They're about 20% of it! Why doesnt she just admit its not what she thought?
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Chatty Member
But of course she only does 4 loads of washing a week! Her clothes are soooooooo teeny tiny as she needs to size down allllll the time, so her clothes take up no room at all in the washing machine!
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These greedy influencers with their hauls are the worst. They need a reality check. I’ve recently been made redundant and managed to find another job thankfully but I know there’s a lot of people out there struggling so I’ve come up with an idea to give something back to my local community. I’m giving gifts to anyone in need for free. They are either brand new items with tags attached or practically new. Baby items, toys and clothing. Today I had a lady collect some baby bits for her friend who is a single Mum and struggling. I packaged them as if it was a gift and put a little pamper kit in for the Mum too. I can’t tell you how good it made me feel. No amount of spending can buy you that feeling. I’m getting my teenagers to help and we are hoping to reach as many people in our local area as possible. Probably just giving Fopps ideas here but she wouldn’t waste her time or go out of her way to help anyone so no worries there
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You are spot on! It's not just invasive and childish, it's really mean. The little girl looks at her too as she's pointing and snorting like an idiot. I'd put money on her being a bully when she was at school.
I bet she was in the cocky girls group, the ones who had all the latest clothes, make up, nice hair and were massive sluts or claimed to be just for attention. They would make it their lifes mission to make your life a misery, to batter your self esteem and make you feel scared to even go to school some days. They would find anything to pick on you about....the wrong trainers for PE, a new set of earings that didn't meet THEIR criteria, if you coughed in class you got laughed at and made fun off. Them girls who you hated and actually day dreamed of ragging their perfect hair clean out their heads.
I was bullied all through my secondary school years by them girls and my self esteem is still a bit sketchy. In fact, i actually now work with one of the girls who made my life hell. We laugh about it now but she has not changed one bit. Still swans around like she's still a bitchy 15 year old.

So Nikki, call us Trolls and Judgy Jennies all you want, you are perhaps the most judgy person ever.
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imagine having child free time away with your hubby for your anniversary and taking pics of processed chicken and cans of pop for the gram :rolleyes: she's a total fun sponge, go get shagging, might chill you out a bit and make you less of a manic beeatch fopps!
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Oh my goodness her new hoodie has a hood 😱 amazing. Why didn't I know that hoodies came with hoods!

Oh wait.... 🙄
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