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When she was going through the wallpaper saying she really wants colour 🙄 black and white paper then the darkest paint ever on the wall 🙄
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So one of my comments have vanished off her vlog! All I said was enjoy your yoghurts at the end of my post! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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She’s just making a rod for her own back and the fall out from it will be spectacular down the line. Those boys will grow up not appreciating Christmas or birthdays but even more sad, is they won’t remember any special gifts or toys as they don’t get time to cherish, enjoy or learn to love anything before it’s whipped away and replaced with something else. They need time to learn how to use and explore a toy properly to learn to love it. I can still remember things I got for a certain Christmas or birthday and how much fun I had with them throughout the year. Lovely memories with my siblings.
Honestly it’s beyond insane they amount they get. Mine have all their gifts from Xmas and their bday. We’ve bought the odd bit here and there but not every week not even every month.
Can you imagine her rubbish bins every week full off cardboard from delivery’s.
I genuinely believe she’s got a shopping problem. Even her multiple mums who have bigger houses and actual islands don’t seem to spend as much as her.
It was triplet mum of 4 little girls bday and she got the girls a different wooden toy each, a pair of shoes, handbag, sunglasses and little doll each.
Nothing over the top and they were happy to just open their gifts. Her mum then bought a wooden pram, wooden high chair for dolls and cot. One each but for them all to share.

I have twins and yes sometimes they do argue over the same thing but even if you have two of the same they argue over one of them anyway.
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I can just imagine the doors wide open Grayson on his skittle bug zooming around then not stopping as he thinks he can get into the garden and going flying becuase they didn’t get bifold doors levelled with outside!
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I’ve not listened to any of her stories as I can’t bear her voice but why have they put plug sockets half way up the wall?! If they are planning on having a tv there then where is the HDMI cable/sky cable?! Surely you’d have that tunnelled into the wall so it’s not hanging down?!? Another thing no one told her to do?!

and the outfit changes just scream that she’s so uncomfortable with herself.

and as the mother of a toddler - there is no way mine would ever eat a ryvita - let alone “love them” 😂😂
Don’t know about you lot but I’m happily living in my trampy, comfy clothes at the minute! I maybe do my make up once a week because I just feel like it. I have three children not two though three it’s a lot 😂 so I don’t have the sort of time she has with only having two children.
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I wonder if she ever watches herself back and makes a mental note not to keep playing with her hair.
She tucks it behind her ear and immediately flicks it out, then she immediately tucks it behind her ear and immediately flicks it out again, repeat, repeat, repeat …. and in between all that, she sort of sweeps the other side of her hair around her face with her hand but doesn't actually do anything to it, its just an action!
It's so annoying and off putting. It's no wonder she said the sides of her hair are thin, keep playing with it like that.

Oh, and then she had to go because she had some tidying up to do while the boys slept! We all know you don't do much tidying up and what you actually meant was deleting and blocking!
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🙈🙈🙈🙈 I'm hoping she comments on Deux Chebs new pumps pic 😂😂😂😂

See Mazza' s spelling and grammar is on point as per usual 👌👌
Prikky has said the ‘I need to stop waking up before the boys’ in case anyone thinks they don’t sleep any less than perfectly! What a total freak.
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Ultimately she’ll never be fulfilled. She can keep buying stuff and getting stuff for free but she and her boys unfortunately won’t ever appreciate things because they’re just handed to them. She can put on her big dramatic fashion show voice and over the top actions and show off her clothes but she’ll never be happy to just be.
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I wore one of these summer dresses last week from Sainsbury’s but mine was with a pair of £1.70 pumps in the sale at Sainsbury’s😂 And I did wear a bra no belt! 🙈😂 It is a bit granny like but I was comfy and defo not a size 8 I’m not as uhmaaaazing as Fopps!
Is that the same dress ? It looks totally different and much nicer on you - and you've got a fabulous figure lovely lady 💞 💞
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I dont understand why she sells stuff if she has so much money. I'm not well off I live in an ex council house (not a posh detached house in an exclusive area that cant get food deliveries 🤣) my husband is self employed I stay at home with the kids and do his admin. I give all my stuff to either the baby bank or my local charity shop pushchairs/cots etc.
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It’s her that gets the buzz out of them getting new toys not them. Every single move she makes boils down to two things.. what makes her happy and what makes her look good. Absolutely nothing she ever does is genuine or for anybody else’s happiness. Even the petty donation to the baby bank was plastered all over the gram! Embarrassing! I’ve just gave a friend my 3 year old cot bed and pram with accessories. Brand new it was probably about £2000. It’s all immaculate. We dropped it all off at her garden for her (wouldn’t risk going to near at minute as she’s pregnant) She was so grateful bless her. I just felt a happiness from helping someone I can’t imagine now plastering that on IG 😳
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Supermarket clothes are about as bespoke as primark ones...everyone is wearing them (especially at the moment given that supermarkets and pound land are the only clothes shops that have been open for three months)...she is literally as thick as shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ffs bespoke means one of a kind...made especially for you nobody else has that dress so as far away as Supermarket clothing as you can get...first class plastic narcasist twat
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To any child if they got 100 new toys a week the toys would become very easily disposable and worthless. It’ll just be ‘bored now. Throw that a side and get a new one’ to keep them in that constant State of excitement of a new item for 10 minutes. (Just like her with clothes and makeup etc..) That’s when the meaning and appreciation and fondness for certain objects goes in the bin because everything is so easily replaced for something bigger and better. How sad they’ll never appreciate, cherish, love and enjoy special toys through their childhood. So sad. Everything is worth nothing. It’s all temporary until the next best thing comes along. That’s setting them up for good morals as they grow is it? Spoilt selfish bratz by the age of 5 and it’ll only get 100 times worse the older they get.
I'm sure she even replaced the little jellycat rabbits they have in bed because 'they were grubby' 😮 No special cuddlies for the Ryan boys.

My daughter is almost 10, and got her beloved jellycat BunBun when she was 3, after many weeks of her dragging me to the shop to look at him. I can't imagine ever getting rid of it. His grubbiness is nothing a wash won't fix, and he's definitely rather love worn after almost 7years of play, but surely that's the point of having a special cuddly?
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Funny how it’s her job now but only a hobby when the government were giving out grants 😡 tax dodgers the lot of them I wonder how much she claims in benefits pretending to be a stay at home mom but ‘earning’ on the side and not declaring hmmmmm

also she isn’t ‘managed’ by anyone like some influencers so it isn’t really a job is it just flaunt your children online and see what people send you for free
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I feel the same about her massive essay captions comparing them- on the internet to strangers... there for everyone to see and know as they grow up. She’s massively over exposing them.. we know what the eat, how long they sleep, how many outfit changes they have, how much their clothes cost, what new toys they have..its too much.
Honestly, she’s a dull as dishwater and she knows it, she is desperately trying to fit in with the young mum blogger crowd, chloe lauren, LJC.. Jayde Jenson Rocco etc, all of those girls are 25-30- younger, fresher, get gifted all the things Fopps dreams of (make up, skincare, designer kids clobber) it’s really quite sad. She’s like their embarrassing Aunty commenting “you look stooonin darling” - she needs to review her target audience and age bracket. She’s a 40 year old, ex slimming world leader who happens to have kids.. nothing more nothing less. Not had an interesting life or career, not cultured or well travelled unless you count that exotic island off Portugal 😩 she pissses her pants over flavoured soft cheese, and has her kids on a low fat diet. Sorry but she’s no influencer to me. She’s a danger to herself and her sheep who may copy and feed their kids this tripe!

phew 😅 rant over.. for today 🤣

So true! I always think it’s so sad she try’s to fit in with the younger crowd. She may not think she’s nearly 40 and we she says young for her age. However I think it’s incredible sad she calls social media her job.
She would rather watch shit reality tv as she thinks that keeps her up and coming.
Her page could be really good if she focused on what she was a slightly older mum who went through ivf and was successful with twins.
But instead she just comes across a spoilt Middle Aged teenager 😂
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The boys get second hand wellie boots and puddlesuits..

She sells car mirrors for a fiver instead of giving them to someone who needs them...

But it’s a new £175 pair of trainers for Chris...
This just sums up the two of them......more interested in themselves!! The boys are an accessory for Fopps , perhaps she needs to start making them priority and not a side line next to the fecking awful fashion/shoes 😡
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