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PS - may I submit as a contender for Worst Crisp Ever, Tesco's Taste The Difference Mince Pie flavour? They were vile and thankfully have never been repeated.
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Precisely this. When I had my son i was not in a great financial place and on my own so couldn’t do the whole NCT thing which made me feel ‘less than’ compared to friends who’d done it. I went to one NHS class but was the only one with no birth partner and the judgement from everyone was unreal which surprised me in this day and age when single parenthood isn’t a strange thing!

anyhoo, I totally agree that a safe arrival for bubs and a safe mum is the only thing that matters. I actually did end up hypnobirthing but no need for £££ courses I actually got a book/cd out of my local library which did the trick (despite me being really cynical that it would actually work!).
Tbh if it’s any consolation they are largely shit and I always think medically inaccurate, I’ve done the wanky birthing class and the teacher said how if you have the p pain killer late on you have problems bonding with baby cos they’re drowsy when you come out? Fuck off love what peer reviewed study told u that load of bollocks?

Doing a JM and off to APPOINTMENTS to see if the baby is too big she needs popping out. Life is cruel that I’m birthing someone with very long legs whilst I have to get tins down from the mid and top shelves with a fork myself 😂 Also managed to sell some bits on eBay so feel like Martin Lewis x
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I've been thinking about courgettes since I woke up this morning. That's my weird little brain (TM JM) for you...

I think you've talked fritters already but they are one of my favourite ways with courgettes as they are, well, yum, and they practically make their own dinner, especially with a fried egg on top and any leftover tomato pasta sauce you might have hanging around

This is my ur-recipe. I make them like this often, but also leave out the mint and up the parsley content. Often add a chopped red chilli because everything is better with heat in my book. Or leave out the mint and the feta and add a shed-load of parmesan to make a thinner, crisper, saltier, more Italianate version, and I spritz those with lemon juice. If I have time/energy, I don't just dry the courgette slivers, I add salt and leave them for a while, it drags out even more liquid and infuses the courgette with magical salty goodness that makes the finished product even better.

Ok, courgette fritti, it's not revolutionary and this is deep frying and faffing about with batter, but it is entirely worth it. Do not skip salting the courgette, it's essential and makes it magical. I have these either with garlic mayo or chilli mayo or both. They are my favourite treat, my mum used to make them occasionally when I was a kid, and I'd rather have them than chips.

I made a courgette salad yesterday. Griddled the courgette (and set my partner's smoke alarm off), then dressed in good olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper and a lot of parsley (almost enough to make it an ingredient in its own right rather than a flavouring). A bit of minced garlic is also good, but reduces the lightness a bit. I dress the courgette a bit beforehand to let it steep, then add parsley at the end.

It's old school cooking, but I like bigger ones stuffed. Sausage meat is easy and my favourite. I tend to make a stuffing out of whatever I have lurking about, but this is a similar sort of recipe to what I tend to come up with.

Discovered this recipe for parmesan baked courgettes recently and it's really good. Has a feel of fritti without all the deep frying malarky and everything is better with parmesan.

One of my favourite Chinese side dishes is nicked from Fuchsia Dunlop. Matchstick sliced courgette, again salted and left for a bit, squeeze out excess water, then stir fry with thin, thin, slices of garlic. So much more than the sum of its parts. I would happily eat this all the time.

Alternatively, salt the courgettes in thicker batons, then dredge with seasoned flour (salt and pepper, but paprika is nice too) and stir fry for another easy side.

Courgettes are a key part of my favourite minestrone recipe. It's Nigella's from How to Eat and it's so much nicer than any of those ones with a tomato base. Courgettes add depth and silkiness to it in a way that I don't have the proper words for. This is such a good soup.


I've made this Ottolenghi pasta once and it's lovely, but there are other lovely sounding courgette recipes here too.

Oh, one more pasta... I really like this pasta from Nigella. Bit different with the sultanas and pine nuts, they are what lift it up a bit. I assume from the sultanas it's vaguely Venetian. Whatever the origin, if you like a weird bit of sweetness in your savoury dish then this is wonderful. I have made it with pappardelle and that does make it more luxurious, but have substituted other pasta quite happily too.

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So the MG disappearance, I had noticed the lack of big long repetitive interchangeable posts (interspersed with the very short but equally ignorable hammy posts) over the weekend, but I hadn’t realised there was a self-implosion/ taking it outside Tattle!

It’s like pretty much the only rule here, unless you’re on a Blues Brothers type Mission from Gaad [thinking at this time of this thread’s own beloved Joan of Arc (🪐 )], and you have to self-sacrifice yourself...

I mean, what is so hard to understand? Why do people continue to do it?
Hey! I always forget about this thread. I’m actually supposed to be WFH today but I CBA.

I had a couple of days off of the mother thread and when I posted on Saturday I said I felt there was a different vibe’s maybe a combination of things (one of which might be me) I wondered where MG was a wee while ago. I didn’t think there was an issue at all and I certainly never saw and exclusionary posts.

I knew JM annoyed her from the posts I did read but never thought anything would have been taken to SM....because when she first joined she wrote this loooooong post about how she had been stalked horrendously (that started on Twitter) so if that’s the case, I would have thought she wouldn’t want to be involved in doing that to anyone else.

Apologies if I’ve picked that up wrong. Another poster with a problematic tattle history, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had ham-pered things...

I should go back to work (booooooo) but I will come back. I feel a bit of a fraud because my cooking is basic so my input may mainly consist of gifs and puns
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I did wonder! I would be alarmed too xx

It's very curious. It's almost like someone is wanting to get Tattle in hot water as it feeds her trolling narrative.....
Tbh I get the impression that a lot of them are just spiteful/hateful and have been active on Twitter for much longer than the Tattle threads exist, sadly we're now amongst them? You can tell by the tone of comments left on the thread, it was worst in the past but there's a difference between laughing at neon green pasta and just repeating the same weird conspiracy theories about this being the year of Hack Monroe's demise. Tbh this is the year she'll probs make 6 figures in all honesty 😂
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So the MG disappearance, I had noticed the lack of big long repetitive interchangeable posts (interspersed with the very short but equally ignorable hammy posts) over the weekend, but I hadn’t realised there was a self-implosion/ taking it outside Tattle!

It’s like pretty much the only rule here, unless you’re on a Blues Brothers type Mission from Gaad [thinking at this time of this thread’s own beloved Joan of Arc (🪐 )], and you have to self-sacrifice yourself...

I mean, what is so hard to understand? Why do people continue to do it?
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Fraus. An update is warranted I feel - as much for myself as for you all. The Before Sunrise cosplay happening in the past few days and...........turns out real life is nothing like the movies. Quelle surprise, eh? We had a lovely time together, catching up, chatting about everything, hanging out in a nice city, but there wasn't a spark anymore. Too much time had passed. Too much other stuff got in the way. There was a moment where we were lying on a rug in the park (which was absolutely FULL because it was national Switzerland day or something so absolutely no chance for park sex) when I almost felt what I did 12 years ago when we shared a tent in the Siberian forest, but then some asshole set off a firework and the moment was lost.

There's a lot to think about - about changing desires, and growing older (and perhaps wiser?), of not being so struck by idealism, of being more aware of your body and what it wants. I think we envied each other a little bit, and the paths we'd chosen - me with my CHAOTIC MAVERICK freedom, him with his stable living situation and high salary. I've been brooding about it all for the past 24 hours. In a way it feels freeing - that I got my closure, essentially. But I'm also pretty mournful for the person I was back then and how hopeful and unafraid she was. I've also drunk quite a lot of cheap Croatian wine so I'm a little bit more maudlin than I'd like. But, mein frauen, we go onwards!
That was both achingly beautiful and sad to read. It made me cry! I felt like I was reading a book, one of those kinds of books that make you feel young again, and wistful for what is lost, and grateful for the insight you have now? Not sure if I’m making sense!
Thank you for telling us about it. Have to admit, I was thinking about you like a saddo. Onwards indeed! ❤
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I don’t notice anything unless it’s glaringly obvious like those ham crisps or if there are any particularly sharp, crunchy ones. Perhaps I should take more notice of usernames.

I have the fear now, when you know you’re innocent but feel like you’re being watched. 🙈😬 I’m a good crisp!
On my post the other day I nearly added on that I liked ham crisps! I'm glad I didn't now 😂 but genuinely, ham and mustard crisps are 😋 (I however am not a ham crisp).
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Brian Butterfield

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Just want to say that there’s a Toebeans over on Twitter posting all sorts on JM’s threads. It’s not me. In fact in was a bit alarmed to see someone with the same handle wading in.. I rarely post anything on Twitter as I’m there under my real name. I’ve started fretting recently about triangulation so I’ve also stopped posting here on the mother thread. Just been worrying that people thought it was me being naughty 😬
I did wonder! I would be alarmed too xx

It's very curious. It's almost like someone is wanting to get Tattle in hot water as it feeds her trolling narrative.....
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They're so clever! I know a lot of people think they're pests but I do love them. I used to live in Leith last year and one would and sit in the garden of our block at night, not bothering anyone just sitting there under the lights. I loved him, was a bit sad to leave him tbh. No foxes in my new area so far but like I say, so many squirrels!
My mum's absolutely mad about them, she feeds them every night - since lockdown she's actually out of control, going down to the bushes outside her flat 3 times a night with warm sausages (or sometimes she roasts them a chicken) for 3 different dinner services, because different foxes come at different times.
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lol did it originate with you? I‘Ve read so many Different people talking about the Pepperami penis
Well, technically speaking it originated with my friend who was regularly riding the Slenderman but yes, I added it to celeb goss on here.
Actually really annoyed that my gossip about Mr Tumble's dad singing the theme tune to Bertha didn't take off. If only I had a dick description for him.
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Could somebody please explain the gif rule for me? I did read The Rules on sign up but don’t recall anything about posting gifs etc. I saw there was an issue (complaint?) a few days back about them on the main thread, but seemingly they are allowed here? What is the difference between the two threads regarding that?

p.s I hope it’s ok to ask, I don’t want points on my licence but I want to (figure out how to) get my gif on at some point. Legally. OBVS.
Think people just want hit in the face with Jack facts™️ Over there and our gallivanting puts the general browser off so we just giddy about here instead now

ETA obvs sometimes we push it over there still too because norty
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Nando's in South Africa (where it originates) is best known for its amazing adverts. Very dark comedy, often deeply political, and usually banned within a day. It's a national treasure for this reason.

When it came to the UK, I was really disappointed that it focused on food and not, say, making ads about Robert Mugabe being sad that Gaddafi's death has left him as the last of the dictators and now he can't share his Nando's meal deal (look up "last dictator standing" if you're curious. It's my all-time favourite).
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Silver Linings

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urgh the mother thread right now. I hate that Jack will be reading it and hooting to herself at what she’s done.

My child was born in the middle of a heatwave, I was more excited about the cool air in the hospital than the baby!

For on topic purposes, just ate a penguin that was from the fridge and it had started to melt and stick to the wrapper in the time it took me to walk the ten feet to the sofa. I hate this weather, I am a pale viking descendant.

Here you go, @BilboSaggins

Not only a brawny, veiny forearm but a nipnip as a Brucie bonus.
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I am so confused. Was MG eating ham crisps all along or was she different crisps from the same multipack?
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