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Don't bother with makeup very often at all unless it's a special occasion, but I do have a skincare routine which I like to splash out on when I can, makes me feel like I'm living luxuriously 😂.

I do feel a lot of it is just companies coming up with new insecurities to give us so that they can sell us more products though. Like I could not be arsed with these 7 billion step routines that some influencers have.

Mine just goes:

1. Cleanser
2. Moisturiser (with a couple drops of a "toner" added in as well every other morning)
3. Sunscreen

1. Cleanser
2. Moisturiser

I have skin thats a little sensitive and can get red if I use anything perfumed, so I try to avoid scented stuff. La Roche posay anti shine sun cream is really nice! My fave for sure - like £17 a tube if you don't get it on sale though 😬
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I was going to say, if I tried to bring anything damp anywhere near my rescue cat she’d scalp me 😅 I think I’m going to try @MaineCoonMama’s trick but my cat will only stand on wet towels if she thinks it was her idea.
I haven’t introduced her yet!
View attachment 1424599
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View attachment 1424603
View attachment 1424637This is Daphne! She a British shorthair and her breeder got rid of her because she has a little dimple in her nose, which meant that she got silver pedigree not gold 🙄
When I got her she was about one and a half and had been kept in a cage her whole life.
She’s calmed down a lot recently after I got Cece (I think she feels safer with a younger cat around).
Vets have told me before that she has ‘the most pathetic nose they’ve ever seen’ and she snores and sniffles a lot but it doesn’t seem to bother her. Another vet called her ‘damaged goods’ which I got angry about.
But she’s a very happy cat and rules the house! Her absolute favourite treats are chips (she doesn’t get them often but tries to bat them out your hand😂) and anything creamy/buttery/cheesy.
She’s got so much sass 🤍
Daphne you are fabulous 😍
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@EddieBeds the new books have turned her into a blonde. Why?!

Saw this, and it made me 🦉after the Iceland talk, and the company being named what it is
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Sorry for chatting about this so much. It’s so warm this is all I can think about!

But if anyone’s interested, here‘s a link to the images released today from the James Web Space telescope. There’s some cool features where you can zoom in on the images, which is worth doing since they‘re so detailed.

This telescope is such a game-changer for our knowledge of the whole universe. It’s sending images from stars and galaxies as they were seen billions of years ago! It will help us understand what happened just after the Big Bang, as well as so many other cool things.

Weird coincidence, the last two days I've been listening to the band WASP on repeat (they remind me of happier times) and here's an exoplanet WASP. I know the acronym stands for something else but it's heckin' metal enough to make me smile. Fangs, Sidey B. 😊
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Re-reading The Little White Horse again was genuinely interesting, there was quite a lot of strangeness but it's also very serious and intense (& a lot of really good writing, I thought?) I've done a lot of re-reading childhood favourites while ill - The Earthsea books especially, plus the Terry Pratchett Tiffany Aching series - and it was comforting but also quite challenging to realise how many big ideas were in them.
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Sideboard Bob

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Apparently the middle bit of chocolate was greasy.

Okay. Like you GAS? It’s chocolate covered in ice cream and then chocolate, just enjoy it.

The poll included nobbly bobblys.

Hands up who honestly remembered them?
I want to try and remember this without looking it up. Were nobbly bobbles the ones that had a clown face, and a little bubblegum ball at the bottom of the cone?

@traumatised sideboard Ice party it is! Good thinking 😎
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I am rubbish at getting ice cube trays in without spilling, I use the bags, you can fold them, they take up less room, so get more in
Ah, these create massive cubes and have lots of space at the top to avoid spillage. You twist them to free the ice so it doesn't fly everywhere.

I've got some of those silicone moulds to make huge spheres and they are a nightmare. But given the weather, every tray and ice pack will be ready for tomorrow!
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View attachment 1409802

Neighbour's kittens update. This little black one is my fav of the litter. Literally odd one out, all the others are tabby/white mixes. Always looks confused this one. Love 'em.
Beautiful! without being massively sexist ( or whatever) I bet he is a boy, reminds me of my little boy when I got him , precious and I love him , but not so clever :ROFLMAO: oh my gosh I want another kitten!!!

Update ubout my awful situation. Kitten is now trying ot get out and find pigeon :(
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We had that a few weeks ago, and it lasted for days. I was wandering around with a throbbing headache waiting for the storm to break.

Our heatwave is now predicted to last into August. Send SPF 50os.
Ugh, that's wretched. I'm hoping it breaks here tonight so I can get some sleep. Heatwave into August sounds a lot tho, blimey!
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Thank you, that’s really helpful. We do have a blameless fan (completed it, mate 😉🤣), but he doesn’t like the feel of it on his skin, even when it’s not anywhere near him 🙄 Brilliant advice on the wicking clothes, I’ll look into that. Mrs B (who says hello!) is also looking into bamboo clothing as that’s meant to be cooler??

Quoting myself like a twat because a blameless fan is actually quite amusing 😂
Blameless fan 😂

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No you’re right it really is the nights that are the worst, it sets you up for such a shit overtired day. I know this is a privilege but is it possible to wfh in the heat? Or book some annual leave and sit in a cold bath 😳😂 Also another privilege but cannot recommend those handheld fans enough, you lose the embarrassment quite quickly cos you’re living in your own air conditioned bubble. The one I got from Amazon came with a lil stand to put it in to charge / act as a normal fan at your desk! #ad #spon #afflink

Also these discussions about scary ppl on the MT are 😱. I got upset last night about some ridiculous mum shaming comments on another thread and @Rekyavikgirl made such a good point about it all so thank you for being a bad b, you’re right there’s a whole website of mithering anti mum ninnies (ironically called m*msnet lol) and I’d ignore their opinions so shouldn’t have paid that any mind.
Unfortunately not. I’m off for the majority of the 6 weeks school holiday (and it’s my company so I do take the piss a bit as it is 🤣) and wfh isn’t possible with what I need to do this week. I have 4 fans in the office now and I’m about to go outside to lend a hand to the guys who are working out there (we’re in the shade and there’s a tiny breeze so it’s quite nice!)

I think I just need to embrace the heat and try to enjoy it whilst it’s here, I’m sure it won’t last long 😂
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Ah sending love to those in not great jobs. I can do a boring bloke update is that helps?
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Oh my days those look amazing!
I’ll be honest tho, Nic ‘n’ Spicy Niknaks raine supreme for me.
Flaming Hot Cheetos are my absolute favourite but I can only ever find the bullshit ‘jumbo twirl’ ones in the UK! #sendcheetos
Petrol stations and vending machines are the only places I can get them! Flaming Hot Cheetos sustain me at work some days.
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Sideboard Bob

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thank you for this recommendation! I pick flowers on walks to press for crafty thiiiings and sometimes wonder what they are- or just wonder what plants I see are in general!
They are so pretty!
For some reason they remind me of the little tea cards you used to get.
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Thank you this is a really good point and a blind spot for me as I’m evangelical about the rooms. But I’ve had the privilege of being in London with lots of meetings to pick from & really strong fellowship in the ends. If I was in rural Yorkshire it wouldn’t be the same so yeah looking at alternatives is definitely a smart idea!

Personally for me I know my issue stemmed from really low self esteem/worth and baaaad anxiety. Agreed with Wooh if I’d have sought professional help for that maybe I would never have stopped drinking or dabbling, maybe it would have just gone back to okay levels. I was never physically addicted or behaved poorly (women rarely do, it’s why Jack’s stories make me cringe so much, we’ve been socialised differently it’s just not a common occurrence to publicly lash out?) it was my head that was terrible. There were and are ppl that consumed a lot more than me and acted sloppier but it’s where my head took me that resulted in seeking help. I’d always have ended up having down periods and binging/being destructive to my own personal life though which couldn’t work with the life I wanted (career, family, husband who doesn’t hate me lol).

There are many ways to skin a cat. I started to read a book that discussed this but I struggled with it as the author was peddling her own recovery program. And I won’t go into the ins and outs but I do think AA has problematic elements to it, ultimately it was made by white MC WASPs in the US nearly 100 years ago so it’s never going to be for everyone. I trust that it has and will continue to evolve with the times. I had a religious school upbringing so maybe I find the traditions and formality of it a comfort?

Also speaking to her GP could help, especially if she’s drinking half a bottle of vodka (that feels like a lot to me?? I was a wine and uppers girly so no idea on equivalent volumes?) she may need some medical advice on cutting that out gradually rather than cold Turkey. I genuinely have no idea on that, may be being OTT, but a GP will never be a bad shout??

Best of luck tho and please keep us updated! ❤ Ps sorry to me-rail.
I’m not sure if it is the same everywhere but the chemist near me has a sign in the window about alcohol reduction, so might be worth checking there?
personally I think you really should tell her partner , but if you’re worried about how she will react maybe tell him to pretend he has discovered it by himself? Like finding bottles in the bin or whatever . With all addictions what enables them to continue is the secrecy and not being accountable to anyone
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Kindle gets divided by country. My mother and I tried to set up a shared Kindle library for ourselves once and couldn't because we live in different countries.
That defies the entire point to me but I appreciate legal rights and whatnot are probably involved.

Well, because Amazon suck, the first UK bod with a kindle that would like to read the extremely interesting sounding book about the ancient Greeks may now click that link with my blessings.

I was very grateful for the recommendation and would like to pay the happy forward so please accept it and do the same in some small way ☺
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Oh dagnabbit, isn't Amazon supposed to be dominating the globe FFS?
Could any fraus help me suck less at this please?
It's my birthday soon, I usually get a book from my husband so I'll show him this and ask him to buy it for me.
I just checked and it's definitely affordable. Yay!
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