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Chatty Member
It humorous that the worst thing Asshat can think to call Tattlers is "grannies" ... 😄
It's hilarious to me that he really believes he and P are such catches :oops: I guess it helps soften the blow he receives reading here to picture us as overweight, matronly old hens with nothing better to do with our time. Think again douche lord :ROFLMAO:
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Random thoughts, no specific order-
* P looked HUGE in that dress!! She has clearly killed her spanx. RIP Spanx. You fought the good fight! 🙏
* Apparently it took 100k and a zillion miles for Asa to figure out the dogs would like walking on a trail. WOW.
* Oh that scamp Abbie wants to stay up all night. Whats the problem guys? Typical teens stay up without Mom and Dad.
* No sign of Golden Boy.
*No mention of Summer. Not entertaining the Princess? No use for her.
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I remember when they first bought the house, they made disparaging comments about how they disliked that wallpaper and would be getting rid of it...then all of a sudden they were like "Actually we've decided we like it." I bet they changed their minds because they found out how much it costs and/or how difficult it is to remove.

🤣 True...back when I was in college, I very much appreciated my parents buying me cases of bottled water (this was back when plastic bottles were Okay) and my dad carrying them up three flights of stairs for me. What a feckin hero, that dude.
It's not uncommon for parents to help kids move back to school. But you know they're gonna roll up in the huge truck overflowing with toilet paper and mac & cheese. Although, most college kids will take whatever free stuff is offered, so. Isaiah and his crew will have to put up with Piggy decorating for a few days and hopefully they'll roll on out so they can light up their bongs. :ROFLMAO:
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Absolutely, 100%. This is why IMO they have no respite person now. The person they had seems to have vanished They daren't show her bad behaviours in order to not put off new employees. They've had weeks to organise a new person knowing that Summer was leaving but no Selfieshitwrld was more important. They are going to have a tough time ahead on their own. That child is never disciplined, never told no and so rides roughshod over them.
I saw an old vlog when they were in their old house. Asshole was saying how that day they had to leave snother restarsunt because Ab went wild on Pig. Ripped her necklace off and scratched her up pretty bad. Ass was out in the parking lot with Ab while Cilla was inside waiting for food to take home. They seemed so much more honest in those days. He even had tears in his eyes saying how this is everyday single day occurence, while Ab was in the backsest smirking. When Pig ffg inally got in the car, you could see she really was beat up physically and emotionally. She said "I don't if she has autism or not...that is NOT O.K. to do to anyone." Asshole 100% agreed. He said sometimes it happens several times a day. And I don't believe for one minute that its all from autidm. She is a brat when she wants to be a brat. They even admitted as much that slot is her throwing a tantrum. They should have taken her home without bringing any take out home and put her to bed with no supper. (Even Pig mentioned that). You know damn well she eats 25 times as day so she wont starve. And explain to her that they couldn't get any food because she was causing another scene and they had to leave. I'm sure he gave her a snack when they got in the car. Always a food reward no matter what. No consequences for her ever. Your princess knows exactly what she is doing most of the time.
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Go on, spill the beans please. What did you gather?
He's chugging some serious fucking flavor-aid.

My opinion is that they're spending so outlandishly on credit (i.e. truck, RV, I's still-unknown new car, condo, SpankieWRLD, monthlong cross country road trip, on and on and on) as well as repeatedly asserting that Abbie is "set for life" because he's a believer that all debts will be wiped out and large sums of a new currency will be disbursed in the near future.

It's a claim that comes around every few years - this is at least the third time I can recall in the last 20 years that it's been big on the whackjob circuit - and it generally ends very badly for those who buy into it.
This time around it's also tied to some particularly unsavory beliefs, including views on anti-covid measures. And that lines up with what we can observe with their behavior in recent months.

You know Asa spends a lot of time listening to financial “gurus” between his half ass vlogs - about how to get rich. , habits of wealthy, the financial wing of the self help industry. His self assuredness is funny.

And that's pretty fucking dangerous right now.
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You guys don't suppose the only reason they made that ball cleaning video is because of us do you?
I mean, it's been talked about a lot here and suddenly she's trying to give the illusion that @selfiewrldjax is a clean, safe covid free spot.
What a joke.
I want to know what they mean by "sanitize between uses". Do they mean they spray the thing down? That's not even sanitizing the top layer. So wiping down each ball with a clorox wipe. Doesn't look like they use a new wipe for each ball...did they then sanitize the actual pit? Ridiculous.
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Poor Abbie. Look at how big she is getting. So unfair for her physical health.,

This is NOT a travel vlog. The entire thing was them parking a camper, and Asa being a dick. I seriously think they spent more time in the car than they did actually doing anything. I would love for Abbie to use her communication tools (we never see this, but Asa claims she communicates) to find out what Abbie liked best, what history she learned, and if she would like to travel again since A and P said this was all for Abbie. The END!
This one just emphasized what idiots they are and how unprepared and unqualified He was to drive a rig that big. He just didn’t know what to do with something that big. (That’s what she said 😂) They all just seemed like bumbling idiots the whole time. Per usual
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5 steps to trick your IDD/autistic kid into getting her hair cut:
1. Double her meds an hour before leaving fir said hair cut.
2.Tell her you are all going for a ride. Bring bag of snacks and cereal along. Proceed to beauty parlor.
3. Have Pig stand directly in front of her so she can't get out of chair.
4. Start plugging her full of snacks as soon as she sits down and as soon as she gets up. Only film the 2 minutes she stayed in the chair.
5. Use your best reward system and Pigs favorite....take her out to restaraunt for all she can eat and don't forget a dozen donuts on the way home for desert.

Successful my ass....thats why Pig had candy in her hand, and he barely filmed anything. The parts he didn't show were tantrums. Pig wasn't about to get it cut the way everyone said it looked cute on her. Pig doesn't want anyone to look cuter than her.
Still looks like a zombie cuz it still hangs in her face.
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🎼🎼 With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, she hikes up her pants and her boobs hang down...
Helpless huns on backyard decks, scream bug eyed as she zaps their necks...
She picks up a drink and tosses it down, wades through the water toward the Dunkin in town.
Oh no, they say shes got to go
Go go Pigzilla!! 🦖🦖 🎼🎼
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Meow, I just came to post basically the same thing!

Ms. Piggy went from aren’t you tho exthited to who ate all the cheese. I think Abbie ruined her precious time with her baby boy hoglet by having a tantrum, meltdown whatever suits your fancy.

I just have to say I love it when one of us tattlers have had enough of the fuckery and rants. It provides great reading material.
Seems like we all cycle through that.
Meow, I think your there right now!

And this has got to be my most favorite comment ever to be posted on YouTube!

View attachment 705130

View attachment 705132
You are absolutely right! ❤ I am at a point where I am finding delight in the fact that their lives really are shit. I am happy to see Pig disheveled, obese, drunk/hungover and angry. I am overjoyed that Moobie is the one that gets to live with it. They deserve each other. 😻
I came back to say, it may be very possible the sow and I have synced up...lmao..maybe I lack patience too. 🤣 Regardless, they are full of intolerable fuckery and I hate them. 😂
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It is like SelfishWrld has turned into Big P’s life-sized, money-sucking dollhouse. Where all her dreamy fantasies can be preserved in photos.
Truth! And also sad a 40 yr old woman resorts to this level! She's so stunted maturity wise! Time to let go and grow up Priscilla!
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Ok Cilla, “goimg ”?! Your “girls” is asleep?!
PROOFREAD, it’s a thing. 🙄

And no, your daughter is not “deep in thought”. Just accept her and love her for who she is. 😡View attachment 705624
She may well be deep in thought... but judging from Isaiahs grip on her arm to force her to sit for the photo her "deep thoughts" have to do with being left the fuck alone.
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Cardinal Rule

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The Tattle Family seems in distress today: computer drowning, cancer, creeping COVID, Mold Manor, Maassive fucks, international politics, and Sweet Girl’s damn haircut.

Let’s lighten the mood with another episode of “Who Wore It Better.” Next up: Onion Goggles. I know Big P is a contender in this category, but I just couldn’t stomach adding her. So she wins the bronze. Throw a “heart” for Sweet Girl or a “wow” for Weird Wayne. Thanks for playing. ❤
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What does she even do at school? I dont think they even know as they take zero interest. They really dont care any longer. How that school hasn't taken them to one side and read the riot act beats me.
Think the best look at what she did at school was when they had to homeschool (which they only tried to follow the schools curriculum for a few days before Ass decided he knew better.) Her only therapies where through JSA also. But they do work with her on things, but exactly what who knows.

The school may have talked to them, or tried. I know they contacted them about working on certain behaviors that were issues (the Maasholes never listened though.) Seems like they feel other people should handle all the actual work and they just want to get the attention, and money, for having a child with disabilities.
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Wow the delusion is strong! She looks like this is in all of the pictures they take that aren't staged. I 'm willing to bet they tried really hard to get that type of picture for the gram before they posted this one though!
She needs to stop with the Junior year shit. She gets babysat and rocks on a chair. Pricilla, just stop. You need to face reality. I feel for Pricilla in this capacity, her denial is her coping mechanism. Abbie really got the royal screw in life. No matter how much I dislike those two nitwits, as a parent I can't even imagine how heartbreaking a diagnosis like Abbie's is. You actually grieve the child you thought you'd have.
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