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VIP Member
I think Pig now thinks she is classy because she can afford to shop there. Her remarks were deeply condescending. She is the personification of the word BITCH.
To be fair, I think P's comments on Fresh Market were more about how they are not an economical choice so she wouldn't necessarily recommend them...and she's right, lots of young people just starting out wouldn't be able to afford shopping there constantly. We don't have Fresh Market where I am but it looks very similar to Wegmans, and although I do like to go there occasionally for special stuff, I would never do all my shopping there because it's overpriced. And every time I go there, it IS all middle-aged and older people shopping there, haha. Her tone when she was talking about it honestly seemed to me as if she didn't like the store very much and wouldn't go there for everyday food shopping. (I mean, she's got pounds of Daisy sour cream and pre-shredded Kraft cheese to buy each week! She can't be buying that at Fresh Market prices!)
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Yes, the $22k is per year..

The biggest issue that I have, Isaiah could have had a full ride to any state school in Florida and they would have taken his grades and give a lot of his credits, that he earned in high school. Isaiah lost a lot of credits (even Priscilla and Asa went after the admissions department over his credits) and called out anyone to help them.. Plus, Florida offers scholarships for their high school students, were N.C. does not (there is a program for grades/graduation that is unheard of here in N.C.) but Florida requires you stay in state to use it,.

I get it, Isaiah needed to spread his wings, grow independent, blah, blah, blah...

So far, we have yet to see that at all..
He would have been cheaper applying and going to Miami. Still have several hundred miles away but staying within the state and not having a huge college bill over his and the parents heads. The guilt will be huge, once he is done, to repay what was spent for his education..
Didn't Asa's sister have ties to App State? I wonder if that had something to do with his choice of going there?
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‘When we choose a sponsor’ — hilarious. They beg for sponsors. They would agree to anyone as a sponsor. When Captain Assmerica was mugging for the ever present camera, waiting for the thanks from P — gosh — he’s huge. He’s Dom Deluise huge.
They are really pushing their luck with COVID — hugging Abbie with all the college dorm/airplane droplets...they are getting even dumber about the virus...
Dom Deluise! I loved him!
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Chatty Member
I don't like how Assa hovers over Abbie either but...
You gotta remember she's PROFOUNDLY IDD, with a history of violence and eloping.
I doubt that he is "playing" or interacting with her ever, except to get vlog footage.
He has to stay close to control her movements for whatever narrative he is trying to show at the time for the vlog.
Abbie doesn't know wtf is expected of her when he forces her to perform. Assa has no idea how she will respond. That's why he hovers. That's why Summer hovers.
They just throw shit out there with Abbie "activities", sees what the best result is and uses it in the vlog.
I do think Abbie is aware that she has his undivided attention during Abbie "activities" but shes not aware of anything deeper than that.
Abbie's behavior is a lot wilder than they show on the vlogs.
But if the gates are locked and doors shut and adults around adn they're in the house...surely they wouldn't need to hover?! Like seriously..I still remember one time where even *Asshat* told Isiah off for restraining a big open field far away from streets etc. I sometimes think if they hover and act like assholes just because that's all they know :cautious:
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“bastion of sanity” Seriously??? 😂
And the cheque is in the mail.

Hopefully you will have a chance to watch this: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a sister of the Alpha Epsilon Phi Chapter at Cornell University. Her Memorial Service has been shared with all Panhellenic Sisters to participate and watch. The amount of love from all these sisters shows what a true sisterhood is about. Not recruiting more victims.

I read your post with great interest but one thing bothered me about the process of becoming a member. Does it not create a them and us for the people who are not successful in gaining entry. It’s not a criticism I am genuinely interested.
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Melissa Roper

VIP Member
Hi all
Time for Hognation Street( 😉UK friends)
Holy shit 30 fucking minutes...long recap
I may have to start drinking now

1. That vine will never leave idiots LOL
2. oh god more shopping
3. $700 On fucking words
4. No Asswipe you feed yourself extremely well
5. 2m10s in for first fake maternal moment
6. Yippee to the dogs...make that blob go boom
7. And all of a sudden walking the dogs....hi pigvomits👋
8. Of course someone sent it to them...did they send a thank you..I'd say nope
9. Bored now at 3m30s in
10. Everyone is affected by weather
11. Stop poking Summer...
12. This is vomit inducing 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
13. This is such bullshit.... how about doing that (making marriage the priority)17-18 years ago...only priority now is money
14. Gulf cart still sitting there 🙄
15. Oh please entrepreneuring it... give me a moment while I laugh hysterically 😝😝😝😝
16. Wonder if wide load or her mother got her that job
17. Yea you were just so great at running your own business 🤣🤣🤣🤣...oh wait he's serious...
18. Poor babies all your TRAVEL PLANS got messed up...oh wait did Piggy say she WAS going to ORLANDO ... um you did you PIG FATASS LIAR. Not to mention the trips the did take since March. They really do think everyone but them are stupid don't they
19. Money money money spend spend spend
20. WTF it affected their income he says with a straight face after planning a kitchen reno and spending $700 on batteries. Plus ALL the god damn money spent on food
21. God damn not even half way in
22. Bullshit as usual are saying what you think people want to hear ...40% income cut my ass...and shave , you look like a truffle hunting pig and I don't want to imagine where your snout has been
23. Didn't affected you one fucking bit
25. Spanx are off
26. Just fucking answer already
27. Oh please there's nothing he can't stand about pigcilla 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
28. What a load of BULLSHIT
29. Thought piggy couldn't have pizza🤨...oh wait everyday is a cheat day for her
30. Disoranized hot mess but would have had a job in logistics.....alrighty then 😉
31. She doesn't get shit done...the laundry at this point needs it's own zip(postal) code
32. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she says Asswipes got mood is grumpy...Miss Pigbitch of the year said that 🤣🤣🤣🤣...or is that her way of saying she thinks he's insufferable....yup it's official, these hogs are made for each other
33. Finally....half way mark
34. Happy go lucky 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...this shit is hip fucking deep and comedy gold
35. Ruh oh Asswipe does not like that answer at comes one of the claimed 2 or 3 fights a month later
36. OMG she actually made a not so sweet comment about the golden hoglet
37. Well it's they are in the comments is how they are in real life....nasty nasty smelly ass garbage people ..Piggy basically outed them...not like we didn't already know
38. Move on now conversation done
39. We know you are a hotmess piggy
40. Awwww poor poor Piggy...if it's that hard get a job instead of scamming...FYI scamming is not being a positive or kind person so stop with the kind shit Asswipe
41. Kitchen bullshit blah blah blah
42. Going to day camp again
43. Summer is still thin but she's definitely gained since moving in
44. Slowly losing my will to go on
45. This whole BFF thing is still crap
46. They have a cleaner that's why the giggled....jeez
47. Dishes and vacuuming are daily things anyway
48. Oh look Abbie is happier with a schedule, structure and routine...who knew🙄
49. Who cares about your favorite vlog....yup not me
50. Dragging this shit out way too long
51. Yea piggy take should have taken your own advice
52. Oh fuck an ABA question...just skimming right past this
53. I cannot believe he just grabbed Nalas head like that...what a fucking dick
54. Yuck Summer in the corner...these idiots really are nose blind
55. Less than 5 mins to go
56. Don't think Piggy, it'll hurt your head
58. After the beep shit...are they going through a drive thru again...and more 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Piggys heart is so big and loving and Asswipe will do anything for anyone...unless you happen to be his oldest daughter his butt off for his family and they've never gone without...unless you happen to be his oldest daughter...yup detecting a pattern here
The end

That was painful
I loved you are recap. I just wrote out all the questions, because I thought you might have missed some. ♥ And also because I was thinking a lot of people would not want to waste 30 minutes and we're curious about the questions.
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Well-known member
Lol! I saw that! I had to rewind in the vlog, and catch a screen shot. I was surprised to see it while she was wearing pants! You? Now we know it is not those crotch hugger shorts of hers! 😷

I bet it smells just like that! 🤢 And...She LIKES IT!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1 size largers would do her some good. Her lady bits too
Some people have different kinks.....
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VIP Member
Once again I am confused, late to the party, and inattentive.
Who invited the App state girls to Florida at the end of October:
Did they invite themselves?
Did Isaiah invite them?
Did Isaiah get sort of finagled into inviting them?
Did Cilla invite them?
Did Cilla even know they were coming before it was sprung on them unaware?
I think Cilla did, because in the Vlog with the s'mores at 10:50 you can hear her say to the blonde girl sitting next to her "you can just come and then go back and take another nap" And the girl responds "You know I'm gonna do that because that's what I do on holiday" Then Cilla says "You don't have to get dressed up or anything" and at that point she realizes the camera is on her.

Take a listen at around the 10:50 mark.

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Melissa Roper

VIP Member
Maybe they should rename their vlog from Fathering Autism to the Shaytards. Because they're all about positivity. And Happiness Is A Choice.................
Oh wait, nevermind!
Maybe Asa should pay Shay for his channel since he's not using it.
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VIP Member
Bin lids is also a Cockney rhyming slang but not that one, my bin lids is an old northern expression.
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The Brits on here know what I mean 😉
This is nothing against our British tattlers but the "reality" show contestants in the Uk can become stars and he made the rounds of various shows and won celebrity big brother.
Funny thing when you say the brother in law use to call me to yell at the kids if my sister wasn't around. They would just burst out laughing because of his very proper accent. His father had cockney accent. My niece hasn't picked up a noticeable accent even though she's lives there 21 years
My eldest son has lived in London for about fifteen years and he still has his Mancunian accent.
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Amen! I rock a messy bun all the time. And it actually takes practice, which is why P looks like shit. I mean, you have to MAKE the bun look messy on purpose, she just hamfists her hair up and thinks shes tres' chic! LOL. And Summer rocks the 1990's Nancy Kerrigan tiny little bun. Bad bad look. o_Oo_O

I think the semester may be shorter due to covid. I thought I remember hearing them say that at one point...??
Makes sense!
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We can only hope that it all comes crashing down, that would wipe the smugness off both of their fat faces.

It’s like that in Manchester, it hasn’t stopped raining all day. ‘ filthy weather ‘ I love saying that.
Hahahaha yes! From a fellow Macunian
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Okay, I'm gonna own up here.
Someone upthread was talking about how good and warm Insomnia Cookies are, and I've had a really bad day, and I wanted some cookies.

So I ordered Insomnia. Never had 'em before but I've heard lots of good things. That comment put me over the edge today.

Family of 4, I got a box of 12 traditional cookies & it came with a free cloth mask (very cute, BTW) - it was $21 plus I found a $5 off coupon code. They arrived in that same size box Prissy was carrying. So I'd think she either got the box of 12 or the box of 18, assuming 1 cookie per person. And 1 per person is probably plenty because we still have dessert for tomorrow after our 9pm snack!
They were really good cookies. Definitely a splurge, I probably won't order again for another 6 months, but they were really good. My kids were so incredibly excited. 😊

You can request them to be individually bagged.

I really hope they did so.
They don’t individually wrap them if you order more than a few, they just put them in a box.
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