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Just a quick update on my weight loss journey, lost 5lbs but most importantly I have been on the treadmill. I haven’t been able to do any exercise as I am mainly bed bound for 10 years. I am starting extremely slowly as I have chronic fatigue but it has meant so much to me to be able to walk a short distance. Sorry to bore you .
10 yrs bed bound to slowly walking on a treadmill! That is wonderful. 🌞Not only does that take a great deal stamina but a lot of will power. You should be proud of yourself. It is pretty obvious your fellow tattlers are proud for you!
I just read my husband your update, He said “ Wow! Keep up the good work”. He said hopefully soon you will be able to go up the apples and pears to take a nod!😜
it is nice to share some positive news with him from this forum. He can usually tell by my laughter that I am chatting with you guys and he claims I am up to mischief! 😹😹
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Chatty Member
Spanx is in da house. Back boob abounds.

View attachment 179128

Those calves...

View attachment 179129
Shirt is way to tight!! She did say in another vlog she likes fitted cloths cause they make her look thinner! Get a larger size!!

Sally Witchard
9 minutes ago
The people that keep giving a thumbs down in these videos must lead sad and lonely lives.

1 second ago
Because someone doesn't like a video, they have sad and lonely lives???? Seriously, not everyone is going to like the video everyday!! That's the most ridiculous comment! The people who have the sad lives are the ones sitting all day and night waiting for a vlog to pop up! That's SAD, it's sad because your never going to be in their life! Keep drinking the Koolaid and don't worry about who's clicking the thumbs down button that's sad and lonely that your paying attention who likes or dislikes the vlog!!
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Good mornin' tattlers

What can I say that hasn't been said? "we decided core words weren't important, we chose candy, cupcakes and donuts for her words" Of all the stupid things to say. I am betting the therapists at JSA have just given up trying to tell Asa anything. He talks over them, interrupts them and knows everything. Seriously...the last sign they taught Abbie was donut and now they bring cupcake back to her ipad. They do not seem to have a clue how addicted they are to food. And Abbie is probably highly addicted to sugar.

Summer acts like a 14 year old the way she talks. I still find everything she does with Abbie as creepy as all get out, as a mom my radar would be going nuts over that. I hate to rumor she and Asa are doing the nasty but she is very giggly and flirty with him, no doubt. Her demeanor completely changes when Asa talks directly to her.

Asa telling fans not to defend them. He meant "stop attacking people and acting like rabid dogs" Maybe he is realizing how bad their die hard fans make them look.

Racism. Racism is not just people who dislike blacks or makes fun of people of color. Blacks who hate white people are racist. People who make fun of those from other countries. Someone on here said "old white women support Trump" I can't remember who said it but that was racist (and ageism:D) as hell. As a woman, I can tell you I have experienced some crappy shit for being female. Seriously, c'mon with all that crap.
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Pink Marshmallow

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That last sentence - 'Autonomy is important'............ A&P is it painful to be as two-faced as you are?? Abbie has virtually no autonomy outside of asking for music in the car. There are so many things you could be doing to give her more autonomy but you don't. Because it's too inconvenient for you. You must think your subscribers are pretty damn stupid not to see all the hypocrisy!!
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Well-known member
I just want to thank Assa and Pigcilla for entertaining us with their vlogs. I have never laughed so much, keep them coming!

On a serious note, I really think things are getting to them. Things must be very tense in the MAASSive household. They are trapped because the only way to keep up their lifestyle is through selling their souls on the internet, and they just can't handle the criticism. They will break, just watch.

Things will be really interesting when isaiah leaves for college- the dynamic will change completely.
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And I don't care how much the rabid fans claim to like her, anyone that has lost weight the hard way, resents that she took the easy way out, but love it that even then, she failed. I lost over 150 pounds with WW and I am proud to be able to say, I did it my way. Cue Frank Sinatra....

But you most likely aren't eating all the crap she is. She should have lost her weight by now, instead of going 6 months eating like a Pig.
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Noir Fan

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No, I am a tall stringbean, and have been known to hit 180/111 just laying in bed. I take high blood pressure med Corlanor. It isnt just for large or elderly.

Wait? What? Abbie Pelotoned? I tried to imagine how they not only got lace up shoes on her, but how the heck did they manage to get the cramp on shoes, clamped in? Pricilla barely could handle the directions. Why didnt we see this? They need slip on pedals for her trike! -or maybe they don't. I will orate about helmets ( on properly too! ) as I am a strong supporter of keeping brain cells. My kids called their helmets "brain buckets" because really that's what they are. You can fall off your bike in your driveway.

Or maybe thats a me thing...
I’ve been wearing my helmet on my rides. Hopefully I am wearing it correctly because suddenly I have developed a horrible neck ache. It hurts to turn my head. Icy Hot is my one saving grace presently, as well as Bayer Back and Body tablets. I wonder if P’s and A’s neck is strained riding the Pelaton. Here is a pic (not a beauty by any


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Ok, so I've been lurking here for months and never made an account, but the dictionary thing was just so weird to me that I had to do it. When she mentioned multiple blogs recommending it, I had to pause the video and take like 30 seconds to process that. I googled "college packing list" and opened every link on the first page then reworded my search and did the same thing like 5 times. Most of these links had really extensive lists with 100 or more suggestions and, while some did mention a safe in general, not a single one mentioned a secret safe. She's gotta have some SERIOUS anxiety to end up on multiple blogs describing this paranoid garbage in detail. She absolutely CANNOT risk sending her little baby newborn to college even .01% unprepared
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New member
This is what especially pisses me off and upsets me about Abbie's very limited communication and the fact that A&P ignore or dismiss a lot of her signing for break or bathroom.
She has no way of telling them if she isn't feeling well or if something is bothering her physically. Asa has said the only way that they even know when she's sick is if she throws up, has a persistent cough, or is sneezing a lot. But, what if she gets a bladder infection? What if she has food sensitivities that - even tho she eats the food - it gives her cramps or diarrhea? What if she gets migraines? Or a sinus infection with sinus pain?? And so on, and so on.
Hello. I've just joined because it seems like these threads could use the perspective of someone with lower functioning autism. I have a level 2 disability, and I've noticed that a lot of people in these threads don't understand the more subtle the ways in which autism impairs communication. I am fully verbal, but for a long time (until I was in my twenties) I couldn't communicate issues like this. It's hard to explain to normal people, but at Abby's age, I wasn't cognizant of the idea that I should communicate things like you describe. I once fainted, came to, and just went on with my day without telling anyone. I also never communicated when I didn't feel well. It just didn't register with me that I should. Even when I knew that something was wrong, I didn't understand which words to use to communicate my needs because I didn't know what specifically was wrong or what I needed in response. It made it really hard for my parents because I would just meltdown a lot and not be able to explain why I was upset. It wasn't their fault (usually). I had words, but my introspective skills were too poor to use them.

Considering Abby's cognitive difficulties, it's likely that she faces the same issues with recognizing needs. This is why she would eat herself to the point of sickness. I think we should remember that there is no easy fix for anything related to more severe autism because its disabilities are always caused by multiple issues interacting. I expect that the Maass family is aware of Abby's cognitive impairments, so they know that teaching her signs requiring introspective skills is a battle lost before it begins. Maybe they're reluctant to admit this, but I don't think that her lack of some signs that members here want her to learn is a cause for criticism. I really don't think Abby could use most of them.
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Whats with her right wrist? Who bends like this? It looks limp.
The real unsolved mystery is why is her lower arm and wrist so thin and tiny🤔
Oh never mind, just another stellar photoshop job by Assa trying to make her look like a Kardashian
Woo Hoo....I didn't realize there's a T Rex Cilla "if you're happy and you know it clap your...oops nevermind"🦖🤣🤣

Honest I'm really a nice person 😅😅😅
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Freaking Thilla.

Abby: Nature Valley Bar
Abby: Nature Valley Bar
Thilla: We have cupcakes
Abby leaves
Thilla Hey do you want a cupcake?

Let's push cupcakes over a granola bar. :rolleyes: The girl had a donut earlier.

Yes. We saw you being creepy Summer.

Not Tink Tink 😂😂😂😂
Summer is just gross.
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Why is almost every single article of her clothing skin tight? Also one thigh is as wide as Maverick.
I think as long as she can shove herself into her alleged size 18 pants she can continue to call it a non scale victory. It is her delusional mind over matter. Poor Maverick! You know he probably has nightmares of 🐷 stampeding over him on her way to fight for the last bite of corn and taters.😝

Oh my, that gusset must be lodged right up her nether regions
Those thread bare shorts have seen more of Tinkerhog than she herself has actually seen in 20 years. Bless their size 28 heart!😊
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I shouldnt say this, but... I hope he goes wild and takes every drug known to man...
LOL. Anyone remember the movie "Sixteen Candles"? I want Isaiah to come home on break, go out partying, and then have P find him on the front lawn like Long Duck Dong. "Oh sexy girlfriend.........." LMAO. P would have to be sedated! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Why is it every vlog we see Abbie choosing two or three colours, she has been doing the same thing for years and when her therapist suggested adding more colours Captain Von Hog cut her off. The only icons I could see on that new app seemed to be food related, what a surprise. The only time she seems animated is around food, how much sugar can you give to one child in a day.
Also, what’s with the sun glasses , he looked like Roy Orbison.... dick.
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Pink Marshmallow

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My cat knows more about autism than Asa. Just being in the general proximity of someone with autism does not make you an expert. I just means that you know a handful of traits that one autistic person has. My experience is not representative for all people on the spectrum. The decades of data collected are. And even said data is still pretty incomplete.
Asa would actually have to reign in his overblown ego and actually read a book to garner anything useful.
Because he hasn't done anything truly worthwhile in his life, he builds up this autism awareness/expert thing. Now, to be fair, I don't think he's ever actually used the word expert to describe himself. But again, his actions and attitude speak otherwise. He really only knows Abbie's form of autism. Not to mention a lot of her autism is affected by her IDD (this is my theory, I don't know it for 100 percent certain). Then you have Abbie's therapists and teachers trying to enlighten and inform Ass-hat, to help educate him, expand his knowledge and know what to do to help Abbie and to benefit her. But he basically just says 'fck that' and does what he wants to do. That's why I was literally laughing out loud the other day when he was talking about how great it was doing video calls with Abbie's speech therapist because she can correct any mistakes that he (and P) are making with Abbie. What complete and utter BULLSHIT!! See, he knows the right things to say, but can't be bothered to actually DO the majority of it. He tries to get away with doing the bare minimum.
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