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Well-known member
Okay. I know I've posted this before but i feel like yall not really understanding what I'm saying.
Like...many of you've posted how maybe Abbie doesnt wanna be filmed or on camera all the time.
But my point is that she doesnt know the difference between being filmed or not. Okay, you say well she closes out the vlog..
true but I say she doesnt know what she's doing. She knows she puts her hand over what Assssa puts in front of her.
You say well she watches film of herself. but she doesnt make that connection between the camera and the finished product.
I dont think it bothers her because she doesnt have any idea what it is.

If this post sounds like I'm attacking any of yall...heck no..iim not inthe least. Just something i feel strongly about. And in NO WAY am I defending ANYTHING stupid assssa and big prilly do.
I think you're right about that! Didn't As a say he films for 2 or 2 1/2 hours a day usually? That's not really that much and it's chopped up, but what do I really know?
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I just hope this doesn't bring on the leghumper hate to this girl again
TBH I doubt her or her mother would use her real name.
It's probably a pissed off friend or family member who took clips from videos that were on a private source and they're just trying to cause problems
This child has had multiple instagram accounts dating back to 2015 and someone is using videos from there most likely. Attaching Fathering Autism to the titles on YT is to bait Asa and draw attention to the "scandal" and keep it fresh - hope it works, lol!
Update: They appear to have been removed!
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Orange marmalade
What kind of plate and eggs is that? The eggs, biscuits and the bacon look disgusting af to me. And she thinks it looks so amazing enough to post. Lol. These people are really bottom of the barrel at this point. Not to mention as others have noticed ... sharing workout shoes? Are you fucking joking me?
  • Haha
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My daughter is autistic , she is now 34 , she also endures epilipsey . Are there other parents here on this site who have children or adult family members who are autistic ?
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Noir Fan

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Tid bit of useless information but the kid who played Charlie Bucket graduated from high school with my sister
Can you tell I'm bored
And I think Violet blown up was still thinner than 🐷😅
I went to high school with Peter Ostrum’s (Charlie) brother, Danny. Lol!
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Noir Fan

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And I don't care how much the rabid fans claim to like her, anyone that has lost weight the hard way, resents that she took the easy way out, but love it that even then, she failed. I lost over 150 pounds with WW and I am proud to be able to say, I did it my way. Cue Frank Sinatra....

But you most likely aren't eating all the crap she is. She should have lost her weight by now, instead of going 6 months eating like a Pig.
Always love a Sinatra reference!
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Hello.. haven’t been around for a bit. Busy with court, and now getting ready to go in for surgery on Thursday. Of course the hospital and doctor couldn’t make any of my appointments for pre op, tests and Covid testing on the same day. So I’ve been doing all that.

Caught up on everything here.... don’t worry I won’t ask.. I read. 😉🤣

Came across this tid bit... I was right, I knew that crap under her lip wasn’t acne. 🤣
View attachment 181785
Piggy’s got herpes. 🤢 Now did she catch it from Asshat. I haven’t seen it on his face.... Could his teeny weenie have brought home the gift that keeps on giving. 🤔 I guess if we see Summer with them next we will have that answer.

Other than that it’s the same ole crap on FA... I see they are prancing Abbie around more though...

I’ll take she’s shitting in the pool for $100 Alex. Answer: Why she is in the wetsuit and switched out of the swimsuit.

Summer is getting creepier every vlog... I see a Lifetime movie in the making. She was hired to be the disabled daughter’s caregiver but they fell in love... she wanted him but all that stood in the way was his massive wife. That never stopped him before but this girl wanted the massive woman’s family as her own .....Only on Lifetime this Friday night world premiere of Killing Massive Momma: The story of Piggy and Summer.

Asshat has said they don’t have friends.... now we have a mystery friend that’s had a baby. 🤔 And lets give her a cooter board that our daughter has had her dirty booger fingers in. And Piggy probably wiped her nose multiple times with her hand... so double booger cooter board. It be scary if these people are real and eat anything out of that box. Piggy’s dirty box. Hope you like a side of herpes with that. 🤢🤣

Piggy piggy those TikToks are atrocious! Her SlimeLife adds are disgusting too. She looks like a fool! She can’t apply makeup to save her life. Her serum for the sunspots and wrinkles doesn’t work, her face is proof of that. She didn’t like when I told people if they have a mushroom allergy not to use it.. she deleted my post. Guess she wants people to have allergic reactions. 🤷🏻‍♀️

New merch... they must be in need of some extra cash. Merch hasn’t been pushed in awhile. Guess Asshat doesn’t like Piggy is bringing in more than him. Ooo Asshat is a Piggy a better snake oil salesmen than you. Buy that cheap ass merch! All that stuff is made in China garbage that the manufacturer buys in bulk and slaps FAs name into it. And buy shitty waxy makeup that can’t even make a Pig look decent.

Okay I think I’m done. 🤣 Till the vlog.
I tried some waxy make-up once , and it's was originally made for old movie stars 1940's (stage make-up), and I imagine morticians also use it. that's just a guess.
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I saw a few others talking about buying crap from them that broke, paying to have the couch signed, and any other support given to the Massives in the past.
I gave multiple 20.00 donations on the couch night. :( I now feel so stupid for doing so. I don't think it was long after I started to get a very bad vibe from Asshat. The first memory I had was...this man is a narcissist. All downhill after that. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🖕🖕
I have officially been blocked by her on Lipstick Mama! I am so sad. Boo hoo.
Do tell...what did you say?
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I doubt very much that the child knows anything about the YT account we saw. There's nothing new to see here and I will just move along.
Why wouldn’t she know. She’s not 2 years old. I wouldn’t put it past anyone over at kf or even a leghumper to tune her in.

I thought she was a free spirit and that it was her right to strip nude in her home.
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Some of the newer members wanting a link may not be able to get it. You need a certain amount of posts/time here before you can message.:( I read her name somewhere but have forgotten it.

Not to derail but it is it as hell here and 98 % humidty. Just miserable. I went to Wally world today to purchase some know...moomoos. Something loose with pockets so nothing has to touch my skin!! No undies! I say "bring back the MooMoo!!!! hehe "all hail to the MooMoo!!!"
Same here! I am already in my second set of clothes! MOO MOO! MOO MOO FOR ALL!🙌🏼
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Chatty Member
No, just no. Isa went to school w/ more black kids than white. There’s all types of English slang. For anyone to say it’s racist to talk slang is ridiculous! Everyone is a product of their own environment! I completely agree that is is so very wrong to accuse someone of being racist. That type of race baiting will only fuel a race war. Whoever found that screenshot from 9 yrs ago is reaching. Dislike them for exploiting their IDD teen. But some here really need to get a grip!

He also owned a small engine repair shop. You think Harley Davidson owners don’t wear black? Oh, I bet you think bikers wear black because their RrRRRrrracists! lmao
I posted and I ain’t reaching for anything. The way everything was worded to me yea sounded that way. Maybe not u you know because I HAVE MY OWN OPNION AND SO DO U. bikers don’t go around talking like there gangsters and referring to wearing a black shirt is gangster. So I have nothing to “reach for” I read it and asked other What people’s Opinions were I didn’t say they were racist I asked what everyone’s input was.
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OMG that's a lot of food, it's no wonder they're the size they are, that's about what I eat in a whole a daily Tunnocks Teacake. As a little aside, when lockdown happened Tesco ran out of them, I was bereft 😰 lol. I emailed Tunnocks to see if they'd shut down production and they had but the wonderful woman that worked there sent me several boxes of them. I was over the moon even though some had got crushed in the's the little things in life that mean the most. I was like a junkie looking for a teacake fix :ROFLMAO:
Omg tunnocks teacakes, I love them. If I wasn’t on my diet I could easily eat a full pack Yum.
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